Habs D next season

Mr. Hab

Registered User
Nov 17, 2004
Playoffs 2014 (a few question marks...):





We need a big/tall/tough stay at home top 4 dman (not injury prone).
(time go use the UFA market to get that top 4 dman, imo, or...at worst...an awesome/solid big/tough/tall #5 dman.... ex: a young Regehr as one example).


Registered User
Sep 17, 2005
In response to the Diaz thread.

I would like us to go after a number 3-4 (preferably big) guy like Hamrlik was for us back in the days, but other than that, our D would look like:

#3-4 guy that we'll use as #2 - Subban
Markov - Emelin
Diaz - Gorges


With Tinordi and Beaulieu starting in the AHL.

I doubt Tinordi would start in the AHL and I'm not certain that Beaulieu would either.

calder candidate

Registered User
Feb 25, 2003
Visit site
Their not really any UFA that fill what we need maybe Robyn Regehr but he really isn't in is prime... I rather play Tinordi than over pay for Regehr

# Kaberle: useless buyout unless MB can pull off a Sam Pollock and trade him
#7 Drewiske (UFA) expendable
#7 Weber: (RFA) Hasn't progress, we already have to much player like him and he doesn't have great trade value.
#7 Bouillon: love the guy, I wouldn't of extended him this quickly but ok at #7 and good for PR...
#6 Beaulieu: wild card could be able to step up next year and make Diaz expendable
#6 Tinordi: finish strong could step in and fill a void next year
#5 Diaz: I like him but easily replaceable
#4 Gorgoes: Didn't have a great end to the season but I don't have a issue with him at #4 even better at #5
#3 Emelin: I the only physical present we have but he is all around solid.
#2 Markov: still great but if there a chance we can move him for a great return to improve the team long term I would take it.
#1 Subban Norris candidate get booed in every arena he step in, he as the complet package


Registered User
Mar 23, 2008

Goodnight and good luck.

gorges with 4 millions annualy for next 5 years , and the best what you can do for him is as #5 #6 d men!!!! ironic if MB can move him with this big contract it will be good opportunity to sign a good ufa with the same contract
let's check this contracts for some d men
beauchemin , souray with 3,5 , ference 2.2 ,giradi 3,32 ,
Apr 28, 2010
I think our D will be the same next year. I just dont see any changes. Emelin will be back, bouillon will still be our 6th D no matter what and thats it. Tinordi to AHL and will be the first callup when there's an injury.

Mr. Hab

Registered User
Nov 17, 2004
Emelin: good shot-blocker, body-checker, but...not so sure about his defense (hockey sense or not? but he may improve it).

Diaz: 0pts in 5 games and -4...didn't like what I saw in playoffs from him...suicide pass to Eller (won't completely blame Diaz but didn't like that pass)...3-2 win in OT (hit the puck with his shoulder instead of blocking it completely or getting out of the way,etc). He didn't help our PP. Positive...he came back for the playoffs.

Markov: one last season? (1 pt out of 5 games...that's his average in playoff...never was a fan of him in playoffs...wouldn't cry if he was replaced with a solid top 3-4 UFA). Plus...he's a lot slower now...turtle-slow. One more season...and that's it.

Gorges: I'm a huge fan of Gorges but this was a crappy year for him...he's always angry in interviews and he didn't play like the warrior he can be... I liked him before his big contract. I hope he bounces back next year or else...he should get angry at himself and no one else. I miss the Gorges before his big contract.

---------------------------- ------------------------

No complaints:
<Subban (amazing...we're nothing without him)
<Tinordi (picked up lots of experience...will get better and better and heavier/muscular...he'll fill out in next 2 seasons...we've been waiting for a tall/big/mean defensive dman like him for a long time...and he also has underrated offesive potential).
<Beaulieu (very talented but still very raw right now, but maybe he will be ready for 2014 playoffs)
<Ellis (can't wait for Ellis the warrior!!)
<Bouillon: I'm a fan...sue me! but would like him to be #7-8-9 next season in our D-depth (this would mean...our D-depth improved).


Registered User
Feb 25, 2009
The way championship winning teams are built is having a big strong D with a couple of puck movers. Marinaro suggested Subban, Gorges, Emelin, Tinordi and two new additions as big physical D who can clear the crease, but I'd put Markov rather than Gorges. Beaulieu can replace Markov in a few years.

I love Gorges but him and Diaz would get us a decent package.

I seriously think that until we get a playoff ready D, saying our goalies have to get better is irrelevant. These are NHL players they're facing. This isn't road hockey. These guys will score if given an opportunity. I'm certain that putting that D in front of Price will change everything.

We need to get guys who make it hard for the other team to get to our net. We give up the same goals in every playoffs. And we can't get to the net to score ourselves. Same story every year.

Mr. Hab

Registered User
Nov 17, 2004
Leafs buying out komisarek In offseason. Sign the pylon

Sign the pylon ONLY to an AHL contract for $50 000/year.
Let him ride the bus.

I don't ever want to see that cocky bum wear the CH again.

He got all cocky once he signed that big contract, but...he's not an NHL player. He was the cockiest Hab player I've ever met...real jerk in person (God-complex). Now everyone knows he can't play hockey...not even for the Leafs (who have a few dmen who can't play defense...mostly Phaneuf, he's been terrible for the Leafs..I'd bench him... O'Byrne has been terrible as well).

No O'Byrne:help:.
No Komisarek:help::help:.
No way.

Mr. Hab

Registered User
Nov 17, 2004
<PK Subban
< UFA?
<Markov? (one more year or three more years? maybe five more years? 1993...getting really impatient). My favorite part about Markov this season was that he stayed healthy...but for playoffs he was semi-invisible...imo he's a regular season dman (ex: Diaz). We need playoff dmen.

<Ellis (can't wait!)

----------------------------------- -------------------------------------

<Gorges: I'm a fan but not this year...if he continues playing like this...:help:

<Emelin really needs to improve his DEFENSE 101...but I like his bodychecking and shot-blocking, and seems like Markov really needs him)

------------------ ----------------------------

<Beaulieu...maybe he'll be ready for 2014 playoffs?

<Diaz: we're soft with Diaz...good trade bait. He'll be good for the regular season...not playoffs. (Markov, Diaz, Weber...we're soft as butter with these 3).

<Bouillon: I'm ok with him next season as #7-8-9dman (#6 to start the season...maybe), but I'll always be a Bouillon fan. Has a huge heart.
Last edited:


trolls to the IL
Apr 14, 2009
Vancouver, BC
The way championship winning teams are built is having a big strong D with a couple of puck movers. Marinaro suggested Subban, Gorges, Emelin, Tinordi and two new additions as big physical D who can clear the crease, but I'd put Markov rather than Gorges. Beaulieu can replace Markov in a few years.

I love Gorges but him and Diaz would get us a decent package.

I seriously think that until we get a playoff ready D, saying our goalies have to get better is irrelevant. These are NHL players they're facing. This isn't road hockey. These guys will score if given an opportunity. I'm certain that putting that D in front of Price will change everything.

We need to get guys who make it hard for the other team to get to our net. We give up the same goals in every playoffs. And we can't get to the net to score ourselves. Same story every year.

Agreed. Time to flip our surplus (puck moving Dmen) for size.

Size on the blueline IMO is the first priority for changes to be made to the current roster (no use in waiting when positive pieces can be obtained this summer). If Tinordi is truly ready physically (I think he's at NHL level in terms of play/IQ and can safely continue his development in the big league) that gives us 2 physical, big dmen. Ship Gorges and Diaz out, flip them for another Crease clearer. Leaves us with capspace and both of those guys can have good value.

Tinordi-X/Diaz (plan B)

X=Puck moving D, preferably RH
XX=Mobile, RH Crease clearer for Markov

That Dcore is physical, mobile, able to chip in points, and ideally the 'XX' player will be able to fight, along with Tinordi.

I'd prefer Emelin and Tinordi on the left side and while Diaz could fill the 'X' slot, size is an issue. He's not a bad plan B however. I find Diaz to be very effective with 3rd pairing minutes.

Gorges is a warrior, a heart and soul guy, and I respect him. But He might not be worth it considering his shortcomings and his contract. I think if he made less it'd be easier to keep him around but he's taking away capspace and frankly there are simply bigger, more talented Dmen out there who can do what he does and then some. I wouldn't mind keeping him around to see if he improves next year, but at the same time see if there is interest for a shotblocking PK specialist.

I know there is always talk about getting powerforwards and heavyweights but the more pressing and important need is size on the Defence (though both should be addressed)


Registered User
Feb 25, 2012
Subban locked in first pairing spot on the right side
Emelin locked in on second pairing on the left side...no more right side damnit!!
Tinordi locked in on third pairing on the right side
Markov locked in on third pairing on the left side, and on powerplay only( no penalty kill)

Anything else can be up for grabs.........yeah, I know, it leaves a lot to be desired, that's the whole point....


Registered User
May 10, 2010
Chelsea, QC
Georges will stay, ok he was awful 1/2 games and ok in the other half but you can't just forget how good he was season before etc. Bad season happens


Registered User
Jan 6, 2005
Overreacting all around. The defense is fine.


Call ups: Beaulieu, Ellis, Pateryn

I'd seriously consider re-signing Weber and let him try to find himself in Hamilton.

Everyone is freaking out about "size" and "toughness", truth is the D was very good for most of the year, and fell apart when we lost Emelin. Trading Gorges and Diaz only creates holes that you have to fill. Relying on signing a UFA like Murray is a terrible plan because chances are you'll have to overpay badly for guys that are older than Gorges and not as good.

We already have 4 legitimate top-4 D in Subban, Markov, Emelin and Gorges. Not sure how anyone can debate that. These are all good defensemen.

We have 2 potential top-4 D in Diaz and Tinordi, even though neither of them looked like all-stars in the playoffs. Tinordi is very inexperienced but will be a stud one day. Diaz is coming back from a concussion but I don't think you get rid of him over a bad playoffs.

You still need puck-moving defensemen. Especially with this team, that relies on speed and transition and the power play. Toronto went the big tough route and routinely benches puck movers like Gardiner and Liles, but this is getting them no further in the playoffs. You need a mix.

Markov, Subban, Diaz - 2 of the 3 are world class puck movers, the third can still develop into one.

Emelin, Tinordi - the size and strength you need on the back end. Subban is also no pushover and can win puck battles in his sleep.

Gorges - look for him to bounce back, he's not as bad as everyone seems to think. Was amazing in 2010-11 and 2011-12. Don't judge him too much on a screwed up short season.

Bouillon - who cares, he's # 7 next year.

Blind Gardien

nexus of the crisis
Apr 2, 2004
Four Winds Bar
Overreacting all around. The defense is fine.

Exactly. I'll be shocked if we see any of this group of 7 changing next season. The only thing I could see is if they sign an 8th guy, of the bigger experienced stay-at-home type. Regehr and Murray are commonly mentioned candidates. Going with 8 is fine, there is usually plenty of ice to go around, and I wouldn't feel too committed to giving Bouillon much/any of it.

Diaz may have struggled a lot after his return from injury, but he played so well before the injury, and he's a solid asset at a great price. He's also good insurance for Markov.

I'd seriously consider re-signing Weber and let him try to find himself in Hamilton.
Absolutely. There's no reason not to, if he'll actually take the contract. You have to qualify him at I think $945,000, and then pass that through waivers, but I don't see any harm in trying that. I won't be too surprised however if they just don't qualify him. Depth in Hamilton can't hurt. But I can see the team not really wanting to pay $945,000 for it.

Uber Coca

Registered User
Apr 23, 2003
Getting bigger is the key. Tinordi will start in the NHL. I think he did pretty good during the playoffs.

Tinordi - Subban
Emelin - Markov
Diaz or [insert bigger player here] - Gorges


Registered User
Jan 28, 2007
I think Brayden Coburn would be a great addition to our blueline. He's adds size and all-round ability and can play in the top 4.

Coburn - Subban
Markov - Emelin
Tinordi - Gorges


Gorges hopefully regains his form with lesser minutes on the 3rd pairing and should be a good vet to play with Tinordi.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2008
In an Igloo
Any half competent coach would start the season with:

Emelin - Subban
Markov - Tinordi
Gorges - right handed stay at home Dman.


How about 76 for 25?
Jan 5, 2011
Newmarket, Ontario
In response to the Diaz thread.

I would like us to go after a number 3-4 (preferably big) guy like Hamrlik was for us back in the days, but other than that, our D would look like:

#3-4 guy that we'll use as #2 - Subban
Markov - Emelin
Diaz - Gorges



With Tinordi and Beaulieu starting in the AHL.

I disagree. Our D should look like:


Tinordi-Depth guy that can replace Bouillon/Diaz/Emelin if they aren't playing well/injured.

Beaulieu in the AHL but could make the team instead of Tinordi...depends on their Training Camps.


How about 76 for 25?
Jan 5, 2011
Newmarket, Ontario
Don't really see how Gorges can be a lock. Acthally, if we continue to play the same defensive system, I can't see Gorges having much value on this team. He's not big, he's not great defensively, he doesn't dominate anyone physically, he doesn't skate well (straight line or laterally), he's not great in the transition game and has very little offensive skill. He's a good team player, but does not bring enough for this team to be a regular top 4 next year. And in my bottom two, I would prefer having a physical brute playing with Diaz (yes Diaz is my number 6).

Ok clearly somebody has some sort of bias. The guy is a defensive goldmine. Jesus the guy has one off year and everyone goes off the rails.



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