Post-Game Talk: Jets 6 - Mild 3

Jets 31

This Dude loves the Jets and GIF's
Mar 3, 2015
Couple of things, Vilardi is amazing in tight around the goalie and i'm extremely happy Chevy didn't give up what Vancouver did to get Lindholm. Monahan for a very late 1st round pick and a 3rd round pick, ya we are going to lose the 3rd, is a way better trade. :nod:

Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
I think I got the Monahan acquisition all wrong

He may not have been the best C available (Lindholm), but he seems to fit what Jets needed, PP, PK & FO. Now if he can just get his 5v5 line going a bit it will be a perfect fit.

If he doesn't gel as 2C he could still be a good pickup just for ST & FO with the way he has played so far.


Free Capo!
Jul 20, 2004
Couple of things, Vilardi is amazing in tight around the goalie and i'm extremely happy Chevy didn't give up what Vancouver did to get Lindholm. Monahan for a very late 1st round pick and a 3rd round pick, ya we are going to lose the 3rd, is a way better trade. :nod:
Yup - so happy that we missed out on Lindholm.

Now let's go get Tanev :)

Stanley + MTL 2nd


A pint of dark matter, please.
Jan 7, 2017
The 100th Meridian
He may not have been the best C available (Lindholm), but he seems to fit what Jets needed, PP, PK & FO. Now if he can just get his 5v5 line going a bit it will be a perfect fit.

If he doesn't gel as 2C he could still be a good pickup just for ST & FO with the way he has played so far.

Is this a fair comparison with respect to their contributions to the Jets?

Sean Monahan (soft mitts, high hockey IQ, a bit on the slow skating side, PK'er) = Brian Little (soft mitts, decent skater, good for ~50 pts per annum)
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Registered User
Nov 17, 2015
Well it's good to get another win but our 5 on 5 play is still leaving a lot to be desired imo. Someone mentioned looking like Maurice coached teams relying on goaltending and special teams but imo they are starting ro resemble Bones Dallas teams. In Dallas Bones tended to want one top line that had free reign ro do as they pleased and three lines that were instructed to play not to hurt you. That is essentially what we got now.

We have a too line that is allowed to be creative and play risky hockey. They generate some grade A chances but do they ever give them up in spades lately.

The other three lines are all playing from the same simplified playback. Get the puck to the point, set up the double layer screen for tips. Crash the net to create chaos. Seems like Bones is doing the same thing he did last year when our scoring dried up but the results seem to more positive this year and so far no public spat between Schiefele and coach on how to create offense :p.

But I do hope that as the team continues to regain its scoring touch that the coaches start adding back in more layers in our offensive schemes. Our 5 on 5 game hasn't been nearly as good as it was the first half and I think some of it is due to a simplifying of our offensive schemes. Some of it is due to our team defense loosening a bit as well.
Nailed it - exactly on the mark wrt how Bones coach`s... .

Our 5v5 game has really slipped quite a bit as you note. But the biggest challenge is for Bones to figure out his best lines and he better be quick about that. We are going exactly nowhere in the playoffs if we continue to blindly ice a top line that gets caved in regularly every game - but that`s what the braintrust here are fixated on with Connor/Scheifele/Vilardi. It`s fantastic that our PP has dramatically turned around and helped win a few games of recent but this line is giving up far far too much defensively.


Whiteout Is Coming.
Dec 18, 2015
West Coast
It was nice that Appleton scored.
I've been finding myself yelling at the tv specifically at him a lot recently.
His long stretches of games without contributing can pile up.
It would seem like maybe we have more effective players than him on the roster playing on the 4th line. Last night aside from the goal we saw Apples be quite effective in other ways as well.
He had a good run of games earlier in the year.
Hopefully the better version of Mason can be more of a regular thing (especially if he's going to be glued to Lowry).
I don't understand the hate on Appleton.
He checks and finishes his checks isn't that what a third liner is suppose to do and score once in awhile which he does have 10 goals.
I watched him in Vancouver live because on TV you don't see the plays he makes without the puck and I had no problems with his play other than his stone hands but hey for $2.1 million I don't expect him to be a $13.25 Million goal scorer.
Also Stanley is fine for only a $1 million D7 come playoff time the Jets need big bodies on defence ... as is Jets imo have a small defence.
Always remember if you want a player to play like a $6 Million player you have to paid him $6M.
It sure was nice Stanley stepping in on the Scheifele hit.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2003
Nailed it - exactly on the mark wrt how Bones coach`s... .

Our 5v5 game has really slipped quite a bit as you note. But the biggest challenge is for Bones to figure out his best lines and he better be quick about that. We are going exactly nowhere in the playoffs if we continue to blindly ice a top line that gets caved in regularly every game - but that`s what the braintrust here are fixated on with Connor/Scheifele/Vilardi. It`s fantastic that our PP has dramatically turned around and helped win a few games of recent but this line is giving up far far too much defensively.

Agreed, I also greatly question if how they have the second line playing is optimal for all pieces on that line. I get that Monohan isn't quick enough for a transition based attack but I do think they can do more in the offensive end then just pucks to the point and go to the net. I think it limits what Cole and Ehlers are good at. I think you need to have other looks off of the cycle.


Nov 2, 2023
I personally believe fighting should be eradicated from the sport. It should be up to the league to dish out sufficient punishment. But unfortunately until they do and do so consistently players are going to be fighting after every questionable play on one of their teammates.

In the context of that Stanley fighting was fine but as I said I wish fighting was not part of the sport.

I agree with the spirit of this. I do think that in order for fighting to be outlawed (seriously, what other team sport encourages or allows this?) officiating and supplemental discipline needs to get MUCH better.

In the interim, I think what the league can do is use the instigator rule far more liberally. If there's a clean hit and the hitter gets challenged, that should auto be a 2-5-10. At least we can get the nonsense fighting out of the game.

I am so happy that fighting by appointment was eradicated and the wasted roster spots it entailed. I think it's time for the league to take the next natural step
I enjoy fighting, but I get why sudden bare knuckle punch up's during a team sport, comes off as absurd to some.

As touched on, the extinction of the enforcer role is a good thing. If for nothing else, the prevention of all the physical and mental anguish men in that role went through.

Most fights these days are closer to theatrics. With a thrown fist usually flying into nothingness and at worst the opposing players helmet or visor. Doing more damage to the one who threw it. The modern hockey tussle does still pump up the boy's and the crowd. Injecting energy into a contest, which if harnessed, can potentially help spur on a team to victory. As much as we don't like to admit it in civilized society, a dose of moderate violence is still very entertaining to most.

With that said, I wince when a player goes down and their unprotected head almost smacks the ice. Or uncovered hand is nearly stepped on by a skate blade. There is still the potential for a disastrous situation in even the tamest of scraps, that could result in a horrible outcome.

But, as also mentioned, the league is still miles away from disciplining the game with an acceptable level of consistency. IMO George has been a failure as the head of DOPS. Which is much more unforgivable than being in charge of a poor PP. Every time an incident happens, nobody can predict with certainty what the punishment will be. Truba didn't even get a game for slugging a guy in the head with his stick. Intentional or not, the optics were brutal and a clear standard should have been set for how a player is to control their body and stick. It can't be an easy job to regulate such a fast and physical game, where dangerous situations unfold with such nuance. Even so, there should be a clear disciplinary template laid out for players and fans, so that everyone knows what outcome to expect for the majority of punishable offenses.

That needs to be implemented first, then remove fighting and see what happens. Will dirty incidents increase or decrease without it, even if there is a set standard of discipline? That's the only way to know for sure if it's still a necessary element of hockey.
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Whiteout Is Coming.
Dec 18, 2015
West Coast
and so it should have been, after that game.
Ok pick the top team in the league in your opinion and I will show you a bad game they played.
It happens ... players are human.
The coach and players admitted they played like crap and it was probably the worst game they played this season ... you flush that game and get ready for the next one. There is no reason to go on and on about it.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2018
Wasn't in the GDT last night but I'm curious what people thought of this? I saw the play and it sure looked ugly when 55 went down, but Middleton didn't seem to actually do anything wrong and he was concerned about Scheifele, making sure he was ok and Scheif didn't seem to upset. It looked for all the world that Scheifele caught an edge as much as anything to me.

Then stanimal rolls in to make Middleton "pay the price". We already had the penalty call and forthcoming PP so my thought was why bother? Yeah, yeah, code, blah, blah, blah. But it wasn't intentional, the call was made, Scheifele wasn't upset. I just ended up thinking the play was really stupid.
Stanley likely told Middleton he needed to fight to keep his job, so Middleton agreed to help him out. Didn't seem like there was much animosity involved.

Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
Ok pick the top team in the league in your opinion and I will show you a bad game they played.
It happens ... players are human.
The coach and players admitted they played like crap and it was probably the worst game they played this season ... you flush that game and get ready for the next one. There is no reason to go on and on about it.

It was really bad and it wasn't just 1 game. They have drifted away from what worked for the first 40 games. There have been some good ones in the last 15, but they have not been consistent.

Is it OK to observe that? Is it OK to come here and discuss the way they are playing the last 15 games? Or is it only OK to come here and cheer, whether they are good or bad?

I'm looking for a sign of a turnaround. The Vancouver game might have been it but they followed it with what might have been their worst game of the season. The good news is that the PP has finally started to produce. Lets hope they can keep that up. But the structure that got them to 1st in the league is still MIA.

Jets 31

This Dude loves the Jets and GIF's
Mar 3, 2015
It was really bad and it wasn't just 1 game. They have drifted away from what worked for the first 40 games. There have been some good ones in the last 15, but they have not been consistent.

Is it OK to observe that? Is it OK to come here and discuss the way they are playing the last 15 games? Or is it only OK to come here and cheer, whether they are good or bad?

I'm looking for a sign of a turnaround. The Vancouver game might have been it but they followed it with what might have been their worst game of the season. The good news is that the PP has finally started to produce. Lets hope they can keep that up. But the structure that got them to 1st in the league is still MIA.
It's ok to do both......:laugh:


Savannah Ghost Pirates
Apr 6, 2010
Canton, Georgia
I just wanna say, huge respect, even massive, to Middleton for making sure Scheif was ok and then answering the bell with Stanley. Both seemed to stun each other with Midd’s getting the upper hand.

Monahan and Valardi are gonna be huge come playoff time. Greasy goals are huge when the games get tighter and more physical.


Whiteout Is Coming.
Dec 18, 2015
West Coast
It was really bad and it wasn't just 1 game. They have drifted away from what worked for the first 40 games. There have been some good ones in the last 15, but they have not been consistent.

Is it OK to observe that? Is it OK to come here and discuss the way they are playing the last 15 games? Or is it only OK to come here and cheer, whether they are good or bad?

I'm looking for a sign of a turnaround. The Vancouver game might have been it but they followed it with what might have been their worst game of the season. The good news is that the PP has finally started to produce. Lets hope they can keep that up. But the structure that got them to 1st in the league is still MIA.
You know what I noticed about fans on the internet they never give credit to the opposing teams.
An opposing player makes a great read and intercepts a pass and makes a great move to beat the goalie and score. The first things fans want to do trade the player who made a bad pass or demote him he's a bum and the goalie should have had that.
Hello these are all professional players on any given day any team can beat any team.
Remember the Sharks game where the Jets lost ... according to the announcers who cover the Sharks said that was the Sharks best game of the season they played.
I don't have a problem with discussions I enjoy reading them but some go over the top with the negativity.
Remember before the season started .... rebuilt, rebuilt, tear it down?
Anyways the Jets have a good team enjoy it.
Are the Jets going to have off nights ... yes so what?
Jets beat the #1 team in the NHL on the road and they beat the hottest team in the West (Wild 8-2-1) but lost to a non playoff team ... why focus on the loss?

Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
You know what I noticed about fans on the internet they never give credit to the opposing teams.
An opposing player makes a great read and intercepts a pass and makes a great move to beat the goalie and score. The first things fans want to do trade the player who made a bad pass or demote him he's a bum and the goalie should have had that.
Hello these are all professional players on any given day any team can beat any team.
Remember the Sharks game where the Jets lost ... according to the announcers who cover the Sharks said that was the Sharks best game of the season they played.
I don't have a problem with discussions I enjoy reading them but some go over the top with the negativity.
Remember before the season started .... rebuilt, rebuilt, tear it down?
Anyways the Jets have a good team enjoy it.
Are the Jets going to have off nights ... yes so what?
Jets beat the #1 team in the NHL on the road and they beat the hottest team in the West (Wild 8-2-1) but lost to a non playoff team ... why focus on the loss?

I frequently credit the opposition.

I am fully aware that any team can beat any other on a given day. I'm talking about a 15 game stretch when they are playing a different style. They have gotten away from what was working so well. Not 1 game.

Yeah, Jets made Sharks look very good.

The pre-season talk about tear-down/rebuild was all based on the appearance that Scheifele and Helle were not going to extend. 99.99%. That talk ended the day they signed.

I'm not focused on the 1 loss. I'm focused on the 10-12 games out of the last 15 where they have played badly, whether they won or lost. I'm focused on what that means for the rest of the season and the PO if they don't turn it around.

It's ok to do both......:laugh:

Yeah. I try to do that. I know I don't always succeed.:laugh:
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Registered User
Nov 1, 2015
I frequently credit the opposition.

I am fully aware that any team can beat any other on a given day. I'm talking about a 15 game stretch when they are playing a different style. They have gotten away from what was working so well. Not 1 game.

Yeah, Jets made Sharks look very good.

The pre-season talk about tear-down/rebuild was all based on the appearance that Scheifele and Helle were not going to extend. 99.99%. That talk ended the day they signed.

I'm not focused on the 1 loss. I'm focused on the 10-12 games out of the last 15 where they have played badly, whether they won or lost. I'm focused on what that means for the rest of the season and the PO if they don't turn it around.

Yeah. I try to do that. I know I don't always succeed.:laugh:
really think you are over exaggerating how badly we played in those "10-12" games, half they games we were good but we were shooting a putrid 4% as a team
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Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
really think you are over exaggerating how badly we played in those "10-12" games, half they games we were good but we were shooting a putrid 4% as a team

Good, we are now discussing the issue.

You could be right, but I attribute at least a big part of that low sh% to playing badly. Shots from too far out. Shots when the goalie is fully square to the shooter and likely to make the save. On the other side of that they have also passed when they had better shooting opportunities way too often. That is another aspect of playing badly.

But my main issue has been that they got away from the locked down defensive game that had worked so well. That might be another result of the poor sh%. They may have started deviating from the system because they were getting desperate for a goal, IDK. They started giving up more good scoring chances than they had been. Helle was holding them in too often.

When they were playing well they were winning the zone time battle and really dictating the play. When the opposition did get control in our D zone Jets were limiting them to less dangerous shots. They are not doing that most of the time lately. Last 2 games are a good illustration. 1 W, 1 L, combined score of 9-9. Bro had to be outstanding to get the 1 W. Both games were against teams likely missing the PO.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2015
Good, we are now discussing the issue.

You could be right, but I attribute at least a big part of that low sh% to playing badly. Shots from too far out. Shots when the goalie is fully square to the shooter and likely to make the save. On the other side of that they have also passed when they had better shooting opportunities way too often. That is another aspect of playing badly.

But my main issue has been that they got away from the locked down defensive game that had worked so well. That might be another result of the poor sh%. They may have started deviating from the system because they were getting desperate for a goal, IDK. They started giving up more good scoring chances than they had been. Helle was holding them in too often.

When they were playing well they were winning the zone time battle and really dictating the play. When the opposition did get control in our D zone Jets were limiting them to less dangerous shots. They are not doing that most of the time lately. Last 2 games are a good illustration. 1 W, 1 L, combined score of 9-9. Bro had to be outstanding to get the 1 W. Both games were against teams likely missing the PO.
ok you can attribute our poor shooting% and say it's due to poor play, I'll attribute it to us just going on a cold streak that happens to every team and wasn't from poor play...

we still were structured and played the system during most of this stretch as well, this is an 82 game seasons with lots of ebbs and flows
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Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
ok you can attribute our poor shooting% and say it's due to poor play, I'll attribute it to us just going on a cold streak that happens to every team and wasn't from poor play...

we still were structured and played the system during most of this stretch as well, this is an 82 game seasons with lots of ebbs and flows

OK, I will agree that every team has cold streaks. I'll just say that cold streaks happen for reasons. My concern is that the cold streak will last as long as the play doesn't get back on track. If they get back to their earlier play then there is no concern. Just an ebb and flow. But if they do not .....
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