interview on CBC 3:10 Friday 14th


Differently Financed
Jun 14, 2010
Its like not eating pancakes because they take to long to make. In the end everyone suffers. The pancakes never get to live and fulfill there life goal. You don't get to eat and become hungry. The syrup eventually wastes and doesn't fulfill its life. The stove doesn't get used and eventually breaks. Eventually Aunt Jemima goes bankrupt and you have to switch to a no-name brand of pancakes that's only ok and not near as good. Its a lose-lose.


Only the best Scouts
Dec 12, 2009
Peterborough, ON
I too will boycot the entire season, no matter what. No jerseys, no games, no NHL centre-ice, ad-block on; they will get absolutely NOTHING from me for an entire season. It's highly unlike that the Sens go broke because a small group of hardcore fans boycot. From a moral standpoint I feel as though it is my duty for my voice to be heard (my voice = my $$$). I will still follow the Sens through rogue live-streams and continue to support HFBoards, but the NHL will not receive any money from me.

Sorry Eugene.
Sorry Murray.
Sorry Alfie.

Minister of Offence

Registered User
Oct 2, 2009
Maybe just stop buying merch. That's the revenue that goes to the NHL and NHLPA. Hurts Melnyk less and makes a point.

The league's gonna feel it if they see clusters of empty seats in rinks that traditionally sell out. I won't be going to any games this year but that's just an individual decision of mine. And if people aren't bothering to go to games, they sure as hell ain't buying merch, but fans won't send a loud and obvious message if they just stop buying merchandise. If they wanna display displeasure, just watch the games from home and don't give the NHL or any of its constituents any money.

And whether Melnyk is guilty or not really doesn't change how much I don't care about him having a little less money. God forbid he'd have to live in a house with 8 washrooms instead of 10.

If the fans actually do take a stand, they won't be locking out for a while. But I doubt people stay away in large enough numbers.


Registered User
Oct 7, 2007
Around the bend
No games and no merchandise for me. The NHL has to watch out, this second lockout since 04-05 really hits a large group of people, the baby boom echo, at an age when they are picking and choosing what they will spend their money on. And there is more information and options out there than ever before.

John Holmes*

The league has really done it to themselves this time. This unnecessary lockout has done irreparable damage.

They've turned off their core fans. That is hard to overcome.


Dec 21, 2007
Manitoba, Canada
I'll watch again, but out here in Manitoba, I have no effect on Ottawa whatsoever. Can't afford to watch the Jets at MTS Centre. It's still the league I like best... when they're playing.


Fire Dorion
Jan 11, 2011
I dont understand why people buy jerseys and the merch and go to a ton of games and pay for NHL center ice. Thats just hardcore consumerism. You can be a real hockey fan and just watch the games for free and not give them all your money for all the extras.

Philadelphia Collins

Registered User
May 31, 2011
When the lockout finally cancels the entire season (and it will) if the NHL gives any thought towards their fans they had better give Center Ice away for free next year, or at least cut the price in half.

Besides, people like us who post on hockey forums clearly care too much about the game to boycott it and make a noticeable difference. It's casual fans who were just starting to enjoy the game who are the ones the NHL should be worried about. LA won the cup, and it's Stanley Cup banner is collecting dust somewhere while the city's MLB and NBA team just made some exciting signings. Any new fans that decided they enjoyed hockey after that cup win probably stopped caring about this selfish, money grubbing league a long time ago.



Don't Hold The Door
Mar 16, 2009
I want to boycott games. I really do. But if the NHL is back this year, I'll be at every single home game I can be at because this is it for Alfie. I'm so afraid that I've seen my last game live game with Alfie.

I hate myself for it but that's just the way it is. If the season is cancelled outright, I won't be going to a NHL game for a long time.


I don't know about you guys but I love my Ottawa Senators.

If the season came back today, I'd watch every single game just like any other year. I'd attend as many games as I could. Hell, I know for a fact that I'm getting a new jersey for Christmas.

Why the hell would I deprive myself of something that I love so much and something that I've been wishing would come back for so long? No, no. I'm going to enjoy my hockey because I realize that "boycotting" is not going to do a god damned thing. If you want hockey back, watch it. You deciding to not watch games this one season isn't going to make the NHL discount products. It isn't going to make the NHL say to themselves, "Wow, we DID really mess up. No more lockouts. Scout's honour." No. Instead, it's "business as usual".

Give me back hockey and I'm happy as a clam.

EDIT: For the people saying they're done with the NHL, for good; see you next season.

Minister of Offence

Registered User
Oct 2, 2009
I want to boycott games. I really do. But if the NHL is back this year, I'll be at every single home game I can be at because this is it for Alfie. I'm so afraid that I've seen my last game live game with Alfie.

I hate myself for it but that's just the way it is. If the season is cancelled outright, I won't be going to a NHL game for a long time.

I'll make an exception for Alfie's last game if I get a chance. I'll buy the ticket second hand though ;)


Effortless sexy.
Jul 13, 2006
I don't know about you guys but I love my Ottawa Senators.

If the season came back today, I'd watch every single game just like any other year. I'd attend as many games as I could. Hell, I know for a fact that I'm getting a new jersey for Christmas.


This would be much, much tougher for me if the lockout were the late 90s early 2000s and we had a 100+ point team full of young, exciting players. That team seems to be in Bingo and who knows if those players will be 10-15 year vets in the NHL.
At the moment, with the team just getting into the playoffs and clawing to win a playoff's whatever.

It's not hard to step away from this product. Now, if the Senators are world-beaters again...that will be tough to stay away from.
We haven't had seasons in a few years...after the team tanked we no longer wanted full seasons and let them know it wasn't acceptable. We went to a Flex pack a year or so ago and might drop that too.

Give me hockey I give you money.
No hockey, no money, no horizonti.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2006
I don't know about you guys but I love my Ottawa Senators.

If the season came back today, I'd watch every single game just like any other year. I'd attend as many games as I could. Hell, I know for a fact that I'm getting a new jersey for Christmas.

Why the hell would I deprive myself of something that I love so much and something that I've been wishing would come back for so long? No, no. I'm going to enjoy my hockey because I realize that "boycotting" is not going to do a god damned thing. If you want hockey back, watch it. You deciding to not watch games this one season isn't going to make the NHL discount products. It isn't going to make the NHL say to themselves, "Wow, we DID really mess up. No more lockouts. Scout's honour." No. Instead, it's "business as usual".

Give me back hockey and I'm happy as a clam.

EDIT: For the people saying they're done with the NHL, for good; see you next season.

Yeah truth be told I imagine I will watch every game and cheer them on as always. I doubt my emotions will change much. Most people are motivated for a love of money, security and respect so I won't begrudge anyone as I would do the same. Sure I'm pissed but whatever.

Novak Djokovic

#24 and counting... #GOAT
Dec 10, 2006
I'll be watching the game, but won't be spending any money on tickets or jerseys. Well, actually, I've never really spent much on hockey before (just $300 for three games last year in the upper deck... :( ) but now I don't want to spend even a dollar on NHL.

Having said all that, as soon as hockey comes back, I'm watching it on TV.


Registered User
Jun 5, 2006
I sent in my resignation to my senators Rep.
It is a huge trauma for me to give up what i consider the best hockey seats at the
whatever it's called now place (section 208 row B seats 6,7.. dead center on the red line)

As a huge fan of the GAME i'm disgusted by the actions of the NHLPA and the NHL.
Obviously they only care about one thing... MONEY.. screw the fans and the integrity of the sport etc.

So i'll walk the walk and take away the thing they love the most.

I still love hockey and will watch it for FREE on t.v. and streaming on the internet but no more money from me...

I've been with the Senators since game 1 and a huge fan of the game.

If my leaving will make them laugh well so be it. They are facing a HUGE hill in getting fans to pay money to watch someone making 200,000 a game.....


Registered User
Jul 13, 2008
LOL. You guys will be just as amped up come playoff time. These threads will be fun to bump later.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2008
I think you will be surprised.
I meant what i said.
you may jest in beliveing me, but well, thats your problem

I think you held these people (NHL players and/or owners) in higher esteem initially than I did. They've always been greedy ******** to me.


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