OT: The overwhelming negativity of this board


Out rumptackling
Oct 3, 2010
I don't ask people who are happy about the state of the franchise to change their stance to make me happy. So please allow me to be pessimistic about the state of the franchise. Of course, maybe I'm wrong and feel free me to convince me otherwise, this is why we are all here. If we all agreed on everything there would be no point to have a forum.

Also, the ignore function is great: use it. I don't use it to filter out people I disagree with but rather people who are rude, aggressive, or who keep repeating the same thing over and over. I actually love this forum. I only see the quality posts!


Registered User
Jul 9, 2020
The more questionable trades get the longer threads. The consensus was the Murray trade was good. He was my first option out of all the goalies they were rumored to be interested in. Gudbranson for a 5th and Brown for a 4th will get more attention because the quality of the trade is subject to a little more debate. I found when I posted saying I personally didn't think Josh Brown was worth a 4th there were multiple comments saying "a 4th is nothing, people are overreacting". I'm not upset about the trade happening, I'm providing my opinion on the trade. These threads are meant to be an opportunity to discuss and share thoughts. Calling for people to get banned just seems way over the top. If you don't like someone's posts just don't engage with them.

If people are more down on where the team is at I don't blame them. I'm optimistic about the general direction the team is headed. I don't think the team will ever operate with hockey operations in mind as much as budget and that's just a reality until Melnyk sells. Dorion catches a lot of shit on here and I think it can be unwarranted. His drafting has been good and he did alright on the rebuild trades considering he wasn't trading from a position of power. If you take in to account he has to operate under Melnyk's constraints he does alright. That doesn't make him infallible. He can make some bad trades. He quite literally got duped by Wilson in the Hoffman trade. He also should have fought harder to keep Stone who would have been exactly what we needed to mentor a young core at a position we're lacking. I can't even say the Stone comment without people trying to argue that Stone didn't actually want to sign. If we had anywhere near normal ownership Stone would have been re-signed and given the captaincy. Everyone on here is saying we're bringing in Gudbranson and Brown in for leadership when we traded away Stone who did an amazing job mentoring Brady in his first season. You cannot defend these moves because they're just bad moves. Just because someone is a GM doesn't mean they're above critique.

I was overall happy with the draft and thought we did quite well. There were a few picks I didn't agree with and when I commented that I immediately had people posting things like "you're not a scout" and "only time will tell". These are not constructive comments and provide nothing to the discourse. No shit the people posting in a HFBoard thread on draft day aren't scouts. Of course only time will tell with prospects. That doesn't mean people aren't allowed an opinion. This is not a young or old person issue, this has to do with whether you're actually willing to discuss something or just want to all agree an move on.

I'll end this by saying I know I can add to the negativity and that's not constructive. At the end of the day we all want to see this team win the Cup.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2016
I would feel more positive if the message we were getting was we will do whatever it takes to make a cup winning team even if that means spending to the cap, instead of why should Melnyk spend on the team when fans don’t spend money.

I think Dorion could make a great team if his contraints were lifted. We have some awesome prospects, but will we be able to sign them all when the times comes or will they have to leave like Stone, Karlsson, etc. I want to be hopeful, but is hard when I keep getting disappointed.
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Generational Backhand Pass
Nov 27, 2016
Sup dudes. Coming over from HFOil and want to make Ottawa my 2nd team since my interest in this club is gradually increasing.

Talking about negativity, there is a lot on HFOil but you gotta ignore that stuff. Still some quality posters around but the usual suspects (as on every message board) can thrive and derail threads. Best not to give'em any attention. Also praise to the "Ignore/Block" option.

From the outside looking in, I have to say that the pipeline of prospects you guys have is absolutely amazing. I just love the young guns you have in your system. I'd like the Oilers to have something remotely close to that. You guys have Chabot, Brady, Batherson, Norris and just got Stützle and Sanderson. Those guys are beasts. Not to mention one of my favourite tendies just got traded to you. Sure the owner stinks (f*** Melnyk) but the positives outweigh the negatives by so effing much that there is just no reason to be negative.

You guys also got your iconic logo back and everyone is digging it. For sure ordering a Chabot this Xmas.

A lot of people still care about this club and team and I wish them all the success they can have.

To me, you guys come along funny and knowledgeable on the mains and I always have a good laugh at some of your avatars.

No reason to be negative my dudes. I'm looking forward to the new season.
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Condra Fan
Mar 27, 2012
How times have changed, remember when I won most optimistic on HFboards awards like 2-3 years in a row and some were tired of the optimism lol.

I cant blame some of the negativity here, we have become a farm team for the elite teams.

Everything.... everything went terrible when Alfredsson left. Karlsson changed... the team changed. Alfredsson left specifically cause of Melnyk. After that it was just a cluster ***** of watching our best players leave.

We are so so so fortunate to have had Bryan Murray; say what you will but his demeanor and amazing personality/genuinity saved this franchise from being way worse than things could be.

Watching Stone leave had to hurt the most. A top 5 26 year old winger who loved this team and is one of the best motivators had to leave cause of Melnyk.

Never change that optimism my bro. I always appreciate it and it gets me psyched when reading your posts.

Don't be preening yourself in this false nostalgia of better times.

Board is no better or worse than it used to be.

Most posters complaining about the quality of posts used to be poor quality posters.

You guys are hilarious.
Thanks for the laugh at this late hour.


IMO the bolded is false. I lurked for a year or so before joining in 2012, and was a mod of a number years. You get to really see the seedy underbelly of HF Sens. It 100% went downhill over the years. I don't necessarily blame the posters completely. The team has been handed so many sacks of dog sh*t over the past 5 years, you can't help but be negative around the operations of the franchise. That said, I think the negativity is also the reflection of how the internet in general has evolved. I agree with above posters that HF seems to be a place where others can vent out their frustrations about life in general, just like what is seen with other social media platforms such as Twitter. But here, a poster can focus that negativity on something they have a good knowledge about (and thus a strong opinion).

Eventually, the negativity arguing over the same subjects is what led me to detach from the boards and step down as a mod, which is a shame because I really enjoyed it prior to 2019. It wasn't the losing that made me step down, it was the posters bickering over the same old things. I have mad respect for the current mods.

I'd love it if we could turn the vibe around to what it was in the early to mid 2010's again, but I'm not sure that's so easy anymore. I think once this team is winning again, the culture here will change. Man we had some fun years with epic GDT's and general silliness. But like I said, the evolution of the internet cannot be stopped.


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Nov 11, 2002
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I've always been one of the louder people here in favour of making this place more positive. But to be honest I feel like it's an impossible battle that's not even worth fighting anymore.

And beyond that, it feels like it's been way easier to avoid the negativity than it has been in the past. Like it was easy for me to not get bogged down in both the Brown and Gudbranson "shit show" threads that we saw. They were compelling for the same reasons why the Trump vs Biden debate was compelling (ie all the wrong reasons).

The reality is the consistent complainers have only a few straws left to grab for at this point in time. And the debates they latch on to are weak, and about inconsequential moves that are barely worth the hot air they spend on moaning about them. Because that's all that's left for them anymore...

The hard truth is that the future looks freaking great and despite what any of them say. And that Dorion has actually done a pretty swell job at ripping the team down (much of it inherited) and rebuild it according to his own vision. It's not easy to come around to this reality when you've spent years of time and energy arguing that the sky is falling.

It's clear how the team is being built here and how he wants his team to play. And it's like the opposite philosophy from how Dubas has built his team in Toronto, and I'm in complete support of Dorions vision at this point.

The Sens could literally be a nightmare inducing team for the eastern conference soon, especially in the playoffs where the speed and physicality picks up. Provided we get a legit #2C out of one of Brown, Norris, White, Pinto, or Greig - which I'll be shocked if we dont, then there isnt a lack of anything in the organization at the moment. Dorion has acquired everything that we need to get back to being a respectable team.

It's up to DJ and the development staff now to figure out a way to work all them into the lineup over the next few seasons. And with a little bit of ime marinating in NHL, I think this group turns into a legit playoff team within 2-3yrs, and possibly playing for a chance at the cup in years 4 and 5. It might sound like a long time, but keep in mind Brady will only be 26yrs and Chabot 28yrs - which sounds like a perfect age for them to be leading a young team into the promised land.
Great post. Ultimately the great debate where the negativity comes from will be solved as the team matures and the roster needs to be paid to be retained. That will be the turning point on these boards one way or another. I am sure posters will continue to argue back and forth but the real question will be answered.
No. This site is not your emotional release valve. The point of this site is to have discussions about the team, players, prospects, games, etc.
The organizations all encompassing news and actions are also to be discussed. I think we would all love for it to only be about hockey however unfortunately that just isnt the case with the Ottawa Senators at this junction. This post is exactly why these debates rage on so negatively. Ultimately you cant dictate how people feel or what they should discuss. As many have said the ignore feature is a handy tool. If you dont like what you are reading from a specific poster use it. I started to and its made my time here far more enjoyable. I dont agree with banning posters. I think it might be worthwhile if possible to track posters that make new alias's because so many people have blocked them. Then inform said posters so they can block them again.
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Registered User
Aug 7, 2020
I would feel more positive if the message we were getting was we will do whatever it takes to make a cup winning team even if that means spending to the cap, instead of why should Melnyk spend on the team when fans don’t spend money.

I think Dorion could make a great team if his contraints were lifted. We have some awesome prospects, but will we be able to sign them all when the times comes or will they have to leave like Stone, Karlsson, etc. I want to be hopeful, but is hard when I keep getting disappointed.

To be fair he didn’t go full cheapo untill the team started missing the playoffs and didn’t have those extra dollars anymore.
Having a team bounce from 8th to 12 year in year out made every second year a large loss.
I think paying Chabot and White way more than they should have was an attempt to show fans the new young group who is thought to be part of the rebuild was going to be taken care of.
The irony that it might end up costing a really good player later on is just life being a cruel mistress
Everyone gets upset about Zibby but the team will always have a bit of a budget going forward and they probably thought Brown would have been the number two center by now.
“Spending to the cap” is never going to be the message and being a smaller market that should be understood.
The team and fans were proud before the cap when they ran with the big boys at half the budget, if they can do it at 80% or so that is great. If the fans can’t accept smaller budget and one less star player than the money teams it will never work out in the city
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2016
To be fair he didn’t go full cheapo untill the team started missing the playoffs and didn’t have those extra dollars anymore.
Having a team bounce from 8th to 12 year in year out made every second year a large loss.
I think paying Chabot and White way more than they should have was an attempt to show fans the new young group who is thought to be part of the rebuild was going to be taken care of.
The irony that it might end up costing a really good player later on is just life being a cruel mistress
Everyone gets upset about Zibby but the team will always have a bit of a budget going forward and they probably thought Brown would have been the number two center by now.
“Spending to the cap” is never going to be the message and being a smaller market that should be understood.
The team and fans were proud before the cap when they ran with the big boys at half the budget, if they can do it at 80% or so that is great. If the fans can’t accept smaller budget and one less star player than the money teams it will never work out in the city

Why can Winnipeg and Calgary spend to the cap when needed? They are also small Canadian markets. He doesn’t have to spend to the cap every year, just when it looks like we can go the distance. This is what upsets fans so much. This why he is called El Cheapo.


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Nov 11, 2002
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This is exactly what I'm talking about. You never want to have a real discussion. You openly admitting that you to turn every discussion into what you call the "the shit-show this organization has been the last several years". This is absolutely against the rules of this site, and you need to be banned.
Pot Kettle. More than anyone you're trying to dictate here dude. Whether you want to discuss it or not topics like asset management are points of discussion. The team has finished bottom 2 for three straight seasons the GM' competence is going to come into quesrtion. Why dont you just hit ignore if you dont want to hear what he has to say.
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
It’s said people who critique are people who care, because they want things to change.

imagine the city of Ottawa was okay with Sens ownership and the moves management had made.

basically we are fans cheering for a team the owner hates and is doing everything to ruin, but for some stupid no good reason, fans are still here.

I say anyway you participate is fine. If you’re happy because you love Sparty then great. If you’re unhappy because you could of had Ryan Murray over Erik Gudbranson for that 5th round pick, then also legit.

theres a nugget of truth in everyone’s comments - and that nugget is Ottawa deserves better
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Condra Fan
Mar 27, 2012
It’s said people who critique are people who care, because they want things to change.


theres a nugget of truth in everyone’s comments - and that nugget is Ottawa deserves better

This is something Ian Mendes has been saying the last few years, and it's somehow quite comforting to me that a well respected media personality recognizes our pain. Most of the talking heads just report/ignore.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
This is something Ian Mendes has been saying the last few years, and it's somehow quite comforting to me that a well respected media personality recognizes our pain. Most of the talking heads just report/ignore.

Heard that. With zero leadership from ownership the fans have kinda of latched onto the media personalities as part of their identity to the club. It’s almost like if we lose Mendes, Simpson and Lloyd we’ll be losing a big part of the identity of the team. It’s created a tighter bond, like how people over 70 all watch CNN as a means of feeling they are part of an active assistance to Trump, TSN1200 might be the best thing about being a Sens fan the last couple of years. I still
Like a Chabot end to end, but with so much chaos around the team if Sens fans has to restart with new media personalities we’d quickly be into a Ron McLean ‘you’re not getting fired you’re getting a raise’ territory


Apr 27, 2010
So start banning the usual suspects. The mods were doing it earlier this year when the site admins intervened, but people whined and they've since backed off.
Having different opinions and voicing them doesn't go against the rules.

If people don't like a decision the team makes, its fair game to discuss.

You know what bogs down threads? Complaing about people having opinions you don't agree with.

The posts complaing about the relative length of threads are particularly bizarre. Everybody liked the Murray trade so there wasn't much to debate (it also happened when there was a lot of other stuff to discuss). Threads are longer when people disagree. It's not rocket science, controversial decision result in more discussion than those that are agreed upon.


Registered User
Aug 7, 2020
Why can Winnipeg and Calgary spend to the cap when needed? They are also small Canadian markets. He doesn’t have to spend to the cap every year, just when it looks like we can go the distance. This is what upsets fans so much. This why he is called El Cheapo.

Because Calgary is full of good ol boys that like their hockey and has almost no debt because they were bought many years ago for 14 million dollars. They are slowly loosing money but when your teams value goes from 14 million to 450 million a few million a year isn’t going to hurt. Once they have to start paying for that arena things might change in a hurry but if the payments are not much more than the lease they have now it won’t change.
I am not sure of the numbers on the old lease vrs. new arena but they also have a city helping out and building them an arena

The jets will start to see problems very soon but also get to write off the losses mixed in with the development business meaning they only lose half of what they lose. The sens took losses for years before they clamped down I don’t expect the jets will be ok losing money forever I’m guessing there spending habits change over the next five years.


Registered User
Aug 7, 2020
Why can Winnipeg and Calgary spend to the cap when needed? They are also small Canadian markets. He doesn’t have to spend to the cap every year, just when it looks like we can go the distance. This is what upsets fans so much. This why he is called El Cheapo.

double double


Erase me
Jan 28, 2019
Because Calgary is full of good ol boys that like their hockey and has almost no debt because they were bought many years ago for 14 million dollars. They are slowly loosing money but when your teams value goes from 14 million to 450 million a few million a year isn’t going to hurt. Once they have to start paying for that arena things might change in a hurry but if the payments are not much more than the lease they have now it won’t change.
I am not sure of the numbers on the old lease vrs. new arena but they also have a city helping out and building them an arena

The jets will start to see problems very soon but also get to write off the losses mixed in with the development business meaning they only lose half of what they lose. The sens took losses for years before they clamped down I don’t expect the jets will be ok losing money forever I’m guessing there spending habits change over the next five years.

The Jets are owned by the richest owner in the league and depending on write offs etc spend about $10 more than EM. He’s in the ball park (pre tear down) given he doesn’t have nearly the coin of Thompson and a smaller revenue base.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
Because Calgary is full of good ol boys that like their hockey and has almost no debt because they were bought many years ago for 14 million dollars. They are slowly loosing money but when your teams value goes from 14 million to 450 million a few million a year isn’t going to hurt. Once they have to start paying for that arena things might change in a hurry but if the payments are not much more than the lease they have now it won’t change.
I am not sure of the numbers on the old lease vrs. new arena but they also have a city helping out and building them an arena

The jets will start to see problems very soon but also get to write off the losses mixed in with the development business meaning they only lose half of what they lose. The sens took losses for years before they clamped down I don’t expect the jets will be ok losing money forever I’m guessing there spending habits change over the next five years.

Jets are owned by the richest man on Canada - doubt we see that


Registered User
Sep 12, 2005
You know what bogs down threads? Complaing about people having opinions you don't agree with.

In the interests of keeping this thread going i just want to say i disagree with this


Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
Why are the people that complain about negativity, also the biggest d*cks? Maybe stop being condescending aholes and people will change their tone.

This problem is a two way street, but running and crying because people dont share your views on the Ottawa Senators is such a weird cop out. Act all tough and mighty in threads and then create a thread like this...lol.

Like, even in this thread alone, the same apparently "positive" people continue to try to derail things. Just in a few pages, there are the usual suspects using the BAD FAN argument and I am sure @Sweatred has complained about Colin White somewhere in this thread.
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