Confirmed with Link: Unified Suspension Theory (Thornton Gets 15, Engo Gets 5)


Analytics please
May 10, 2010
I'm torn because the NHL typically undershoots the estimates for games, but they also know that the concussion lawsuit is looming and watching to see their response. I think they will CYA and 30+ on Thornton because of that.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Neal gets 2-3. Repeat offender goes away after 18 months and ONLY applies to how salary docked is calculated (per CBA).

Thornton gets ... a lot. I know that the plaintiffs in the concussion lawsuit against the NHL have already made it known they intend to use the outcome of his case in their case, if they feel it's light. NHL will give him as much as they think they can. I'm guessing 20.


Registered User
Sep 7, 2007
The Neal play was penalized appropriately. Marchand was clearly not effective. You could not cleary determine intent from any angle. It is merely blow up and out of proportion by people who want to justify Thorton's actions. If Marchand's reaction to the knee is the only thing you staking this suspension on, then you really need a more reliable witness.

Thorton should receive a lifetime ban from the NHL, and that should be the least of his worries. No athlete deserves the privledge to earn thousands / millions of dollars playing their sport after doing what he did. Its an absolute inexcusible disgrace.

The NHL has to put a stop to the thug-life behavior that is ever escalating. They missed the boat on Emery early this year. If they let this slide with a suspension, then its a sign that we haven't hit rock bottom yet. And i'm afraid its going to take a death or paralyzation for the NHL to do so. When that happens, we will look back on the Thorton incident as a big missed opportunity to curb it.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2011
Who knows and who cares???

This is the league that did nothing to Shea Weber after he cracked another human beings head into the glass.

Quoting for that being one of the most egregious non-suspensions in years. Basically tells you all you need to know about how the league runs when one of the premier players in the game gets his head smashed into the boards a couple of times and nothing comes of it.

Neal is extremely lucky Marchand didn't miss a shift, as the result of the play is the biggest criteria in suspension length. Let's be honest, Thornton would be looking at 2 games tops, if any, if Orpik didn't leave the arena on a stretcher. I hate, hate, hate that the NHL uses whether or not a significant injury occurs as the basis for the suspension length. It's so idiotic, an ******* move is an ******* move and should be treated as such regardless of the outcome.
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Hop in the Cordoba, Baby, we're goin' bowlin!
May 25, 2006
I'm torn because I view the Neal hit to be very similar to the Steckle hit on Crosby. Both are clearly "looking" the other way. However, I was for harsh punishment for Steckle, so I'm also for harsh punishment for Neal.

I would fine with 10 games for Neal and 20 for Thornton.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
The NHL didn't give out a lifetime ban for Bertuzzi, so I doubt they will for Thornton.

I think it's kind of sick the way the Bruins have been going out of their way to make it seem like Thornton is just some nice guy that made a minor mistake while the Penguins are all so evil since then. They're clearly trying to influence the suspensions doled out. Or am I the only one who noticed that while teams normally don't normally state how a player got injured, the Bruins put out that Chris Kelly's ankle was broken by "a slash from the Penguins' Pascal Dupuis" into their press release. Nevermind the fact that on that play Kelly was hacking, whacking and cross-checking Dupuis, while Dupuis was trying to play the puck, and hit Kelly's foot in the process.

Oh, and let's also ignore that not only was Marchand back in the game after that devastating Neal hit, but Marchand was throwing sticks into the faces of Pens away from the puck the entire rest of the game. He only got called for it once, though.

Neal should get something like 3-5 games, based on how easy it is to determine intent.
With Thornton, there's no question of intent. He should get 20+. But my guess is that they'll hide behind his lack of suspension history and he'll end up with no more than 10, thanks to all of the campaigning the Bruins are doing to make it seem like the Pens "deserved" to have Orpik injured.

I'm just so sick of the Bruins. They are such quintessential schoolyard bullies. They constantly hack and whack with their sticks, they run goalies, they take shots at people after the whistle, and they injure more than their fair share of opposing players (the Pens have lost at least one player to injury per season against the Bruins dating back at least to Mark Eaton's leg being broken in the 07/08 season), but if anyone doesn't just fold to them, they whine and cry about how dirty the other team is.

Try to fight? They send an experienced fighter to pummel your guy, and then laugh about how you're trying to out-physical them.
Try to hit them? They cry and whine about how dirty you are, and then do such things as Chara on Pacioretty and Thornton on Orpik.
Try to skate away and ignore them? Same as if you hit them, only add in how you aren't "following the code" (again, see: Thornton on Orpik).

If I were to follow the typical Bruins' backers modus operandi, then the blame shouldn't be on Neal for his hit to Marchand's head - it would be on Marchand for diving to the ice and staying there after Crosby tripped him (oh wait, following the same MO, I'd have to say that Marchand tripped himself, too). After all, he should have "manned up" and not laid down on the ice for so long! Obviously, that's ridiculous, but that's the same logic as saying that Orpik is somehow at fault for Thornton assaulting him from behind.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
You know it's pretty ****in sad when the player dishing out the dirty play takes more responsibility and owns up more than the coach. I saw Julien's comments from yesterday or whenever they were and I lost all respect for the guy. He spent the entire time trying to spin it like Orpik's hit was dirty, like Bylsma was the only person saying it was a clean hit. ****ing EVERYONE but you has said it was a clean hit, Clode. NHL Network guys, TSN / McKenzie, everyone...

Sometimes the coach-speak routine can be humorous but this time it's just pathetic. STHU and tell the truth which is that it was a clean, non-headshot hit where the timing was borderline. That's the worst you can say about it -- that it looked close because of where the puck was (and even then only when looking at it in slow motion, which the refs don't get to do). Then add that Thornton's move was inexcusable and move on. He also ragged on Neal without saying Neal, but I don't have as big a problem with that. Neal's move was garbage too.

My predictions:

Neal 4 Games (2 for the hit because it didn't cause injury, 2 for prior history)

Thornton 14 Games (to make it an even 10 more than Neal and send a message that this sucker-punching **** is not tolerated).

Meantime Kelly Chase increasing his reputation as a bumbling idiot this morning on NHL Network, now saying what Thornton did was no worse than guys who are standing on their feet jabbing at one another post-whistle. What a ****ing joke. Go take some vitamins, Kelly. See if you can boost your IQ up over the 90 point threshhold. Someone draw this moron a diagram because he's clearly incapable of thinking through a question and articulating an intelligent response.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
I was going to wait for the suspensions to be announced to ask this, but having just seen Julien's response and Chase's comments ... So, do you think Mario was right about it being a "garage league"?


Aug 14, 2011
The 'mistake' part really pisses me off. Thornton didn't make a mistake, he made a choice. A typo is a mistake. Assaulting someone from behind during a stopage of play is a choice.

For him to say 'Obviously I made a mistake' is nothing more than a cheap cop out on par with his already cheap actions. It implies that the situation was beyond his control or nothing more than an error.

If he was truly repentant, rather than simply trying to garner sympathy in a wag the dog kind of way, he would be owning his actions. Instead of saying 'Obviously I made a mistake' he would be saying something like 'I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgement, and I made a bad decision. I clearly was not thinking and truly regret my actions, and will face the consequences.'

Saying 'I made a mistake' isn't manning up, it's copping out.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
I was going to wait for the suspensions to be announced to ask this, but having just seen Julien's response and Chase's comments ... So, do you think Mario was right about it being a "garage league"?

Starting to... yes. Although people never accept that comment because of how long we had Cooke (right or wrong, and regardless of him cleaning up his act). You could argue we did the right thing though (help him to clean up his act instead of getting rid of him and letting him go do the same thing somewhere else).


Registered User
May 8, 2013
New Jersey
I hope the league makes an example out of this situation and does this. A lot of guys would sure think twice about pulling some crazy stunt like attacking someone from behind if they were going to be suspended for 1/4 of the season. I've seen some guys over the years show a complete lack of respect towards the safety of other players. Things need to change fast because it seems like it's only gotten worse in the last 5 years and players are getting injured left, right, and center.

But they won't because the NHL is letting this WWE tough guy roid rage **** continue and refuses to stop it. The NFL saw Tomlin put a foot on the field and is considering taking away a draft pick. That idiot slackjawed moron from the Dolphins is being verbally berated by every football analyst in the country. Not this ******* sport. It makes me ashamed to say I am a fan of Hockey when an idiot decides to grab someone from behind and beat him until he is unconscious and the NHL analysts say the Neal knee to the face that may or may not have been intentional is the DIRTIEST thing that happened in that game. This NHL culture is ****ed up. What is the popular opinion of NHL analysts for what happened? It was Brooks Orpik's fault for not fighting. This is a joke.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
Tampa, Florida
Eriksson most likely done for the year and Kelly out a long time. Thornton? who knows? Do I want suspensions of any Pens players? Nope, it just makes for a great next matchup. Rockem sockem goon hockey is what I live for lol


predict: 2 for Neal, 20 for Thornton

should be: 5 for Neal, rest of season + playoffs for caveman

Le Magnifique 66

Let's Go Pens
Jun 9, 2006
Neal will get IMO between 3 and 5 and he deserves it. That was stupid from him.

As for Thornton the NHL eventually will have to use a bum like him to make a statement or else stupidity like that will keep happening until someone actually dies out there


I may be older but I'm never forgetting #47 & #41
Oct 5, 2009
I Love Scotch
Is it just me or does it seem like this season there are a lot more borderline plays and guys getting suspended? I have no idea what the numbers are, but it just seems that way to me.


Butcher's Dog
Jul 22, 2013
Nicosia, Cyprus
Intention on Neal is impossible to prove. Crosby trips the biggest rat of today's hockey and he fall face first on Neal's skating line. No way for suspension for Neal. Thornton, on the other hand, made a conscious choice of slewfooting and pummeling Orpik post-whistle and that should be penalized for 20+ games for sure. Orpik's hit on Eriksson was clean, but traditionally Boston rats seem to have zero understanding what tough hockey means. Sorry for the outburst but this **** makes me sick.

Le Magnifique 66

Let's Go Pens
Jun 9, 2006
Is it just me or does it seem like this season there are a lot more borderline plays and guys getting suspended? I have no idea what the numbers are, but it just seems that way to me.

Also started early with the Kessel-Scott-Clarkson crap in the pre season. NHL needs to do something with simply goons. Get rid of them once and for all


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
If there's anything more pathetic and annoying than a Boston fan, I hope I never encounter it. Their douchness transcends sports

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
Some decent points by Kerry Fraser (or as I like to call him Captain Gelcut) about Saturday's madness. I think I agree with pretty much everything he says.

It's high time for the NHL brass, their Officiating Department and the NHLPA to put their collective heads together to provide meaningful player safety measures that aren't being achieved through current attempts. Consistently applied player suspensions aren't the only tool to curb dangerous and unwanted hits to the head. We need to take a step back and have a serious discussion, recognizing that education will be the key to effectively changing this destructive culture at all levels of the game.

Players often seek out retribution for hits, even those deemed legal, that are delivered to one of their teammates. Following a "big" hit, the temperature of the game can immediately elevate to the near boiling point. At such times, the referee's primary job is to take whatever measures necessary to control the environment. To do that, he has to have a "feel" for the game and what is required. A better job could have been done by the refs in that regard after Orpik delivered a hard, legal open-ice check that knocked Loui Erisksson out of the game on the very first shift....

He goes into detail about the chain of events and I think he pretty much nailed it. Once again the refs let things get out of control when they had multiple opportunities to send not only the players but both coaches a message early on.

And "BigBruin49's" comment is the stuff of legend.

Kerry, Please tell me why Loui has a concussion?It was not legal He got hit in the head. 6 games for Orpik. Thornto gets 5 as a first offender. Neal gets 8 and Dupuis 3 for his slash.

Seriously all you can do is :laugh: and feel sorry for the person who has to go through life with a heavily stunted intelligence level. Yes, 17 collective games for Penguin players, 5 for the slewfooting head-puncher. Makes perfect sense. Also Marchand and Kelly should get an automatic Pearson nomination. TSN "board" upholding its reputation as the biggest collection of idiot hockey fans anywhere in NA. Which is ironic because TSN is some of the best hockey reporting.
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Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
not by the NHL's rules. Repeat offender status is revoked 18 months after the previous suspension ends. Neal's last suspension was 20 months ago in April 2012.

"Repeat offender" is a collective bargaining designation, not really a player discipline designation. Difference between "repeat offender" and guy who elbowed guy 5 years ago but did nothing since is that the way wage garnishments are calculated upon suspension. "Repeat offender" status allows more money to be taken from the player.

Not being a "repeat offender" does not, however, reduce the number of games a guy with a history is suspended. Note that in Kaleta's suspension videos, Shanahan was bringing up stuff that happened 6, 7 years ago.

My guess is Neal gets 3 at most, possibly 2. While what he did is pretty bad, there was no injury and Shanahan has tended to be pretty lenient in those cases, rightly or wrongly.

Thornton, on the other hand, is gonna get hammered. Not only did the optics look terrible, but his timing is worse (attacking a player while the NHL is being sued under the premise they haven't done enough to keep players safe), and he's the type of guy that won't be missed. I expect North of 10.


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