HNICplays only Leafs,cancells Sens

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pepty said:
Not so sure about that Olympics theory,but the Right of Refusal idea sounds just about right.
The problem is that it is worth money to the CBC (and hence the league) for Canadian fans to have no option but to watch the main CBC telecast.

On the other hand, selling the rights to other broadcasters might make the CBC money but they probably like being the only game in town (literally).


Let's win it all
Feb 22, 2005
So here we are-Saturday night with the Leafs yet again.

Ottawa-Philly-forget it. We dont get a chance ,even in the Ottawa

Stupid CBC.


why do you people whine and cry over everthing???!?!?! :shakehead

In MLB they would show every team in the league over the jays, get over it, bring in the viewers and then talk. leafs have more fans and bring in more $$$, just move on, dont like it? stop being cheap and get NHL center ice


Let's win it all
Feb 22, 2005
Why should Ottawa fans have to get center Ice? If CBC wants to promote the Leafs to death let them let TSN or another network have the rights to play Sens Saturday night games.

Its the dog in the manger,not showing the games and not letting anyone else show them either that is ridiculous.

Actually,its ridiculous to show the same team over and over on primetime every Saturday night anyhow. No other network in any league does that.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
syc said:
So get center ice and stop crying.

Not everybody has a money tree in their backyard.

I agree, Leafs should be the priority for the CBC, they rake in tons of $$$. But if they wan't even more money, they could AT LEAST play the Sens games on CBC Ottawa and Les Canadiens games on CBC Montreal. Montreal and Ottawa are 2 huge markets, so instead of broadcasting Leafs games nationwide and making pennies, they could play the Sens and Les Canadiens on their respective stations and make a decent amount of cash.


Mar 4, 2002
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its funny how a public broadcaster gets away with treating its enitity like a private business.

They take all our money and forcefeed leaf games down our throat.

The CBC has to make up its mind. Is it a true public broadcaster that serves canada with fair and balanced coverage which reperesents the entire nation, or are they a private entity who is in this business to make money? You cant have it both ways. And if they do pull a profit, dont for a second believe that this money is coming back into our pockets :rant:

The hypocrisy just kills me :shakehead

For example, here's a universal question for leaf fans and beyond in Canada: How do you feel about the CBC getting in a bidding war with the private sectors like CTV while using your money? THEY HAVE NO RIGHT IN COMPETING WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR USING PUBLIC DOLLARS. And its even worse when they are just serving a particular region in Canada when it comes to a sport like hockey.

You cant have your cake and eat it too. The CBC is a joke and I wish there was a way to make sure my money doesn't fund this garbage


Registered User
Mar 4, 2002
Auburn, Maine
dafoomie said:
Wow, thats crap. I'm glad the Bruins own their own network.

What network does the BPHA, AKA the Bruins own, dafoomie, the Bruins are a minority owner of NESN, THE Baseball team IN Boston owns NESN, haven't u noticed the only non-Bruins coverage is the Beanpot, didn't they have Providence coverage a few years back the way Fox NE carried the Whalers and showed the Wolf*Pack head to head w/ the Bruins tonight.


Geese_Howard said:
leafs have more fans and bring in more $$$,

HNIC games (sat. leafs games) draw about 1.4 million viewers on average (i found two different numbers 1.2 and 1.7 so i took the average of those). Airing Harry Potter and Indiana Jones and other Movies last year during the lock-out Movie night in Canada drew about 1.1 million average. THey could show movies to the rest of Canada and show Sens and Mtl games in their regions an bring in more viewers as a leafs only game on sat. night.
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bad chi
Jun 2, 2004
Every team should have their games broadcasted in their own region. If CBC doesn't want to do it, they should sell the rights to Sportsnet or something...

Start a petition. Seriously. I'll sign it.

Maybe we won't have one of these threads every 2 weeks...


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 13, 2005
I guess in the big picture it's all about what is the best way the CBC can make money off hockey.

I guess somebody has crunched the numbers and figured that they will make more money showing only leafs games then showing more regionalized action from all canadian teams.

While some will argue if they show more regionalized games they would attract more viewers, i guess the people with calculators realized that the production cost associated with those games is not worth the extra viewers.

I assume the CBC also pays the league or canadian teams a nice chunk of change to make sure they are the only show in town come saturday nights in canada.

If you want to complain to somebody about your team not being shown, don't just blame CBC, blame your teams owner who probably is more then happy to accept that cash not to put there product on the air, which will make the other games they do show more valuable.

That being said be thankful your team owner isn't Bill Wirtz and hope the leafs do so bad that the CBC is forced to show other teams because it will make them more cash that way.
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Registered User
Dec 27, 2005
the leafs are the only team that matters; just like the yankees in MLB, or lakers in NBA


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 13, 2005
Metallian said:
the leafs are the only team that matters; just like the yankees in MLB, or lakers in NBA

big difference is if you looked at the past 35 years, the other 2 mentioned teams have won championships.


HNIC blows because of its Leaf coverage.

They exclude basically all of the rest of Canada. Harry Neale can't speak proper english; Bob Cole can't put together sentances; Don Cherry's an idiot....the list goes on and on.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2005
Pleasantville, NY
pepty said:
eader.Of course, the game was only removed from the schedual this week, and it is Hasek's' first game back in Buffalo ..might have been nice to see...

Hasek played a game in Buffalo a couple years ago with the Red Wings. He put in a poor performance and got pulled from that game.

This game in March 2002.
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Original #4
Oct 27, 2005
About Montreal : It would be a shame if Habs hockey would be on ENLGISH PUBLIC BROADCASTER without being on FRENCH PUBLIC BROADCASTER (they're on RDS, french private (cable) broadcaster), considering the majority of Habs viewers are french...


only people living in the SENS TV viewing area ( which is pretty much considered just the city of Ottawa and its suburbs) get to see the Sens on HNIC, everyone else gets to see the Leafs


Registered User
Sep 17, 2005
MXD said:
About Montreal : It would be a shame if Habs hockey would be on ENLGISH PUBLIC BROADCASTER without being on FRENCH PUBLIC BROADCASTER (they're on RDS, french private (cable) broadcaster), considering the majority of Habs viewers are french...

Although the majority of viewers in Québec are francophone, many are bilingual, and some speak only English. Moreover, there are many Habs fans in Canada, the US, and abroad who do not speak French, as well as many non-fans who want to watch hockey wherever it is played. There should be two broadcasts, one in French and one in English, and they can share the same video of the action. This is done with English and Spanish broadcasts of baseball games in the US.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 13, 2005
_Flyers_ said:
only people living in the SENS TV viewing area ( which is pretty much considered just the city of Ottawa and its suburbs) get to see the Sens on HNIC, everyone else gets to see the Leafs

I thought they played leafs games in Ottawa as well. I guess that throughs out my arguement about production costs not being worth it. If they paying to televise the game they should through in the occasional Ottawa game(just make sure the leafs are not playing that night). What's the saying about absence making the heart grow fonder?


_Flyers_ said:
only people living in the SENS TV viewing area ( which is pretty much considered just the city of Ottawa and its suburbs) get to see the Sens on HNIC, everyone else gets to see the Leafs

No, thats what we are complaining about. They show us the leafs games in Ottawa too. We only get to see the majority of our saturday night games if we order centre ice.


It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
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Hackett said:
The CBC has to make up its mind. Is it a true public broadcaster that serves canada with fair and balanced coverage which reperesents the entire nation, or are they a private entity who is in this business to make money? You cant have it both ways. And if they do pull a profit, dont for a second believe that this money is coming back into our pockets :rant:

The hypocrisy just kills me :shakehead

This is the part that gets me. Not really the hypocrisy, but the double standard. 1st game is all about the money, Leafs get the most viewers so it makes the most business sense to show all the Leaf games (let's just ignore for now how a 'national broadcaster if they have 55% of the population wanting to watch the Leafs and 45% wanting to watch something else, they go for the 55% 100% of the time). But when the second game comes on, Canucks Flames or Oilers, they do represent the nation and show a split. If they always show the team that will draw the most viewers and make the most money in the first game when it's the Leafs, then why not have the Canucks, who I believe draws the most, play every Saturday?

Not that I'm saying they should, just that its stupid.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2005
Hockey Night in Canada has always been Leafs tv, and will always be Leafs tv.

I mean, before the game on Saturday against N.Y., they had advertisements for HNIC saying, "CBC with a special presentation of HNIC starting at 6p.m."

Give me a freakin break? Special presentation? It's the same team playing an hour earlier.

My biggest problem with them getting rid of the Sens game for the leafs is that nobody wants to watch a leafs/devils game? I mean come on CBC.
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