Proposal: It May Be Time To Re-Visit Kessel at Center


Registered User
Mar 11, 2010
Toronto, ON
Dreakmur, Kessel would have to strap on the pads and get 10 straight shutouts before you gave him any credit for being good defensively.

I'm not saying he's a Selke candidate, but he's pulling his weight defensively. I've seen him as the third man back more times in the last 6 weeks than I have in the previous 3 seasons collectively.

It's a moot point anyways because he will not be put back at centre, and thus won't needed to be counted on as heavily for his defence. I do believe he is more than capable, however, based on his recent work, to shoulder the responsibilities of a centreman.

Have you even watched Kessel play this year? Do yourself a favour and count how many times he's turned the puck over because he wants to avoid body contact. It's sickening to watch.


Registered User
Dec 12, 2012
Kessels not the best puck carrier, not great at one on one play but hes got terrific speed shot and playmaking skills. He needs someone else on the line to carry the load of puck carrying... Maybe kadri, maybe we trade for a center...


Registered User
May 26, 2008
Have you even watched Kessel play this year? Do yourself a favour and count how many times he's turned the puck over because he wants to avoid body contact. It's sickening to watch.


Just because he's better than absolutely terrible defensively (which is what we were used to a few seasons ago), doesnt mean he's good or even average.

He backchecks more often then in the past, but regularly regularly turns away from the play, especially along the boards, to avoid body contact. When he's chasing the guy with the puck, one of his big moves is to stop skating, glide, and reach half heartedly with his stick, instead of using his speed to get right up in there and strip the puck.

The frustrating part about Kessel is that he has the tools to be good defensively IF he wanted to be. I dont expect him to be a hard hitting guy, but willingness to take a hit, and a bit more hustle would go a LONG way. Having high end speed and good hockey IQ are what Datsyuk uses to win Selkes.

Thats what frustrates people the most about Kessel. Nobody expects him to be a big hitter. But he lacks heart/desire. He doesnt REALLY want to win, not the same way other guys are who will go into the tough areas. And its not like he's super tiny, he's the same size as a guy like M. Richards for example, and we all know the style of play he employs.


Registered User
Mar 11, 2010
Toronto, ON
Agreed. The idea of Kessel playing center is ridiculous. As a center, you have to be the most defensively responsible forward on the ice. Try to think of Kessel in such a role. :laugh:


Registered User
Feb 5, 2010
You want the softest player in the league, who also happens to be average/below-average defensively to be our center? The man will do ANYTHING to avoid contact and corner plays. His style is much more suited for a winger in my opinion.


Why not move Grabovski with Kessel and JVR and put Bozak on the checking line? It might work better for Phil and Grabovski but also keep Bozak producing on another with some one he's had chemistry before (Kulemin) while also putting him with a great centre in McClement or even with Komarov.

Grabo is a puck hog


Registered User
Mar 11, 2010
Toronto, ON
You want the softest player in the league, who also happens to be average/below-average defensively to be our center? The man will do ANYTHING to avoid contact and corner plays. His style is much more suited for a winger in my opinion.

His "style" is much more suited for a beauty pageant. Except he's too fat.

Phion Keneuf

Bang Bang
Jul 4, 2010
His "style" is much more suited for a beauty pageant. Except he's too fat.

Lol, true.

It's honestly beyond me how you can be a professional hockey player and be as soft as a pillow.
His endless turnovers, terrible defensive efforts, and unwillingness to get hit have honestly made me sick of him this year. Last year was the same thing, but we let it slide because he was a top offensive guy in the league


Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
He hasn't played Center in how many years? He isn't defensively responsible, he's not strong on the puck as in he can push others off it. He avoids corners mostly and only goes in there to attempt to cycle it. Terrible idea to move him to Center because it would leave a large chunk of the middle of the ice open.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2011
As much as I like Kessel, and I do think he is playing a more all around game, its not to the level a center would be on a line where he would be expected to play (the 1st)

His takeaway numbers, giveaway numbers, blocked shots and hits are lower middle to bottom 3rd in all categories listed

Not a very great idea IMO, but I guess he would need to get a fair shake at it before any full on conclusions could be made, I never thought Cammalleri would be a good center, but he is adequate when called upon


Registered User
Jan 22, 2003
It's not a completely horrible idea..

Kessel is a strong defnsive player when back checking, but when hes on the boards trying to get the puck out hes horrible because he thinks hes going to get hit every time and bails on the play.

I would love to see JVR and Lupul on the same line. Both have great chemistry with Kessel and both are big bodies..

Lupul - JVR - Kessel
Lupul - Kessel - JVR


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
Toronto, ON
Kessel doesn't have the attention to detail that is required out of a centreman. When he comes back into the defensive zone or is in the offensive zone, he is often wandering around and doesn't stop to compete at a big level.

He is more comfortable on the wing, IMO. JVR playing at centre could be a bit more realistic if Bozak is traded and Lupul comes back.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
Kessel should stay on the wing as he just doesn't have the defensive game to be a center. If the Leafs can sign Perry in the off season, then they should trade Kessel.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Leafs Home Board
A center position requires more defensive responsibilities than a winger that is one of the main reasons for Kessel position on the wing.

Also a center must collapse all the way back into his own zone and that would eliminate all of Kessel's busts down the wing taking long breakout passes.

Face-off ability would be another reason this is not a good idea, by losing possession regularly.


Best move for Phil Kessel right now is on a line with Komi + Stekel + Liles - in press box


Registered User
Mar 30, 2008
I agree with the poster's who say Phil's defensive defficiencies arent due to a lack of effort, but rather just horrible skills clearing the puck along the boards.

I think Phil at centre would be worth a try because he doesnt seem to have had much success blowing by people along the wing, and most of his success comes when he is a threat to distribute the puck


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