Speculation: NY Islanders Sale Talk ONLY Part III *Barroway out Post 652*

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Registered User
May 13, 2005
No... Sorry it makes zero sense. If I am spending 400m plus to buy a sports franchise I should get to pick who runs the front office. I would agree to something like keeping Garth on board for a salary to keep wang happy but he's not running the team unless I want him to.

One thing you have to think about is, Matty Boy said his source said "Snow gets to stay for next season", his source didn't say if it's longer.


Registered User
Oct 22, 2005
Nah it makes sense.. for one, he's holding all the cards..

Two, if this team has a major bounce upwards maybe he doesn't want some totally new regime taking all of the credit for that..

If it takes giving Snow the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to remain GM in order for Wang to sell, I'm 100,000% fine with that..

Wang is the one we need to get rid of.. 1 or 2 more years of Garth Snow is not a deal breaker.. he's made some mistakes but he's not a total disaster of a GM, while Wang has been a total nightmare of an owner..

Agreed. It makes sense coming from Charles Wang. Just based on this info. (whether true or not) it sounds like Wang has a better offer--one that's more lucrative, one where he can protect his close ally in Snow. Wang has demonstrated in the past a loyalty to a close few, even to a fault.

If keeping Snow around for a year or two is a condition, as long as Wang is not making important decisions for the franchise after the (assumed) sale, I'm OK with that.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2008
So you keep Snow for a year, you just don't let him make final decisions. Once a deal like this closes Garth Snows role going forward is not going to nullify it. Wang may be nuts but he is not that nuts.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Nassau County
Yeah but one problem.

It ain't your team yet.

In order to make it your team, you gotta agree to certain conditions and apparently not all of them are financial..

Much smaller scale of course, but I sold a business where I put it in writing the existing staff get 6 months unless they totally screwed up and it could be documented.. and I turned down a guy who wanted to pay $5,000 more because he was gonna fire everyone and put in his wife as the main manager...

He was pissed too and said IT'S MY BUSINESS AND I SHOULD GET TO SAY WHO DOES WHAT.... so I told him: Yeah but one problem ..........

Fair, but the private sector and a professional sports team are two very different animals. The only reason this doesn't sound completely ludicrous is because we are Isles fans and this is Charles Wang. When have you ever heard of keeping someone like a GM/Coaching staff figure in power being a key condition to the sale of a professional sports franchise... and Snow is a known fool to boot.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Nassau County
So you keep Snow for a year, you just don't let him make final decisions. Once a deal like this closes Garth Snows role going forward is not going to nullify it. Wang may be nuts but he is not that nuts.

Yes, you employ him to a front office position where he sits in an office and watches youtube all day. Done deal.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2011
Absolutely incredible that Wang would make keeping Garth freaking Snow on board a sticking point in a $400M transaction.

If this is true I feel bad for Barroway. He sounds passionate about owning an NHL team.

It really does seem like Barroway wanted to take the organization in the right direction. I think he would be a great owner and I am as anti Philly as it gets. I live in NJ right in between Philly and NY and the majority of fans around here are Philly fans, which I can't stand.

I hope the other player wants it as bad as Barroway.
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