Phoenix CVII: Can yet the lease of my true love control

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Registered User
Jan 26, 2005

Sonnet CVII

Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul,
Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come,
Can yet the lease of my true love control,
Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.

The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured,
And the sad augurs mock their own presage,
Incertainties now crown themselves assured,
And peace proclaims olives of endless age.
Now with the drops of this most balmy time,
My love looks fresh, and death to me subscribes,
Since spite of him I'll live in this poor rhyme,
While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes.
And thou in this shalt find thy monument,
When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent.

In the beginning ... the first Phoenix fiasco thread!!! (?)
03-04-2007 Coyotes to lose 30M?

12-08-2008 Hockey in The Desert (Phoenix franchise and finance/business matters)
02-04-2009 Hockey in the Desert II (Phoenix Coyotes franchise and business matters)

Fresh from Al Capone's Geraldo Rivera's Evil Doctor's Vault - The Lost Thread:
04-28-2009 The Arizona Republic: NHL loan keeps Coyotes operating

05-05-2009 Balsillie puts in $212.5 mil offer for the Coyotes
05-07-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part II
05-18-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part III
05-22-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part IV
06-03-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part V
06-09-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VI
06-12-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VII: I'm just waitin' on a judge
06-16-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VIII: It's dead, Jim
06-24-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part IX: 'Dorf on Hockey
07-25-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part X: The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth!
08-03-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XI: A Fistful of Dollars?
08-07-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XII: For a Few Dollars More
08-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIII: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
08-21-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIV: The Wrath of Baum
08-27-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XV - SITREP: SNAFU
09-02-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVI: Barbarian at the Gate
09-08-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVII: Wake Me Up When September Ends
09-10-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVIII: Is that a pale horse in the distance?
09-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy Part XIX: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baum
09-21-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XX: There Will Be Baum
09-28-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXI: 2009 -- A Sports Odyssey
10-26-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXII: Long and winding road

11-24-2009 Keeping up with potential owners for NHL Phoenix Coyotes (UPD: Ice Edge signs LOI)
03-14-2010 Part II. Potential owners of NHL's Phoenix Coyotes
03-26-2010 Part III. Prospective Owners - Phoenix Coyotes (UPD Lease vote 4/13; IEH signs MOU)
04-10-2010 Part IV Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy; UPD COG approves Reinsdorf MOU, not IEH MOU
05-02-2010 Part V Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy UPD Reinsdorf out? IEH back in? else Winnipeg?
05-11-2010 Part VI Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy
05-23-2010 Part VII Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy
06-07-2010 Part VIII: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankrtuptcy
06-22-2010 Part IX: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankruptcy UPD: Pres Moss fired 6/30 with IEH input
07-26-2010 Part X: Phoenix Coyotes - Between Scylla and Charybdis
08-27-2010 Part XI: Phoenix Coyotes -- Greetings, Starfighter, You have been selected ...
09-16-2010 Part XII: Phx Coyotes - Still haven't found what I'm looking for
10-12-2010 Part XIII: Phoenix Coyotes - The Final Cut?
10-27-2010 Part XIV: Phoenix Coyotes - To Infinity And Beyond....
12-05-2010 Part XV: Phoenix - the battle of evermore
12-14-2010 Part XVI: Phoenix -- Money for Nothing
12-20-2010 Part XVII: Phoenix -- Thread Title Available For Lease
01-09-2011 Part XVIII: Phoenix -- Imminence Front
01-24-2011 Phoenix XIXth: Nervous Breakdown
02-02-2011 Phoenix XX: Two weeks
02-11-2011 Phoenix XXI: When will then be now?
02-22-2011 Phoenix XXII: It's Now or Never
02-28-2011 Phoenix XXIII - Bond: The Phoenix Project
03-03-2011 Phoenix XXIV: How many twists does the scriptwriter have left?
03-07-2011 Phoenix XXV: Anyone in the theatre seen a pale horse?
03-08-2011 Phoenix XXVI: Pain in the AZ
03-11-2011 Phoenix XXVII: Can we all get along?
03-16-2011 Phoenix XXVIII: Lawyers, Bonds and Money
03-20-2011 Phoenix XXIX: What's the next act? I'm tired of the dog & pony show
03-22-2011 Phoenix Part XXX Hulz, you gotta get a gimmick if you want to get ahead
03-27-2011 Phoenix Part XXXI: I feel I'm in a time loop
04-05-2011 Phoenix Part XXXII: Bridge over Troubled Goldwater
04-14-2011 Phoenix XXXIII: Sound of Silence
04-20-2011 Phoenix XXXIV: Project Mayhem
04-25-2011 Phoenix XXXV: Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave...
05-03-2011 Phoenix XXXVI - There's got to be a morning after
05-10-2011 Phoenix XXXVII - The Heat is On

Followed by the Interregnum between Kings Phoenix the XXXVII-th and Phoenix the XXXVIII-th:

The most interesting thing about King Charles, the first
Is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign
But only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it because of
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England Puritan
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 September

06-09-2011 ESPN's Burnside: Hulsizer submitted new deal; COG city manager dragging it out
06-20-2011 Coyotes related: Westgate faces foreclosure
06-21-2011 Phoenix, worst case scenario

Finally, the realm was restored ...

06-27-2011 Phoenix XXXVIII: Hulsizer Pulls Bid For Coyotes
08-16-2011 Phoenix XXXIX: You Never Give Me Your Money
10-18-2011 Phoenix XL: Rich Man's World
12-07-2011 Phoenix XLI: Bongo Fury
01-06-2012 Phoenix XLII: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything
02-02-2012 Phoenix XLIII: How to Bake Cupcakes in Less Than Two Weeks
02-28-2012 Phoenix XLIV: Ignorance & Apathy (or I Doan't know & I Doan't Care)
03-28-2012 Phoenix XLV: You can't YANDLE the truth!
04-11-2012 Phoenix XLVI: (Tre)living on a prayer
04-21-2012 Phoenix XLVII: More Threads than Superbowls
05-01-2012 Phoenix XLVIII: Of Mice and Lieberman
05-08-2012 Phoenix XLIX: Smoke & Mirrors
05-21-2012 Phoenix L: AllByDesign?
05-30-2012 Phoenix LI: es, Damn Lies, and Arena Management Fees
06-06-2012 Phoenix LII: Goodnight, Sweet Lieberman
06-08-2012 Phoenix LIII: How the GWInch Stole Phoenix
06-12-2012 Phoenix LIV:E and Let Die
06-19-2012 Phoenix LV: is Has Left the Building
06-26-2012 Phoenix LVI: s is Still Dead (or Maybe Working at a 7-11 in Glendale)
07-04-2012 Phoenix LVII (or MDCCLXXVI): Declarations of (In)Dependence
07-13-2012 Phoenix LVIII; Will jobbing get jobbed?
07-30-2012 Phoenix LIX: The JIG is up?
08-18-2012 Phoenix LX: Pinocchio's Furniture
09-07-2012 Phoenix LXI; We agreed to pay HOW MUCH‽
09-26-2012 Phoenix LXII: Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter Here
10-16-2012 Phoenix LXIII: Have Become, Comfortably Numb;
11-06-2012 Phoenix LXIV: Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Read Me, on Thread LXIV?
11-21-2012 Phoenx LXV: The word is... give me a minute.... "Omnishambles"... "Omnishambles"
11-27-2012 Phoenix LXVI: Get Your Kicks On Thread LXVI
12-18-2012 Phoenix LXVII: Route66 - Aftermath
01-15-2013 Phoenix LXVIII - "Watch out for that Tree"
01-25-2013 Phoenix LXIX: Thread of LXIX
01-30-2013 Phoenix LXX: Should they stay or should they go now?
02-01-2013 Phoenix LXXI: Daydream Belever
02-12-2013 Phoenix LXXII: Send in the Clowns
03-14-2013 Phoenix LXXIII: "This Space Available"
04-04-2013 Phoenix LXXIV: Be Seeing You
04-22-2013 Phoenix LXXV: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again
05-02-3013 Phoenix LXXVI: Renaissance Men
05-13-2013 Phoenix LXXVII: Tired of Waiting For You
05-19-2013 Phoenix LXXVIII: Know When To Hold 'Em, Know When To Fold 'Em
05-25-2013 Phoenix LXXIX: This is The End, We Hope Not
05-29-2013 Phoenix LXXX: Is there another way out?
06-01-2013 Phoenix LXXXI: I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday for Your Franchise Today!
06-08-2013 Phoenix LXXXII: "Waive Reading Beyond the Title"
06-12-2013 Phoenix LXXXIII: "Stuff's Gonna Happen"
06-14-2013 Phoenix LXXXIV: Planespotting Edition
06-16-2013 Phoenix LXXXV: A Bridge to Nowhere
06-20-2013 Phoenix LXXXVI: There's Always Money in the Banana Stand
06-24-2013 Phoenix LXXXVII: Hotel Arizona
06-26-2013 Phoenix LXXXVIII: The Final Cupcake?
06-28-2013 Phoenix LXXXIX: If you don't approve it, we must move it!
06-29-2013 Phoenix XC: Down to the Weiers
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCI: Never Gonna Give You Up
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCII: Movie Night In Glendale
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCIII: Vote for the Yote to Keep them Afloat, or That's all She Wrote!
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCIV: The team, the dream, the scheme
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCV: We Trust Gary Bettman
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCVI: The Government You Deserve ...
07-06-2013 Phoenix XCVII: Forget it, Jake. It's Glendale
07-19-2013 Phoenix XCVIII: 5tayin' Alive
08-05-2013 Phoenix XCIX: "I Got 99 Problems, But A Lease Ain’t One”
06-09-2015 Phoenix C: The F A.R.S Awakens
06-10-2015 Phoenix CI: TeA.R.S. for FeA.R.S.
06-12-2015 Phoenix CII: Oh, the pain the pain
06-17-2015 Phoenix CIII: Sue Me, Sue You Blues
06-21-2015 Phoenix CIV: May be time to put the band back together ...
06-29-2015 Phoenix CV: CoG went full-on haboob, man. Never go full-on haboob.
07-12-2015 Phoenix CVI: It's good to talk these things out
07-23-15 Phoenix CVII: Can yet the lease of my true love control

A couple whole bunch of Phoenix uThreads have popped up in the wake of the "To close, or not to close" mega-thread discussion:

03-16-2012 COG to spend more on Coyotes than public safety?
03-22-2012 Dreger (3/22): NHL to investigate "plan b" for Phoenix
03-23-2012 Sunnicks strikes again "will they stay or will they go now?"
03-28-2012 G&M: Architects of Glendale pro sports disaster won't be around for fallout
03-30-2012 Shoalts: Ice Edge talking about bringing (minor) hockey to the Job should Yotes leave
04-04-2012 Shoalts: Glendale Mayor Scruggs wants city's $$ back
04-05-2012 Coyotes CEO 'confident' team is staying in Glendale
04-05-2012 Puck Daddy: Coyotes battline relocation worries with public optimism
04-06-2012 A strong PHX team in the playoffs may bring a new owner.
04-10-2012 Father of PHX AGM Brad Treliving involved in keeping Coyotes in Glendale?
04-10-2012 PKP offer for Coyotes may be 230 million (mod: to QC w/relo $$)
04-10-2012 Beasley: Coyotes deal within a month
04-11-2012 Glendale, NHL trying to close Phoenix Coyotes deal with Jamison group
04-11-2012 Bettman: no timeline on Phoenix situation (AP)
04-13-2012 Adding up the Numbers in the Phoenix Jamison Bid
04-16-2012 COG's Lieberman calls for demonstration against Coyote deal
04-17-2012 COG - budget payment to Jamison group not to exceed $20m?
04-17-2012 GWI ready to scrutinize new deal
04-18-2012 Coyotes sale soon, five things to watch
04-21-2012 Jamison looking for more investors on Coyotes bid, could be 1-2 months away from deal
04-21-2012 Greg Jamison finally goes public with potential purchase of the Coyotes
04-24-2012 Glendale Busts its Budget; Pledges More Money for Yotes
04-27-2012 Coyotes working to convert bandwagon fans to full time fans
04-28-2-12 4/28: Coyote sale deal getting closer
04-30-2012 Phoenix Coyotes sale finalized May 8th? Hulsizer back in?
05-03-2012 Phoenix CEO/Pres Nealy - something could happen next week
05-04-2012 Feschuk: Phoenix Coyotes doing just fine, thanks
05-04-2012 If the yotes make the finals
05-04-2012 Former Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes assails NHL over Coyotes’ operations
05-07-2012 NHL to announce tentative deal re: sale to Jamison
05-08-2012 Sportsnet: COG promising $306mm over next 21 years
05-08-2012 Wall Street Journal: 'Glendale's Public Hockey Project' = Loss
05-17-2012 Phoenix saga: 5/22 end date
05-17-2012 Jamison signing preliminary sales docs with NHL 5/17 or 5/18
05-21-2012 Goldwater Inst. ready to sue Glendale over arena management deal
05-23-2012 COG council approves preliminary budget with $17m payment for arena management
05-25-2012 Preliminary draft of lease agreement for in hands of COG board
06-04-2012 Phoenix lease details
06-05-2012 Bettmans plan may unravel in Phoenix (vote coming 6/8)
06-06-2012 The angst of Phoenix -- from three major league teams to one (that use city name)
06-06-2012 Forbes: Jamison having trouble raising funds
06-07-2012 GWI letter to Glendale Mayor and Coucilmembers
06-07-2012 Arizona Free Enterprise Club opposes COG deal
06-07-2012 Goldwater Institute Files for Restraining Order
06-11-2012 Coyote name change on hold?
06-13-2012 13 June, Goldwater files suit
06-14-2012 Halverstadt on NHL Home Ice talking Coyotes
06-14-2012 Coyotes deadline "now"? NHL schedule releasing soon
06-15-2012 PBJ: CoG says they'll withstand GWI legal challenge
06-15-2012 AFEC considering ballot (referendum) and COG concil recall
06-18-2012 Phoenix Coyotes, NHL looking for legal counsel to represent team, arena
06-19-2012 Coyotes deal not immediately effective - Referendum to follow?
06-26-2012 COG + GWI agreement on non-emergency status
06-28-2012 Jones/Cobb v Glendale (Coyotes Court Case)
07-04-2012 Coyotes PAC formed
07-04-2012 COG city council candidates voice opposition to Coyotes deal
07-05-2012 Shoalts 7/5 update on Coyotes situation
07-09-2012 Coyotes lease referendum petition not submitted by 7/9
07-11-2012 Glendale rejects group's attempt to overturn sales-tax increase
07-12-2012 PBJ: Jamison group has funding for purchase of Coyotes
07-16-2012 2 COG referendum proponents gearing up for legal battle
07-26-2012 Jones & Cobb decide to NOT file lawsuit after their lease referendum rejected
07-26-2012 PBJ: 7/27 deadline for Coyotes sale?
07-28-2012 PBJ: 7/28: Jamison short $20mm?
07-31-2012 Glendale arena proposal scheduled to expire 7/31, extended another 31 days
08-01-2012 Mayoral candidates speaking out on Coyotes prospective owner
08-08-2012 PBJ: 8/8 Jamison group apparently now has the funds to buy Coyotes
08-10-2012 SBN's Five for Howling: Coyotes sale a done deal
08-16-2012 COG mayoral candidate: Rework proposed lease due to lockout
08-18-2012 CBA uncertainty delaying Coyotes sale?
08-24-2012 8/24: Appeals Court Orders Glendale Sales-Tax Measure to be put Back on Ballot
08-27-2012 8/27 COG extends lease (with NHL) again (pending sale to Jamison group)
08-29-2012 COG seeking change to negotiated proposed arena deal with Jamison
09-04-2012 ESPN Burnside has source that says Jamison's got funding, arena deal to be done
09-11-2012 PBJ: O’odham tribe now involved in Jamison's deal to buy team?
09-29-2012 Final details on Coyotes lease to be settled 10/3?
10-07-2012 Final vote on reworked lease coming 10/23?
10-08-2012 Deja vu, redux = COG talk about extending agreement with NHL another 30 days
11-01-2012 Dater: Phoenix reason for lockout
11-07-2012 Impact of Glendale election on fate of Phoenix Coyotes future
11-26-2012 COG to vote on revised lease 11/27
11-30-2012 Referendum starts process (against) Glendale arena deal with Jamison
12-21-2012 Jamison officially signs lease agreement
12-26-2012 Coyotes could break even, or even profit, if there are no games
12-27-2012 Shoalts: Jamison using US Green Cards to lure investors in Coyotes
01-06-2013 Sportsnet: Jamison group about to finalize Coyotes purchase
01-30-2013 Burnside, LeBrun: Sale of Coyotes to Jamison in Question
01-31-2012 NHL no longer denying relocation a possibility for the Coyotes?
02-01-2013 USA Today's Allen: NHL must continue committment to Phoenix
02-02-2013 Phoenix - Glendale vs Scottsdale
02-08-2013 Grant Woods leading (new) ownership group to (try to) buy Coyotes
02-12-2013 Hulsizer back to looking at buying Coyotes?
03-28-2013 Report: NHL may soon consider relocation for Coyotes; Ice Edge back in picture?
03-29-2013 Bettman: Hey COG, expect something in about a week
04-07-2013 Bettman: Interest in Phoenix franchise "higher than ever"
05-06-2013 Arizona Republic: True cost of running below what COG has paid
05-06-2013 COG Mayor: waiting on NHL to approve owner
05-11-2013 Californian Darin Pastor looking to finalize "premium" purchase of Coyotes
05-27-2013 5/28 NHL, COG, Renaissance meeting in Glendale
05-30-2013 Forbes: Phoenix Coyotes $170 Million Sale To Be Partially Funded By NHL
06-05-2013 4 firms submitted bids to run arena by deadline
06-12-2013 The Hockey News: Will the Coyotes move to Seattle this Summer?
06-13-2013 Glendale announces 4 bidders for management
06-14-2013 Yet another mystery buyer courting Glendale directly
06-15-2013 FSAZ/AP: Framework in place for new lease to keep Coyotes in Glendale
06-26-2013 Mystery Coyotes investor to partner with COG?
07-02-2013 Thread for Discussion of CoG/RSE Lease Agreement 7/2/13
08-05-2013 NHL: Sale of Coyotes is finalized
08-07-2013 SI: Coyotes not out of financial desert yet
08-07-2013 Report: Coyotes could host All-Star game soon

And, hey, why not, for completeness:

03-05-2010 NHL sues Jerry Moyes
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RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
To get things started with the development that the two parties have agreed to a new lease, terms:


A 2-year deal
The agreement would terminate on July 30, 2017.
This would also eliminate the early termination clause that was part of the original deal, which allowed the team to leave by 2018 if it sustained significant losses.

Tindall and Frisoni iced
As part of the deal, Coyotes general counsel Craig Tindall and Julie Frisoni, who had done consulting work for the team, cannot be employed in any way by the Coyotes.
Base rent stays the same
The annual base rent paid by the Coyotes to the city remains the same at $500,000.

City can change arena manager
Under the agreement, the city would be able to replace the arena manager after June 30, 2016.

No surcharges and parking money for Glendale
The city would agree not to collect a surcharge on tickets for hockey games and for non-hockey events. Also, the team would keep all the revenue from parking fees, which the city receives under the existing deal.

I believe it was established that the Coyotes could continue to collect hockey game revenues for the second year in the case that a new arena manager is appointed, and that the new manager could not impose additional fees on the team. Payments to IA would continue on a pro rated basis if a new AM wasn't appointed after the first year.

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
Don't know if it was specified but I believe IA also keeps all of the naming rights revenue as well, don't they?


Registered User
Apr 7, 2011
So if Glen. decides change arena managers for 2016, IA still gets the $6.5mil but no longer manages the arena? Or they lose the $6.5mil but can still stay? Is there a way the Yotes can relocate after 1 year by their own choice? How guaranteed is 2 years?

Just a little confused here....

Melrose Munch

Registered User
Mar 18, 2007
@Feckless Peck

This was never about keeping teams out of Canada. It was about protecting markets like Quebec so the league could gouge them for expansion fees. Now that they have, they have no reason to fight for Arizona anymore. Very shady and low class.


RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
So if Glen. decides change arena managers for 2016, IA still gets the $6.5mil but no longer manages the arena? Or they lose the $6.5mil but can still stay? Is there a way the Yotes can relocate after 1 year by their own choice? How guaranteed is 2 years?

Just a little confused here....

There are two pieces to this-- IA as the arena manager, and that's where they get $6.5 MM. That goes away after the first year IF COG hires a new arena manager. Otherwise, IA keeps getting paid through year 2 if there's no new AM (prorated if partial year).

The Yotes will play there for two more years. They will pay rent of $500K, but have a right to collect all revenues from hockey games, and the arena naming rights through the second year.


50% to winning as many division titles as Toronto
Feb 6, 2015
Bellevue, WA
So if Glen. decides change arena managers for 2016, IA still gets the $6.5mil but no longer manages the arena? Or they lose the $6.5mil but can still stay? Is there a way the Yotes can relocate after 1 year by their own choice? How guaranteed is 2 years?

Just a little confused here....

Without seeing the new agreement, it's important to remember that IceArizona is actually two entities. IceArizona Manager and IceArizona Hockey. IA Manager manages the arena and IA Hockey owns the Coyotes.

I would assume, just based on what has been shown so far (and I could very easily be wrong) that IceArizona Manager will manage the arena and IceArizona Hockey will sign a lease with the City of Glendale versus the previous arrangement, in which IA Manager and IA Hockey were both party to a single contract that was all encompassing.


Non-registered User
Mar 17, 2010
South Kildonan
So if Glen. decides change arena managers for 2016, IA still gets the $6.5mil but no longer manages the arena? Or they lose the $6.5mil but can still stay? Is there a way the Yotes can relocate after 1 year by their own choice? How guaranteed is 2 years?

Just a little confused here....

They lose the $6.5mm but maintain their other revenue streams I believe. Naming rights, concessions, etc.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
Some interesting developments today. A one year AMF and the Coyotes playing in the building for 2 years possibly under a new arena manager.

Regardless of relocation talk there will be a few things to watch for. Glendale is most certain to send out an RFP for an arena manager at its earliest possibile date next June. I wouldn't expects IA's bid to be very competitive. I would also expect that companies associated with the NHL not bid. No AEG, Spectra or anyone associated with the NHL.

I don't expect IA to see much expansion money if any. They need to repay the NHL $85 million.

It looks like Leblanc, L'ill Gary and Woods didn't have as good of a case as they had spouted off about when Leblanc was on his school girl media tour.

Whoever is the actual majority owner of the franchise should remove CEO big Tony from his daily duties with the team. The CEO is most likely directly responsible for IA having been forced to re-work this lease. I have no doubt that HR did not hire Tindal but Leblanc himself. Leblanc should get a business "Bozo" of the year award. What a fool!:shakehead

I had predicted a 1 year AMF in the 6-10 million range. Pretty much what happened. If IA does not remain as arena managers I do not see this team staying put.

Very astute of Morgan to point out that the outclause is removed. Really an outclause in a two year deal. Who needs it. The outclause is in 2 years you fool. :nod:


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
Missed my opening at the beginning, Since its #107

Sonnet CVII

Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul,
Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come,
Can yet the lease of my true love control,
Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.
The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured,
And the sad augurs mock their own presage,
Incertainties now crown themselves assured,
And peace proclaims olives of endless age.
Now with the drops of this most balmy time,
My love looks fresh, and death to me subscribes,
Since spite of him I'll live in this poor rhyme,
While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes.
And thou in this shalt find thy monument,
When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent.

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
Tindall's grave is one of the few worth dancing on, IMO. But I can appreciate that it's probably impossible to distinguish that from all the relocationist celebrations

Tindall's a cockroach - he won't have a grave to dance on because he'll show up somewhere else (Ferguson... let it be Ferguson!).

No, the gravedancing is already going on. I knew it was coming; it's just hard not to be angry when some of it is coming from fanbases who lost teams of their own and then have gotten, or are close to getting, them back. Sometimes, hockey fans can be the absolute worst.


Auston 3:16
Sep 5, 2014
So what are the chances the Yotes remain in Arizona when this two year deal is up?

Seems like just the right amount of time for Seattle to get an arena built...


RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
Tindall's grave is one of the few worth dancing on, IMO. But I can appreciate that it's probably impossible to distinguish that from all the relocationist celebrations

With Quebec getting a team most likely, there aren't any Canadian destinations for a relocation candidate. Hamilton doesn't have an arena the NHL is willing to consider, and no owner. TO2 is in the same boat as Seattle (no arena), but clearly the NHL would retain this market as an expansion option, not a relocation one.

Simply put, there really aren't any "relocationists" left at this point. Seattle hopefuls may want a team, but the arena is the sticking point, not the team price. And both Seattle and Portland are new on the scene since this saga started in 2008. The so-called relocationists at that time were the Winnipeg and Hamilton fans. Later, the QC crowd showed up after Quebec City started work on an arena.


Very astute of Morgan to point out that the outclause is removed. Really an outclause in a two year deal. Who needs it. The outclause is in 2 years you fool. :nod:

Yes, the point is moot since it's a two year deal, and COG now has an out for the AM, and the team out in two years, something they didn't have before but were on the hook for 15 years.

Tindall's a cockroach - he won't have a grave to dance on because he'll show up somewhere else (Ferguson... let it be Ferguson!).

No, the gravedancing is already going on. I knew it was coming; it's just hard not to be angry when some of it is coming from fanbases who lost teams of their own and then have gotten, or are close to getting, them back. Sometimes, hockey fans can be the absolute worst.

As my first response above indicates, I'm not really sure why there's any grave dancing going on. The previously vocal groups have or will have NHL teams now, so the Coyotes aren't really in play for them. A destination isn't very clear unless one of the would-be expansion markets is the relocation candidate, and I have a hard time seeing that happening.

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
With Quebec getting a team most likely, there aren't any Canadian destinations for a relocation candidate. Hamilton doesn't have an arena the NHL is willing to consider, and no owner. TO2 is in the same boat as Seattle (no arena), but clearly the NHL would retain this market as an expansion option, not a relocation one.

Simply put, there really aren't any "relocationists" left at this point. Seattle hopefuls may want a team, but the arena is the sticking point, not the team price. And both Seattle and Portland are new on the scene since this saga started in 2008. The so-called relocationists at that time were the Winnipeg and Hamilton fans. Later, the QC crowd showed up after Quebec City started work on an arena.

This is splitting hairs, though, trying to reduce these sentiments to a niche of people wanting a team for their own market. The prevailing opinions that I would term "gravedancing" are from people who believe that Arizona never should have had a team in the first place. To these people it doesn't matter where the Coyotes go so long as they go somewhere besides Arizona. Those are the folks who are happiest about today's news, and they come from every side. Hell, I've seen Nashville and Columbus fans joining in on the party, which, given their histories, really strikes me as ironic.

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
If you are interested in hearing Craig Morgan's take on this, he will be on in 5 minutes to speak about things.

Edit: I listened and learned nothing except that everyone thinks a Scottsdale arena is a magic wand that will make all the problems go away.
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RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
This is splitting hairs, though, trying to reduce these sentiments to a niche of people wanting a team for their own market. The prevailing opinions that I would term "gravedancing" are from people who believe that Arizona never should have had a team in the first place. To these people it doesn't matter where the Coyotes go so long as they go somewhere besides Arizona. Those are the folks who are happiest about today's news, and they come from every side. Hell, I've seen Nashville and Columbus fans joining in on the party, which, given their histories, really strikes me as ironic.

Maybe I'm being overly pragmatic. :)

With some of the other spots taken now, and 14 other groups failing to submit a bid, it sure doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for any demand to move the team since there isn't any obvious candidate or interest [apparently].


Registered User
Nov 4, 2009
So... when can we expect the $200 million lawsuit against the city? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

LeBlanc certainly earned his clown moniker over the past two months. The theatrics he put on full display following the voiding of the lease wouldn't look out of place in a traveling circus. Which, funny enough, is sort of what the NHL has become... at least when it involves the Coyotes.

I know the general assumption seems to be that this is the beginning of the end for the Coyotes, and I'd be inclined to agree, but at the same time... we have said that about five times before. Glendale is the land of the unexpected and for all we know, the Coyotes draft Austin Matthews next year and the kid steps in and has a similar effect Crosby had on Pittsburgh. Or the team somehow makes it work downtown. Or Bettman, in his continued and baffling fascination with the Phoenix market, convinces the other owners to write down the team's debt. Who knows?

Practically speaking, though, you have to figure the $6.5 million AMF (even with additional revenues) is a recipe for a bloodbath on the team's balance sheets. The team also looks to have not one, but two lame duck seasons, and if news starts to leak out of Seattle... welp. Two weeks replaced by two years and then just maybe we'll finally have an outcome to this saga.

Melrose Munch

Registered User
Mar 18, 2007
This is splitting hairs, though, trying to reduce these sentiments to a niche of people wanting a team for their own market. The prevailing opinions that I would term "gravedancing" are from people who believe that Arizona never should have had a team in the first place. To these people it doesn't matter where the Coyotes go so long as they go somewhere besides Arizona. Those are the folks who are happiest about today's news, and they come from every side. Hell, I've seen Nashville and Columbus fans joining in on the party, which, given their histories, really strikes me as ironic.
MOD This is sad. And I as said to you upthread, you got played by the NHL. Now Quebec is one, they'll send this team to seattle and and say they did everything they could.
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