Hey, Delivery Boy!


Registered User
Nov 10, 2007
No secret Sharks in this one? The Dr sort of looks like Burish or something, but it's damn hard to tell.

edit: haha, great minds.

Kitten Mittons

Registered User
Nov 18, 2007
He looks like he has tetanus when he raises his hands and yells. Anyways, he is a bozo.

Also, we all know you are the actor playing the guy, Mr Hollywood Hockeyball, so don't take it too personal.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2007
He looks like he has tetanus when he raises his hands and yells. Anyways, he is a bozo.

Also, we all know you are the actor playing the guy, Mr Hollywood Hockeyball, so don't take it too personal.

haha, Actually he reminds me of someone I know (who has an account here actually). I agree, he's super annoying, it's like they just grabbed one of the production guys and threw him in there and told him to act.

I honestly can't remember how that ever came up let alone that someone remembered it. I rarely ever discuss it, worst part of my life and I honestly try to forget it. I don't see it as something worth bragging about so I rarely even tell anyone. I'll just say this, children do not belong in that business, it's tantamount to child abuse.

Kitten Mittons

Registered User
Nov 18, 2007
I honestly can't remember how that ever came up let alone that someone remembered it. I rarely ever discuss it, worst part of my life and I honestly try to forget it. I don't see it as something worth bragging about so I rarely even tell anyone. I'll just say this, children do not belong in that business, it's tantamount to child abuse.
But how did anyone know in the first place?


Registered User
Nov 10, 2007
Well, we're all glad you quit when you did and did not turn into Lindsay Lohan.


I never met another kid in that business that wasn't in therapy or needed to be in therapy. It's awful. Imagine being 8 years old and facing rejection 2-3 times per day (I would go to between 2-5 auditions every single day). Plus, the people rejecting you are not nice either, telling a young child that he's worthless, or useless, or whatever (they would say much, much worse than that too) is just eventually going to effect the kid. As an adult facing that kind of constant criticism is difficult and stressful, how do you expect a child to handle it?

Plus, of course, since I was on tv fairly often everyone at my school knew it and they were not kind about it. Imagine living in east LA, going to an inner city school, being small for your age, and being on tv on a regular basis.

We wonder why child actors turn out so messed up, there is a very good reason. It's actually pretty amazing when they are not a ****ing mess as adults. I've met a lot of famous people and honestly most of them are miserable. Most of them who have been in the business all of their lives simply cannot relate to 'regular' people, or trust them (are they just being my friend because I'm famous?) so they only hang out with other equally screwed up people. It really is the ultimate proof that money does not buy happiness.

Kitten Mittons

Registered User
Nov 18, 2007
Yeah dude I'm in my 20s and my ego still can't deal with rejections. If I had to deal with that as a kid? I don't think I'd survive.

I still remember when some piano teacher told me at the age of 6 and my mom that I have no ear and won't be able to learn the piano. I didn't want to anyway but the hurt stayed with me to this day. But I proved that ***** wrong though. I have a voice of an angel and learning the piano on my own right now. lol

Plus, of course, since I was on tv fairly often everyone at my school knew it and they were not kind about it. Imagine living in east LA, going to an inner city school, being small for your age, and being on tv on a regular basis.
I'm guessing your parents pushed you into it? Were you an adorable kid or something?


Registered User
Nov 10, 2007
Yeah dude I'm in my 20s and my ego still can't deal with rejections. If I had to deal with that as a kid? I don't think I'd survive.

I still remember when some piano teacher told me at the age of 6 and my mom that I have no ear and won't be able to learn the piano. I didn't want to anyway but the hurt stayed with me to this day. But I proved that ***** wrong though. I have a voice of an angel and learning the piano on my own right now. lol

I'm guessing your parents pushed you into it? Were you an adorable kid or something?

Yes and no, it was my idea when i saw a commercial for a casting agency, but after that yes. I was an incredibly cute little kid and got a lot of parts early on just for that reason. When I turned into an awkward teenager the parts mostly dried up. My son is cuter than I ever was, and my wife actually tried to talk me into taking him to an agency and I told her not a chance in hell.


Registered User
Mar 29, 2004
San Jose, CA
I'd rather have my eyelids pried open and be forced to stare at Steve Moskowitz's neck for 30 seconds every commercial break than have to ever hear that guy's voice or see his stupid face again. What a terrible commercial.


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