Management 0 Days since new Melnyk Incident


Registered User
Jul 28, 2018
Can’t stop thinking about how sad it is that we actually have more than enough incidents to make a damn thread on it


Global Matador
Mar 28, 2013
Hazeldean Road
Ya never mind just brush it under the rug. Lots of owners around the league suing columnists all willy nilly. Been a part of the league forever.

Just making a point that this is old news. But relax.... throw some shit on the rug. :ha:

It's been with the lawyers for months.... suddenly it makes it's way to TSN... hmmm.

Toronto Sports Network digs up dirt when the time is right. Bush League. :naughty:

Keeping the wash cycle on rinse for another few months.


Skate or Die!
Dec 25, 2007
Why can’t Melnyk just stay out of the news with this garbage. He’ll have to pay a PR firm more than the $500k he’s suing for to undo the PR damage he’s inflicting upon himself by suing Gibbons for $500k.
The man has become a complete joke.

Go home Eugene, you’re drunk.
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Global Matador
Mar 28, 2013
Hazeldean Road
Why can’t Melnyk just stay out of the news with this garbage. He’ll have to pay a PR firm more than the $500k he’s suing for to undo the PR damage he’s inflicting upon himself by suing Gibbons for $500k.
The man has become a complete joke.

Go home Eugene, you’re drunk.

All Euge has to do is take the winnings and donate it to the charity.

Call me Euge. I can be your PR guy! (I only cost $250k/yr)
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Registered User
Oct 2, 2011
Not a fan of Melnyk, but the vetting and attention to detail (eg spelling) is clearly not an important thing for 90% of news services out there now. If it's shown they posted erroneous information, then I'm all for them being sued, most people don't have the luxury of having the funds necessary to take a newspaper to court.

I'm French and I still consistently find spelling mistakes in articles by the Ottawa Sun/Citizen. Is no one actually re-reading and approving these articles before they are posted? If no one is even reading the articles and noticing very obvious typos (I've even seen them in titles) there's no way anyone is even questioning the journalists about the content of their articles or making sure that the sources are legitimate?


Registered User
Oct 16, 2006
Why can’t Melnyk just stay out of the news with this garbage. He’ll have to pay a PR firm more than the $500k he’s suing for to undo the PR damage he’s inflicting upon himself by suing Gibbons for $500k.
The man has become a complete joke.

Go home Eugene, you’re drunk.
While more bad news doesn't help, he's probably sullied his reputation as low as it can possibly go.

Anything worse is probably in Donald Sterling territory.
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Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
I notice that no one is worried about the Sun's reputation cause, well, you know ..

Tucker Carlson apparently got sued for defaming a playboy bunny. Fox news defended him by saying he is an entertainer, no one should take him seriously. Sun should maybe try that.


Skate or Die!
Dec 25, 2007
And when Tkachuk doesn’t resign here, yeah I’m sure crap like this won’t be a factor in his departure. Melnyk is single handedly doing his utmost best to turn the franchise into a tired joke that gets less and less funny every time you hear it until it finally becomes inappropriate to mention in any setting.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario
Not a fan of Melnyk, but the vetting and attention to detail (eg spelling) is clearly not an important thing for 90% of news services out there now. If it's shown they posted erroneous information, then I'm all for them being sued, most people don't have the luxury of having the funds necessary to take a newspaper to court.

I'm French and I still consistently find spelling mistakes in articles by the Ottawa Sun/Citizen. Is no one actually re-reading and approving these articles before they are posted? If no one is even reading the articles and noticing very obvious typos (I've even seen them in titles) there's no way anyone is even questioning the journalists about the content of their articles or making sure that the sources are legitimate?
To address your second point as both a former journalist and current journalism prof... the media industry's been bleeding for years, especially when it comes to the print side. When the industry began seeing fewer advertising revenue dollars, copy-editors and proof-readers were the first to go because there was no immediate dollar value that could be placed on the work they did. I find it hard to fault journalists who are being asked to do more work and more writing with less resources and less time in which to do them when there are simple typos or grammatical flubs. It speaks to a sloppiness that has been brought on entirely due to the 24-hour news cycle, the importance of being first over being right, and the lack of funding that has come from the industry not being able to properly sell to its consumers that news costs money to produce.

Now, off of my soapbox, I agree that lawsuits are needed when accusing journalists of incorrect information or defaming information. This is an example of putting your money where your mouth is, the likes of which anyone screaming "fake news" and "alternate facts" isn't following through on. There's no such thing as "fake news" — there's news and there's libel. I'm interested in this specific suit because it makes me wonder how much of the information can ACTUALLY be proven by the writer vs. how much of this is a vanity lawsuit designed to get in the news cycle again. The presence of a retraction in the Sun leads me to believe that Melnyk may actually be in the right here, and have a legitimate case.

But again, I ask — where's the benefit here? At best, Melnyk wins the case and is $500,000 richer. But the prevailing belief is still that Melnyk is a shitheel, just not in this particular instance. It only serves to remind people about the whole Sens Foundation debacle in the first place. And at its worst, there's concrete evidence of some of the claims being made — enough to plant a seed of doubt into Melnyk's case. So as best as I can see, this is weird not because Melnyk is using his legal options, but because I don't really see a "win" condition here.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2018
I thought there was something.. maybe just a retraction .. forgot my memory pills again.
The Sun did print an apology and retraction, Gibbons never said anything. The lawsuit is against Gibbons only, the Sun is not listed in the lawsuit.


Apr 27, 2010
I thought there was something.. maybe just a retraction .. forgot my memory pills again.
There was that blogger that blogged about the gibbons article, got a letter from the Euge's big mean lawyer, and wrote an apology on his blog, don't recall which one it was though.


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