Ken King; Flames Ownership no longer pursuing new arena in Calgary

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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Looks bad for sure, but it could just be a paid ad. Im assuming they sell space on the scoreboard for McDonalds and Nike and presumably, Nenshi too, if he were to want to pay to advertise there, non?

If not, then yeah, this is indeed pretty bad.
Maybe, but the Flames ownership clearly has a horse in this race and have a guy that will give them what they want. The optics don't look good one bit.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2011
Wow, I kinda thought Nenshi was going to win this easily.

I know the USA has election props where stadiums are pretty much voted specifically on. Did the NFL though successfully hijack a mayoral election and turn it into a one-sided event? Or is Nenshi future loss because of other things??
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Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
Formerly Tinalera
Is it realistoc to think that a flames arena could be a single iasue that decides this election? I too understood the current mayor is rather popular. Could this issue bw that much a determinant?


Nordiques Hopes Lies
Jan 13, 2012
Town NHL hates !
Is it realistoc to think that a flames arena could be a single iasue that decides this election? I too understood the current mayor is rather popular. Could this issue bw that much a determinant?

Even blind and deaf people knew that when Mayor Labeaume got elected in Quebec City with about 79% of votes in 2009 when he promised he would build a new arena and bring back the Nordiques. So far he's 1 out of 2 promises.

It will be interesting how would the same scenario play in Calgary.


Zagidulin's Dad
Jan 30, 2011
Looks bad for sure, but it could just be a paid ad. Im assuming they sell space on the scoreboard for McDonalds and Nike and presumably, Nenshi too, if he were to want to pay to advertise there, non?

If not, then yeah, this is indeed pretty bad.

It's as bad as it looks. No one can seriously believe that if Nenshi tried to buy the same ad space that they would sell it to him.

The Flames have chosen their pick for lame-duck mayor and the citizens of this city are going to be dumb enough to hand him the keys.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2010
Is it realistoc to think that a flames arena could be a single iasue that decides this election? I too understood the current mayor is rather popular. Could this issue bw that much a determinant?

It's not that the arena is a single election-deciding issue, it's that Nenshi's political star has been significantly waning this term and Smith is the only candidate that's been positioned as an alternative with a realistic shot of winning. I would think the majority of the public have only a passing knowledge of there even being an arena issue in the first place, much less the intricacies of the negotiation demands.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2010
Can't wait.

We'll elect Bill Smith, who has proven to be quite incompetent and also very ambiguous about his agenda (he's running on "I'm not Nenshi" so he doesn't want to alienate any base so he doesn't give clear answers on anything) and he'll try to bend over CSE and if he gets his way I'm going to laugh and laugh and laugh when people see the prices for Flames tickets after the arena is done.

Worst ticket will be at least $100 AND the city will be paying for most of it. Good Job Calgary.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2010
Worst ticket will be at least $100 AND the city will be paying for most of it. Good Job Calgary.

Entry tickets are going to put a far bigger dent in the average attendee's wallet after 5+ years of inflation no matter how the new arena gets funded. If you think municipal-level politics are to blame for that when far larger more influential levels of government are happily willing to tax the country into oblivion while throwing out dump trucks of cash on whatever virtue-signalling crusade is fashionable this month you're missing the forest for the trees.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2010
I don't think municipal politics are too blame for anything.

I'm saying people are going to get quite the buyers remorse when the city bends over for CSE and they get the sticker shock of the tickets at the new arena.

Your average $60K a year earner will be priced out and then the complaining will start.

Mike Jones

Registered User
Apr 12, 2007
This article was in today's Globe and Mail. Not a whole lot that's earth shatteringly new but there are a couple of nuggets worth a read.

The one comment that stands out for me were the comments about what candidates were hearing as they made their campaign rounds. One candidate says that the Flames are really misreading the mood of voters. Another statement was how the city was diversifying and hockey no longer held the central place that it once did.

Discuss. Or not.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2009
If Nenshi loses it won’t be as much about the Flames as it will be about the economy and taxes. Incumbent politicians at any government level aren’t generally popular in Calgary right now.

It would be sad if Smith won and caved to Flames ownership. I’m also not sure it would help his popularity.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2012
Ajax, ON
This may be a degree of separation on this.

If Calgary is going to bid for the 2026 Olympics, they'll have one less competitor.

Innsbruck is out after a referendum in the state of Tyroll fails. 53.5% says no.

This leaves Sion Switzerland left and they'll need a referendum likely next year too. Denver, Salt Lake City and Reno are thinking about it for the US but I can't see any getting federal support with LA hosting 2028 summer.

Perhaps Calgary sticks it out and and gain some leverage on the IOC. If Nenshi wins tomorrow, they'll have leverage on the Flames too.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2012
Ajax, ON
Now that Bettman and King's 'influence' has been officially proven ineffective, how soon do they all just hush up and get back down to business here.

Who won really didn't matter as Nenshi and Smith would have had one vote and neither would be directly involved in negotiations.

At the same time, with the election over, voters now lose their voice and it's easier to spend money than it was earlier in the summer....Happy New year Calgary :)


Registered User
Oct 10, 2008
The wrong candidate won(he played "they are all racists" card and won.)

I think this is the final nail in the Flames coffin in Calgary, the Flames ownership won't deal with this arrogant fool.


Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
Tweeted, and quickly deleted, by the Flames' Director of Communications and Media Relations:



Registered User
Mar 20, 2012
Guelph, ON
Wow that's not very professional from Kelso.
what Im reading from afar sure seems to suggest the whole Flames approach here is not very professional. if this childish strategy was intended to leverage public support in their favour, it clearly didn't work with respect to this election. they are damaging only themselves and their brand here. time to regroup and come up with a better approach.
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