Mark Madden reports:

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Jan 25, 2005
WHARF1940 said:
anyone else having trouble logging on to the station's stream?, server maxed out? I've been having trouble since this first came out!

Check the writing about halfway down the page - the internet streaming was temporarily suspended for infrastructure rebuilding.


drop the puck
Feb 13, 2003
Western MA
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Ian Moran = Eklund? :dunno:

But in all seriousness, I really hope this report is true. I'm having trouble with all this silence. Something has to be going on, I don't believe anything I read anymore as we can't trust anybody on this. We're basically stuck in limbo until we get a message telling us the season is on or that the season is cancelled. We're not going to really know anything until we get one of these 2 reports.



JackHammer55 said:
Mark Madden said on espn radio 1250 in Pittsburgh, that the lockout will be over by Thursday. soft cap of $40 million, hard cap of $50 million :cheers:
This is the same guy who was in the wrasslin business. I hope there is no cap and to bad to all the so called small market teams who have weak fans at best and don't know how to market or ant to market there teams. Why should high revenue teams like the Flyers ,red wingd and the like suffer? They need to contract and let owners spend what the want to spend.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
well , any fool , eklund or madden could tell ya that if there isnt a deal done in principle within nxt 72 hrs and the opening of training camps by at least Feb 7 the season is TOASTY

Twine Seeking Missle

Go monkey go!!!
Dec 30, 2004
I really wish this would stop already. This roller coaster ride is just unbearable. Last week I was more optimistic than ever about there being a season this year. Then after the talks last week in NY I was 100% convinced that there wouldnt be a season. Now I read a post like this and my hope is coming back. Watch... on Wednesday night after these meetings i'll probably be pissed/upset again. I just wish we could know one way or another this up and down crap is killing me.


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Feb 27, 2002
free0717 said:
I doubt owners go for the 40mill luxury tax starting point and 50 mill Hard cap. If Madden is right, my hats off to him.

I agree with you 100% , but I think if we want to see hockey anytime soon , the 40 mil lux tax start point and a 50 mil hard cap looks alot more appealing to the players than a 42 mil harcap .

the 8-10 mil difference might be what it takes to get a deal done


Registered User
Nov 16, 2002
Ottawa (Go 'Nucks)
Remember folks, pessimists are never disappointed. :lol

I'm still hoping we kill the season. I want to see Potvin and Lindros flipping burgers for a couple of years.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2003
free0717 said:
I doubt owners go for the 40mill luxury tax starting point and 50 mill Hard cap. If Madden is right, my hats off to him.

As much as it differs greatly from their original demands, we all should know full well that the NHL did not come with their best offer first. Clearly there was lots of room to negotiate the entire time. This deal could easily work for the NHL if the owners simply start doing SOME policing of themselves, not even lots of policing. If the cup run teams are paying $50,000,000 on the dot, and the rebuilding teams are paying accordingly to their position, teams would be in alot better shape.

This deal would be very doable for every team in the league, although I'd like to see a lower salary floor, possibly even none, however if you're icing a team that clearly has no intentions of competing, when they could (IE, prospects who could perform not being called up...) then there is a floor problem.

Sixty Six

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Feb 28, 2003
Pittsburgh, PA
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GregStack said:
As much as it differs greatly from their original demands, we all should know full well that the NHL did not come with their best offer first. Clearly there was lots of room to negotiate the entire time. This deal could easily work for the NHL if the owners simply start doing SOME policing of themselves, not even lots of policing. If the cup run teams are paying $50,000,000 on the dot, and the rebuilding teams are paying accordingly to their position, teams would be in alot better shape.

This deal would be very doable for every team in the league, although I'd like to see a lower salary floor, possibly even none, however if you're icing a team that clearly has no intentions of competing, when they could (IE, prospects who could perform not being called up...) then there is a floor problem.

no one ever gives their best offer first, and if you do you're gonna get bent over a barrel, you'd be fooling yourself if you think the PA offered their best proposal first. Its all part of negetioating


Registered User
Apr 23, 2004
I cannot see the owners accepting a cap that high. That's like putting
a band-aid on a severed arm.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2005
San Jose, CA
I tend to believe this report. I went out on Saturday night and ran into one of the assistant coaches of the Lightning (I am in Tampa visiting my brother) and we got to talking after I noticed his enormous Stanley Cup ring, told him I was from Denver, and I really enjoyed watching the run to the cup and the high tempo offense, blah blah blah...we talked a bit about the lockout, and how the Lightning don't require him to show up more than once a month and he's still getting paid, and I told him that I wish that one way or the other they'd just make an announcement regarding the season, he flat out told me that he is VERY optimistic there will be a season and to pay attention around the end of the week to the news, I told him that he obviously knows more than I do, and I hoped that he was right, and he told me he didn't think I'd be upset with the outcome.
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