Confirmed with Link: Pettersson Signs 8 Year Deal with the Vancouver Canucks, AAV $11.6M


Canucks fan for life
Apr 29, 2010
Vancouver, WA
I just had a feeling he was gonna come in under market and things would be a-ok here. Pettersson made some remarks earlier in the year about how people might be surprised at the number, and here we are.

This is fair, and under market value, and max term. The Canucks can now continue forward and one of their biggest stars has set the bar for everyone chipping in and taking small discounts to help us build a true contender.

I am thrilled with this, and applaud our management group for lighting a fire under Pettersson's ass and getting things moving again.

LF f***ing go, no more distractions Petey, fly birdie fly!

vadim sharifijanov

Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
JR: you said winning is important to you?

EP: of course, it’s everything.

JR: well you not being signed is a distraction, and your play has been inconsistent since the noise started. it’s starting to affect the team. are you sure you’re not willing to reconsider negotiating?

EP: ok fine, let’s talk.

JR: and again, you said winning is important to you? you have to take a bit of a haircut to leave something to fill holes.

EP: ....ok. you can shave $3.2 million off.

JR: you’re willing to go max term?

EP: yes, that $3.2 million is over eight years.

JR: hey quinn, i think petey needs to be the captain now. can you give me the C?


Registered User
Jan 30, 2020
Well. That was dramatic.

Rutherford and Allvin must love giving the media the gears with surprises after normal hours.

Was I ever wrong in my thinking about his character. I thought he was more about winning than the dollar.

8 yrs at the reported 11.6 million will be a steal in 3 to 4 years of not sooner.
He did leave a lot of money on the table. But this contract really doesn't make sense FOR HIM.
At the end he is 33/34 years old so his last contract will not be for much but he could have done a 3 year deal at this rate and then a 8 year at a higher amount to finish his career.


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