The McDonagh trade

Number 57

Registered User
Dec 21, 2004
I just wanted to get something off my chest because many Habs fans always talk about the McDonagh-Gomez trade as such highway robbery and that the Rangers robbed us and stuff.

When you look back at things this wasn't a team build from 1st overall picks, this was just a team that had developed some nice young talent and had decided to add some key veterans on top of it and see what sticks.

Now when McD was traded nobody thought much of it. Nobody even cared about Higgins either. Good riddance. Goodbye the old boys club like Koivu, Chipchura, Komisarek. It was just about the Gomez-Gionta reunion, the addition of Cammalleri, the young 2nd line of Plekanec with the Kosts and the addition of Pouliot against Lats.

Nobody cared about McD and even less so when Gorges and Gill were blocking those shots in the playoffs, when Halak was stone-colding Crosby and Ovechkin and when Cammalleri was scoring all those goals against those top teams. Even though we didn't win anything, but we went far, we went further then we had been since 1993, and the memories man, the memories...

McDonagh was never a part of this team. He was never a Montreal Canadien. And a little bit like Vanek this year, guys like Gomez and Gill contributed to something that we will never forget: a deep playoff run that gave us hope. It helped create a winning atmosphere and it gave tons of experience to youngsters like Plekanec, Price and Subban, who are now our leaders.

If you go back in time and always keep your key prospects because they will become #1 Ds, then maybe you never go anywhere. Maybe we're still sobbing in mediocrity. The 2010 were a big turnaround for us. What good is it to accumulate youngsters like McDonagh, Yakupov, Eberle, Hall, etc if you never actually win playoff rounds ? Hockey isn't about the shiny prospects, it's about the shiny cup. And I can tell you one thing. We are much closer to that cup right now, than we would have been without the Gomez trade.

Screw McD.

I will always remember Gomez, Cammalleri, Gill, Pouliot and Halak. Until I fricking die.

McDonagh? He was never a Hab, never will be.


If you rebuild, they will come.
Jan 5, 2003
I like you. Your avatar tells me we are from the same region and are most definately supporting the same Junior team. So I won't say a thing......if only to wish you luck with the rest of this thread...;)


Registered User
Jan 28, 2013
That's enough, when's hockey starting again. I need hockey, where can I watch hockey. Someone find me some hockey.

What a horrible thing hockey. It's like a crack addict. Except one day you actually stop being to get that crack. No matter what you do, you cannot get that crack.

Then you start searching the carpet for crumbs of crack.

Which is what this thread is. Searching the carpet for crumbs of hockey.


No Reverse Gear
Jan 1, 2010
I don't know what was worse for me, the trade or hanging on to Gomez until the bitter end. Early on it was obvious it was a mistake and we could of traded him for Horcoff or somebody like that(a salary dump) and then trade for another centre like Vermette or Brassard or whoever was available. Other teams make mistakes all the time, they man up, move the problem out and go in a different direction.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Definitely agree with OP concerning the sweet memories from that 2010 playoff run. Insanely fun.

Still, we could have gotten Gomez without giving up McDonagh. You're probably aware that Sather had no clue who McDonagh was ; a scout of his recommended him to ask for him.

I like to think that we wouldn't have gotten Galchenyuk if we had McDonagh that other year.

But if we had McDonagh AND Galchenyuk? Man oh man...


Registered User
Oct 31, 2011
Alot of us knew the story behind that trade.

Here's the shorterversion:

1. Bob Gainey joined the club as GM 2003, by 2009 the Habs Centennial Year the Habs were knocked out of the playoffs in the first round after a what was thought as a packed team. Gainey decided to take another direction. Captain Koivu, Kovalev, Komisarek were all let go.

2. Gainey offered Tomas Plekanec, Josh Gorges, PK Subban another player some believed it to be Carey Price to Tampa Bay for Vincent Lecavalier. Brian Lawton, TB GM at the time, wanted to see what else he can get and released that to the media, Gainey got upset and negotiated a trade with NY Rangers for Gomez.

3. Everyone in the league knew that Gomez was going to be bought out by the Rangers because they were high on signing UFA Marian Gaborik. It was as obvious as Tomas Vanek signing with Minnesota Wilds. Days before Gomez being bought out, Gainey called Slather and asked for Gomez. Gomez at the time still had 5 years left on a $7 mil per season deal after signing a 7 year contract $52 mil with the Rangers 2 years earlier.

4. The principal deal was Gomez for Higgins as the Canadiens didn't want to resign Higgins for $3.5 million Higgins was looking for. Higgins ended up signing $2.5 mil with the Rangers after the trade.

5. Ryan McDonagh was developing the way the Habs were thinking he would. Some believed he'll stay in school for another 3-4 years, same with David Fischer.

6. Gainey decided to throw in Ryan McDonagh along with Chris Higgins, Pavel Valentenko who told the team he was heading back to Russia and Doug Janik for Scott Gomez, Tom Pyatt and Michael Busto.
When fans first heard Gomez for Higgins we were all like ok, that's a good trade, a #2 center who's overpaid for a 2rd line winger. Then as the trade was finalized, we heard Ryan McDonagh, we knew it right then that it was going to be a bad trade. McDonagh was our top prospect at the time, much like Jarred Tinordi is now. Most fans never gave Gomez a chance to begin with.

7. With Gomez as the new #1 center, Gainey was able to sign Brian Gionta who was his linemate in NJ. Then Mike Cammalleri signed along with Travis Moen, and Paul Mara to replace the likes of Saku Koivu, Alex Kovalev, Mike Komisarek, Robert Lang and Chris Higgins.

8. Our first year we went deep in the playoffs thanks to Cammalleri and Halak. Everyone just forgot about McDonagh.

9. McDonagh developed and is now a top 10 NHL defenseman. Probably the next Captain of the NY Rangers and might win the Norris Trophy. Much like Chris Chelios

10. Management tries to replicate McDonagh by drafting Jarred Tinordi and Nathan Beaulieu. I think both Tinordi and Beaulieu will be NHL regulars.

The lesson here is don't give up on our prospects until after 25 years old.

McDonagh-Subban would have been nice.



Registered User
Oct 31, 2011
I don't know what was worse for me, the trade or hanging on to Gomez until the bitter end. Early on it was obvious it was a mistake and we could of traded him for Horcoff or somebody like that(a salary dump) and then trade for another centre like Vermette or Brassard or whoever was available. Other teams make mistakes all the time, they man up, move the problem out and go in a different direction.

I think Columbus gave up on Derrick Brassard too early, he has developed and is now a top 2 center on the Rangers. On the flip side Columbus got a really good deal for Rick Nash in Artem Anisimov, Brandon Dubinsky, Kerby Rychel. Anisimov is a 50-60 point player and Dubinsky is a top 2 center. Rychel will be a NHL regular.


Subban #Thoroughbred
Jun 21, 2010
Alot of us knew the story behind that trade.

Here's the shorterversion:

1. Bob Gainey joined the club as GM 2003, by 2009 the Habs Centennial Year the Habs were knocked out of the playoffs in the first round after a what was thought as a packed team. Gainey decided to take another direction. Captain Koivu, Kovalev, Komisarek were all let go.

2. Gainey offered Tomas Plekanec, Josh Gorges, PK Subban another player some believed it to be Carey Price to Tampa Bay for Vincent Lecavalier. Brian Lawton, TB GM at the time, wanted to see what else he can get and released that to the media, Gainey got upset and negotiated a trade with NY Rangers for Gomez.

3. Everyone in the league knew that Gomez was going to be bought out by the Rangers because they were high on signing UFA Marian Gaborik. It was as obvious as Tomas Vanek signing with Minnesota Wilds. Days before Gomez being bought out, Gainey called Slather and asked for Gomez. Gomez at the time still had 5 years left on a $7 mil per season deal after signing a 7 year contract $52 mil with the Rangers 2 years earlier.

4. The principal deal was Gomez for Higgins as the Canadiens didn't want to resign Higgins for $3.5 million Higgins was looking for. Higgins ended up signing $2.5 mil with the Rangers after the trade.

5. Ryan McDonagh was developing the way the Habs were thinking he would. Some believed he'll stay in school for another 3-4 years, same with David Fischer.

6. Gainey decided to throw in Ryan McDonagh along with Chris Higgins, Pavel Valentenko who told the team he was heading back to Russia and Doug Janik for Scott Gomez, Tom Pyatt and Michael Busto.
When fans first heard Gomez for Higgins we were all like ok, that's a good trade, a #2 center who's overpaid for a 2rd line winger. Then as the trade was finalized, we heard Ryan McDonagh, we knew it right then that it was going to be a bad trade. McDonagh was our top prospect at the time, much like Jarred Tinordi is now. Most fans never gave Gomez a chance to begin with.

7. With Gomez as the new #1 center, Gainey was able to sign Brian Gionta who was his linemate in NJ. Then Mike Cammalleri signed along with Travis Moen, and Paul Mara to replace the likes of Saku Koivu, Alex Kovalev, Mike Komisarek, Robert Lang and Chris Higgins.

8. Our first year we went deep in the playoffs thanks to Cammalleri and Halak. Everyone just forgot about McDonagh.

9. McDonagh developed and is now a top 10 NHL defenseman. Probably the next Captain of the NY Rangers and might win the Norris Trophy. Much like Chris Chelios

10. Management tries to replicate McDonagh by drafting Jarred Tinordi and Nathan Beaulieu. I think both Tinordi and Beaulieu will be NHL regulars.

The lesson here is don't give up on our prospects until after 25 years old.

McDonagh-Subban would have been nice.


Good summary but I believe the rumour was Plekanec, Gorges and Higgins, Price and Subban name were never brought out atleast not publicly like the other 3.

Also not sure about the Gomez being bought out rumour, he wasn't worth his contract but he was THAT for NY, just overpaid, and I believe Elliote Fiedmen wrote in his 30thoughts a few years back is that seather went to Gainey when he lost out on Vinny and offered Gomez, he then asked his Ast GM who he should ask for, and they said Mdc, and Gainey said ok right away.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2002
Visit site
Now when McD was traded nobody thought much of it. Nobody even cared about Higgins either. Good riddance. Goodbye the old boys club like Koivu, Chipchura, Komisarek.

Was this post a joke? I don't understand what Koivu, Chipchura and Komisarek had/have in common. Three completely different players, different ages, not part of any club. Bizarre.

As for no one caring about McDonagh or Higgins: unfortunately for you, the forums were around then, and there are plenty of threads where posters were aghast.

Overall, strange pseudo thoughtful post.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2013
Alot of people on here act like McDonagh is "the one that got away" McDonagh is a good defenseman, but definatley not worthy of the amount of regret expressed towards this guy on these boards. The only reason we dwell on this is that we got Gomez in return.

As the OP said essentially, is this is all a page in our long and storied history. Like it or not, Gomez and all, it's done and in the past, written in our books, take it for what it is.

And please I really could do without hearing McDonagh for awhile.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2012
That's enough, when's hockey starting again. I need hockey, where can I watch hockey. Someone find me some hockey.

What a horrible thing hockey. It's like a crack addict. Except one day you actually stop being to get that crack. No matter what you do, you cannot get that crack.

Then you start searching the carpet for crumbs of crack.

Which is what this thread is. Searching the carpet for crumbs of hockey.

this might be the best and most truthful post ive ever read on here. have an upvote.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2013
I'm sick of this, can we just move on?

What is done is done.

Em Ancien

Sexy 2nd Rounder
Mar 12, 2008
Mount Real Life
It was awful then, it's even worst now. Think of it what you may, it's just about the biggest back breaking move this franchise has seen in over a decade. Thankfully we managed to suck badly enough for a season to get a prospect of that caliber out of it.

The only thing I'll remember about Gomez is the rushes up the neutral zone then a blind pass to the middle or a weak shot on the goalie. Disgusting.

1. Bob Gainey joined the club as GM 2003, by 2009 the Habs Centennial Year the Habs were knocked out of the playoffs in the first round after a what was thought as a packed team. Gainey decided to take another direction. Captain Koivu, Kovalev, Komisarek were all let go.

Kovalev actually turned down the Habs who then went to Gionta. Komisarek took the money the Leafs were offering.

3. Everyone in the league knew that Gomez was going to be bought out by the Rangers because they were high on signing UFA Marian Gaborik. It was as obvious as Tomas Vanek signing with Minnesota Wilds. Days before Gomez being bought out, Gainey called Slather and asked for Gomez. Gomez at the time still had 5 years left on a $7 mil per season deal after signing a 7 year contract $52 mil with the Rangers 2 years earlier.

Wrong. The rangers were looking to unload Gomez, though it was speculated that they'd have to give up value for someone to take on the contract. Never was a buyout even considered.
Last edited:


Registered User
Jun 15, 2012
Nova Scotia
Time for us to move on from talking about it. Team was coming along fine under Gainey. Until his daughter's death and Gauthier took more control. Just an idiot move. I know of nobody who liked the trade at time it was made.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2007
Time for us to move on from talking about it. Team was coming along fine under Gainey. Until his daughter's death and Gauthier took more control. Just an idiot move. I know of nobody who liked the trade at time it was made.

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

Spearmint Rhino

Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Gomez was overpaid from the start and then totally **** the bed

McD was a solid prospect who has exceeded most projections

Trade looks absolutely horrible now but should have looked bad enough then not to ever have been made but G&G were desperate to bring something that looked remotely like a #1C to Montreal

Could have been worse, could have thrown PK in the trade instead....


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