Matt Cooke Suspension Thread: Suspended 7 Games [Mod Warning Post #1]


Registered User
May 28, 2010
Yes it will.

Can't believe the NHL put its own foot in it's mouth in the video they made when they said the suspension was in part due to Cooke's history although he is not considered a repeat offender in the collective bargaining agreement...

The repeat offender stuff in the CBA is only for fines. It is not supposed to have any correlation/effect on suspensions.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
In the mind of some posters:

A hit to the head and its implications are better than getting hit to the knee and its implications.



Registered User
Jun 13, 2010

Randy BoBandy

Cheeseburger Party
May 9, 2011
Not as malicious as people are making it out to people.

That Adrian Dater sure is a terrible writer.

Barrie jumped out of the way of a hit at the last second and one of his legs was left behind in the path of Cooke.

I think reputation had a lot to do with this.

I guess I would have been okay with a few games, but 7 seems a bit much too me.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2008
Andover, MN
“There’s no place for that in the game." - Erik Johnson

Ahhh, I see. Apparently there is for guys that punch opposing players in back of the head though?

To listen to ANYONE from Colorado whine about the Wild employing a guy like Matt Cooke. That's a team that's had Claude Lemiuex and I had forgotten Marchment played there as well until I read Russo's blog. Two of the dirtiest players in the game for YEARS. Avs fans have ZERO ground to stand on here.

So sick of the hypocrisy.


Hockey State Expat
Aug 11, 2010
I think this should have been more like 2 or 3 games for negligence, and I think that some of the headshots people have been mentioning earlier in the thread would have been better candidates for 7+ game suspensions.

That said, I think the NHL laid out a very reasonable case in the video and very clearly communicated why they were treating this situation as seriously as they were. Would've liked a bit more content in the video regarding what Cooke says his intentions were on the play, but for the most part I can't really criticize them for the job they did here, even if it's not exactly the same conclusion I would've come to.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2010
Outside of a select few here, I think you'll find a lot of us feel he deserves being suspended. But not for as long as Avs fans do. I think what many of us are annoyed & frustrated with is the blatant hypocrisy of many of your fellow fans.

I am annoyed that Avs fans trash Wild Fans and Wild coaches. None of us can control what a player does or doesn't do. If I, as a Wild fan, could have controled what Cooke would or would not do, I would have had him score a hat trick in every game he plays, not go out and knee someone.

Also. annoyed that it seems to be ok with Avs fans that all series Avs players are jumping as high as possible when they check. They are obviously aiming high towards the head. That it is ok for Eric Johnson to cross-check the back of Parise's head 6 times in a 3 second span. It is hypocrytical.

Absolutely, Cooke should have been suspended at least 10 games, and I wish Barrie was not injured, but the Avs players are not Saints.

Ban Hammered

Disallowed & Inhibited
May 15, 2003
Can't believe I wasted my time reading the main board thread

I can't believe there are people who think we should be ashamed as fans and as an organization for employing him. Oh wait, some of our own fans do too after this. :shakehead


Registered User
Jul 24, 2005
I can't believe there are people who think we should be ashamed as fans and as an organization for employing him. Oh wait, some of our own fans do too after this. :shakehead

Yea that's ridiculous

As is the guy that brought up maybe we should lose our first round pick on top of the 7 game suspension and people saying he should be out as long as Barrie's out, as if that's what usually happens with suspensions. That's just a couple things

Randy BoBandy

Cheeseburger Party
May 9, 2011
Erik Johnson has been playing dirty all series. I forgot who but remember him head hunting a guy along the boards in game 1. It wasn't mentioned because he missed but it would have been brutal. Guy is as cheap as they come.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2007
Johnson punches parise repeatedly in the head ( a player who was thought to possibly have a concussion earlier this spring). Nuffin

Northland Wild Man

Jun 14, 2011
Grand Forks, ND
So 7 games huh?

5 too many in my mind considering what's been let go in the playoffs so far. Honestly Bickell's hit still looks worse to me.

and anyone who criticizes this franchise or it's fans on the mainboard because of this can go straight to hell


Registered User
Jan 22, 2007
I just hope the wild can come out hard and put this behind them and find a way to keep playing how they did Monday. The goals will come...big game

Billy Mays Here*

I can't believe there are people who think we should be ashamed as fans and as an organization for employing him. Oh wait, some of our own fans do too after this. :shakehead

I'm assuming you're talking partly about me so let's go over what I said the night it happened since you like to exaggerate so much.

Oh for God's sake, are some Wild fans blind? Or are you that big of homers that you just have to deny even the thought of any of our players being dirty? Cooke is extending his knee long before he even makes contact with Barrie and even does a little kick towards him at the end to make sure he gets him. That's the most blatant kneeing attempt I've ever seen and shame on any Wild fan that thinks it wasn't intentional. Cooke knew damn well what he was doing.

As you see here I was saying shame on anyone for thinking it wasn't intentional, not saying shame on the Wild for employing him.

Now if it's someone else you're talking about then fine, but show some proof, i.e. show the post where a Wild fan said shame on us for employing him.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
russo didn't think it was intentional. i still don't think it was intentional. Yet i feel no shame. how can this be?


The Very Weedcat
Jun 2, 2011
A place.
To me it looks like he was going for a huge body check and made a bad decision when things went south.

Billy Mays Here*

russo didn't think it was intentional. i still don't think it was intentional. Yet i feel no shame. how can this be?

And that's fine if you don't, but I was just proving a point that I was talking about the intentions of Cooke, not that we should be ashamed for employing him like he was trying to make it sound like.


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