OT: Fitness and Nutrition Part IV - Let's get jacked up Edition

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Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
You can get lucky if you really want to roll the dice... but advocating an all meat diet for health is dangerous, and a game of russian roullete.
Nobody is advocating an all meat diet, at least not here.
The point is many things can work for people. There is no one true diet to follow.
Poliquin always says he puts most of his clients on seriously low carbs diet and they're all surprised by how great they feel.

You dont need to stay away from meat, and you shouldn't only eat that either.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2013
Best chest day

Flat bench
5 sets push hard dumbbells high as you can

Decline bench
5 sets go heavy as u can

Incline bench use heavy bar bell super set with lowcable flies
5 sets each same

Pec dec or dumbbell flies super set with dips

Cable flies top super set with pushups
5 sets
12 to 15 pushup after each cable fly rep

Reps do as you plz
I go for 10 to 12
Youll chest will be pumpin


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Having a kid and a job isn't a reason to not take care of yourself bro. There's enough time in a day to workout an hour or 45 a few days a week.
Not using it as an excuse else i wouldn't be here asking :). Albeit, an hour a day is probably asking too much as i generally don't have that regardless. 45min a few days a week is doable though.
To clarify, I never really had to go work out beyond what i did for Judo so I'm an exercise newbie, which is another reason I'm asking. So assuming a few days a week to exercise 45min what would you do? In and out of a gym.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
Nobody is advocating an all meat diet, at least not here.
The point is many things can work for people. There is no one true diet to follow.
Poliquin always says he puts most of his clients on seriously low carbs diet and they're all surprised by how great they feel.

You dont need to stay away from meat, and you shouldn't only eat that either.
Well I was responding to the "carnivore diet" advocated on that site.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
With Hockey ending yesterday am starting a bit of an odd split, but I think it makes sense. Essentially doing 2 different 2 Day splits, twice a week. Push/Pull, then Upper/Lower with rest days in between.

Push Day
Flat Bench

Shoulder Press
Side delt raise 1
Side delt 2

Tricep Rope/Bar

Pull Day
Barbell Row
Straight Arm Pulldowns

Rear delt Flys

Bicep 1
Bicep 2


Leg Day
Straight leg deficit DL
Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises

Upper Day
Bench/Row SS
Front Flys
Shoulder Press/Pulldown SS
Rear Flys
Dips/UR Row SS
Side Delt Raises


Also have started Wing Chun once a week which I do on a rest day.
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Registered User
Sep 18, 2013
With Hockey ending yesterday am starting a bit of an odd split, but I think it makes sense. Essentially doing 2 different 2 Day splits, twice a week. Push/Pull, then Upper/Lower with rest days in between.

Push Day
Flat Bench

Shoulder Press
Side delt raise 1
Side delt 2

Tricep Rope/Bar

Pull Day
Barbell Row
Straight Arm Pulldowns

Rear delt Flys

Bicep 1
Bicep 2


Leg Day
Straight leg deficit DL
Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises

Upper Day
Bench/Row SS
Front Flys
Shoulder Press/Pulldown SS
Rear Flys
Dips/UR Row SS
Side Delt Raises


Also have started Wing Chun once a week which I do on a rest day.

Do you dumbell or barbell press on bench?

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Best chest day

Flat bench
5 sets push hard dumbbells high as you can

Decline bench
5 sets go heavy as u can

Incline bench use heavy bar bell super set with lowcable flies
5 sets each same

Pec dec or dumbbell flies super set with dips

Cable flies top super set with pushups
5 sets
12 to 15 pushup after each cable fly rep

Reps do as you plz
I go for 10 to 12
Youll chest will be pumpin
That's a lot of chest exercises.


Registered User
May 28, 2011
@DramaticGloveSave your criticism of the all-meat case study are problematic,

1) You're not explaining why it might be working for this one person. It should be explained ideally. One possibility (for example) is that it is a glorified elimination diet. He may have had some undiagnosed allergies in the plant sector, so obviously he's going to be better on all meat-diet. Psychologist Jordan Peterson has said that he's doing a lot better on a diet that's just meat and greens, his auto-immune conditions have gone away.

I suspect that in general, a lot of people have a lot of undiagnosed micro-allergies causing them problems. Since we mix foods these can be hard to identify.

2) You say that one can't get vitamin C from meat. That's incorrect. What's true is that the typical meat that typical consumers eat contains negligible vitamin C, however, someone on all-meat diet is more likely to consume organ meat which can be very rich in vitamin C, as offal as that sounds.

3) You discuss the lack of fibre but that's plausibly a moot point. Fiber is necessary for high-carb diets for two reasons. First, it slows down digestion, within nature fructose is always coupled to fiber which is not the case in processed foods. Scientists have measured that fiber indeed reduces the insulin charge from carb-rich food. Second, your digestive system converts dietary fiber into ... wait for it ... wait for it ... saturated fatty acids. Thus, someone like yourself who is on a plant-based diet is getting a lot of the saturated fatty acids necessary for life since you are eating fiber. However, that's not going to be as critical if you're already getting saturated fatty acids from food.


Registered User
May 28, 2011
Im 5 9
I do high weights lower reps
Super sets only

So like flat bench 75 dumbbell 12 reps
Super set with barbell curls 60
Back and forth 5 times
And then on to.next exercise
Ripped af

Pics coming soom
Your screen name suits you.

Anyone ever tried intermittent fasting here, 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours window where you eat? Comments? Stories?
I did a lot of fasting and I lost weight. I just did three months of business travel / getting sick from airplanes, so I'm going to try and get back into it.

The benefits of fasting for weight loss is that it's psychologically easier for some people (depends on the person), and you get small metabolic advantages that might be equivalent to a few hundred calories a day. More research would be nice. The evidence now is that it's effective for reducing insulin, raising human growth hormone, and preferentially catabolizing organ/abdominal fat rather than subcutaneous fat.

There's no magic eating window that makes the most sense for everybody. For example if you're obese you might benefit from going to a medically supervised clinic like the true north health centre and doing a 14-day water-only fast. If you're TOFI you might do 3-5 day fasts.

16:8 is a relatively mild regimen, and I suspect that the physiological advantages are either small or negligible. However it may have good lifestyle advantages, for example if you get used to it you can justify a richer lunch/dinner at the expense of no breakfast. I enjoy doing my exercises in a fasted state. Regardless, it's not a super-intensive regimen, try it at any time, stick with it for two weeks, and see how it goes. It's nothing to worry about.

Nota Bene: do no fast if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, taking insulin injections, metformin, prednisone, possibly other drugs too.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
@DramaticGloveSave your criticism of the all-meat case study are problematic,

1) You're not explaining why it might be working for this one person. It should be explained ideally. One possibility (for example) is that it is a glorified elimination diet. He may have had some undiagnosed allergies in the plant sector, so obviously he's going to be better on all meat-diet. Psychologist Jordan Peterson has said that he's doing a lot better on a diet that's just meat and greens, his auto-immune conditions have gone away.

I suspect that in general, a lot of people have a lot of undiagnosed micro-allergies causing them problems. Since we mix foods these can be hard to identify.

2) You say that one can't get vitamin C from meat. That's incorrect. What's true is that the typical meat that typical consumers eat contains negligible vitamin C, however, someone on all-meat diet is more likely to consume organ meat which can be very rich in vitamin C, as offal as that sounds.

3) You discuss the lack of fibre but that's plausibly a moot point. Fiber is necessary for high-carb diets for two reasons. First, it slows down digestion, within nature fructose is always coupled to fiber which is not the case in processed foods. Scientists have measured that fiber indeed reduces the insulin charge from carb-rich food. Second, your digestive system converts dietary fiber into ... wait for it ... wait for it ... saturated fatty acids. Thus, someone like yourself who is on a plant-based diet is getting a lot of the saturated fatty acids necessary for life since you are eating fiber. However, that's not going to be as critical if you're already getting saturated fatty acids from food.
The bottom line here is that if you're eating an all-meat diet, you're going to give yourself serious health problems. Honestly talk to any nutritionist who isn't trying to sell a book or website ads. This isn't even a debate...


Registered User
May 28, 2011
The bottom line here is that if you're eating an all-meat diet, you're going to give yourself serious health problems. Honestly talk to any nutritionist who isn't trying to sell a book or website ads. This isn't even a debate...

If they're making a falsified prediction, and are firm in it, then that refutes their understanding of their own field. People have in fact done fine on all-meat diets. That's the empirical reality that you should start with.

If your theoretical framework tells you that it can't work, then you need to abandon your theoretical framework.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
The bottom line here is that if you're eating an all-meat diet, you're going to give yourself serious health problems. Honestly talk to any nutritionist who isn't trying to sell a book or website ads. This isn't even a debate...
New research constantly comes out in the field of nutrition, ''talk to any nutritionist'' isn't an argument.
Again, not preaching anyone to do this, my point has always been that eating some meat is fine and going vegan beyond any moral reason is silly.
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Registered User
Dec 10, 2007
About intermitent fasting, a lot of youtubers have made a video about this, and I think most of them said the same thing: it works if you are trying to lose weight quickly but it is not sustainable over a years Scott Herman just did one actually, about one or two weeks ago.


Registered User
May 28, 2011
About intermitent fasting, a lot of youtubers have made a video about this, and I think most of them said the same thing: it works if you are trying to lose weight quickly but it is not sustainable over a years Scott Herman just did one actually, about one or two weeks ago.

Lots of people have done well with IF for extended periods of time, including years. Ultimately though that depends partly on psychology, different people find different diets more agreeable due to their habits and circumstance.

With respect to sustainability, this is Scott Herman's ostensible diet (aside from the fact that he works out six days a week), the only universe where that's more sustainable than 16:8 IF with 40:20:40 macros is if you're a financed athlete or model, if you can spend three hours a day preparing food or if you can afford a maid:


8:00 A.M.
  • Pasta
  • Apple
  • SYNTHA-6™ protein shake
10:00 A.M.
  • Bagel and peanut butter
  • Banana
12:00 P.M.
  • Brown rice, chicken and broccoli
2:00 P.M.
  • Bagel and peanut butter
  • Apple
5:00 P.M.
  • Brown rice, chicken and broccoli
6:30 P.M.
  • 1 scoop of N.O.-XPLODE™
8:30 P.M.
  • SYNTHA-6™ protein shake
  • 9:15 P.M.
  • Bagel and peanut butter
11:00 P.M.
  • Kashi cereal with plain vanilla yogurt
12:00 A.M.
  • 1 scoop of CELLMASS® 2.0

Read more at Team BSN® - Scott Herman - Fitness Model


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
They are eating this all-meat diet supposedly for health reasons and it's really f***ing stupid. Just because some folks did "fine" doesn't mean it should be something people should try.


Dec 16, 2013
Isn't there a huge difference between a nutritionist and a dietician? Like I could call myself a nutritionist but I'd need a degree to be a dietician?


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
Do you? I remember my buddy was working as a trainer for a gym while going to JMSB and only took some online classes to get some nutritionist certificates.
If you want to be a registered nutritionist it's a 2 year program.

Maybe you can call yourself a certified nutritionist but that's not really anything.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
If you want to be a registered nutritionist it's a 2 year program.

Maybe you can call yourself a certified nutritionist but that's not really anything.

Where ?

Its a 4 year program in Quebec and last time I checked it was a 32 R score to get in.
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