When does the Yzerplan start getting criticized?


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
It seems like you don't disagree with me on many things... I guess perhaps my tone?
Choosing the worst posters of any fan base to generalize is never a good idea. I don't doubt we have a lot of Red Wings posters that are smug about other teams being in a perpetual rebuild, but why are you at all using that as a point to talk about? There are Red Wings fans making good points about why we aren't really worried about our rebuild thus far, but you're taking the worst of the worst to generalize the entire fan base. Obviously we have a bit of a losing culture because like you said, we haven't really done anything winning-wise in many years. No arguments from me there, other than I'm not sure why you would take the worst posters and paint the rest of us with that brush. The part about Larkin, not really sure what you're getting at. Should we have traded our young captain/best player just so we can maybe move up one draft slot? At some point you need to stick with the players you have, yeah?
Fair point about the worst posters, but I would say it does get mentioned quite a bit from quite a number of posters both here and elsewhere about "losing cultures", "perennial rebuilds" etc... and far from just naked fanbase bashing, it was really a lead-in to a lot of what I discussed regarding some of what I deemed a halfway approach in the rest of the post, with not being a "losing culture" mentioned. About Larkin specifically, he is a talented player that was extended throughout his UFA years. He is to date not a "winning player", which granted is not his fault, but when it comes to culture/teaching players to win etc. is rightfully or wrongfully not something he has much experience imparting as he hasn't seen much winning. Could they have traded him at high value? Should they have? I'm not saying there's easy answers here...
Who thinks the Red Wings are a young team? We're building to be able to bring in more and more young pieces, but if you're seeing people say that then why are you even entertaining the post? You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, but again you're using these 1% of posters to say it's "popular belief". It's no secret that most of our young talent that we're hoping to be on the roster to compete with are developing to be more ready when they make the team vs throwing them to the wolves. Again, I don't really see the point you're trying to make other than trying to attack the fan base because of this "popular belief" that we're a young team, which can easily be proven against by just looking at the roster.
Perhaps nobody, but the discussion as it relates to Yzerman that comes back to the upward climb in the standings... it does seem to connect "Wings Yzerplan rebuild" with that, maybe even if just implicitly. Point there is that the Wings possibly making the playoffs is only slightly connected to recent draft picks/rebuild moves and a big chunk of it has to do with short/medium term veteran free agents.
So basically...what every single team, in every single sport, across every single time frame, has needed to ask themselves at some point? Nobody ever knows how their prospects are truly going to turn out. Ideally, yes they will upgrade the nhl vets that we have, that's the entire point of why we drafted the players, and it's why teams draft players in the first place. The HOPE that they pan out to be able to take a roster spot from somebody on the team. No, they won't all turn out how some of us are hoping. Some prospects will do better than any of us expected, some will do much worse than we expected. That's the reality of drafting and building a team in any sport, this isn't something unique to the Red Wings. As for the first part, I don't blame some posters for lashing out about the lotto luck. It gets extremely frustrating hearing all the time that we simultaneously didn't tank hard enough for top tier talent, while also not exiting the rebuild as soon as other fan bases wanted us to. I don't agree with some of the things people will say in response, but do keep in mind it gets a tad annoying hearing that constantly from other fans.
Yeah, of course, every team goes through the same thing. The better the better the odds of landing superstars. That's just the cold hard reality. When it comes to lotto luck, understood it was bad. However, that far from makes it a guarantee that it'll be bad going forward. I think it's fair to say the Wings did consciously make a decision to remove themselves for the running for top 5 draft capital the past couple years. Of course 1st is great, but it doesn't always need to be first, see like the Avalanche getting Makar at 4th overall). The lower you go, the harder the odds become of landing a superstar, and it's legitimate question as to whether the Wings will have enough high-end talent in their system. Of course all of this could one day be moot if they get their own versions of Vasilevskiy, Kucherov and Point in the last 1st, 2nd and 3rd round. Same can of course be said for any team regardless of where they are in the standings.
How do you suggest we should have gotten Bedard, Carlsson, Fantilli, or Celebrini? What's the point in accumulating talent for the future if as soon as these players start performing, we trade them for the next shiny toy? Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to get any of these players. But is the cost moving on from Larkin, Seider, Raymond, not acquiring Kane or Debrincat, just for a chance at drafting them? I'd say no, especially when as you already mentioned, we haven't exactly had great lottery luck. And from my pov it seems like Yzerman thought we had a lot of talent accumulated in the system and he wanted to start slowly turning around the course of the main roster. Ideally, the mixture that you mentioned is what happens. I think in a perfect world we have the right prospects at the right time taking over for the vets as they're leaving the team. That plan won't work perfectly, and nobody should pretend it will, because as we've already touched upon, prospects don't always work out. In saying that, I still feel more comfortable knowing there's at least a plan in place for the roster make up in a few years as opposed to just throwing away every season trying to go for the new shiny toy. To your last point, if we only have a couple prospects out of the bunch that we drafted that do anything, then that's a failure on Yzerman and our scouting/development department. But we aren't there yet, so it's hard to take your point seriously when you're just throwing out a (very negative) guess as to what the future will be for this team.
I do not believe that Seider and Raymond are so good that they are active tank blockers on their own, but of course can act as tank blockers when surrounded by a group of veterans such as the Wings the past couple years. The way to tank would have likely been to sign overpaid veterans for 1-2 year deals instead of solid veterans for 4-5 year deals. I agree that Yzerman did seem to decide that the talent accumulated in the system was in many ways good enough that it be allowed to ferment while the NHL roster be upgraded in the meantime. The accuracy of that approach is probably the thing that will most define his tenure in Detroit. I agree it's good to see a "plan", I can see the plan and described it below, I think there are genuine questions of whether it's the sort of plan that will result in a Cup contender or a team that is perennially "ok" for the next 5-10 years.
Going to ignore the first few sentences since it seems like you recognized half way through typing it that you didn't actually have a point. I am very curious as to your next point, though...who in the Red Wings organization wants a veteran playoff team right now? What possible moves have we made that could make any reasonable fan of the NHL think that's what we're going for right now? I guess if you looked very surface-level at some of the signings you might think that, but it should be pretty clear looking at the organizational makeup that they're more stop-gaps that aren't a detriment long-term. You even mentioned it in the next half of your sentence!! You need players on the NHL roster, you can't just throw in every prospect and aim for top draft picks year after year. So what's the issue with letting our prospects get more time so that they can have less of a struggle when they start to compete for an NHL spot? As somebody in the thread already mentioned, competition isn't a bad thing. I'd rather the top prospects know that if they aren't putting the work in to succeed. they won't take the spot from the veterans who have been putting in that work. To your last point, I actually slightly agree, but probably not in the way you're thinking. Larkin is turning 28 this year, and I would have loved to have him in his prime while we're competing for a cup. In that sense, some of these years are somewhat wasted. Except then you run into the issue of, how do we explain to our captain when it comes time to re sign that until all of our prospects are ready for the nhl, we won't add any help and will compete for a bottom 5 pick every year? Doesn't seem super helpful to the culture of the room, and from my pov I think it would be more beneficial to them to see some sort of progress, whether to help the team bond together to try to reach new heights or to at least give them some hope that they're not stuck on a bottom-feeding team. In that regard, I think this season has been pretty successful. I didn't think we'd contend for a playoff spot for the next two years, and while I would have loved higher draft picks in those years leading up to it, I'd also rather have a few years where we can plug in more prospects over time and get them used to play meaningful games, instead of the season ending for the players (since why would the players care about a high draft pick) within a few months of the season starting.
Point at the start was pondering various options. As far as a veteran playoff team, maybe ownership? They certainly cared a lot about that postseason streak, it's difficult to say as we aren't privvy to those conversations but it wouldn't be the first time an ownership group said "we'd like to see a bit more on ice progress" after the frustrations with some of those early rebuild (when Holland was still GM) draft selections not pan out. The culture/room/competitive landscape, etc. that all sort of circles back to my original point. I guess I'm skeptical of that. In successful rebuilds, we see teams be bad until they aren't, often through an interjection of elite high-end talent (often acquired with high draft picks). When rebuilds aren't successful, I think there's a kneejerk reaction to say "ah, bad culture, too much losing, that's what did them in"... when maybe the talent drafted just wasn't good enough. Anyways we're not in the room, I think for instance, the 2023-24 Blackhawks have had a pretty decent culture (a guy like Nick Foligno taking a de-facto captain role and taking it upon himself to be Bedard's mentor, players mostly playing hard night in and out - not that they have much choice when they are scraping by to stay in the League, better performing veterans like Jason Dickinson being eager to re-sign instead of looking to book a one-way ticket out to a better team, etc.) but of course there's frustration during extended losing streaks like you'd expect...so I think the whole culture thing really ebbs and flows based on given teams and isn't entirely tied to a team's spot in the standings.

Alex Jones

Jun 8, 2009
Conspiratron 9000
They’re 10th in league scoring IIRC
How do they do that with both no depth or elite talent?
The Wings have some good offensive depth, but they are also shooting at the third highest rate in the league. In the bottom five in terms of shots per game and in the bottom five in terms of shots against per game. I expect a big step back next season and think they will a bottom 5 team, especially if they bring young guys up and move away from some of their UFA forwards.
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Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Tell you what - if you can make sense of this sentence, I'll give you a like:
Sure thing, it's recognizing that part of being a good GM is making correct reads of the situation you inherited. Zadina being a recent high draft pick, Bertuzzi being a young-ish decent performing player. Zadina remained in the organization 4 seasons after Yzerman took over and Bertuzzi 3.5 seasons. These are questions to ponder for an overall GM's success or not. Like it or not, the Wings have basically taken themselves out of the running for some high-end talent the past few years so there are questions on whether it would have been wiser to keep tanking while they were in a situation with few young players on the roster that project to be significant contributors in what would likely be a competitive window.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2023
Sure thing, it's recognizing that part of being a good GM is making correct reads of the situation you inherited. Zadina being a recent high draft pick, Bertuzzi being a young-ish decent performing player. Zadina remained in the organization 4 seasons after Yzerman took over and Bertuzzi 3.5 seasons. These are questions to ponder for an overall GM's success or not. Like it or not, the Wings have basically taken themselves out of the running for some high-end talent the past few years so there are questions on whether it would have been wiser to keep tanking while they were in a situation with few young players on the roster that project to be significant contributors in what would likely be a competitive window.

....Yeah this makes no sense. Zadina was a bust, yes, not drafted by Yzerman...what exactly do you think he should have done? Traded him for peanuts a year before he eventually cut ties? How does any of that impact the Wings short term or long term future?
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Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
Sure thing, it's recognizing that part of being a good GM is making correct reads of the situation you inherited. Zadina being a recent high draft pick, Bertuzzi being a young-ish decent performing player. Zadina remained in the organization 4 seasons after Yzerman took over and Bertuzzi 3.5 seasons. These are questions to ponder for an overall GM's success or not. Like it or not, the Wings have basically taken themselves out of the running for some high-end talent the past few years so there are questions on whether it would have been wiser to keep tanking while they were in a situation with few young players on the roster that project to be significant contributors in what would likely be a competitive window.
I’m confused what your point is here? If Zadina sucked so badly (he did) how did he affect our outcome in the standings in anyway?

Or are you saying he should have seen that Zadina wasn’t good and should have traded him for a haul? If so, how exactly was he going to do so when he sucks?

Such a weird thing to put on Yzerman

Also, how many points do you think Tyler damn Bertuzzi gained us in the standings? :biglaugh:


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
I’m confused what your point is here? If Zadina sucked so badly (he did) how did he affect our outcome in the standings in anyway?

Or are you saying he should have seen that Zadina wasn’t good and should have traded him for a haul? If so, how exactly was he going to do so when he sucks?

Such a weird thing to put on Yzerman
....Yeah this makes no sense. Zadina was a bust, yes, not drafted by Yzerman...what exactly do you think he should have done? Traded him for peanuts a year before he eventually cut ties? How does any of that impact the Wings short term or long term future?
Guys.. drop the defensive tone, not everything is a personal attack on Steve. A GM doesn't bear no responsibility for what happens with a player that they inherited just because they weren't the GM that drafted him. Being a GM involves constant and active management of the team. I did not "put" Zadina being bad onto Yzerman. I only mentioned that he kept him around for a while, started making more competitive signings with players like Zadina, Veleno, Rasmussen, Bertuzzi around and then cut ties with Zadina for absolutely nothing. Buying out Justin Abdelkader is another possible example. Yes, he didn't choose to give him 8 years, but he could have let the contract ride instead of buying him out and keeping the dead cap on the books until 2026, and the contract would have expired now. That 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 cap could be more valuable than what they saved buying him out because they weren't anywhere competitive those years anyways.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
Guys.. drop the defensive tone, not everything is a personal attack on Steve. A GM doesn't bear no responsibility for what happens with a player that they inherited just because they weren't the GM that drafted him. Being a GM involves constant and active management of the team. I did not "put" Zadina being bad onto Yzerman. I only mentioned that he kept him around for a while, started making more competitive signings with players like Zadina, Veleno, Rasmussen, Bertuzzi around and then cut ties with Zadina for absolutely nothing. Buying out Justin Abdelkader is another possible example. Yes, he didn't choose to give him 8 years, but he could have let the contract ride instead of buying him out and keeping the dead cap on the books until 2026, and the contract would have expired now. That 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 cap could be more valuable than what they saved buying him out because they weren't anywhere competitive those years anyways.
So I’ll ask again here:

Are you saying he should have traded Zadina for a haul? How could he have done so if he sucked? How is getting maybe like a 6th any better than seeing if he finds his game?

Or are you saying keeping Zadina around somehow affected our place in the standings?

Either way, it makes no sense.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
So I’ll ask again here:

Are you saying he should have traded Zadina for a haul? How could he have done so if he sucked? How is getting maybe like a 6th any better than seeing if he finds his game?

Or are you saying keeping Zadina around somehow affected our place in the standings?

Either way, it makes no sense.
You keep asking me to play Retro-GM here, so ok, I would have recognized Zadina sucks from an internal scouting assessment and traded him for the best possible package before the rest of the League caught on that he sucked.

Really not sure what you're asking of me here. I understand being a GM is hard... that's why we're discussing this all here. I assume we all agree that nobody is batting a thousand here?
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Registered User
May 5, 2007
They’re 10th in league scoring IIRC
How do they do that with both no depth or elite talent?
As another poster already said, bottom 5 in both shots/game and shots against/game. That sounds exactly like average depth with no elite talent. Detroit has been more lucky than good this season.

Bank Shot

Registered User
Jan 18, 2006
As another poster already said, bottom 5 in both shots/game and shots against/game. That sounds exactly like average depth with no elite talent. Detroit has been more lucky than good this season.
See: Kraken, Seattle for more details.

Being top 5 in 5v5 shooting % hides a lot of warts.
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Registered User
May 5, 2007
Please dissect it line by line. Should be easy if I "don't really know about" the things mentioned.
As a wings fan, what you said is pretty spot on. The team right now has a mix of aging veterans and some key players in their prime. A lot of decent prospects, but none really stand out as difference makers. The team might put it together for a year or two to make the playoffs and maybe even win a series or two, but likely not a true contender.
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Jul 2, 2014
Imprisonment, TN
You keep asking me to play Retro-GM here, so ok, I would have recognized Zadina sucks from an internal scouting assessment and traded him for the best possible package before the rest of the League caught on that he sucked.

Really not sure what you're asking of me here. I understand being a GM is hard... that's why we're discussing this all here. I assume we all agree that nobody is batting a thousand here?

Yzerman seemingly has a good reputation among his colleagues in the league. You want him to piss on that?

How is that "good GMing"? That might be a great strategy on NHL24 when you're playing GM mode on a video game tho-


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Yzerman seemingly has a good reputation among his colleagues in the league. You want him to piss on that?

How is that "good GMing"? That might be a great strategy on NHL24 when you're playing GM mode on a video game tho-
What? I can accept "hindsight is 20/20, they wanted to kick the tires and see what they had with Zadina given the draft capital".... I can't accept "making a lopsided trade [Drouin for Sergachev comes to mind from Tampa] would hurt his reputation among his colleagues". That's just a silly consideration to even bring up. I'm not talking about anything that skirts an ethical line like withholding medical information or that thing the Senators GM did with the no trade clause.
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Jul 2, 2014
Imprisonment, TN
What? I can accept "hindsight is 20/20, they wanted to kick the tires and see what they had with Zadina given the draft capital".... I can't accept "making a lopsided trade [Drouin for Sergachev comes to mind from Tampa] would hurt his reputation among his colleagues". That's just a silly consideration to even bring up. I'm not talking about anything that skirts an ethical line like withholding medical information or that thing the Senators GM did with the no trade clause.

Weird comment. If Zadina was putting up Drouin type points (53pts) his 3rd season in DET, they'd be happy. He'd be a real asset.

Zadina is a bust and will be out of the NHL soon. Drouin carved out an NHL career.

Sure, maybe Yzerman could have gotten the 270th pick for Zadina before "his jig was up". Lol!

If that is your example of how bad Yzerman is, then boy are you going to HATE 31 other GMs around the league!


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Weird comment. If Zadina was putting up Drouin type points (53pts) his 3rd season in DET, they'd be happy. He'd be a real asset.

Zadina is a bust and will be out of the NHL soon. Drouin carved out an NHL career.

Sure, maybe Yzerman could have gotten the 270th pick for Zadina before "his jig was up". Lol!

If that is your example of how bad Yzerman is, then boy are you going to HATE 31 other GMs around the league!
Ok you’re really nitpicking now out of a massive defensiveness. I made a long post and you want to focus on one mention of Zadina which was just an example of how things unfolded. Like wow, you really took my whole post and decided the thesis had something to do with Zadina? Of course not, you’re smarter than that. I don’t even know what you’re talking about with Drouin, all I said is good GMs make lopsided trades in their favor. That’s not even close to controversial. This is an odd deflection to ignore the broader discussion on the state of the Wings.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
WOW, now Yzerman should have kept Abdelkader around longer. Imagine how many more wins and development we would have if Yzerman had just been more patient. He probably should have kept Ericsson longer too.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
WOW, now Yzerman should have kept Abdelkader around longer.
That would have undoubtedly been the smarter move, yes. Stick him in Grand Rapids, let him him LTIRetire, all better than eating dead cap until 2026. It's not a "big" deal, it's just a thing that happened...


Registered User
Feb 20, 2007
If you have watched any Steve Yzerman interviews then you'd know how far off you are. He's pretty clear and has been honest about the direction of the team. A lot of things you say are head scratchers and come off like you are trying to create some kind of weird narrative contrary to the facts.

His interviews are like when Ron Hextall was GM... always a few years away in perpetuity.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
Tampere, Finland
Copp/Holl/Compher/Ghost/Chiarot/Petry are all spot holders for the young prospects who are cooking up in the minors.

These are players with experience who are also setting a good culture for the younger players. They are showing them how to be an everyday pro on and off the ice. These intangibles are often neglected while looking at a team’s signings.

At the time of the signings, Detroit could afford whoever they wanted to sign for how much ever they wanted. That’s the power of being in a rebuild.

Not many people realize that the dates of these expiring contracts correlate closely to the time lines of potential players (again in the minors) being ready to take the next few steps and integrate into their current roster spots. Whether it be just cracking the line up or being implemented in a top 6 roll.

I think it’s safe to say 95% of Yzerman haters or people who think he’s done a lousy job don’t at all follow the red wings and aren’t aware of how empty the prospect cupbord was when he inherited the team.

The late owner had one goal in mind and it was to compete for a playoff spot/cup at all costs. Holland takes heat for it more often than not, but him trading away every first and second draft pick available was just him following his orders. What sucks is the picks he actually had, ended up being dud drafts.

Fast forward to Yzerman’s drafting since he’s inherited the team. Bad lottery luck, doesn’t matter still got a first line player. Made a plethora of trades to inquire draft picks. Yes I know, what’s taking so long for these picks… they are developing the right way. They aren’t being forced into the league to play a position in the line up that they don’t belong.

Which circles back to the veteran signings of Copp and co. If the young kids can’t beat out a Copp, then they aren’t ready. Internal competition is what makes a team a Stanley cup winner. Unless you have a Bedard or McDavidesque player fall on your lap, and even then ask Edmonton how that’s worked for them so far….. rebuilds take a while. Development doesn’t happen over night. Patience is required.

Most wings fans understand that and have been patient. Some guys are under the illusion that the Copp and co. Are the core and we must win with them now; but in reality, these guys are just a stopgap for the talent that’s yet to come. If this team makes the playoffs this year, I think it’s an overachievement.

At the beginning of the year, just competing into the end of March was viewed as a tremendous success and a step forward in the rebuild….

TL;DR Yzerman is probably a better GM than most realize


Greatest post in a while on this board.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
You keep asking me to play Retro-GM here, so ok, I would have recognized Zadina sucks from an internal scouting assessment and traded him for the best possible package before the rest of the League caught on that he sucked.

Really not sure what you're asking of me here. I understand being a GM is hard... that's why we're discussing this all here. I assume we all agree that nobody is batting a thousand here?
So basically you’re saying he should have just ripped off another team as a criticism for him?
Using this logic, your GM failed if Reichel is not traded for a 1st this off season.

Is it possible that everyone else also realized that Zadina sucked and it was better off trying to see if he can figure out his game instead of receiving like a 5th round pick? There’s a reason he started falling in the draft?


Jul 2, 2014
Imprisonment, TN
His interviews are like when Ron Hextall was GM... always a few years away in perpetuity.

If you actually listen to his interviews you'll see his outline and thought process. True, he doesn't use interviews as a chance to posture or reveal any juicy inside details. He does keep his cards close to his chest in that sense.

Sorry that doesn't sit well with you.


Jul 2, 2014
Imprisonment, TN
Ok you’re really nitpicking now out of a massive defensiveness. I made a long post and you want to focus on one mention of Zadina which was just an example of how things unfolded. Like wow, you really took my whole post and decided the thesis had something to do with Zadina? Of course not, you’re smarter than that. I don’t even know what you’re talking about with Drouin, all I said is good GMs make lopsided trades in their favor. That’s not even close to controversial. This is an odd deflection to ignore the broader discussion on the state of the Wings.

Sorry, I didn't read your long post. I kept nodding off when I tried and it didn't make any sense to reality.

The Zadina zinger was near the top of your manifesto, so I picked that one for a rebuttal. Jesus turned water into wine, but Yzerman failed to change Zadina into a 1st... officially proving Yzerman is, in fact, not Jesus!


Registered User
Aug 11, 2020
Sorry, I didn't read your long post. I kept nodding off when I tried and it didn't make any sense to reality.

The Zadina zinger was near the top of your manifesto, so I picked that one for a rebuttal. Jesus turned water into wine, but Yzerman failed to change Zadina into a 1st... officially proving Yzerman is, in fact, not Jesus!

Jesus was doing miracle whenever he ses fit.
We have a lot more compeling arguments when it comes to the whole Yzerman non equal Jesus.

Indrid Cold

Registered User
Oct 24, 2022

Greatest post in a while on this board.

The Wings have, what, 5 blue chip prospects not on the team yet, 6 if you include Ed. Only 2 blue chippers are on the team, and contributing mightily, Mo and Ray.

It's hard to grade the rebuild with placeholder players.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2008
Promote a losing culture then you've effectively become Ottawa, Buffalo, Arizona. YEE-HAW!
You've missed the playoff 7 years in a row, may or may not be 8 soon. Not sure you're in a position to throw shade.


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