Confirmed with Link: Landy suspended 4 games


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
I agree it's Macks team .
Yeah, i've always thought that Landeskog is just not the right choice to be the captain. I mean he can still be one of the leaders wearing the A, but he should not be wearing the C.

This is not the 1st time he is getting suspended and letting the team down with stupid play. Was it couple of years ago, in a big game that Avs needed a win, he got a major penalty and Avs end up losing because of it, and he was suspended again. A captain of a team can't keep doing stuff like this.

This team is still trying to get identity, trying to improve, and actually playing pretty good all things considered, and here goes the captain again, out for 4 games hurting the team. That is not a captain material. Just give the C to MacKinnon


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
I just don't get it, it's like a popularity contest here. People defending Landeskog for this suspension based on what? Did he not cross checked the guy in the head? If it was someone of less importance like a 4th liner who did that, everyone would be calling for his head, wanting him out of the team etc... but because it's Landeskog, he can do no wrong?

He did cross check the head, everyone other than Avs fans who are in love with Landeskog agree that he should be suspended. And he lets the team down more than one way. 1st of all, his line was the line pretty much carrying the team with any sorts of consistent offensive production and that line has been on fire. Secondly, big 5 game or so home stand coming up which they have a chance to win some games, but the captain wont be in the line up for 4 of those games now.

Sorry, sometimes you just have to be realistic and put the bias aside. It's irrelevant if some other players around the league have got away with similar head shots, the NHL has always been inconsistent with stuff like that, Landeskog is guilty, he deserved to be suspended.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
^^^and that's funny how?

Landeskog is so cool he cross checked the guy in the head yeahhhh!!! He has cute hair, he's a hero:laugh:



Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
I just don't get it, it's like a popularity contest here. People defending Landeskog for this suspension based on what? Did he not cross checked the guy in the head? If it was someone of less importance like a 4th liner who did that, everyone would be calling for his head, wanting him out of the team etc... but because it's Landeskog, he can do no wrong?

He did cross check the head, everyone other than Avs fans who are in love with Landeskog agree that he should be suspended. And he lets the team down more than one way. 1st of all, his line was the line pretty much carrying the team with any sorts of consistent offensive production and that line has been on fire. Secondly, big 5 game or so home stand coming up which they have a chance to win some games, but the captain wont be in the line up for 4 of those games now.

Sorry, sometimes you just have to be realistic and put the bias aside. It's irrelevant if some other players around the league have got away with similar head shots, the NHL has always been inconsistent with stuff like that, Landeskog is guilty, he deserved to be suspended.
Yes and it's gonna hurt the team too. When we lose 4 out of the 5 on this homestead our season is done.


Registered User
Nov 20, 2016
Summerside, PEI
I just don't get it, it's like a popularity contest here. People defending Landeskog for this suspension based on what? Did he not cross checked the guy in the head? If it was someone of less importance like a 4th liner who did that, everyone would be calling for his head, wanting him out of the team etc... but because it's Landeskog, he can do no wrong?

He did cross check the head, everyone other than Avs fans who are in love with Landeskog agree that he should be suspended. And he lets the team down more than one way. 1st of all, his line was the line pretty much carrying the team with any sorts of consistent offensive production and that line has been on fire. Secondly, big 5 game or so home stand coming up which they have a chance to win some games, but the captain wont be in the line up for 4 of those games now.

Sorry, sometimes you just have to be realistic and put the bias aside. It's irrelevant if some other players around the league have got away with similar head shots, the NHL has always been inconsistent with stuff like that, Landeskog is guilty, he deserved to be suspended.

It isn't the suspension itself, but the length. I understand it due to him being a repeat offender but the act alone isn't worth 4 games based on history. Though under George Parros this might be the norm now.

But the leagues inconsistency does play a part, when you can look at much worse situations that weren't suspended but this was.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
It isn't the suspension itself, but the length. I understand it due to him being a repeat offender but the act alone isn't worth 4 games based on history. Though under George Parros this might be the norm now.

But the leagues inconsistency does play a part, when you can look at much worse situations that weren't suspended but this was.
The league has been trying to eliminate headshots, so any headshot should be given lengthy suspension. But yeah, the league is very inconsistent with giving suspensions, although I still think most get what they deserve and Landeskog is no exception.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2017
New York
I have not read all these pages in this thread but I think that the league sent a warning to Landy by giving him this many games. If Landy only gets 1 or max 2 games then Landy would think, hey, I can do this again and get away with 1 or 2 game suspension. Hopefully now Landy starts thinking with his head before making these stupid decisions.


Habitual Line Stepper
Aug 17, 2005
George Parros on suspending Sidney Crosby, answering Player Safety critics (Q&A)

This following is from an interview with Parros back in September...

You said this morning that you wanted to crack down on slashing and “non-hockey plays” in your Department of Player Safety. What did you mean specifically?
The department is good hands. All the numbers are trending in the right direction. Suspensions are down, injuries are down. There’s no reason for sweeping reform, but those are two areas I think we can work on – the stick stuff and non-hockey plays.
We try not to judge intent too much in our department, but if there’s clear intent for something that happens on the ice – someone retaliates, someone gets slashed in the face, a non-hockey play away from the play – those are infractions I want to come down hard on.
I would say Landy's play would fall under "stick stuff" and could actually be argued as away from the play since the cross-check to the face occurred behind the net with the pucking moving in the opposite direction...but it had been close to them the first time Gabe cross-checked the dude.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
You basically answered your own question. Clearly you've put bias aside. :laugh:
All I'm saying is favorism doesn't hold an argument. If someoone loves Landeskog doesn't mean he didn't cross check someone in the head and doesn't deserve a suspension.


I’ve been told it’s spelled “Pokecheck”
Aug 5, 2003
The Flatlands
All I'm saying is favorism doesn't hold an argument. If someoone loves Landeskog doesn't mean he didn't cross check someone in the head and doesn't deserve a suspension.

We can admit Landy's offense deserved a suspension, maybe even a severe one, and we can also say the DoPS doles out punishment in a wildly inconsistent way. There's nothing contradictory about that. Their job is to deter players from committing these offenses in the first place, and in that respect they're failing miserably.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2003
Got to get rid of those non hockey plays, and high hits to the head. Unless they involve Canadian, or big market US teams that you'll get heat from of course.

0 game suspension, and 5k fine.

Literally just one day later, and he does this.

0 game suspension, and the same $5k fine.

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Registered User
Jan 9, 2008
Got to get rid of those non hockey plays, and high hits to the head. Unless they involve Canadian, or big market US teams that you'll get heat from of course.

0 game suspension, and 5k fine.

Literally just one day later, and he does this.

0 game suspension, and the same $5k fine.

Lol, this league is a joke. I could make the argument that Kane's cross check to the face was actually worse than Landy's.

If I was Avs ownership/management I'd be submitting that video to the league and asking WTF and demanding an explanation, but that would mean that Kroenke and Co. were actually paying attention to the Avs, which we know doesn't happen. So I guess we'll chalk this one up to league bias and favoritism.
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Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
If I was Avs ownership/management I'd be submitting that video to the league and asking WTF and demanding an explanation, but that would mean that Kroenke and Co. were actually paying attention to the Avs, which we know doesn't happen. So I guess we'll chalk this one up to league bias and favoritism.

It's not really Kroenke but Sakic and co definetely have to raise the issue in this instance. We don't know if it happens or not but Sakic is too much of the nice guy I'd guess to do it.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2003
Lol, this league is a joke. I could make the argument that Kane's cross check to the face was actually worse than Landy's.

If I was Avs ownership/management I'd be submitting that video to the league and asking WTF and demanding an explanation, but that would mean that Kroenke and Co. were actually paying attention to the Avs, which we know doesn't happen. So I guess we'll chalk this one up to league bias and favoritism.

It's not really Kroenke but Sakic and co definetely have to raise the issue in this instance. We don't know if it happens or not but Sakic is too much of the nice guy I'd guess to do it.

That is a big part of the problem. No one in the organization puts a fight, or sticks up for their guys in these situations. They just let it happen. The DPoS knows they'll just let it happen, and they know the media in Colorado is a joke, and they're (up until this year maybe) a non playoff team that the fans aren't as emotionally invested in.

They know they won't get any heat from anyone regarding their decisions and non decisions about suspensions.

As opposed to big market US teams or Canadian teams with huge media presences, and biased pundits that will complain 24/7 on TV and online about plays that happened either to, or by their players. They have GM's and coaches that will get on the mic and say the other teams player deserves a suspension because of a bad play, or their own player doesn't deserve a suspension because of x y and z

Look how Bednar handles these incidents. After the hit that concussed Duchene that I posted on the last page. he was asked by Terry Frei whether he wants the DPoS to look at the hit, and he flat out says "NO." Then he starts making excuses for Trouba, saying it was incidental contact.

He knew it was a high hit, that Duchene had concussion symptoms, and that it came from Trouba (one of the best defenseman on a division rival) but he didn't seem to care. Doesn't even need to be looked at by the league according to him.

Then you look at how he handled Landy's incident after the game, Before the suspension, he says he thinks it could go either way, in terms of a suspension. Which basically gives the league the green light to give him however many games they want, because they know the team won't give any push back.

After the suspension was handed out, he starts out smiling about it, and says you got to live with the consequences. No comment about the excessive amount of games.

He never ever complains about bad calls by the ref during games either, and I think that affects them there as well. Other coaches know how to work the refs. They get borderline calls go their way all the time, because refs know they might have blown the previous call, and they'll get yelled at and embarrassed if they make or miss another one.

Bednar doesn't even try because he seems to think the team can't handle any sort of emotion. I think this leads to more bad calls against, and less legit penalties called for. Over the course of a season, this adds up. Especially when they happen during key moments in tight games.

Sakic didn't say shit about the Duchene or Landy play publicly. Who knows how he handled them with the league privately, but I think most people can see he's not the type of personality to put up much of a fuss, if he did at all.

I think this should be a big gut check moment for the Avs. Seeing how they've fought their way into playoff contention, and they just watched the league give an excessive amount of games to their biggest leader, and one of their best players. They need to start putting more effort into PR and trying to gain an advantage by sticking up for their players publicly.

It's a game, but 30 other teams are playing it, and the Avs aren't.
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Registered User
Jan 9, 2008
That is a big part of the problem. No one in the organization puts a fight, or sticks up for their guys in these situations. They just let it happen. The DPoS knows they'll just let it happen, and they know the media in Colorado is a joke, and they're (up until this year maybe) a non playoff team that the fans aren't as emotionally invested in.

They know they won't get any heat from anyone regarding their decisions and non decisions about suspensions.

As opposed to big market US teams or Canadian teams with huge media presences, and biased pundits that will complain 24/7 on TV and online about plays that happened either to, or by their players. They have GM's and coaches that will get on the mic and say the other teams player deserves a suspension because of a bad play, or their own player doesn't deserve a suspension because of x y and z

Look how Bednar handles these incidents. After the hit that concussed Duchene that I posted on the last page. he was asked by Terry Frei whether he wants the DPoS to look at the hit, and he flat out says "no." Then he starts making excuses for Trouba, saying it was incidental contact.

He knew it was a high hit, and it came from Trouba (one of the best defenseman on a division rival) but he didn't seem to care that one of his best players got concussed by a high hit.

Then you look at how he handled Landy's incident after the game, Before the suspension, he says he thinks it could go either way, in terms of a suspension. Which basically gives the league the green light to give him however many games they want, because they know the team won't give any push back.

After the suspension was handed out, he starts out smiling about it, and says you got to live with the consequences. No comment about the excessive amount of games.

He never ever complains about bad calls by the ref during games either, and I think that affects them there as well. Other coaches know how to work the refs. They get borderline calls go their way all the time, because refs know they might have blown the previous call, and they'll get yelled at and embarrassed if they make another one.

Bednar doesn't even try because he seems to think the team can't handle any sort of emotion. I think this leads to more bad calls against, and less legit penalties called for. Over the course of a season, this adds up. Especially when they happen during key moments in tight games.

Sakic didn't say **** about the Duchene or Landy play publicly. Who knows how he handled them with the league privately, but I think most people can see he's not the type of personality to put up much of a fuss, if he did at all.

I think this should be a big gut check moment for the Avs. Seeing how they've fought their way into playoff contention, and they just watched the league give an excessive amount of games to their biggest leader, and one of their best players. They need to start putting more effort into PR and trying to gain an advantage by sticking up for their players publicly.

It's a game, but 30 other teams are playing it, and the Avs aren't.

In fairness to Bednar, coaches around the league very rarely publicly put up a stink about a call or questionable hit. The coach has to be PC about it publicly or the NHL is going to fine them. I personally like the fact that Bednar is a no excuses kind of guy to the public. At the end of the day a bad call here and there happens, you've got to deal with them, continue to work hard, and win games despite them. That's what good teams do.

I'm sure, that internally these incidents are being handled appropriately amongst Sakic and Bednar. I highly doubt that Bednar or Sakic are OK with our players taking cheap shots and opposing players getting away with it or our players getting unjust suspensions. I'm sure that behind closed doors things are much different than what us fans see.

In this particular situation I do agree that Sakic needs to be making a phone call to the league and the DoPS and demanding some kind of explanation. It's obscene to see one star player get a 4 game suspension and another star, who happens to play on a big market team, make essentially the same kind of play and walk away without even a fine. Something doesn't seem to add up on this one.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
Lol, this league is a joke. I could make the argument that Kane's cross check to the face was actually worse than Landy's.

If I was Avs ownership/management I'd be submitting that video to the league and asking WTF and demanding an explanation, but that would mean that Kroenke and Co. were actually paying attention to the Avs, which we know doesn't happen. So I guess we'll chalk this one up to league bias and favoritism.
I agree


Registered User
Oct 3, 2003
In fairness to Bednar, coaches around the league very rarely publicly put up a stink about a call or questionable hit. The coach has to be PC about it publicly or the NHL is going to fine them. I personally like the fact that Bednar is a no excuses kind of guy to the public. At the end of the day a bad call here and there happens, you've got to deal with them, continue to work hard, and win games despite them. That's what good teams do.

I'm sure, that internally these incidents are being handled appropriately amongst Sakic and Bednar. I highly doubt that Bednar or Sakic are OK with our players taking cheap shots and opposing players getting away with it or our players getting unjust suspensions. I'm sure that behind closed doors things are much different than what us fans see.

In this particular situation I do agree that Sakic needs to be making a phone call to the league and the DoPS and demanding some kind of explanation. It's obscene to see one star player get a 4 game suspension and another star, who happens to play on a big market team, make essentially the same kind of play and walk away without even a fine. Something doesn't seem to add up on this one.

That's not exactly true though. Coaches rarely go on tirades about calls or hits (though they do sometimes), but they will say they think the league should look at it, or that the league is trying to get rid of these hits, or that it was an unintentional play and there was no injury, etc. They almost always say something close to this. The Avs never say anything like this. They don't say anything, and in Bednar's case he flat out says he doesn't think the league should look at Trouba's high hit that concussed one of his best players.

As for Bednar being a no excuses kind of guy, that's how he portrayed himself early last yea, but by the end of the year he was making excuses left and right for their season.

I wish I shared your confidence that behind closed doors Sakic and Bednar are handling these incidents properly, but we haven't seen any evidence of that unfortunately. In fact, we know Bednar played no part in Landy's process. He wasn't on the call, and basically said Joe and Gabe were handling that.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2017
New York
I am not going to compare Patrick Kane with Landy because Kane does not seem to have Landy's history of going out on an annual basis and trying to injure other teams players on an annual basis. How else would Landy learn if he only got suspended for 1 or 2 games. He will just keep repeating himself until the other team will have enough of it and then retaliate against one of our young star players.


Barry McKockner
Oct 28, 2014
I am not going to compare Patrick Kane with Landy because Kane does not seem to have Landy's history of going out on an annual basis and trying to injure other teams players on an annual basis. How else would Landy learn if he only got suspended for 1 or 2 games. He will just keep repeating himself until the other team will have enough of it and then retaliate against one of our young star players.

You’re out to lunch kid
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Solid #2
Apr 5, 2009
I wonder if that Trouba hit and the reaction from Bednar was another straw on the pile that led to Duchene asking out. Not that it matters, but I could see a player reading into that a feeling that the coach does not have his back.

I do think Bednar needs to learn how to respectfully disagree with the refs in the post-game talks. I could give him a bit of a pass last year, being a rookie coach, he may not have felt it was his place to speak up. But he is not a rookie anymore.

And a little fire from the bench would not hurt, but we cannot expect every coach to be trying to knock down his wife with a closet door the divider between benches.

As for Kane, I am not seeing where he got fined for the crosscheck. Not even a DoPS looking into it. Given that it was a day after a max fine, he needs to sit a game and get him in that category of players with"history."

And that history is exactly why Landy deserves every game he got. He has now been suspended 3 times for headshots. Successive suspensions do not go down in duration.


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