Matt Cooke Suspension Thread: Suspended 7 Games [Mod Warning Post #1]


Registered User
Apr 1, 2013
I'm an avs fan. I'm coming here in peace but I'll probably leave in pieces.

I get you guys defending him. I do agree Barrie put himself in a bad position by trying to avoid it, but its not illegal to avoid a hit. It is to make a bad hit.

The thing is Cooke could have avoided that hit, and should have. He did lead with his knee, although I'm with you guys when I don't suspect it was premeditated.. It seemed like he was more getting ready to really lace barrie.

Unfortunately I don't know exactly what was going through his head and I'm not about to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I think for everyones sake it best he doesnt return, not in this series at least.

I wouldn't be opposed to him getting absolutely crucified for this either, and this is where my opinion obviously differs. Whether he did it intentionally or not isn't within any of our capacities to know. The facts are he did it and he has a long history. If I'm the league, I'm smashing the **** out of this guy and sending a message to other perpetual cooke's.

And yeah, avs fans in general, myself included are rather amped up right now about it. Can you blame them? We just lost our most clutch PMD and PP quarterback for the length of the playoffs even if we clear the first round. You guys lose a 3rd line role player. I don't know if you follow the avs but our next best defenseman is like, guenin or holden, or benoit... or ryan ****ing wilson...

Hurts a bit.


Registered User
May 28, 2010
I'm guessing for the first round.

If they make it beyond, he can play against STL/CHI. If not, he can play once the regular season begins next year.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
I'm an avs fan. I'm coming here in peace but I'll probably leave in pieces.

I get you guys defending him. I do agree Barrie put himself in a bad position by trying to avoid it, but its not illegal to avoid a hit. It is to make a bad hit.

The thing is Cooke could have avoided that hit, and should have. He did lead with his knee, although I'm with you guys when I don't suspect it was premeditated.. It seemed like he was more getting ready to really lace barrie.

Unfortunately I don't know exactly what was going through his head and I'm not about to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I think for everyones sake it best he doesnt return, not in this series at least.

I wouldn't be opposed to him getting absolutely crucified for this either, and this is where my opinion obviously differs. Whether he did it intentionally or not isn't within any of our capacities to know. The facts are he did it and he has a long history. If I'm the league, I'm smashing the **** out of this guy and sending a message to other perpetual cooke's.

And yeah, avs fans in general, myself included are rather amped up right now about it. Can you blame them? We just lost our most clutch PMD and PP quarterback for the length of the playoffs even if we clear the first round. You guys lose a 3rd line role player. I don't know if you follow the avs but our next best defenseman is like, guenin or holden, or benoit... or ryan ****ing wilson...

Hurts a bit.

Which is understood. A play that I reference in situation like this is the checking from behind rule. It's absolutely illegal to check from behind. It's a much more dangerous play than a play like this. The NHl has given the hitter some defense when they rule that the person being hit turns their back to the hitter. It's not illegal to protect the puck with your body in a situation like that. The hit is still technically illegal but the person with the puck needs to hold some responsibility to keep from putting themselves in a bad position.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2008
Andover, MN
I'm an avs fan. I'm coming here in peace but I'll probably leave in pieces.

I get you guys defending him. I do agree Barrie put himself in a bad position by trying to avoid it, but its not illegal to avoid a hit. It is to make a bad hit.

The thing is Cooke could have avoided that hit, and should have. He did lead with his knee, although I'm with you guys when I don't suspect it was premeditated.. It seemed like he was more getting ready to really lace barrie.

Unfortunately I don't know exactly what was going through his head and I'm not about to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I think for everyones sake it best he doesnt return, not in this series at least.

I wouldn't be opposed to him getting absolutely crucified for this either, and this is where my opinion obviously differs. Whether he did it intentionally or not isn't within any of our capacities to know. The facts are he did it and he has a long history. If I'm the league, I'm smashing the **** out of this guy and sending a message to other perpetual cooke's.

And yeah, avs fans in general, myself included are rather amped up right now about it. Can you blame them? We just lost our most clutch PMD and PP quarterback for the length of the playoffs even if we clear the first round. You guys lose a 3rd line role player. I don't know if you follow the avs but our next best defenseman is like, guenin or holden, or benoit... or ryan ****ing wilson...

Hurts a bit.

Outside of a select few here, I think you'll find a lot of us feel he deserves being suspended. But not for as long as Avs fans do. I think what many of us are annoyed & frustrated with is the blatant hypocrisy of many of your fellow fans.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2013
Las Vegas
I'm an avs fan. I'm coming here in peace but I'll probably leave in pieces.

I get you guys defending him. I do agree Barrie put himself in a bad position by trying to avoid it, but its not illegal to avoid a hit. It is to make a bad hit.

The thing is Cooke could have avoided that hit, and should have. He did lead with his knee, although I'm with you guys when I don't suspect it was premeditated.. It seemed like he was more getting ready to really lace barrie.

Unfortunately I don't know exactly what was going through his head and I'm not about to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I think for everyones sake it best he doesnt return, not in this series at least.

I wouldn't be opposed to him getting absolutely crucified for this either, and this is where my opinion obviously differs. Whether he did it intentionally or not isn't within any of our capacities to know. The facts are he did it and he has a long history. If I'm the league, I'm smashing the **** out of this guy and sending a message to other perpetual cooke's.

And yeah, avs fans in general, myself included are rather amped up right now about it. Can you blame them? We just lost our most clutch PMD and PP quarterback for the length of the playoffs even if we clear the first round. You guys lose a 3rd line role player. I don't know if you follow the avs but our next best defenseman is like, guenin or holden, or benoit... or ryan ****ing wilson...

Hurts a bit.

Cooke has made his bed, that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt is his fault and only his fault. I completely understand where you're coming from on this and give you credit for not bringing the asinine conspiracy theories into it!!

My personal opinion is it was an unfortunate accident, I don't think he had any intent to injure. And the fact that people actually believe that Yeo condoned it, especially at that point in a game that was tied and in spite of all the pressure and shots the Wild had yet to score, the last thing they wanted was a potential 5-minute major! Absurd!

If it had been any other player on the Wild we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Jun 22, 2008
Outside of a select few here, I think you'll find a lot of us feel he deserves being suspended. But not for as long as Avs fans do. I think what many of us are annoyed & frustrated with is the blatant hypocrisy of many of your fellow fans.

Not to mention some baseless comments about Yeo and the organization as a whole.


Registered User
May 2, 2002
Visit site
So far i nthe playoffd we have

Lucic pitchfork a guy, obvious malicious

Seabrook concuss Backes.

Bickells knee

Only Seabrook got a suspension.

Reads hit

The NHL throws the book at Cooke i am fine with it, but then they have a major obligation to keep things consistant. If you want "it" out of the game make a statement fine. They better be ready to stick to it. I do not see the NHL giving Cooke 25+ games setting the standard of a 5 game mandatory for any illegal play resulting in an injury.

It will happen again this playoffs.

I wonder if Cooke is using the Bickel hit as a defense. There was an injury in Cookes' case, but if lawayer or rep is DH he could be asking for Barries medical record. As in insurance if there is a prexisting condition...

my guess 5 games


Registered User
Oct 3, 2013
The Burbs
So far i nthe playoffd we have

Lucic pitchfork a guy, obvious malicious

Seabrook concuss Backes.

Bickells knee

Only Seabrook got a suspension.

Reads hit

The NHL throws the book at Cooke i am fine with it, but then they have a major obligation to keep things consistant. If you want "it" out of the game make a statement fine. They better be ready to stick to it. I do not see the NHL giving Cooke 25+ games setting the standard of a 5 game mandatory for any illegal play resulting in an injury.

It will happen again this playoffs.

I wonder if Cooke is using the Bickel hit as a defense. There was an injury in Cookes' case, but if lawayer or rep is DH he could be asking for Barries medical record. As in insurance if there is a prexisting condition...

my guess 5 games

I'm guessing 6-10 games...I guess my reasoning would be based off Seabrooks 3 games adding an extra x2 or x3 (6-9 games rounding to 10) going to Cooke because of his past..imho that would be fair


Aug 8, 2008
Outside of a select few here, I think you'll find a lot of us feel he deserves being suspended.
That's what is starting to drive me nuts. People could create a big, bold, neon, flashing headline that says many Wild fans agree that he deserves to be suspended...and it would be completely ignored. They don't get that not everyone is supporting Cooke here.

And what makes it worse is that some (not all) fans and their media are bashing the club and its fans. This is on Cooke. Plain and simple. And if you want to start making it personal, then realize that your club has been far from squeaky clean during its time in Denver.

And it has to be said that just because a Wild fan is fighting back against the generalizations and insults to the club as a whole and its fans...that DOESN'T mean that they are defending Cooke. I'm think he deserves what he gets. But I'm not gonna be afraid to speak up when a reporter or fan starts calling us names when their team has some history too.
Last edited:


Registered User
Feb 28, 2008
Andover, MN
Not to mention some baseless comments about Yeo and the organization as a whole.

Exactly. Funny how short their memories are when it comes to a gutless puke like Claude Lemieux having been on their team. He was at least as dirty as Cooke. Anyone that denies that never saw the guy play. What an utter pile of filth that dude was.


Jul 4, 2011
5+ games, exactly what it deserves is probably 2-4 based on Barrie partly causing it upon himself but the fact that there was an injury on the play probably elevates it to 5+.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
they'll go for six games. anything more and the appeal will go to an arbitrator instead of bettman and it's going to open up a huge can of worms when they point out the inconsistencies. they will WANT to throw the hammer at him.

okay...if they do, they'll be lauded by the public but it's going to end in a legal mess which will set a precedent they might be unwilling to follow. Other unpunished kneeing incidents will be brought up, and I imagine lawsuits can be levied.

It's a mess.
i'm of a mind where i think that hit should be suspended but because bickell wasn't (and didn't Orpik get away pretty scott free too?) it might make it tough to really nail him. So they might go for the max (6) before an outside agent can step in.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
or they could be dragging it out to effectively get more games of suspension in. I'm actually not sure about that point--but it might be like the same rule they always use on cop shows where you can jail someone X amount of time without actually charging them. so he'll miss a game while they're deciding and turn a six game suspension into 7, effectively. not sure if they can do that though.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2007
Might as well ban him forever. If you aren't even going to hit Bickell with a game but you are going to give Cooke 5+ then it has nothing to do with prevention and everything to do with reputation/result.

NHL keeps basing punishment on everything but the action, injuries wont decrease.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
seriously, aside from the result, what about Reads hit on Carcillo wasn't worse than Rupp on Oshie? The puck was never played by Carcillo, so it was beyond "late".

Dee Oh Cee

Registered User
Aug 4, 2010
Russo/others keep saying the announcement is imminent so we'll see. I wonder if they're waiting til it's late in the East so when it's not as big as people want there won't be as much outrage (since it's later).


Registered User
Dec 10, 2011
I still can't believe someone would think you would premeditate kneeing someone... you risk injuring yourself. If you were going to intentionally injure someone, kneeing them would be pretty low on the ways of doing so.

Cooke should be suspended, but anything more then a couple of games is a complete witch hunt. He committed to a hit that looking back on he should have pulled up on, but in real time, when your role is a checking line forward and in a split second the player you are going to hit literally tries to jump out of the way and you end up clipping him, its an unfortunate result but in no ways an intentional one.

Imo this is not much different then going to hit a player into the boards and at the last second he turns on you and instead of letting up you follow through. Dumb yes, but things like this happen all the time, except in this case the player getting hit happened to get injured.

Ban Hammered

Disallowed & Inhibited
May 15, 2003
seriously, aside from the result, what about Reads hit on Carcillo wasn't worse than Rupp on Oshie? The puck was never played by Carcillo, so it was beyond "late".

Other than one is on Oshie and the other is on Carcillo, basically nothing.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2013
Las Vegas
or they could be dragging it out to effectively get more games of suspension in. I'm actually not sure about that point--but it might be like the same rule they always use on cop shows where you can jail someone X amount of time without actually charging them. so he'll miss a game while they're deciding and turn a six game suspension into 7, effectively. not sure if they can do that though.

It doesn't work like that. Cooke isn't currently suspended, if they were to wait until Friday to announce a suspension then Cooke suits up and plays in game 4.


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