OT: Coronavirus 2 - Covid Boogaloo

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Blueline Bomber

AI Generated Minnesota Wild
Oct 31, 2007

Hope it was worth it and the dentist in question acted on more research than a sound byte from an imbecile.

Read an article about an elderly couple that took the stuff after hearing Trump's comments. She ended up hospitalized and her husband died.

He's just been dangerously irresponsible this entire crisis.
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Jul 3, 2012
OK, so nothing is happening...just Trump saying he wants to open up the country by mid-April and some state official from Texas expressing an opinion.

Conversion theory of minority influence - Wikipedia

The more you say it over the span of the next few weeks, the more people will get used to the idea, and suddenly a few weeks from now this abhorrent, inhuman, horrific ideal will be OK for a lot of people.

time-tested method of propaganda.


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Dec 8, 2003
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So things are slowly improving on the testing front here. Work caught up to the situation enough to tell me I had to get tested and couldnt go back to work until I did (I'm on my normal days off right now), and I got sent to a place that takes care of medical workers in the morning before dealing with the hordes in the afternoon - though I dont know if its still as hard as it was to qualify as it was before for them. I'm sure there's a bunch of us going through this now. Only thing that sucks is I probably have to miss work if the results arent back yet, and I've already blown through most of yearly sick time. They wont make me use it if I actually had it, then it's workers comp but if I dont have it they'll just use my sick time even though I was told to stay home. First world problems for sure, but I'll get sick later in the year too and be out of sick time then.

No idea if I still have it enough to get picked up if I did have it anyways. Just a mild cough now. I'm glad they have that station set up for all the medical folk.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
Read an article about an elderly couple that took the stuff after hearing Trump's comments. She ended up hospitalized and her husband died.

He's just been dangerously irresponsible this entire crisis.

they didn’t really take the stuff (as in medicine at the correct dose prescribed by a physician). They took a version (same active ingredient, but different form) used to treat water in a fish tank and from my understanding, “guessed” at the dose.

Not condoning at all what the dentist tried to do, just clarifying

Anton Dubinchuk

Jul 18, 2010
Atlanta, GA
The whole conversation has gotten toxic. Yes, lives are more important than the economy. No, the economy isn't completely unrelated to quality of life.

No one would argue to shut down the economy for 1 life. Everyone would shut down the economy for 1 billion lives. The answer lies somewhere in the middle, and the right conversation has nothing to do with equating lives to dollars (although there are idiots on both sides that pretend that's the dichotomy).

This remains the best article I've seen on the subject:

If we actually do this, if we shut down everything for a few weeks, give hospitals enough breathing room, lower the R0 to a reasonable number, it's not out of the question that we can start opening stuff back up in a few weeks. It's irresponsible of Trump to start bringing up dates like Easter (Trump irresponsible?!?!), but the alternative extreme of "no one leave your houses for 4 months except grocery store workers and farmers" probably isn't feasible either. There's a reason even the good governors are shutting things down a week, two weeks at a time. Trump loves to feed false hope based on nothing, and that was the Easter comment. But outside of a few doofuses, no one is saying "we need to just sacrifice old people for the economy because we like money." There's a real discussion to be had here about what we do about the real economic hardships that come from shutting everything down for a month at a time, and that discussion is always changing based on how much or how little we have this thing under control.

It's very fashionable to shit on the US and it's not like the response has been anywhere close to ideal (or with ideal timing), but the fact is that practically the whole country is inside. The whole country has implemented some level of safeguard in one way or another. Hank's right, the lack of coordination amongst 50 states with their own little mini governments is a weakness when compared to China, but all things considered the response hasn't been completely mangled. I'm inside, you're inside, every restaurant, gym, and movie theater in the country is shut down. The correct stuff is being done. Not only that, but our "curve", as bad as it looks, looks very very similar to China's in the first weeks of its first cases as well. Our "death" curve (when they're plotted on "deaths since day of 10th death" or whatever) has never risen above theirs. They were successful in flattening it, likely more successful than we will be given the centralized government, but we're still "ahead" of them and very strict orders are coming in every day (Atlanta for example just implemented stay at home for the whole city for two weeks, except for grocery trips). Testing is picking up, I've heard several stories of people 2-3 degrees away from me that were able to simply inquire and get tested. The parameters for who's eligible will continue to widen as more tests become available, which is happening more and more. We keep ramping this up, and sure, not as fast as we should've or to many people's liking, but we're getting there.
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Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
When privilege reaches a whole new level that you compare what you have to garbage. Sad and delusional.

I'm not comparing "what I have" to garbage.

You're sitting here telling me that a government who is floating the idea of opening the economy back up when we should not be doing so is acceptable because there are worse alternatives.

And I'm saying that's a f***ing garbage argument.

Sad and delusional? f*** you pal.

Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
I can't tell whether Team Trump literally has no plan and thus has defaulted back to "ignore it and hope it goes away", or if this is an opening move to pin the blame for the inevitable economic calamity on state governments that ignored Trump's recommendation to end Coronavirus restrictions.

I mean its bat shit insane, New York passed 100 deaths today and they're two weeks out AT BEST before we start to see the daily increase start to turn the corner. Insanity.

Nikishin Go Boom

Russian Bulldozer Consultent
Jul 31, 2017
I'm not comparing "what I have" to garbage.

You're sitting here telling me that a government who is floating the idea of opening the economy back up when we should not be doing so is acceptable because there are worse alternatives.

And I'm saying that's a f***ing garbage argument.

Sad and delusional? f*** you pal.
The government trying to keep things positive, oooooo wut a travesty. Reality vs what is said is always different. Especially when you have delusional folks who start flipping out about military equipment on trains that happens weekly already or notice a motor pool full of military equipment (in an armory that has been here for 50 years) and believe the military is taking over. It would be chaos out there if the gravity was ever said. Heck we can’t even get TP and this isn’t a shitting disease. We can’t trust folks to handle it. At the same time the economy would tank instantly if Trump came out and said this was going until August.

put down the chicken little soup for minute and realize why.


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Oct 31, 2017
An Oblate Spheroid
We're so free in America, we're gonna go back to our shitty jobs so we can help save Wall Street, and if the olds die, well, that's just too bad.

That's how f***ing free we are.
Yeah I can’t wait until Joe f***ing Biden saves us in November. As long as Americans brainwash themselves against social democracy we deserve the broken system we have


Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
The whole conversation has gotten toxic. Yes, lives are more important than the economy. No, the economy isn't completely unrelated to quality of life.

No one would argue to shut down the economy for 1 life. Everyone would shut down the economy for 1 billion lives. The answer lies somewhere in the middle, and the right conversation has nothing to do with equating lives to dollars (although there are idiots on both sides that pretend that's the dichotomy).

So then let's get down to numbers. What amount of deaths is acceptable? This is not a rhetorical/smartass question, because honestly, IDK. I've seen some estimates of 200K deaths, if we follow something roughly akin to Italy's curve.

Regardless of raw numbers, the idea that we are even talking about this is horrifying, and I'm not sure I want to live in a country where a fair number of people think this is an acceptable solution.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
Yeah I can’t wait until Joe f***ing Biden saves us in November. As long as Americans brainwash themselves against social democracy we deserve the broken system we have

Political philosophy is not our issue, corruption and incompetence is.

And yes, it seems like no matter how the elections go, we're just in for more of the same old shit.
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Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
ftr, quarantining everyone vulnerable for the time being while everyone else lives as close to normalcy as possible lest we face economic Armageddon is not a bad idea. It's easier to separate those people from society than to shut down society entirely.

What that would require is immediate infrastructure investment to build the systems needed to make that work for however long. Off the top of my head- buildings, the workforce, containment protocals, land, supply chains, the gamut of medical equipment, all set up to keep this going until 2021 when we might have a vaccine.

The people pushing the "let the vulnerable assume the risk" are not even mentioning one f***ing iota of this right now. This is because this is a solution not for the problem of how to keep society somewhat functioning in the grip of a pandemic- its a solution for people who are facing the problems either of 1) a LOT of preventable deaths 2) economic Armageddon or 3) massive restructuring of the economy/society to prevent both 1) and 2) from happening.

Do you think Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick wants to be sitting here facing a culling, Marxism or a massive expansion of the social safety and government powers/responsibility? Hell no. Which is why he picked option 4) pretend it isn't a big deal and hope it goes away.
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Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
I can't tell whether Team Trump literally has no plan and thus has defaulted back to "ignore it and hope it goes away", or if this is an opening move to pin the blame for the inevitable economic calamity on state governments that ignored Trump's recommendation to end Coronavirus restrictions.

I mean its bat shit insane, New York passed 100 deaths today and they're two weeks out AT BEST before we start to see the daily increase start to turn the corner. Insanity.

It's clear they don't have a plan. South Korea has a plan, China has a plan. Even Italy, as f***ed up as their situation is, has a plan. They picked a direction and they're going with it.

We have nothing. One week we're closing down, the next week we're talking about opening back up. We still don't have any tests for this stupid thing and hospitals are recruiting people to make homemade masks on their sewing machines.

We are incredibly, irretrievably, f***ed. And there's no getting around that. It's inevitable.

Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
It's clear they don't have a plan. South Korea has a plan, China has a plan. Even Italy, as f***ed up as their situation is, has a plan. They picked a direction and they're going with it.

That's what frustrates me about these daily press conferences from the White House. It's not, "Okay guys, here is the plan, here's how we're going on that plan", it's all cherrypicking good news and painting a bullseye around it. He couldn't even stay the course that this is a crisis to take seriously for two weeks!!:facepalm:


Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
The government trying to keep things positive, oooooo wut a travesty.

Giving people false hope is not "keeping things positive." It's papering over a problem that we can't afford to ignore.

This is not me continuing to watch a Canes game and hope for the best even though we're down 5-2 in the third. Actual lives are at stake.
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Surrounded By Ahos

Las Vegas Desert Ducks Official Team Poster
May 24, 2008
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Giving people false hope is not "keeping things positive." It's papering over a problem that we can't afford to ignore.

This is not me continuing to watch a Canes game and hope for the best even though we're down 5-2 in the third. Actual lives are at stake.


bunch of likes
Feb 9, 2013
people are talking about easing the bare minimum public mobilization to mitigate the effects of the virus in order to prevent total collapse of the economy. as if that by doing so, they would guarantee that outcome. talking about China's actions as too much and being able to make an evaluation that they'd rather live in a free society, as if a free society has been available to them or will be remotely available to them after this disaster unfolds.

saying damn the torpedoes would mean more deaths than all Americans who have died in wars, ever. and instead of those deaths happening over 245 years, they would happen in Q2 2020. as if a "phew, we made it fam" economy will be waiting on the other side of that.


This is Hurricanes Hockey
Sep 16, 2010
I just saw the video of the spring breakers in Florida with that one douchebag who says "If I get corona I get it, I don't give a f*** I'm just living for now!", motherf***er probably helped spread that shit and is somewhat responsible for Mecklenburg County going into shutdown mode on Thursday.

Well, maybe he's not the reason for that but I still want to punch him in the face anyway. And all the other douchnozzles who are making this shit worse.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2013
York County resident but Mecklenburg County worker sooo... lockdown shoutout!

I’m right over the border in Union County NC, but work in Meck. However, I’ve been working from home for the past 2 weeks anyway so why not 3 more.
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Jul 3, 2012
Fortunately, states are mostly doing their own versions of lockdown, so we're unlikely to see The Worst Case Scenario across the board.

But in pockets, it'll be super duper shitty.

I'm looking at Louisiana specifically because that's where I'm from and where most of my family and still most of my friends are. They have the most cases per capita in the world. Not just the U.S., but the WORLD. And they're the fastest growing/highest infection rate, in the WORLD.

And that's one of the reddest states in the country. And the second Trump says "It's OK, go back to normal" they're gonna do exactly what he says. And the spread is going to be awful. And the death rate is going to be awful, because generally speaking, people there do not live anything close to a healthy lifestyle.
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