OT: Would you like to see the NBA back in Vancouver?

Hollywood Burrows

Registered User
Jan 23, 2009
I don't even understand this poll. Why would you vote 'no'? I think there are some people that just dislike the, let's say, 'thuggish' aspects of the NBA. There's just something about those sort of... athletes that they don't like, I guess. I'm not sure why you'd object to another major sport arriving and helping further legitimize our city on the NA sports scene.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Nope. Not interested. Caught their act here before, wasn't impressed.

I don't even understand this poll. Why would you vote 'no'? I think there are some people that just dislike the, let's say, 'thuggish' aspects of the NBA. There's just something about...those sorts of athletes that they don't like, I guess. I'm not sure why you'd object to another major sport arriving and helping further legitimize our city on the NA sports scene.

:biglaugh: Oh yeah, that's what the Grizzlies did, right? Helped further legitimize our city on the NA sports scene? :laugh: Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Sorry, but unlike you obviously, I recall the NBA's time here all too well.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
I don't even understand this poll. Why would you vote 'no'? I think there are some people that just dislike the, let's say, 'thuggish' aspects of the NBA. There's just something about those sort of... athletes that they don't like, I guess. I'm not sure why you'd object to another major sport arriving and helping further legitimize our city on the NA sports scene.

No we just don't like dicks like Steve Francis.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2012
I've been to more Grizzlies games than Canucks games. I was at like 3 or 4, and only 1 Canucks game. Don't know though after they stole the Grizzlies away from us.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2009

Wish we'd get the current version of the Grizzlies back in Vancouver


Nov 12, 2010
What have we done to deserve something so terrible to happen to us?


Registered User
Aug 10, 2007
No we just don't like dicks like Steve Francis.

The equivalent would be if Quebec City said they never wanted an NHL team back because they were spurned by Eric Lindros.

Or Baltimore saying they never wanted an NFL team back because they were spurned by John Elway.

He was one player. Aside from like 2 guys, everyone else who came to Vancouver did it without a peep and had nothing but nice things to say about the city afterwards.

:biglaugh: Oh yeah, that's what the Grizzlies did, right? Helped further legitimize our city on the NA sports scene? :laugh: Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Sorry, but unlike you obviously, I recall the NBA's time here all too well.

The success or non-success of the team has nothing to do with what he's talking about. Being able to support one of the non-NHL Big Four leagues in Vancouver would be kind of like a status symbol as a sports town in Canada. People in Vancouver generally think pretty highly of the city, but from a pro sports perspective what really separates Vancouver from Winnipeg or Edmonton? An MLS team? Not saying you have to care about such things, but that's clearly what the guy you're replying to was talking about.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2013
The poll is missing an option. I thought about voting for the second choice, but I wouldn't care whether the team was doing well, poorly or continued to not exist.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2006
The NBA would do really well here as the sport has grown considerably in the past decade in Vancouver, especially at the grassroots level. The city is 50% bigger than when we last had the team and the dollar is about 30 cents stronger. With the new CBA in the NBA it gives small market teams a chance to compete unlike before (Oklahoma City, Indiana, Portland, San Antonio are all top teams this year in small markets with many others in the playoff race). The league is so different than it was 15 years ago and has a huge international component. You have less Steve Francis' and more Steve Nash's. If a Vancouver NBA team ever signed a Jeremy Lin, it would be sold out every night.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
The success or non-success of the team has nothing to do with what he's talking about. Being able to support one of the non-NHL Big Four leagues in Vancouver would be kind of like a status symbol as a sports town in Canada. People in Vancouver generally think pretty highly of the city, but from a pro sports perspective what really separates Vancouver from Winnipeg or Edmonton? An MLS team? Not saying you have to care about such things, but that's clearly what the guy you're replying to was talking about.

Yeah..."being able to support one of the non-NHL Big Four leagues in Vancouver"...

Now, once again, is that what happened when the NBA was here before?

The Grizzlies were not a status symbol. They were an anchor. They were a joke, and not just for being terrible on the court. Bringing them here in the first place was more of the insecure "We want to be liked! Look at us! We're a real big important city! Look, we've got another sports team!" kind of mewling the city's known for and it's embarrassing enough as it is. The NBA was a denigration of the city's sporting status and reputation, and we don't need it back.

And once again, I actually remember it.

*edit* Would actually pay money to see an MLB team here, but I'd rather burn my paycheques than give a dime to the NBA after last time.


Registered User
Apr 29, 2009
This is the 2nd new thread about this topic that I remember.
All that was said was already said in the other one.
Let this topic go please.

Bottom line is...
Times are different now...
And the NBA culture is more international now...
As the biggest stars goes on a ton of goodwill visits to foreign countries...
And the league has a slew of European star players.
Back in the 90s...
The city was not ready for an American-centric league like the NBA...
As it could not attract any players...
And it could barely support the team...
Despite the good will...
And loyal fans.
It is ready...
And it can definitely support an NBA team.

Do the city even want a team anymore?
Vancouver got screwed pretty hard the last time...
And the city probably will still have trouble attracting star players.
In the current NBA...
It is very hard to build a winner...
Without a couple of superstars.
If the team continue to lose...
It will be like the last time again.
The league is a bit of a joke.
About 1/3 of the teams are in serious trouble...
And they only survive because the league prop them up.
There is already a corrupt league in town.
I don't think there is a need for another one.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
Another post with awful sentence structure. I can't even read them.

Also, **** the NBA.


Registered User
Apr 29, 2009
I wouldn't mind an NBA team in Vancouver at all.

If it came down to MLB vs. NBA, I'd take MLB though.

I love baseball...
But Vancouver cannot sustain an MLB team.
It is simply not big enough.

I believe...
It was talked about in the early 90s though.
It had some traction...
Until the new commissioner got into office...
I believe.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
theres been like 7 different champions in over 2 decades, why even bother? we'll never win a championship. We're not in a warm climate like LA, Dallas, Miami, San Antonio… or a big eastern city like Boston, Chicago, Detroit… and Im pretty sure those are the only teams to win since the 80's so screw it.

It's easily the least competitive and fair league of the 4 major sports, admittedly corrupt reffing in the past, tv ratings determine everything, biggest percentage of jerks in sports.

If you're not Miami, Indiana, or Oklahoma you don't have much of a shot. No other league could eliminate at least 25 teams from contention before the all star break.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2008

The question asked is would you like to see the NBA back in Vancouver. Not whether or not you believe Vancouver could support it. Truth be told I couldn't care any less either way but I feel the NBA is about as boring a sport as there is. You could eliminate half the teams and nobody would even miss them. It is worse than the MLB as far as competitiveness goes. Those of you who love it or like it, rock on. I don't share your view.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
The equivalent would be if Quebec City said they never wanted an NHL team back because they were spurned by Eric Lindros.

Or Baltimore saying they never wanted an NFL team back because they were spurned by John Elway.

He was one player. Aside from like 2 guys, everyone else who came to Vancouver did it without a peep and had nothing but nice things to say about the city afterwards.

Yes, but you can't compare basketball in Vancouver to football in Baltimore or hockey in Quebec because unlike those sports in those cities, basketball is more of a 'fringe' sport in Vancouver. So when you have guys like Francis, Big Continent, or that guy who drunk 18 beers when he found out he was traded to Vancouver, it doesn't look good to people who are already skeptical about the NBA.


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