Minnesota has 18 different skaters with a goal


Jun 22, 2012
You got Staal doing real well, skating like ..well...like great skater, to the dismay (or happiness?) of people who said he was 'done' and couldn't skate. Literally no problems there.

And you got Suter tied for 1st with Weber for defenseman in points.

Parise will be out for who knows how long and is week to week.


Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
Scandella is also week to week.

Spurgeon missed most of this past week, the Dallas game last night was his first game back.

Haula is still out indefinitely, not yet skating.

Yet the Wild keep scoring and keep winning.


Fire Newell Brown yesteryear!
Nov 7, 2008
Just coming in on the heels of the BB remarks.

As a Ducks fan, let's focus on this:

1.) BB has been a great coach pretty much his entire NHL career as a coach and most former players said they miss him not only as a coach, but as a human being as well.

2.) BB is known to get almost everything out of the roster he is given.

3.) BB might not have that great of a track record in the post season, however, it is the players that have to win games first and foremost. He did have a lazy primaballerina in Ovechkin when he was still in Washington. Today's Ovechkin, who appears to be much more reliable and mentally grown up, might have been able to give BB the ring he clearly deserves. Same goes for the utterly devastating performances by Anaheim's alleged top two players, Getzlaf and Perry, whenever **** hits the fan or there is pressure to close down a series. Had they played to their utmost abilities just one of these G7's, the Ducks likely would have won two Cups by now.

4.) RC was a great coach 10 years ago. Ever since the game changed, he just couldn't keep up with it and seems lost and increasingly outdated (as well as, well, outcoached and outsmarted) in today's league.

5.) RC is known to be one of the least-liked coaches in the business. Hell, his nickname with the players at the end of his first stint in Anaheim was ****ing Adolf.

BB is a great coach and deserves all the credit one can give to him. Ducks definitely made a huge mistake in showing him the door instead of trying to get in someone proven with a killer instinct for Getzlaf or Perry, and downgraded on the coach position by hiring a washed-up, over-the-hill hasbin in RC.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2010
Biggest disappointment is that Dubnyk hasn't scored yet. Slow starter?

Dubnyk doesn't strike me as a guy that can score goals TBH. I bet he's a guy that would feast on empty netters. Face it, he's a bust.

BTW, I could see it coming from a mile away that Eric Staal would do great with a coach like Boudreau.


Posting the right way since 2012.
Sep 5, 2012
Yeah, Staal has been a pleasant surprise. I expected this broken down, Heatley 2.0. Instead, he has had numerous breakaways since coming here, and seems to be able to keep up just fine. He might not be as fast as our fastest players, but he isn't anywhere near our slowest ones, and he is playing a smart game game too.

So far, he's been a great signing at 3.5/yr.

Wild GF stats have been inflated by playing against a series of awful to mediocre goalies. Subban, that guy in LA, Lehtinen...the list goes on. Once we start playing STL, CHI, NSH then things should get back to normal.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
and also Eric Staal looks good

yup. he is definitely not a bottom of the barrel top six guy that some people were painting him as. we weren't expecting much so it wasn't too hard i guess but he's exceeded expectations.


We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
Yeah, and the fact that Randy Carlyle has the Ducks going in the opposite direction?

It was meant as a shot against BB, as it is every time it's brought up when BB is mentioned.

As if BB is the first coach with success but has struggled to get over that final hump.

Coach Q failed in St.Louis for how long before getting over that hump himself in Chicago?

It's pointless.

Anaheim made a mistake firing him and hiring Carlyle, and bringing up reg season vs post season success for BB doesn't change that.

All of which is besides the fact that Minnesota is scoring goals unlike Minnesota has ever done before.

No, it was not meant as a shot at BB. You're completely overreacting and being overly defensive here. I'm a fan of Boudreau. I even started my post by declaring that I disagree with the Ducks firing BB.

Chill. Out.

Call me betty*

Sheary Baggins
Nov 8, 2015
i predicted Minnesota would be one of the teams to watch for this year.

Boudreau, IMO, is one of the best coaches in the league and probably has the best offense oriented system.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2005
I don't agree with Anaheim firing Boudreau, but the regular season has never been the issue with BB.

You have to wonder how things would have turned out if the caps didnt get Halaked in 2010. I mean yeah his team lost but it had nothing to do with coaching.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2013
i predicted Minnesota would be one of the teams to watch for this year.

Boudreau, IMO, is one of the best coaches in the league and probably has the best offense oriented system.

They're still 29th in the league for shots so that has to improve.


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