OT: Jets Lounge: post-Jedi edition

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Jan 2, 2011
Evanston, IL
Old thread was over the limit. Last few posts:

Loved it? Hated it? Confused by it? Left you with many unanswered questions?

Try watching Twin Peaks. :laugh:

i never watched TP as a kid. my wife loves it. eh.

i think Lost educated me regarding tv watching. try to stop making sense of things as if it's real life. just go along for the ride.
but i found the last episode to be interesting. there are a few ways to interpret it, and that makes it fun.
it could have been a slightly better last episode, but i'm still satisfied.
i did go back and watch 2 scenes again to pick up the subtle hints as to what really happened to Nora, and when you find it, it makes it that much more interesting...and confusing.

Thanks for the reply. I have to get off my derriere and make the switch. :shakehead

I believe her. As out there and crazy the story she was telling was, it is a more satisfying conclusion than the alternate theory. There is room for interpretation but seems to me that the show is clearly leaning in one direction.

Took my 8 year old son to see Darcy Oake at the Burt tonight and it was memorable. Sitting with my innocent boy running my hand through his hair it was not lost on me that this was a fundraiser for The foundation the Oake's have started in memory of the brother and son they lost to addiction at only 25 years of age. I wish them all the luck in the world as they bring the Bruce Oak recovery centre to life and make something positive out of their tragedy.


Carry on!

member 262271

New Twin Peaks is amazing. Had to rewatch all 5 episodes cause I knew I missed a bunch of things. Confusing yes, but I'm a little more used to it as I've been a huge David Lynch fan for a while.

Re: Thread title, The Winds of Winter is never coming out. :laugh:

nobody important

the pessimist returns
Jul 12, 2015
a quiet suburb
Säy yes to ömlaüts!

You Euros have too many letters. Hell, even the English alphabet has two too many. There are 24 hours in the day, and there should be 24 letters in the alphabet. Let's be real, Q is just a dead loss and C is completely superfluous. Both can be replaced by K, or an S for the soft C. In fact, look at how many words require you to use both C and K. How stupidly redundant and time wasting. Let's make English kwiker.

Anyway, back to umlauts and accents, we don't need little mark-ups to tell us how to say our vowels, we just remember how to pronounce the words. Don't even get me started on consonant variants. Finns especially should want to embrace this philosophy. God knows their words are long enough already without having to go back and throw dots at every second letter. I'll bet carpal tunnel syndrome is more prevalent in countries that use umlauts.



Registered User
Oct 28, 2014
You Euros have too many letters. Hell, even the English alphabet has two too many. There are 24 hours in the day, and there should be 24 letters in the alphabet. Let's be real, Q is just a dead loss and C is completely superfluous. Both can be replaced by K, or an S for the soft C. In fact, look at how many words require you to use both C and K. How stupidly redundant and time wasting. Let's make English kwiker.

Anyway, back to umlauts and accents, we don't need little mark-ups to tell us how to say our vowels, we just remember how to pronounce the words. Don't even get me started on consonant variants. Finns especially should want to embrace this philosophy. God knows their words are long enough already without having to go back and throw dots at every second letter. I'll bet carpal tunnel syndrome is more prevalent in countries that use umlauts.


As an English teacher I wholeheartedly disagree, although you're onto something with the alphabet. :laugh:


Recovering Future Considerations Truther
Feb 23, 2014
Anyway, back to umlauts and accents, we don't need little mark-ups to tell us how to say our vowels, we just remember how to pronounce the words. Don't even get me started on consonant variants. Finns especially should want to embrace this philosophy. God knows their words are long enough already without having to go back and throw dots at every second letter. I'll bet carpal tunnel syndrome is more prevalent in countries that use umlauts.

1) As far as we are concerned, Ä and Ö are real genuine letters (and keyboard buttons!) and not some bastardizations with extra marks, and we can well afford our supposedly extra vowels because we really keep the suspiciously furrin C, F, Q, X and Z along just to pad our numbers, and b) with our near-perfect grapheme-phoneme correspondence I scoff at the idea of having to remember the pronounciation of any words. Our A is A always, as is E E; the Ä and Ö are there to keep us straight from ever succumbing to any kind of 'hät' or 'thö' nonsense, and the vowel harmony is there to protect us from tongue-killing craziness like 'Olympics' even better than the NHL can.

Really, it's so crazy simple we have added the grammatical cases of nominative, genetive, partitive, essive, translative, inessive, elative, illative, adessive, ablative, allative, accusative and I don't remember the rest on top of it just to have even some challenge.
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Registered User
Oct 28, 2014
If the Alien language in Arrival had case marking it would have taken far less time to decipher.

English is like "aight since everything else is so damn inconsistent we'll keep the case marking to the pronouns."

nobody important

the pessimist returns
Jul 12, 2015
a quiet suburb
If the Alien language in Arrival had case marking it would have taken far less time to decipher.

English is like "aight since everything else is so damn inconsistent we'll keep the case marking to the pronouns."

Hey! Hey! Spoiler alerts please and thank you? Some of us still haven't seen the movie and would like to be surprised. Fortunately, I don't have a clue what you just said, but still... :)


Barking at the net
Apr 15, 2012
Please Understand
E3 is this week, which allows me to remember what it's like to be a kid, except this time with disposable income. So many games coming out now. I was kind of hoping for some Last of Us 2 information, but oh well. I'll settle for two new Metroid games.
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