Speculation: Powerplay improvements


Champa Bay Lightning
Nov 24, 2009
In 2010-11 our PP was unstoppable and it was a big reason why we ended up one goal away from the SCF.

2010-11: 20.5% (6th in the league) / 25.4% (3rd in the playoffs)
2011-12: 15.2% (25th)
2012-13: 19.0% (13th)

We got better on the man-advantage last season but we were still just mediocre or a tad above average compared to the other 29 teams. For a team that finished 7th, 9th and 4th in goals scored in the last three seasons respectively there sure is room for improvements.

But how do we improve our PP? Looking at our potential roster for next season the only changes were the additions of Filppula and Drouin while we lost Vinny. Malone will start the year healthy (and hopefully motivated) and Barberio will probably get more games and a chance to work on the PP too.

What are your #1 and #2 PP units for next season and why?


Registered User
Jan 8, 2009
Our PP was absolutely horrid the 2nd half of last season. Without Vinny taking and faceoffs and no solid PP QB our PP was pathetic. Marty was used temporally on the point once but I'd much prefer him along the half wall, he's dominant in that zone.

Going through Filppula's stats, he seems to be a very good faceoff man (50%+), but my worry would be how he does in front of the net and creating traffic, because that'll be his main role after FO's. A second option would be Tyler Johnson as the center, the kids a absolute beast on faceoffs and has the drive to go the net.

Stamkos IMO, is a no-no, if he's taking faceoffs we'll be spending the first 15 seconds retrieving the puck from our end. Hedman needs to get PP time this season, he's more mature now and is entering his 5th season, we shouldn't have to worry about overusing him as he should be able to log tons of minutes now.

#1 Unit:

Purcell needs to be split up from St.louis and Stamkos on the PP, they get way to fancy when they're together, he'd slot in perfectly on the 2nd unit though. If Stamkos improves on the faceoffs I'd slot Killorn up in the 1st unit.

#2: is harder to speculate, Purcell and one of Filpulla or Johnson will probably be the center but the RW spot is up in the air, anyone of Drouin, Connolly, Malone, Panik or Killorn could easily take that spot.
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Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
I would keep what i think is first line together. Killorn stamkos and marty.

I believe killorn has the ability and desire to get in front of net and be good at it.

On second power play see drouin valtteri and malone.

Not sure if go 3 forwards or four.

If went four would put purcell on second line panik on first. Give the kids a chance. Killorn and panik seem good at net good hands tenacity etc..

Think that will be upgrade.

Second unit is really on malone. None of this is ideal at all but think will produce decent results.

Think next year with connolly namestnikov and kucherov ready to come up the power play will be a lot better and many more options.

Killorn and panik will shoot the puck. Stamkos will really shoot the puck need malone to do same. Think you give hedman salo and carle the minutes on D for now.

If go on first line I would put killorn at top and panik at net. Second unit want valtteri at top basically cause think on those lines killorn and valtteri will do adequate job stopping rushes playing defense on mistakes etc..


Registered User
May 2, 2013
I prefer my powerplay guys to be double threats, good both passing and shooting, so Stamkos, Johnson, Killorn, Panik, Drouin would get plenty of minutes with me. We have some great pass-first guys also, St. Louis, Purcell, Filppula, who would get time too. Salo and Gudas, being rare righties, would get time. With Killorn, Panik and Malone spending some time in front creating screens, deflections, and getting rebounds.

Stamkos and Johnson should make a strong pair, they can both shoot and pass well, they have opposite handedness, which is important on a powerplay, and Johnson is very good on faceoffs, which is extremely important. Having Johnson, and his shot, with Stamkos also stops shorthanded teams from cheating over towards Stamkos's side. Filppula is also very good on faceoffs, so Filp and Johnson would stay on separate units. Purcell carries the puck well and passes well, but he hesitates a lot before shooting, which annoys me, and gives goalies time to get ready. He's still good enough to play on my second powerplay unit though.

#1 Powerplay:
Salo-St. Louis

#2 Powerplay:

Malone, Hedman, Carle, and Barberio would get mixed in.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2009
Czech republic
I can tell you one thing for sure: Gudas most certainly won't get any PP time, especially with guys like Hedman, Carle, possibly Barberio being in the mix.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
It's really simple just shoot the puck! Except for Carle he needs to pass.

The Macho King

Back* to Back** World Champion
Jun 22, 2011
Hedman needs to be on the #1 PP, and I'd like to have 2 Dman on both units... I'm tired of giving up a ton of SHGs.

Stamkos - Johnson - Marty
Hedman - Salo

Hedman needs to stop trying to do fancy plays (shots off the boards to get the bounce) and just put the puck on net.

This allows the #2PP to be pretty dangerous in it's own right, as well.

Purcell - Flip - Drouin
Carle - Barberio

I also don't know, but having Stamkos out for the whole 2 minutes wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
Hedman needs to be on the #1 PP, and I'd like to have 2 Dman on both units... I'm tired of giving up a ton of SHGs.

Not sure how many short hand goals we gave up but know we had odd man rushes why sugested killorn and fippula at points I dislike stamkos up top in middle position and think he is best on circles

Stamkos - Johnson - Marty
Hedman - Salo

dont like johnson on power play not physical enough to play in front of net and need a crasher also killorn would shoot more than johnson just saying.

Hedman needs to stop trying to do fancy plays (shots off the boards to get the bounce) and just put the puck on net.


This allows the #2PP to be pretty dangerous in it's own right, as well.

Purcell - Flip - Drouin
Carle - Barberio

again whom is at the net? and barberio and carle? Two lefties think you have way too high of estimation on barberio's skill and doubt this would help on short handed you honestly have three guys whom like to pass not shoot on this line. I dont see how this helps the power play. If ran this fippula would be best guy in front of net so he isnt getting back and if think barberio or carle are great to stop an odd man rush ok I do not at all. Would be UGLY I think.

I would like malone instead of purcell and depending how that works get panik in there to be in front of net.

I also don't know, but having Stamkos out for the whole 2 minutes wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

I think 40 second two times short shift him is enough on anyone. So 40 seconds bench come back out for third part for another 40 seconds. Dont like him playing up top at all.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
What annoys me is when they try to overplay, too many passes and it must be pretty, keep it simple. Puck should move fast and then shoot with someone in front of the goal.

I really wanna see a guy who can take the fight in front of the net, having five guys passing around the puck will produce a PP similar to last year. Hopefully Bugsy can stay healthy cause he is good at it and maybe Killorn can also take such a role.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
What annoys me is when they try to overplay, too many passes and it must be pretty, keep it simple. Puck should move fast and then shoot with someone in front of the goal.

I really wanna see a guy who can take the fight in front of the net, having five guys passing around the puck will produce a PP similar to last year. Hopefully Bugsy can stay healthy cause he is good at it and maybe Killorn can also take such a role.

great stuff!!


Champa Bay Lightning
Nov 24, 2009
Wasn't it the Capitals' PP last season that at times had nobody in front of the net? And it worked quite well for them too (#1 PP in the regular season, #6 in the playoffs).


Registered User
Aug 24, 2004
Palm Harbor, FL


Just my guess, honestly Hedman I think should Qb the first unit. Hes a solid Dman to QB it, and it would get MSL off the damn point. Gudas would be an interesting option for the second pairing, if Barbs isn't on it. He is smart, defensively you won't really have to worry about odd man breaks against us, and can bomb the puck from the point. Connolly on the first line to have someone else other than Stamkos that isn't afraid to shoot the damn thing.

Panik would provide a big body up front. The reason why I didn't put Malone....I'm still keeping my fingers crossed we deal him.
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Registered User
Feb 11, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Coopers AHL teams never had the best PP record despite having the best Offense in the league. I don't expect PP to be our calling card, but a stronger 5 on 5 team instead

Doctor Drej

Unregistered User
Jan 10, 2009
The Quiet Room
its crazy to think with the amount of ES goals we score, what kind of goal totals we could put up with a PP that's actually worth a damn.

The Wyzerhood

A league of his own
Oct 3, 2008
I think we need to revolutionize our PP and start passing more one-timers to Stammer at the left circle.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2009
not much of a revolution when that currently IS the power play. :laugh:

Not really, it's more like hot potato with the puck, every ones going for one touch passes, wish it was more like the 09-11 PP where we just fed Stamkos.


SFY is great
Aug 16, 2007
PP improvements?

Start with Carle passing more/taking slap shot lessons from Salo/fixing limp-wristed shot. Also, no blind drop passes...ever. Fix that, and we'll improve.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
PP improvements?

Start with Carle passing more/taking slap shot lessons from Salo/fixing limp-wristed shot. Also, no blind drop passes...ever. Fix that, and we'll improve.

We will improve when we get someone in front of net whom works out and get another guy on right circle whom can do slap shots close to as well as stamkos on the left.

Yep than might be pretty dangerous even number one on power play:)

PP improvements?

Start with Carle passing more/taking slap shot lessons from Salo/fixing limp-wristed shot. Also, no blind drop passes...ever. Fix that, and we'll improve.

I honestly liked hedman on power plays at top on sides etc.. he is growing. I never cared so much how great a slap shot from defensemen was watching detroit over the years was about does it get on net is there a rebound or chance to tip etc..?

I think we have plenty of guys that can get it on net so than is up to someone to make things happen and get two guys playing around the circles whom have lethal slap shots and this solves much of our problem. At times vinny stood out over there on right last year other times marty etc..
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Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
The issue with our PP besides the overpassing was we couldn't enter the zone to save our lives. Purcell was the only person who could constantly get in the zone. We get better entry we have more time to work. I'm not as big a fan of getting someone in front of the net, it draws the D down and leads to a perimeter game where we pass too much with no clear shooting lanes. Would like to see Marty down behind the goal where he can pull the D away to open up lanes and with his vision find the open man.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
The issue with our PP besides the overpassing was we couldn't enter the zone to save our lives. Purcell was the only person who could constantly get in the zone. We get better entry we have more time to work. I'm not as big a fan of getting someone in front of the net, it draws the D down and leads to a perimeter game where we pass too much with no clear shooting lanes. Would like to see Marty down behind the goal where he can pull the D away to open up lanes and with his vision find the open man.

actually some really good points and yes at times we forgot how to get puck situated in the zone.

I like the marty thing and movement.

When say want a guy in front of net he will provide some screening but he will be going from behind of net to sides chasing puck setting up others etc... moving around allowing stamkos more freedom to range for one timers. He seems stamkos most comfortable on left side.

I will say we pass too much if you got a shot take it stop all the passing if moves from right left behind net got a clear shot on right put it on net more often.

Think we at times try to make too many pretty plays I am more a sloppy get the dammed puck in the net guy:)
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Registered User
May 27, 2011
Tannhauser Gate
Hey Guess, pro-tip for you. I know you have a condition that messes with your thinking and whatnot.

If you can substitute "he/she" in a sentence for whenever you're thinking about using "whom", you should use "who" instead. If you can substitute "him/her", then "whom" is perfectly fine.

Without getting too grammar technical, this is the easiest to way to know which to use.
Just a friendly tip for ya. =)

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
Hey Guess, pro-tip for you. I know you have a condition that messes with your thinking and whatnot.

If you can substitute "he/she" in a sentence for whenever you're thinking about using "whom", you should use "who" instead. If you can substitute "him/her", then "whom" is perfectly fine.

Without getting too grammar technical, this is the easiest to way to know which to use.
Just a friendly tip for ya. =)

Only problem is brain is acting up:) THANK YOU. I was using their earlier for there lol caught that one:) IS MADDENING IT IS .

Great thing is you guys have been nice enough overall in regards to this and I had not realized how bad it really was till has been pointed out.

This is helping am trying to start my company selling computer chips again. Have done this over last 7 years and did quite well but mainly had drop off after the heart attacks etc..

I will hate looking like total idiot. People pointing out how bad this is will be huge benefit at least on emails will be able to ask a friend to proof read etc.. before sending to clients which wouldnt have done.

I really feel am close also to a rebound it goes in stages. If can rebound things get a lot better.

Good news is everything was finalized last week. This week am moving forward so will have less time and energy to spend with everyone here:) So you will not have to put up with so many bad hard to read posts:)

I will say though to those whom have helped showed support talked to me honestly you will probably never know what that means to someone whom is struggling. Shows very good character and means more than you will probably ever know.

So sincerely THANK YOU to those whom took the time and had a little patience!!


Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
Guess does your Dr have you on Oxygen all the time? With what you said about you condition sounds like you should be.

I would suggest you just do one long paragraph when writing, you do too many short sentences that make your posts way too long.


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