News Article: Paul Maurice resigns

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Replacement Level Poster
Jan 16, 2012
This should also be a lesson to all the fans who run with imagined narratives like "Chipman would move on from Chevy before Maurice" or "Maurice has more power in the Chevy-Maurice relationship" or "Mo isn't playing Heinola contrary to Chevy's wishes" without evidence. All these were debunked if you watched the presser today where all 3 were categorically shot down. Interesting that Chevy mentioned that Maurice wanted to go 1 year deals at a time instead long term contracts. Doesn't sounds like the kind of person pulling the strings of the owner.

I would not be surprised that eventually some of the other narratives surrounding this team (like Wheeler runs the deployments and decides line combos) get debunked like this as well.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2014
Has there ever been and will there ever be such a classy exit interview by a coach? Chapeau.
His thanks to the local media at the end was pretty great to see, sounds like they mutually made their jobs easier.
If we ever hired Torts I wonder who would suffer more, the players or the media? :laugh:
I'm not on the ground in Winnipeg but it seems like Maurice has really helped set the tone for respectful relationships between the team and media and the fans in your city. I hope this continues under Lowry and other future replacements.

I simply think that was maybe the final straw in him and the org coming to the realization that his message was no longer getting through. I'm sure he and the org have been aware for a while now that things were no longer clicking between him and the players and that came to a head this week.

I think they wanted to see if he could get it back on track after the loosing streak and when that didn't happen both realized it was over.

This seems like the most reasonable explanation to me. After listening to the entire interview I'm not sure how much I believe it was entirely his choice to resign today specifically, but it definitely seems like they were on the same page.


Registered User
Apr 18, 2013
Pretty crazy news. Mo is definitely a man of quality character to realize he wasn't able to get it done anymore and step down. Find fault with his coaching methods all you like, but he's always struck me as a very likeable person and I wish him the best in his future endeavors.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2017
Vancouver Island
I come home to this news!?!? I thought they’d let him get to the Christmas break but I guess they felt they couldn’t wait any longer
Maurice mentioned that Kompon was back today, and that's the closest he got to referring to "why today". I think Kompon is a tactical guy, and someone who had Maurice's trust. If he was back a game or two ago, I think he would have left earlier, but he didn't want to leave the bench short-staffed.
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Registered User
Apr 1, 2012
No… Wheeler needs to go… this offseason. That will put Mark in his proper place and help the team in cap at the same time.
If I’m Chevy, I’m already looking at possible trade options for Wheeler.
I cannot see Wheeler being traded. He will retire before that happens. He is also good for the City and team. Scheifele had worn out his welcome and needs to make way for PLD
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2021
Surprised, said no one ever. This had to happen. Good luck to Paul on his travels.

PS. I was wrong about Wheeler saying he wouldn't play for anyone else but Maurice. So prove me right 26.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2013
Winnipeg, MB

Metaphorically speaking, of course. He's not actually killing himself, obviously. But he is throwing himself on the sword, so to speak, rather than needing to be fired. And he's doing it for a good cause -- the good of the team. Just a bit of poetic license.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
Well now that it's all sunk in, if you'll pardon the gratuitous Bowie quote, the stars look very different today. It's absolutely renewed my interest in the game tonight, that's for damn sure. Who knows, maybe we'll turn this crazy boat around. It's not like we're out of the race by any means.

Do or Die

Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
From TSN story

"There are going to be things that Dave is going to do different," Cheveldayoff said. "Sometimes getting uncomfortable in a player’s routine or life, that’s good. I think the players need to get a little uncomfortable here right now. We’re not in a comfortable situation. This team should be better. That’s a simple fact.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
Happy for Jets fabs because I don’t think
Maurice is a great playoff coach - solid guy and can steady your program, but not an elite coach.

Hopefully Lowry is the guy. Almost need to look at this as a Blues scenerio Weber’s the assistant took over and turned it around


Registered User
Nov 19, 2016
As far as I can recall, she was ripped on for her play-by-play...which wasn't great. I think most people have said she's good otherwise.

Gigi Marvin actually does the wild games and it’s odd to hear a female voice but she definitely knows what she’s talking about. Brought up gap control entering the zone, f2 being late and other good insight the casual fan in the states would never notice


Registered User
Jul 30, 2011
It will be really interesting to see how a new coach will see the role of Wheeler especially, him being the captain and getting paid like a superstar. Someone suggested Torts but Torts would run Wheeler out of town in my opinion. He loves gritty players but he needs results or replaces you with no regard to tenure.
Good Luck keeping Dubois around if Torts comes to town.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2016
Has there ever been and will there ever be such a classy exit interview by a coach? Chapeau.
His thanks to the local media at the end was pretty great to see, sounds like they mutually made their jobs easier.
If we ever hired Torts I wonder who would suffer more, the players or the media? :laugh:
I'm not on the ground in Winnipeg but it seems like Maurice has really helped set the tone for respectful relationships between the team and media and the fans in your city. I hope this continues under Lowry and other future replacements.

This seems like the most reasonable explanation to me. After listening to the entire interview I'm not sure how much I believe it was entirely his choice to resign today specifically, but it definitely seems like they were on the same page.

After watching the interview it’s clear why vets like to play for him. Knowledgeable, calculated, and honest. I’d imagine he’s a great guy off the ice too. Shame Gerard has gotten hired twice while Maurice was behind the bench and has had great records in both locations. This roster is perfect for him. Boudreau also having great success with a less skilled roster in Vancouver. Shame this happened 2 years too late as wheeler is now a bubble hockey player that can pass and get a fluke goal but not move and we no longer have laine at his peak. We’ll see what Dave’s got!
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