Rumor: New York Post: Flyers taking run at Max Pacioretty


Registered User
Oct 25, 2005
But isn't though. Patience with Morin might lead to something good for this team. Pacioretty is a proven 30-goal scorer and is 25 years old and signed to a reasonable long-term deal. Morin is potential and nothing more. Just saying "have patience" doesn't do anything. You can have all the patience in the world in hopes that your players will develop, but passing up on proven players because you want to assemble a team to win a Cup down the road makes little sense if those players down the road amount to nothing. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush every day of the week. I have to stress that Pacioretty is just 25. This isn't some overpaid guy on the back end. This is a young kid on a long-term affordable deal.

I'm really not. $10 million comes off the books next year in Timonen and Meszaros. And the cap goes up. We need help on defense, I agree. But we also need help on offense. You want cheap defenders, right? What about cheap wingers? Want to sign Vanek? He'll be more than $4.5 million. Gaborik? Same thing. Most 30-goal scorers will be. Especially 25 year old ones.

What makes you think I want to sign those guys? Clearly, I'm against using the FA market in this way because there's a very good chance you will be dissapointed. I don't care if it's for D or for forward. I think we should hold onto our forward prospects, too.

Who needs a big raise in the next couple years? No one, really. Downie will get a bump. Schenn will too. In three years Voracek and Couturier will need a raise. That will be at the same time Morin MIGHT crack the lineup. You don't think that things will change between now and then to make room for whomever is coming or going? Hagg will be cheap at that time, so will Ghost. Maybe they draft someone next year who will be able to step up. Maybe they sign a college UFA. There are so many moving parts here that it is silly just to say "HAVE PATIENCE" and think that that is a good plan.

I fail to see how any of the above is relevant to the argument at hand, or anything I've said.

Patience is not a bad thing, but it also isn't always a good thing. I know the organization gets killed around here for not planning for the future, but you can't just ignore the present. Pacioretty helps now AND in the future, even if it means giving up a defensive prospect. Holding on to Morin can only help the future and only if he develops the way we hope. Seems to me the safe bet is going with Pacioretty. Even if Morin turns out to be a stud, you have a young, consistent, 30-goal threat for the foreseeable future. If Morin busts, all the better the deal looks.

This is the type of thinking that landed us with Steve Eminger and cost us the chance to have John Carlson on this roster. Imagine how different this team would be right now if they held onto some of their picks/prospects over the years. And look how far this mentality has gotten this franchise? Nowhere.

Huh? What time are you talking about? If time is running out...why should the Flyers have patience with Morin? Wouldn't more time = more room for patience, less time = less room for patience?

Time is running out for our D. We are in danger of having one of the worst D squads in the league if we don't start producing some talent there. I'm also tired of having the most expensive D in the league and a clearly bottom 3rd unit, as well.

Obviously that is not what you strive for, but not every UFA is going to be a $4 million healthy scratch. That is what happened to Mesz since his injuries, but it is far from a given that a UFA will fail simply because he is not a home-grown player.

Not every one, but you can be sure almost every one will be paid more than what they are worth.

Danny Briere is considered a mildly successful UFA signing and we had to be saved by an amnesty rule that we didn't know would exist on that contract. The only UFA signing Holgmren has made that truly delivered to expectations for us was Timonen, and since then we've only seen a couple D of that calibre even hit the market.

As I've pointed out in previous thread, the only recipe for success in the NHL recently is sucking for a decade or getting lucky with late round picks. Of the last five or six champions, Chicago, LA, and Pitt all sucked for the bulk of the years preceding their victories.

Or maybe you could say all of those teams had patience? They could have easily said hey we suck let's trade all of our picks and prospects to get better.

Chicago hand raised their top 3 D, and also rebuilt their roster after their apparent "capmaggedon" after 2010. They mostly did that by plugging in youngsters from their system that they held onto. Guys like Saad and Crawford.

Detroit was made up of a number of mid-late round picks that turned into gold and happened to have arguably the greatest defenseman of all time anchoring their blueline. Boston is more of the anomaly as of late, who weren't really as woeful as Chicago, LA, and Pitt and had a lot of success with signing UFAs and trading for players. But yeah, the only way to do it is to have patience.

So how is Detriot not an example of how people here want to handle this situation? They make few trades, are careful on the UFA market, and hold onto their picks and prospects.

Boston made a slam dunk UFA signing in Chara. Other than that, their core players are mostly drafted by them.

These teams all won the cup with very strong D units, too by the way


Registered User
Jan 19, 2008
I want T.Vanek for the 1LW spot next year.

Guy is a 2-time 40 goal scorer who is by no means soft and has already scored 263 goals in the NHL. PP specialist with great hands.

Simon Gagne for comparison, has had 1 more goal in his whole career.

I hope Homer calls them at the tdl and works something out. Actually many of you won't like it but I'd give up B.Schenn for him, easily.

Of course, we need an arrangement in advance he'll sign with us for multiple years. Like a negotiation window they had when they traded for Timonen and Hartnell.

Otherwise screw him.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2005
I want T.Vanek for the 1LW spot next year.

Guy is a 2-time 40 goal scorer who is by no means soft and has already scored 263 goals in the NHL. PP specialist with great hands.

Simon Gagne for comparison, has had 1 more goal in his whole career.

I hope Homer calls them at the tdl and works something out. Actually many of you won't like it but I'd give up B.Schenn for him, easily.

Of course, we need an arrangement in advance he'll sign with us for multiple years. Like a negotiation window they had when they traded for Timonen and Hartnell.

Otherwise screw him.

I wouldn't touch the contract Vanek is going to get with a 10 ft. pole and I wouldn't touch that trade with a 100 ft. pole. Oof.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2012
Please, no more high-priced free agents. Will Flyers fans never learn? Trading B. Schenn for negotiating rights to Vanek? LOL, we would be the laughing stock of the NHL.


Sep 24, 2009
What makes you think I want to sign those guys? Clearly, I'm against using the FA market in this way because there's a very good chance you will be dissapointed. I don't care if it's for D or for forward. I think we should hold onto our forward prospects, too.

As I stated, simply having patience and developing players is great in theory...except the same way UFAs don't always work out, prospets don't always work out. Waiting three years for a guy to develop only to have him fail is just as bad (if not worse) than signing a guy to a three year deal and he doesn't live up to it. At least with the signing you took a shot.

I fail to see how any of the above is relevant to the argument at hand, or anything I've said.

Good point, you saying I don't consider contracts or cap situations and me pointing out the contract and cap situations is totally irrelevant to anything you have said.

This is the type of thinking that landed us with Steve Eminger and cost us the chance to have John Carlson on this roster. Imagine how different this team would be right now if they held onto some of their picks/prospects over the years. And look how far this mentality has gotten this franchise? Nowhere.

Absolutely. It is also the type of thinking that landed us Chris Pronger, Nicklas Grossmann, Kimmo Timonen, Scott Hartnell, etc. There have been trades where this thinking has hurt us, for sure. But it has also helped. And again, this isn't trading for some over the hill player. It is for a player entering the prime of his know...the years you most want the player on your team.

Time is running out for our D. We are in danger of having one of the worst D squads in the league if we don't start producing some talent there. I'm also tired of having the most expensive D in the league and a clearly bottom 3rd unit, as well.

I'm not all that concerned with that as our defense is pretty god-awful as it is. Trading Morin won't change that. This is not a guy that is going to come in and contribute in any serious way any time soon. In the meantime, solutions can be found in the draft, UFA, or trades. Just as likely a UFA signing hurts us as it is Morin doesn't develop. Why worry about one and not the other? Once again, patience doesn't always work out.

Not every one, but you can be sure almost every one will be paid more than what they are worth.

That's probably true, but you can look at almost every contract and say the same thing. An extra $500k is not something I am going to sweat about (now you say, more like an extra $750k! Remember when David Sloane had to play 43 years ago?!).

Danny Briere is considered a mildly successful UFA signing and we had to be saved by an amnesty rule that we didn't know would exist on that contract. The only UFA signing Holgmren has made that truly delivered to expectations for us was Timonen, and since then we've only seen a couple D of that calibre even hit the market.

To name a few:

Ray Emery
Ian Laperierre
Blair Betts
The legendary Erik Gustafsson
Sergei Bobrovsky
Sean O'Donnell
Matt Read
Jaromir Jagr
Max Talbot

Now you say those moves were "obvious" or "he got lucky" or whatever you want to say to negate these (and other signings that I am sure I left out)

Or maybe you could say all of those teams had patience? They could have easily said hey we suck let's trade all of our picks and prospects to get better.

They absolutely had patience. I am not arguing that. But they were at the bottom of the NHL for a decade or more. If you are ok with that, then great. Have your patience. And the Flyers are not in that position. If Morin was a sure-fire #1 I would not advocate trading him. If they had the #1 pick in the draft I would not advocate trading it. But that isn't the case, is it? No, they have a guy who could be a top pairing defenseman in 3-4 years.

Chicago hand raised their top 3 D, and also rebuilt their roster after their apparent "capmaggedon" after 2010. They mostly did that by plugging in youngsters from their system that they held onto. Guys like Saad and Crawford.

Surely having your key players from a decade of missing the playoffs helped, no? And again, I am not saying patience is always a bad thing, I am simply saying Morin for Pacioretty is not a bad idea.

So how is Detriot not an example of how people here want to handle this situation? They make few trades, are careful on the UFA market, and hold onto their picks and prospects.

Again, as I said, the Red Wings roster is comprised of guys like Zetterberg, Datsyuk, Fransen, etc. that came out of nowehere. That isn't really a strategy, that is being incredibly lucky or having insane scouts. All while having the ageless Niklas Lidstrom on the blueline. Again, not exactly the same situation. If the Flyers 7th round picks turn into Zetterberg and Datsyuk, it won't be because of patience.

Boston made a slam dunk UFA signing in Chara. Other than that, their core players are mostly drafted by them.

I think someone posted earlier in a previous that like half or more were players that were traded for or signed.

These teams all won the cup with very strong D units, too by the way

That's true, and I am not downplaying the need for a good defense. I am simply saying "having patience" with Morin is just as risky as trading him for Pacioretty.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Once about we start focusing on drafting wingers? Keep restocking and strengthening the prospect pool. The team isn't yet in a position where they can start draining their prospect pool again. We've already watched that strategy fail too often. ESPECIALLY on defense. They need to break their 4 decade long inability to draft and develop their own D, especially in the cap era.

Keep Morin. Keep drafting and building from within.

Trading for Pac strikes me as a "win now" sort of move, and we are not in a "win now" situation. We may not even be a freaking playoff team.

Random Forest

Registered User
May 12, 2010
While I don't want to give up Morin, I certainly would like to address the winger issue because I think this team still has the potential to make some noise.

I don't want to do anything that would sacrifice the future, though, which is why I'm against giving up exorbitant value for Pacioretty.

I think the safest option is to wait it out a while longer, and then make a play for Matt Moulson. He could likely be had for cheap and can be cut away this summer once his contract expires.

He'd be an excellent option alongside Giroux and Voracek. I think we all understand the Raffl-Giroux-Voracek line is benefitting from unsustainable SH%, but a guy like Moulson would be perfect to bury those chances and get lost in coverage. It would be nice if he could be had for a middle prospect and a pick, but I assume other teams will be interested as well. Of course, that would leave us with a surplus of forwards. Not sure who would be the odd man out.

Damaged Goods

Registered User
Feb 26, 2009
While I don't want to give up Morin, I certainly would like to address the winger issue because I think this team still has the potential to make some noise.

I don't want to do anything that would sacrifice the future, though, which is why I'm against giving up exorbitant value for Pacioretty.

I think the safest option is to wait it out a while longer, and then make a play for Matt Moulson. He could likely be had for cheap and can be cut away this summer once his contract expires.

He'd be an excellent option alongside Giroux and Voracek. I think we all understand the Raffl-Giroux-Voracek line is benefitting from unsustainable SH%, but a guy like Moulson would be perfect to bury those chances and get lost in coverage. It would be nice if he could be had for a middle prospect and a pick, but I assume other teams will be interested as well. Of course, that would leave us with a surplus of forwards. Not sure who would be the odd man out.

I think Brayden Schenn should get a chance to fill that role. He has the best shot-release on the team, IMO.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2005
Goderich, Ontario
Once about we start focusing on drafting wingers? Keep restocking and strengthening the prospect pool. The team isn't yet in a position where they can start draining their prospect pool again. We've already watched that strategy fail too often. ESPECIALLY on defense. They need to break their 4 decade long inability to draft and develop their own D, especially in the cap era.

Keep Morin. Keep drafting and building from within.

Trading for Pac strikes me as a "win now" sort of move, and we are not in a "win now" situation. We may not even be a freaking playoff team.

This is right on the dot - the Flyers are not a Stanley Cup contending team at this time. They're still an elite winger, a legitimate 2nd line center, and at least two defensemen away from being a legit contender. Trading and free agency just aren't working with this club. They need to build through the draft and do it properly. There isn't a quick fix anymore. They need to suck it up, take their shots on the chin and build through the draft.
Feb 19, 2003
Concord, New Hampshire
Having patience just for the sake of having patience is not a good plan. If you can improve your team by adding a 25 year old 30-goal scorer at the expense of a defenseman that is 2-3 years at best, but more realistically 3-4 years away from making any kind of impact, I think you do it. Patience has nothing to do with this move. It is a hockey move. Especially when it appears the jury is still out on this kid making the type of impact many hope.

There is plenty of time to draft another defenseman to replace Morin in the pool and there are UFAs that will be out there that could act as a stop-gap. This team is going to be without a #1 defender for a while regardless of whether or not Morin is traded because he's not going to develop into that (if at all) any time soon. If the price isn't too crazy, I'd give up Morin for Pacioretty. That being said, someone mentioned B.Schenn and Morin, I would not make that move.

ok, so how many times have we been down the road. trade 1st and 2nd rounders and a prospect for a veteran defenseman and/or forward. usually for a rental. The Flyers dont reach their goal, the player leaves and they are back to square one. every season they seemingly do it. last year obviously was different because they were not in playoff contention.
Now i agree the "rumor" for Max is different since hes 25 and on a good deal. That said I still would not deal any of our young defenseman for reasons I have already stated. Sure there is plenty of time to draft another guy, but what if players you want are no longer on the board? you have to be in draft position to get a guy like Morin or anyone else with his upside.
I would offer them a deal around Simmonds. if they say no then move on.

I think the answer to this is obivous: a #1 defenseman will cost far more than what Pacioretty will cost. The rumor for Weber was Schenn + Couturier + IIRC. I wouldn't do much more than Morin + for Pacioretty. There are only what like five real #1 defenders in this league right now (Chara, Petro, Weber, Suter, Keith, Petro maybe, am I missing anyone?). None of those guys will be had for anywhere near what Pacioretty could be had for.

Which is why myself and others are advocating keeping Morin. Could he not reach being a top pairing guy? Sure there are no guarantees with prospects. But I would like to have some patience(or whatever word you want to use) and see what we have with him in a couple,3 years.

Time is running out on Uncle Ed, and he's always in win-now mode.

exactly. if Snider tells Holmgren to rip apart the propect pool to get someone he wants it will be done.

Damaged Goods

Registered User
Feb 26, 2009
I think the answer to this is obvious: a #1 defenseman will cost far more than what Pacioretty will cost. The rumor for Weber was Schenn + Couturier + IIRC. I wouldn't do much more than Morin + for Pacioretty. There are only what like five real #1 defenders in this league right now

That's either an unrealistically high standard for "real" #1D or we are enduring a historical shortage of defensive talent in the league. By definition there should be 15-20 very capable #1 d-men. Then after that, sure, you fade into the vague overlap between #1 and #2. It's rare that d-men are directly scoring or preventing goals (compared to forwards or goalies) so their contributions are harder to measure and appreciate. They are also more likely to be blamed by fans and media for allowing goals than they are to be praised for creating possession that leads to offense. This leaves you with a lot of under-appreciated defensemen.

(Chara, Petro, Weber, Suter, Keith, Petro maybe, am I missing anyone?). None of those guys will be had for anywhere near what Pacioretty could be had for.

Subban, Karlsson, Yandle, Doughty, Letang, McDonagh, Hedman, Markov, Kronwall, Bouwmeester, and probably a few more.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
There are other ways to get quality D without waiting years for them to develop. Vancouver signed an undrafted Tanev and he is in the top 4 now and keeps improving. Stanton cost nothing to acquire. Teams are getting 4 year experienced D coming out of college that are slipping into the lineups seamlessly.

I just don't know how you look past a top line goal scorer who is only 25 and locked up cheaply for years.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2006
id make a move for max pac a.s.a.p...i dont want to give up morin,but i would for max and then id move hartnell or b shenn for the best piece i could get....this team would have a deadly first line and cap space next year to try to "help" the defense..remember, scott laughton WILL be on the big club next year so moving b schenn doesnt kill us depth wise.............


I hate this team
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia
Once about we start focusing on drafting wingers? Keep restocking and strengthening the prospect pool. The team isn't yet in a position where they can start draining their prospect pool again. We've already watched that strategy fail too often. ESPECIALLY on defense. They need to break their 4 decade long inability to draft and develop their own D, especially in the cap era.

Keep Morin. Keep drafting and building from within.

Trading for Pac strikes me as a "win now" sort of move, and we are not in a "win now" situation. We may not even be a freaking playoff team.

100% agreed. We are 18th overall and fighting for a playoff spot. NO PROSPECTS should be traded this year for instant help. I would ride with what we have and try and re-sign Downie between now and the deadline. If he doesn't want to, trade him at the deadline to the West. I would also talk to Kimmo and see if he wants to move as well. Getting some value for these 2 guys will help us in the future when we are closer to contending. DON'T be so short sighted. Now, if continue our good play, and are in the playoffs by 6-10 points at the deadline, then re-think things then.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
That's either an unrealistically high standard for "real" #1D or we are enduring a historical shortage of defensive talent in the league. By definition there should be 15-20 very capable #1 d-men. Then after that, sure, you fade into the vague overlap between #1 and #2. It's rare that d-men are directly scoring or preventing goals (compared to forwards or goalies) so their contributions are harder to measure and appreciate. They are also more likely to be blamed by fans and media for allowing goals than they are to be praised for creating possession that leads to offense. This leaves you with a lot of under-appreciated defensemen.

Subban, Karlsson, Yandle, Doughty, Letang, McDonagh, Hedman, Markov, Kronwall, Bouwmeester, and probably a few more.

Probably the bolded; or more precisely, we all grew up in an age absolutely loaded with D talent. The top D talent from the 80s, 90s and early 2000's blows away what's floating around the league right now. There was just more to be had.

And people here are saying they wouldn't trade Morin straight up.

You'll have to point those posts out to me. The objection is to tossing him into a trade on top of a roster player. The Flyers have been guilty of that for ages and it hasn't brought success. If anything, tossing picks and prospects into trades put the team into a hole requiring a blow-up. When you consider the Flyers have had to overpay an average D group because they haven't really grown their own talent in the cap age, it's logical to see people object to bailing on an internal D build less than a year in to fall back into old, failed ways.


Registered User
May 31, 2008
IMO we need to keep this young core together unless some of them are traded for a lopsided return in our favor. I would not trade Giroux, Voracek, Couturier, Read, B. Schenn, Laughton, Coburn, and L. Schenn. If we can swing a trade for a Pacioretty/Ryan type player using Hartnell, Simmonds (who I would like to keep), Vinny, Streit and/or picks I would do it. Otherwise lets sit tight and let these guys develop. The last thing we need to do is trade all of our young guys and prospects before we even know how good they will be again.

I could honestly see Ottawa being interested in Simmonds for Ryan considering he signed to a good deal and Ryan will likely get a hefty raise after next season. Heck we could probably trade them Hartnell and Simmonds for Ryan and their combined cap hits would be close to what Ryan will make on his next contract. But I really don't think we trade Hartnell since he has a NMC and since the organization seems to love him

I can't see why Montreal would be interested in any of those players I mentioned in a trade for Paccioretty considering he signed to a great contract for half a decade and is the best of all the players I said I would trade.


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