Heroes of the Storm


#OGOC #2018 HFW Predictions Champ
Aug 8, 2012
tried DOTA2. ludicrous amounts of stuff for a new player to learn. way too many heroes for a new player imo and no clear indication of what each can do unless you study them all

at least with HotS theres no items to learn, no silly last hitting, characters I recognize and can pretty much guess their ability sets from that

couldnt get into MOBAs till I discovered HotS. wish id started sooner, had the beta for a good 6 months and never touched it XD
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2012
Warcraft was indisputably the worst IP until World of Warcraft came out in terms of quality and sales. They moved it out of the RTS genre because all three WC games combined sold less than Starcraft or Brood War individually. You know it's bad when in the same genre your expansion that needs the base game is outselling an entire franchise that you've released 3 games and 2 expansions for. Diablo 1/2 were also much more successful than any Warcraft game before WoW. Even the writing in WC1-2-3 is just generic LOTR copycat garbage.

They really lucked out that WoW ended up becoming the first mainstream MMO and they made the lore a lot more fleshed out.

I disagree with WC3 having a bad story, i think its blizzards best story alongside with SC1, other games either lacked it entirely aka Diablo, or just sucked: Wow, SC2, D3. It was also a fantastic spin on the classic RTS formula, making it a RTS/MOBA hybrid. Purists hated it though.


Dec 20, 2013
Started playing this a week or 2 ago.

I was a Dota 2 player. And then just stopped playing.
I mostly played support as my team had too many people wanting to carry and play mid. (My mid game was actually extremely piss poor. But I'd random and get some mid heroes the team didn't like that)

Took a year break from mobas

HOTS chapter

I didn't think I'd enjoy it. However it is ever enjoyable

1 person can't carry the team but 1 person can't anti carry the team
(Exceptions do apply)

I'm pretty mediocre at the game.
I play with my friends and they are even worse then me. Even though they played the game before me?
So I learned I am an Assassin player.
Falstad Valla and Nova. I'm trying to learn how to play Nova effectively however my positioning as her has been quite piss poor.

Great game don't miss having to last hit or deny. Enjoy the fact games are short. Reason why I quit Dota 2. I didn't enjoy 1 hour games.
Anyways if anyone wants to play quick match with me sometime and will except the fact I'm bad let me know.


We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
I can't wait for Sgt. Hammer free week to be over. I'm tired of playing with all these people who don't know how to use Hammer. :laugh:

Also tired of quick matches where people don't realize when to avoid team fights.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2006
Irvine, California
I can't wait for Sgt. Hammer free week to be over. I'm tired of playing with all these people who don't know how to use Hammer. :laugh:

Also tired of quick matches where people don't realize when to avoid team fights.

My favorite people are the ones who continue to insist on solo pushing lanes when team fights are happening left and right. :laugh: It is a good way to get XP, but at some point you have to help your team out in a more direct manner.

Killed SO MANY Vallas who were trying to do just that.

And regarding Hammer, certainly true, although she is a really tough hero to play. I know I'm nowhere near competent enough to play her and perform the way I'd like.


We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
You can change what server you're playing on easily. However, your characters and levels don't carry over between servers.


Dec 20, 2013
So I won 5 out a 6 games yesterday.
Won first 5 lost the last one.

I actually got praised multiple times in game 2 and 3 on my nova game.

Game 2 I was like 31 takedowns 2 deaths
It was a slaughter fest

Then I think I played nova for game 3 with these random guys on general chat.
Then switched to Falstad.

And even up to the last game (we made a costly error in the last match also the fact we had no tank or even a semi tank)we dominated games.

It was just great everyone was communicating. Everyone was ready for objectives. People were calling ****. The team composition was good till the end. Very positive experience.

start winnin

May 7, 2011
Honestly Dota is crap in comparison. An extremely unpolished turd that stays relevant because it was the first serious game in the genre. HotS managed to do something no other MOBA has managed to do and that's make objectives matter at all skill levels/stages of the game. The snowball effect is a lot less worse. If you go 5-0 in DOTA you can literally buy items that make you immune to damage and able to 1v5 the opposing team. In league if you go 5-0 the exp difference alone will make your lane opponent unable to stay in lane against you without dying and likely make it so ganks are ineffective on you.

You can come back from most situations in HotS and your positioning/objective control are relevant at all stages of the game. You can get caught out no matter how far ahead you are, unlike in League/DOTA where if you're fed and get caught you just kill the entire enemy team by yourself or at least trade 1 for 1 in a 1v5. I've played League/HotS at a high level and played Dota1 to a reasonable level and a bit of Dota2. HotS has the worst matchmaking but feels like the best MOBA at capturing what MOBA's were supposed to be. Way more team focused which was supposed to be the point of a 5v5 map to begin with. Last hitting is an unnecessary relic that only separates those from good ping from those with bad. Same goes for denying. While DOTA has a nice item system, the talent system is great. As HotS evolves and moves away from generic talents like deal X% damage per hit or blink or reduce CDs on hit it's going to become a lot more diverse than any item based game.

The main thing holding HotS back now is everything is ridiculously overpriced and the hero pool is incredibly small. I got to Master MMR then quit for a few months because every single game it was Stitches/ETC first pick then Valla on one team Nazeebo on the other. Even after the nerfs it was just Stitches/ETC replaced by flavour of the month tank. Similar problems with the support role where only 4 were even picked and only 7 are in the game. One being used as a vision bot/secondary damage source more than a support. That and too many Warcraft heroes. Warcraft is the worst Blizzard IP.

That's a pretty simplistic way of looking at things, I disagree with almost everything you said. I mean I haven't played ranked HoTS but I think that I play at a fairly high level in HoTS. Last hitting isn't just about ping, there is way more involved in that, especially in Dota where denying is involved. Most skill builds are optimized for each hero that there is little to no variability in HoTS. Heroes like Illidan almost always get the same skills and rarely change skills except maybe Giant Killer/Sixth Sense or Blood for Blood/Stoneskin and that's about it really. Sure you can snowball really hard in Dota/League, but it's the same in HoTS, if both teams play perfectly then the team that is ahead should win if they have a large XP advantage. Some maps especially are difficult to return from a heavy XP advantage like the pirate map.

I love how it promotes fighting and team fighting as opposed to farming, but I disagree with you that this game is hard to master kingsholygrail, like Moskau said (or meant to say) there is little skill involved in the game.
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We've made progress - Robitaille
Dec 21, 2006
That's a pretty simplistic way of looking at things, I disagree with almost everything you said. I mean I haven't played ranked HoTS but I think that I play at a fairly high level in HoTS. Last hitting isn't just about ping, there is way more involved in that, especially in Dota where denying is involved. Most skill builds are optimized for each hero that there is little to no variability in HoTS. Heroes like Illidan almost always get the same skills and rarely change skills except maybe Giant Killer/Sixth Sense or Blood for Blood/Stoneskin and that's about it really. Sure you can snowball really hard in Dota/League, but it's the same in HoTS, if both teams play perfectly then the team that is ahead should win if they have a large XP advantage. Some maps especially are difficult to return from a heavy XP advantage like the pirate map.

I love how it promotes fighting and team fighting as opposed to farming, but I disagree with you that this game is hard to master kingsholygrail, like Moskau said (or meant to say) there is little skill involved in the game.

Rank 50 is an easy rank to be in HotS. You don't even have to play a game. Let me know how unskilled the game is when you at least crack the 30s(which shouldn't even be difficult if you've mastered the game).


We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
Rank 30 is pretty darn easy, too. A lot of mediocre players at rank 20 (where I'm currently situated). I notice the skill a lot more when I'm playing guys who are ranks 1-3.

It's also a new game. Over time, the population of skilled players will grow.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
Personally, I find this game a lot more enjoyable than League of Legends or DOTA right now. The more casual nature of it is fantastic to a filthy casual in this genre like me, and I love the Blizzard heroes.

Great fun.

Matchmaking seems to be working very well for me lately, too, when grouping up with a few friends. We've been having mostly hard fought battles and generally great games. I've only had one game where we were totally outmatched, and one where we totally dominated.

Maybe I'm just getting lucky.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
Personally, I find this game a lot more enjoyable than League of Legends or DOTA right now. The more casual nature of it is fantastic to a filthy casual in this genre like me, and I love the Blizzard heroes.

Great fun.

Matchmaking seems to be working very well for me lately, too, when grouping up with a few friends. We've been having mostly hard fought battles and generally great games. I've only had one game where we were totally outmatched, and one where we totally dominated.

Maybe I'm just getting lucky.

Got absolutely crapped on twice in a row after writing this. Go figure. :laugh:

start winnin

May 7, 2011
Rank 50 is an easy rank to be in HotS. You don't even have to play a game. Let me know how unskilled the game is when you at least crack the 30s(which shouldn't even be difficult if you've mastered the game).

Okay, maybe no skill was wrong to say, but honestly how much depth could there be really. It's basically all about positioning and team fighting correctly which can only be so complex because of the limitations of skill builds. Tell me I'm wrong that most heroes will have optimized skill builds with little to no variability.


Registered User
May 6, 2012
Way too reliant on your teammates in this game. Like holy **** you better hope everyone has some semblance of an idea of what they're doing.

League was considered an easy Dota when it was released, and Hots is the next step in that line. There's really not much going on in this game other than chaotic teamfights and objective control. Laning is an incredibly important and rewarding part of MOBAs. Just skipping that part of the game leads me to believe Blizzard doesn't understand the genre.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
Way too reliant on your teammates in this game. Like holy **** you better hope everyone has some semblance of an idea of what they're doing.

League was considered an easy Dota when it was released, and Hots is the next step in that line. There's really not much going on in this game other than chaotic teamfights and objective control. Laning is an incredibly important and rewarding part of MOBAs. Just skipping that part of the game leads me to believe Blizzard doesn't understand the genre.

Laning isn't "skipped", although it's certainly not as important.

I find it a little refreshing, honestly...but I was never very hardcore into League or Dota.

But I agree somewhat on the teammates. You can't really carry bad teammates in this game it seems. They drag like crazy from what I've seen. (Keeping in mind I'm not particularly great myself).
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We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
Trying to compare it directly to the other MOBAs is silly. Blizzard didn't try to beat LoL at their own game. They took the MOBA formula, and made it something more palatable to many gamers. This isn't designed to win over the hardcore LoL/DotA fans, it's designed to appeal to a different audience. Soaking is still very important in this game, but you don't spend 20+minutes doing PvE activities. The games are much more compact and faster paced, so there's not prolonged periods of fighting creeps. Soaking and pushing are still very much present and important, but it's interspersed with objectives and other activities to keep the game interesting. Not to mention the games simply don't last 60 minutes to begin with (thankfully).

Okay, maybe no skill was wrong to say, but honestly how much depth could there be really. It's basically all about positioning and team fighting correctly which can only be so complex because of the limitations of skill builds. Tell me I'm wrong that most heroes will have optimized skill builds with little to no variability.

Solo queue? Sure, you're pretty much right. There's very little coordination there, and players are going to use the build they're comfortable with. Perhaps some map-based tweaks from experienced players.
However, there's plenty more variability of builds when you queue as a team. There are talents that are more advantageous when combined together (multiple promotes, multiple B4B, etc). There's a lot more subtlety and nuance in builds that can be accomplished when you're working with your teammates.


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