Confirmed with Link: Matt Cooke (Released from Wild)

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Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
first off big mistake going with rookie coaches, during skids neither could stop the bleeding. 2nd when players were approaching ufa CF didnt trade them for anything. 3rd stupid trades / signings. im sure if CF was arrested for murder you'd still support him so good luck with that.

Giles Ferrell

Mar 24, 2013
first off big mistake going with rookie coaches, during skids neither could stop the bleeding. 2nd when players were approaching ufa CF didnt trade them for anything. 3rd stupid trades / signings. im sure if CF was arrested for murder you'd still support him so good luck with that.

Yes, Because supporting his moves as a hockey GM and supporting him when he murders someone is the same thing.


Jan 29, 2010
Holy hyperbole, batman.

His drafting record, while good on paper, will really be put to the test this season.

Hi big free agency moves have been pretty average, outside of Parise and Suter. Which, to be entirely fair, can't just be discounted. If we only ended up getting one of the two, it would've been the biggest move in team history. Getting both? That can't be overstated. Without a doubt the biggest day in team history, since it's inception.

I'll take what happened this year, because it couldn't have gotten a lot better. Thanks solely to Heatley's injury, CF's plans had a 7+ million dollar monkey wrench thrown into them.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
So Fletcher gets no credit for drafting because anyone could do better than Riser. He gets no credit for Parise and Suter because they could have signed anywhere and chose here (partially though because of the farm system...who drafted that again?) And in your mind he replaced Seto (who never had 20 goals here BTW) with Cooke. Yeah he replaced Clutterbuck with Cooke and Seto will be replaced with a combination of Zucker, Coyle, & Nino.
Yep, Fletcher should be fired all right.

setoguchi was ON PACE both seasons to score 20G, if you want to start rippin players for getting injured how about pommer? koivu? get it? cooke in the east is an at best 15G scorer. i'll be shocked if he gets 15 in the wild west this year, what will your excuse be if he doesnt?

Dr Jan Itor

Registered User
Dec 10, 2009
Sit on your hands when he scores a goal or kills a penalty then. Holy crap, nobody here cares that you dislike Cooke. We all know it and could not give less of a ****.

Ban Hammered

Disallowed & Inhibited
May 15, 2003
setoguchi was ON PACE both seasons to score 20G, if you want to start rippin players for getting injured how about pommer? koivu? get it? cooke in the east is an at best 15G scorer. i'll be shocked if he gets 15 in the wild west this year, what will your excuse be if he doesnt?

On pace does not mean squat. He didn't get it done now did he. Yes injuries happen, but injuries still mean the production doesn't happen, which hurts the team. He didn't miss a game this past season, so he wasn't injured. Could he have gotten 20 in a full season? Possible, but he didn't do squat without Cullen. What happens if Cullen gets hurt again, not only do we lose Cullen's production, but Seto's goes as well. Is that Cullen's fault for being hurt or Seto's fault for not being able to produce like he's being paid to?
Also, for about the 50th time, COOKE WAS NOT BROUGHT HERE TO REPLACE SETO, HE WAS BROUGHT HERE TO REPLACE CLUTERBUCK. As such, his goal scoring is not why he was brought here, he was brought here to be a penalty killer, add some agitation and some toughness to this team, THAT'S his role, not pumping in goals, that's what Zucker, Nino & Coyle are for. Figure if it's in caps, maybe you'll get the message.
We get it, you don't like Cooke as a person, so what, he's on the team, he isn't going anywhere and whether you like it or not, Fletcher is going nowhere because he signed Cooke and he's certainly not going anywhere because you don't like him either. Get over it.


Feb 12, 2013
first off big mistake going with rookie coaches, during skids neither could stop the bleeding. 2nd when players were approaching ufa CF didnt trade them for anything. 3rd stupid trades / signings. im sure if CF was arrested for murder you'd still support him so good luck with that.
So here you are mad that CF doesn't trade pending UFAs for anything but at the same time you are complaining in other posts that he traded Seto? :help:


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
So here you are mad that CF doesn't trade pending UFAs for anything but at the same time you are complaining in other posts that he traded Seto? :help:

part 2, if that was cooke's first dirty hit i'd give him the benefit of the doubt (example hall on clutterbuck). seto isnt first line talent like gabby, rolston , demo so i would handle trading those guys different.


Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
I hate Cooke as much as anyone, but Chuck Fletcher has done such a dynamite job with this franchise since he took control, I'll just say "In Chuck I Trust".

Fletcher is the best thing that happened to this franchise!

Billy Mays Here*

I hate Cooke as much as anyone, but Chuck Fletcher has done such a dynamite job with this franchise since he took control, I'll just say "In Chuck I Trust".

Fletcher is the best thing that happened to this franchise!

Bu. . . but. . . . but. . . .



Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
There's no such thing as a GM that never makes a mistake. The question is, when the GM makes a mistake, does it cost the franchise for years and years?

Fletcher has made mistakes, but he also has made some great moves that ultimately iminimize the imact of his mistakes.

DR made mistakes, and the wild are STILL paying for some of them... *cough*Parrish*cough*

The gross overpayments to guys like Schultz, Bouchard, Backstrom... crippled the team for years!

If you are going to give out big contracts, make sure they are to the right players at the right times to maintain flexibility.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
lets also consider Barker found jobs after the Wild. like it or not there was still a chance he'd get it together. faded with every new job, but it would have worked out great for us had he actually turned out to be a NHL defenseman.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
if he was too much of a loose cannon for coach Q in the finals there is probably very little chance Leddy would be playing minutes under Yeo. (edit: oh yeah, i guess that feeds the yeo dislike, too).


Registered User
Dec 6, 2006
if he was too much of a loose cannon for coach Q in the finals there is probably very little chance Leddy would be playing minutes under Yeo. (edit: oh yeah, i guess that feeds the yeo dislike, too).

Let us not forget where Leddy would have been in the pecking order with this team in comparison with Chicago. Without playing the "what if" as far as development and the butterfly effect with Brodin, Leddy would not have been Top 4 on this team. Chicago NEEDED him after KJ left the team for whatever reasons and their blueline thinned out greatly after they imploded the 2010 SC team blueline. I'm very happy for the kid and he certainly is deserving of the chances he is getting in life, but this whole "he's from here so he clearly is an elite hockey player" mentality needs to stop.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
i believe leddy would be the #4-#6 D-man on this teams current roster. as for cooke well i think plan A should have been keep seto until the trade deadline. plan B trade seto and free up the cap space / roster spot for a young player. nothing makes sense 2 me about CF signing cooke at 2.5 mill when we could have seto at 3 mill scoring 20G!


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Seto's inconsistent play is what got him the boot. He was worse than Cullen on being streaky IMO. Some games he looked great, others you never recognized he was out there. The more I see Cooke's name on our roster the more I like it. Clutterbuck was on the decline, so add some veteran leadership to the locker room and have someone who can actually hit the net and agitate at the same time. It should speak volumes the dude has been loved by all teammates everywhere he played and they are vocal about it.


i believe leddy would be the #4-#6 D-man on this teams current roster. as for cooke well i think plan A should have been keep seto until the trade deadline. plan B trade seto and free up the cap space / roster spot for a young player. nothing makes sense 2 me about CF signing cooke at 2.5 mill when we could have seto at 3 mill scoring 20G!

Thats because in your world, a one dimensional player that needs top 6 minutes and decent PP time to score 20 goals, is more valuable than a 3rd line PK guy who scores 15. Fortunately for the Wild, they have guys in the front office who understand the game beyond the goals scored column.


Jul 4, 2011
i believe leddy would be the #4-#6 D-man on this teams current roster. as for cooke well i think plan A should have been keep seto until the trade deadline. plan B trade seto and free up the cap space / roster spot for a young player. nothing makes sense 2 me about CF signing cooke at 2.5 mill when we could have seto at 3 mill scoring 20G!

Meh. Spurgeon > Leddy, any day of the week. Much better defensively, slightly slower but more agile and actually willing to engage physically. Better hockey IQ too, especially offensively.

I don't think we could fit Leddy in our future plans anyway. Yeah, the trade was horrendous in retrospect, I'm not arguing against that fact. Just saying that I'd take Spurgeon over Leddy any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
Thats because in your world, a one dimensional player that needs top 6 minutes and decent PP time to score 20 goals, is more valuable than a 3rd line PK guy who scores 15. Fortunately for the Wild, they have guys in the front office who understand the game beyond the goals scored column.

you mean the same people that only have one playoff appearance in 5 years in a league where over 50% of teams make the playoffs right?


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
some random **** hands you the keys to a beat up corolla and tells you you're racing guys in Volvos, Mustangs, Porsches, and Lamborghinis do you expect to win your first year? no, you do what you can to make yourself look as least busted up as possible and work on upgrading your car, which takes time because those guys in the better cars are trying to get some of the same parts as you, but with more resources.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
some random **** hands you the keys to a beat up corolla and tells you you're racing guys in Volvos, Mustangs, Porsches, and Lamborghinis do you expect to win your first year? no, you do what you can to make yourself look as least busted up as possible and work on upgrading your car, which takes time because those guys in the better cars are trying to get some of the same parts as you, but with more resources.

are you saying failure is acceptable? what if you paid the same $$ for your corolla vs a porche? these players are making millions of $$$, ownership is charging plenty for tickets but im suppose to wait patiently until things gel. hmmmmm
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