OT: Fitness and Nutrition Part IV - Let's get jacked up Edition

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Registered User
Dec 10, 2007
This is all well and true, but you need veggies on the side too. It actually help to fill you up when trying to lose weight while eating that kind of balanced diet, as well as giving you important micronutrients.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
This is all well and true, but you need veggies on the side too. It actually help to fill you up when trying to lose weight while eating that kind of balanced diet, as well as giving you important micronutrients.

Absolutely! Sorry I just thought it was a given that carbs meant starches and veggies. I eat a serving (or two) of veggies with every meal. I also try and limit carbs in the form of sugars. If I have sugar it’s best from natural sources like fruits.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Decided to go back to a very simple strength program.
Two day split, upper - lower, focused around backsquat - deadlifts - bench - shoulder press.
Wk 1 - 3x3
Wk 2 - 3x5
Wk 3 - 3x3
Wk 4 - 3x5
Wk 5 - 1rm for the day

6 complimentory accessory exercises each day sticking around 6-8reps.

Entering week 4 now, pretty happy with the progress already.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Just wanted to share that im back on the deadlift PR train. Seems as though my shoulder injury is a blessing in disguise.

It made me move my OHP and Bench press day into some kind of bodybuilding/recovery day for pressing. This way I get to hit squats and deads a lot more often going for a split of

Rather than

My cns is happier im sure.

Only problem is that i wont be hitting anything over 315 on the bench for a while.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
CPU nationals going on.

105 KG going on. Tomorrow, the big boys go at it.


On a side note, proud owner of a brand new SBD belt :)


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
I've been a naughty boy and have bailed on my leg day- though am hitting squats on my push day and deads on my pull day (twice a week each). I'm just playing too much hockey right now, and murdering my legs on leg day is just a no go...


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Holy smokes. Krawczyk in front of his home crowd deadlits 375 kg for the Canadian record. Wierzbicki's world record is 420.
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waffledave, from hf
Aug 22, 2004
Back at work today after 3 weeks of this illness and surgery recovery. Had solid food (chopped up chicken) for the first time since... Late January or so. Felt really good. Still have some minor pain but I can live with it if it means I can actually swallow and eat and drink without choking and throwing up.

I went from 185 to 167 in less than 4 weeks. I guess that's a positive.
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Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Back at work today after 3 weeks of this illness and surgery recovery. Had solid food (chopped up chicken) for the first time since... Late January or so. Felt really good. Still have some minor pain but I can live with it if it means I can actually swallow and eat and drink without choking and throwing up.

I went from 185 to 167 in less than 4 weeks. I guess that's a positive.
Probably not the way you want to lose weight.
I got food poisoning from eating a bad pizza 2 weeks ago. Puke it out in the middle of night. Took me 3-4 days before I could eat my regular intake of food. My strength plummeted. Was difficult to lift 75% of my maxes. I'm still not completely back up to par. Getting sick or injured is so f***ing frustrating.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2013
I do a light weight lifting routine I only use machines but dumbrlk for biceps . I train one muscle at a time and 1 machine only got most body parts besides calves

I do one day training and one off. Too much ? Should I do. 1 on , 2 off ? I’m still a bit sore when I do 1 on , 1 off

Waking up in middle of night could also be a sign of overtraining
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Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Doesnt look good for my boy Brian Shaw after two events at the arnold :/

Good showing for Jeff Caron. Outside of the two (whom are just unreal) he wasn't far off 3rd place.

Pretty incredible squat again from Ray Williams. Now at 1069.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Good showing for Jeff Caron. Outside of the two (whom are just unreal) he wasn't far off 3rd place.

Pretty incredible squat again from Ray Williams. Now at 1069.

Yeah Caron was really good, felt he even had some left on the Deadlift.

That young Polski dude is gonna be good IMO. 25 and already this good ? Jeez.

Ray Williams is just ridiculous at this point, wish he'd deadlift more... At some point you kinda need versatility too.
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Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Pretty much what Smelly Bell has been preachin' with his "war on carb".

Takeaway from all of this... just eat good food, filter the crap, eat natural quality ingredient.
Pretty much, and I'd add that even crap is acceptable in moderation.
But the war on meat, dairy and carbs has been funny to see.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Google best deadlift ever david castro.

You will not be disappointed.

It really is too bad what they have done with Crossfit. They had such a very good product, they turned it into some commercial BS.
Opex is what Crossfit should have built into. They took their approach, refined it, studied, worked on it, and developped what I would consider the best overall fitness gym/company out there.

Crossfit sold out to what their founder said he would never do. Can't blame them. When you have big sponsors chasing you, throwing money at you, it's tough to always say no. Once Reebok was announced though, I remember telling my buddy to watch this special thing become super commercial and blow up.
Now I see people where Crossfit t-shirts or shoes despite never having done the sport. That is how mainstream this has become. I can live with the business aspect taking this to a commercial level.
But I expected them to refine some of their stuff. I cannot believe Dave Castro is still in charge of coming up with workouts. The guy is an idiot. I really don't get how he is still running the events.
Top Crossfitters are serious athletes. It isn't like back in my days where the top athlete at the gym was a full time accountant or lawyer you could easily catch up to.
Right now the top guys are serious athletes that you have no chance against. Not even in the least.
I have no idea how they managed to get 500 000 people to participate in the open. It is so pointless.

Crossfit employed some really top coaches before. They had Chris Sommers for gymnastics, Robb Wolf in nutrition, Mark Rippeteo for strength. Those guys all ended up leaving because of differences..
Crossfit had a terrific business model though, for that, I cannot criticize. They are crapping money it is insane.
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