Confirmed with Link: NSH forum acquires tarheelhockey for playoff push


RIP Lindback
Apr 12, 2011
With the fourth overall pick in the 2016 #HFCanes Bandwagon Fan Draft, the #Perds select tarheelhockey!

Who is drafting for us? It's clearly tarheelhockey as I noted on page 1 and several other NSH fans agreed. If I can make the choice, then get 'er done and welcome aboard trademaster flex!

Sorry to all other worthy choices:


Mr. Hockey brings six years of HFB experience to the NSH forum, has over 41,000 posts, is a global moderator, and enjoys analyzing trades at a level beyond the comprehension of mortal men. We are pleased with the addition of tarheelhockey to the fanbase for the final playoff push and into the postseason. His posting acumen and ability to indiscriminately delete the posts of all opposing teams' posters will be a great addition to the current #Perds bench. His infamous Lindros trade repercussions thread is provided below for reference:

Go Perds.



Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
[RD 1, #4 overall] tarheelhockey - M, Carolina Hurricanes (AHL)

What was your reaction when you heard the Nashville GM say your name.

Well, you know, it's a great honor to be drafted by such a great organeyezation. I'm just really humbled and honored and glad to be here, and I'm looking forward to showing up as the default #1C.

Who was your idol growing up?

I think most young mods look up to Fugu, you know, and want to reach that level someday. I had her poster on my wall! *laughs*

Who was your worst teammate?

I mean, I was literally teammates with #satin. So...

If not for hockey, what would you be doing instead?

Your mom. Next question.

Do you worry that your post count won't translate to this level?

You know, you can't worry about those things too much. You just gotta take it one GDT at a time, keep doing the little things, and keep sending posts toward the 'net.

What's in your dietary regimen?

Your mom. Next question.

What qualities make you different than the other guys competing for this spot?

I'm purple.

Who do you model your game after?

Pierre, please take one big step back. Now another. Thank you.

What are your goals going into the playoffs?

Mainly to actually be in the playoffs for ****ing once.

Let's get some photos of you in your new jersey.

Hang on, I actually brought one with me to make it easier to switch between boards.



Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
update: tarheelhockey has already recorded his first mod action for his new team, having merged the two draft threads. He is now at the top of the leaderboard for this draft class.


RIP Lindback
Apr 12, 2011
Alright buddy; just spent the better part of an 45 min conference call making your bandwagon avatar. I usually charge for work of this quality, but I'll let it slide this time. Congrats!



Feb 13, 2013
I will say I have been surprised at all the hate for Barb. I don't have a real issue commercials. Although few commercials in general bother me, I just tune them out and do something else in that time. I'm probably a marketer's worst nightmare in that sense as they are wasting money on that spot and getting zero attention.


R.I.P. Steve AKA Pred303
Feb 17, 2009
All hail our new purple overlord.

I actually have one of those Rebels jerseys somewhere. Actually, Byrddog may have it since he has a bunch of my old jerseys my dad gave me.

token grinder

Facts Get Deleted
Sep 29, 2009
Alleged Mod Abuser
wonder if this pick is gonna be the Jay-Bo of posters.

Lots of solid stats. No playoffs forever.
Gets into playoffs. Chokes right along with new team.

At least we get an American team fan. Don't need that Canadian stank


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