Matt Cooke Suspension Thread: Suspended 7 Games [Mod Warning Post #1]

Kari Takko

Registered User
Jun 6, 2010
North Metro, MN

Avs fans, keep in mind that this is the Wild board and any inflammatory posts will be considered trolling. Wild fans, do not reply to inflammatory posts; report them.

Thank you.

Suspension hasn't been announced yet, but we can all take our guesses.

My guess is a bold one... After hearing GMCF and Cooke out, the NHL only suspends Cooke for 2 games.
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Posts Last 5 Minutes
Sep 5, 2012
Given a choice between three games during which he sticks his head through a hole in a giant Hang In There kitten poster by the Wild bench or four games during which he sits by Colorado's bench while sticking his head through a hole making him Kathy Bates in a that-scene-from-Misery poster.


4 more years of Dub.
Jul 15, 2011
Forced trade to Edmonton, must play the rest of his career there.

...or decapitation with a worn out saw.


Jun 22, 2008
Going by the mainboard...

Lifetime ban, forced castration, everybody from Minnesota gets a punch to the face, the Wild move to Mississippi, and the Timberwolves get a new stadium.


Jul 4, 2012
One Great City!
My money is on 10. I don't believe he deserves any more than four, but I think there's going to be someone trying to set an example of it. Still think a bit of the problem lies on Barrie trying to evade the hit, but if I even imply that anywhere besides this board I'll get lit up like a damn bonfire.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
My money is on 10. I don't believe he deserves any more than four, but I think there's going to be someone trying to set an example of it. Still think a bit of the problem lies on Barrie trying to evade the hit, but if I even imply that anywhere besides this board I'll get lit up like a damn bonfire.

Im with you. I find the situation similar to a player turning their back to a player just before the hit. Dont put yourself in a bad situation.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2011
How many games will it take for everyone to shut the hell up about this? The over-exposure for this hit is ridiculous. Everyone seems to be more interested in the player than the actual event, as evident by the fact a damn-near identical hit was within the last week, but it didn't even make headlines.

Just make it go away already. D:


Registered User
Feb 28, 2008
Andover, MN
I'm guessing 10+ or more.

I have such a love / hate thing for him. When he's playing clean, he's awesome. Perfect 3rd line role player. When he's playing the pile of crap, I loathe him.

Didn't want him on any team I root for. That said, I that knee on knee wasn't premeditated. I think he was going to make a hit, Barrie moved out of his path enough that he still tried to make any hit he could and shouldn't have. Unfortunately he crossed the line and I believe he knew it as soon as he did it. I'd be livid and have been when their players have taken liberties on Wild players (and there have been a few) no matter how many of their fans deny it. So I get it. But the idiocy and hypocrisy they're espousing almost makes me willing to defend Cooke no matter his intention.

And the mental patients (including that utter moron Dater) saying Yeo directed it to happen are beyond stupid.


Aug 8, 2008
I'm guessing 15-20. Wouldn't surprise me. Fair or not, he put himself in that situation so he's gotta pay up.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
This this capture you can see the direction is which Cooke is skating, marked with a red line. Knee not sticking out more than any other player would when skating, specifically having a slight turn.

This picture is from behind, right before contact is made. The red line denotes Barrie's body position, blue for Cooke's and green is knee level of Barrie for relationship sake. If Cook if continue forward in a straight path, there is going to be a collision between both players legs:

As you can see here, as Barrie turns his legs go forward while trying to make a perpendicular turn. Cooke's knee as this point is between Barrie's legs. Which itself isn't an issue. However, ideally Cooke's knee is not as bent. Which can be attributed to trying to make a lateral move to finish his check.

Remember this is being thought out at great speeds, for both players. As Cooke approaches the blue line (When he's practically on top of it) Barrie makes his move. Cooke has a split second to decide what he is going to do, distance wise it's less than 5 feet. If Barrie doesn't try to go to his right suddenly it's a shoulder on shoulder check and most likely no one is worse for the wear. However, Barrie does not do this and tries to dodge the impending hit and puts his legs in a vulnerable position and the outcome is likely much worse than if he were to dish the puck and take the shoulder on shoulder hit.
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Billy Mays Here*

My money is on 10. I don't believe he deserves any more than four, but I think there's going to be someone trying to set an example of it. Still think a bit of the problem lies on Barrie trying to evade the hit, but if I even imply that anywhere besides this board I'll get lit up like a damn bonfire.

Forget the main boards, I'll light you up for it right here. You have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? And Cooke never had any intention of hitting him in the first place. He was going for the knee on knee the whole time and it's ridiculously obvious watching any replay or gif of it.


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