Movies: War for the Planet of the Apes


Registered User
Sep 16, 2006
A couple dozen apes run in to the woods and then defeat the greatest war machines the world has ever known. Just throw in some cliched virus/disease and presto...

So believable...

It reminds me of how the electronics industry convinced a whole generation of young people that it is better to watch streaming movies on a 10 inch pad instead of on a big screen TV.

I really laughed when I caught some of the power rangers movie and the robot said, " I am a talking robot. You can trust me."

They don't even try to hide the fact they are programming you anymore.
Hard to have a great war machine when society has completely collapsed and the vast majority of people are dead.

Pretty disappointed considering how much I love this franchise. The first half of the movie is a total mess - incredibly slow, paced poorly, with bizarre changes in tone that are not consistent. Picks itself back up during the second half but still feels really incomplete. It really felt like a modern version of those sequels to the original Planet of the Apes.
The first half is slow, but it could have been okay.

The problem is it ended up feeling like they mashed 2 different ideas together then tacked on a ****** dumb ending.

Admittedly I am in foreign waters here, so just throwing in my two cents. I thought it was supposed to be character driven, and that it worked very well on that level. What it lacked in terms of thrills, it made up for in depth. Not a bad trade. Plus, I thought visually it was very well executed. I'd guess that whatever the initial reactions are, this movie will wear really well.

It had some great character building scenes, but nothing really came of any of it.

One of the best movies of all time. Period.

It was mediocre at best.

[spoil]Just watch a bit of an old western, turn it off before it gets good. Then watch a chunk of the great escape. Then um... I don't even know wtf that battle was so I guess just watch some baysplosions. Finish it up with any retelling of exodus[/spoil]

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Registered User
Mar 5, 2011
I know these films aren't a direct prequel by any means to the original film however, I found this to be disappointing. I found it did not progress the overall plot whats so ever. Was a very personal movie, although was a fitting end. Just left questions.


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
I know these films aren't a direct prequel by any means to the original film however, I found this to be disappointing. I found it did not progress the overall plot whats so ever. Was a very personal movie, although was a fitting end. Just left questions.

The whole trilogy was very personal to Caesar. It was about him and how he sets off the events that lead to an eventual planet of the apes. The plot is his story really so I loved it.


Pseudo Intellectual
Aug 2, 2005
I didn't like Rise OTPOTA at all. Very mediocre. It made me uninterested in the next two movies.

However, many people I respect have been praising the current film, so I decided to check out Dawn OTPOTA. To my surprise I liked it and thought it was well done. I'm looking forward to seeing the new movie now.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2016
Just left theater.

I'm not sure what to think, I honestly do not know. I liked it for sure but some stuff was a little odd, like that one comic relief ape was out of place I thought.

Ending was kind of convenient, so Ceaser survives his wounds for what we can only assume has to be days if not weeks for him to die as soon as they arrive? C'mon man

Dubi Doo

Registered User
Aug 27, 2008
It was pretty good. It didn't meet my expectations, but I had a strong attachment to the apes through out the movie. The ending was great. It hit me right in the gut.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Just saw it. It seemed kinda slow and kinda sloppy.

My only lasting thought after leaving the theater is what would be more terrifying to do in real life...

1) Dunce slap a 500lb gorilla as hard as you can in the back of the head


2) Walk into an enclosed area filled with 100+ fully grown chips that you've made hate and fear you

The balls on some of these humans :laugh: Bill Burr said it best, these movies should be rated R and should show the Apes ripping people's faces and limbs off to be more realistic.

Apes are scary man, this whole trilogy had people ****ing with them and I don't get how they could be so careless with their own lives


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
Finally got around to seeing it. I thought it was a great conclusion to a great trilogy.

The trailer for this movie was a mistake though, it gave the audience the wrong impression that the movie was a war/action-heavy movie when it wasn't. It's a very heavy character focused movie.

I have loved the character of Caesar since the first movie. This one is about a very dark moment in his life. And the movie does not focused on anything else outside of that, and most of the characters can't have conventional speaking conversations. So I can see why some people might have felt the movie was slow.

But man, I'm impressed how well the apes look in this movie. Maybe part of it I've just gotten used to them over a trilogy, but they looked real to me. Maybe it's also because we've known most of these ape characters for a long time, so at this point i'm really invested in them.

Andy Serkis should win a bleeping Oscar already.

I don't know if they will make any more Ape movies, but I certainly think more stories can be made based off this world. But if this is all there is going to be, that'd be fine. (And if they make more, will Fox stop it with the crappy marketing? I almost didn't watch the first one either because the trailer made it look like a stupid remake cash grab)

Strongly recommended.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
8/10, pretty good movie. I thought Woody Harrelson's character would be a little bit better but he still did a fantastic job, the end does a great job showing you how it became a planet of the apes and it now sets up the franchise for the next couple movies, which I hope they make.


HFBoards Sponsor
Nov 26, 2003
Saint John
I thought it was good but I'd rank it 3rd of the 3 movies.

My biggest issue was the girl walking into the camp without anyone seeing her. They say that they are preparing for the end of times war but no one is watching the front gate? I don't think so.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2010
Just left theater.

I'm not sure what to think, I honestly do not know. I liked it for sure but some stuff was a little odd, like that one comic relief ape was out of place I thought.

Ending was kind of convenient, so Ceaser survives his wounds for what we can only assume has to be days if not weeks for him to die as soon as they arrive? C'mon man

WHAT THE ****! Use a spoiler tag! Thanks, you just ruined the ending to my favourite trilogy.

Quack Shot

Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
WHAT THE ****! Use a spoiler tag! Thanks, you just ruined the ending to my favourite trilogy.

It's standard to put details about the movie after the movie has been released. Before hand no, but after is fair game and the standard every thread has in the Entertainment forum.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
Finally got around to seeing it. I thought it was a great conclusion to a great trilogy.

The trailer for this movie was a mistake though, it gave the audience the wrong impression that the movie was a war/action-heavy movie when it wasn't. It's a very heavy character focused movie.

I have loved the character of Caesar since the first movie. This one is about a very dark moment in his life. And the movie does not focused on anything else outside of that, and most of the characters can't have conventional speaking conversations. So I can see why some people might have felt the movie was slow.

I don't know if they will make any more Ape movies, but I certainly think more stories can be made based off this world. But if this is all there is going to be, that'd be fine. (And if they make more, will Fox stop it with the crappy marketing? I almost didn't watch the first one either because the trailer made it look like a stupid remake cash grab)

The bolded is pretty much my thoughts as well, i thought we'd be seeing a lot of fighting, sort of like Guerrilla warfare (no pun intended) with everything culminating at the end. I wanted to see more Woody Harrelson too.

I think they will continue the series. I can't see why they wouldn't.

A couple dozen apes run in to the woods and then defeat the greatest war machines the world has ever known. Just throw in some cliched virus/disease and presto...

So believable...

This great war machine, is running on a finite amount of weapons/ammo, and is also on its last legs. Essentially everyone on earth died except for 1-3% of the population (forget what it is exactly), they also have no air ordnance.


Hardline Moderate
Jun 6, 2011
Enjoyed it. Didn't love it. Watching the planet transform into Ape-land is cool, but the supposed character development is cookie-cutter. Caesar is a great character, but does he really have to sound like Batman?


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
What demographic were the filmmakers targeting?

It felt like a Planet Of The Apes for kids

Other than Caesar's Oscar worthy performance, there wasn't a lot in this film to hold my interest


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
I don't think this movie has gotten enough credit for being as good as it is. It is easily among the best US movies of the year.


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