Fighting in Beer Leagues

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I remember when I was timekeeping, one fight starts and then some guy walks up to me in the box and says did you give the penalty to the turtle, at the end of the game everyone starts fighting, basically a bench clearing brawl and all I know was one of the guys was a tough guy in europe and the AHL and played for Rochester or something and was beaking hard at one of the guys and this was all at the end of the game, I'm just getting off and one guys told me he played there and stuff, then the tough guy walks up to me and asked what the refs number was and said he was gonna punch him out cause he tried to get to the other locker room, and the funnier part was he wasn't even registered on the scoresheet, I remember that because I got fired because of this whole thing, because he didn't register for the game.

Jimmy Carter

Avs/Leafs fan
Jul 24, 2010
Western NY
About 99% of the time fighting in beer leagues is stupid. The only time I think it's okay is if the opposing player does something really dangerous and dirty with the intent to injure one of your guys. Then I'm all for throwing some nice punches at a d-bag like that. Otherwise, just play the game and resort to yelling at the other team if you feel like you have to do something of the sort.

I usually just play, even if I'm getting trash talked or taking some abuse. That or I'll laugh at it, and that usually pisses them off enough into taking a dumb penalty against me and voila! Powerplay!

Only time I've ever even yelled at someone was when I got shoved into the opposing goalie and the guy who shoved me started slashing and cross checking me screaming "Don't run into my goalie" so I just took it until he got a penalty and yelled at him on his way to the box to not shove me into the goalie if he wants him left alone. I've never gotten in anyone's face though or came anywhere near fighting.


I find it hard to believe their making $30 a game unless it's a high school league game or college game. Not a "beer league" game.

I reffed youth (8&u-high school) for awhile a couple of summers ago and I tried to break up one fight in a high school game, BOTH myself and my partner got jacked during the fight. Needless to say that was the last time I tried to stop a fight.

LOL what?

When I reffed the pricing went as follows:

Mites - 25
Squirts - 32
PeeWee - 40
Bantom - 45
Midget - 50
Adult(BEER LEAGUE) - 50
Middle School - 75
High School - 90

And thats PER GAME. You got ripped off buddy if you were getting 20 bucks or something :laugh:


Registered User
Jun 20, 2008
New Jersey
It happens between the better teams in the leagues I've played in. It's mostly just pushing and jostling each other, but very rarely do people actually drop the gloves.

When they do in the leagues I've been in, it's usually a lengthy suspension. The one rink I played at said they would actually would fine people who did, it was in the waiver/contract you signed to play in the league. They never followed through on it though, cause it's probably a legal mess.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2011
It happens between the better teams in the leagues I've played in. It's mostly just pushing and jostling each other, but very rarely do people actually drop the gloves.

That's been exactly my experience. We've had one fight on our team. Basically our guy ended up getting the other guy in a headlock and then the refs blew their whistles and they separated and left the ice. The guy he fought was reckless and just being a ******. Was still a stupid fight, our guy could have drawn a penalty or two if he just took the bit of shoving.

People in general take beer leagues way to seriously. I took a huge high stick (knocked my cage past my chin, with all the straps still done up) and this guy was *****ing the whole way to the box, then after the game he comes up to me and says "way to nurse that penalty".

This is in the Upper beer league here. The lower teams actually get into some scraps though. I don't know what thats about but they are all pretty feisty.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2008
It happens between the better teams in the leagues I've played in. It's mostly just pushing and jostling each other, but very rarely do people actually drop the gloves.

When they do in the leagues I've been in, it's usually a lengthy suspension. The one rink I played at said they would actually would fine people who did, it was in the waiver/contract you signed to play in the league. They never followed through on it though, cause it's probably a legal mess.

The league I'm in fines for any suspension. I've seen fines of over $100 handed out, or maybe it was $90 for fighting. I guess it depended on the circumstances, but even a major penalty (1 game suspension) gets you a $10 fine and you can't play again until you've paid it.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2011
"Great Lakes State"
The team I played on a couple seasons ago was ridiculous... Probably set a league record for penalty minutes and averaged at least one fight per game. At the time, it was fun; The game following a line brawl (which ended with a goalie fight and one of our players breaking one of the opponent's sticks over his knee, Bo Jackson-style) the cops were on-hand to make sure we didn't get out of control. Everyone absolutely hated playing us and this gave us a swagger that made them hate us even more. People still tell me to this day how much they hated us that year.

During a playoff game, we were running the score up pretty nicely and, I suppose to get his team going, some 40 year-old guy who looks like the bald dude from "Operation:Repo" (...and I am fairly certain smokes meth) grabs me by the ear loop of my helmet and just starts pounding away... on my helmet. I kept grappling with him and turning my head so that I didn't get hit in the face, but he was much stronger than me and just kept pounding on my helmet until he ran out of gas.

It totally goes against human nature, but I didn't throw one punch. I'm a pretty physical player, but I knew that my team was moving on and I would miss at least the next game even if I defended myself. Plus, like someone said earlier, I had to work the next day.

However, all I could think about afterward was how that meathead was going to explain to his boss the next day that he couldn't come into work because his hand was a broken, bloody stump from trying to beat up on a 25 year-old. Hope it was worth it...


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
Austria complete BS!

I`m playing not in my hometown league because of such idiots and choosed another, more relaxed one since on every team there are 1 or 2 Idiots who alway start any crap

example: one of our last friendly(!) matches against such a team a young (16-19 yrs) punk came and tried to fight a friend of mine, he wore a cage, my friend not:shakehead


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
Las Vegas
I didn't play beer league hockey but I did referee many games. One game, I had a goalie and forward from the the opposing team chest to chest, yapping at each other. I was going in to separate them and the goalie decided to swing his stick. I caught it over my right eye and got cut. No Trainer around. I went to one of the benches to get a towel to cover the cut and they handed me a dirty towel. I decided that I better go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Five stitches.


LOL what?

When I reffed the pricing went as follows:

Mites - 25
Squirts - 32
PeeWee - 40
Bantom - 45
Midget - 50
Adult(BEER LEAGUE) - 50
Middle School - 75
High School - 90

And thats PER GAME. You got ripped off buddy if you were getting 20 bucks or something :laugh:

Yeah, I was like WHAT???? when I saw the $30 :amazed:

I would imagine the pay rates are in line with the the cost of living standards of the area that you live in.

Here in the Northern NJ/NYC metropolitan area, it was $82 for High School games 6 years ago. I would imagine it's pushing $90 now. What a great gig. :laugh:


Registered User
May 27, 2011
LOL what?

When I reffed the pricing went as follows:

Mites - 25
Squirts - 32
PeeWee - 40
Bantom - 45
Midget - 50
Adult(BEER LEAGUE) - 50
Middle School - 75
High School - 90

And thats PER GAME. You got ripped off buddy if you were getting 20 bucks or something :laugh:

Should have specified, I meant roller hockey not ice.

Devil Dancer

Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
Almost everyone in my league wears a cage or full face shield, so fighting is pretty pointless. Want to throw a punch at my face? You're going to break your hand.


Feb 9, 2011
Guys who fight in beer leagues have delusions of grandeur. I guess they feel they've missed their calling as enforcers in the NHL. I love my beer league and my teammates are awesome but I have to get up for work usually 4 hours after I'm done with my game. I'm not getting paid for the games and it's supposed to be for fun. Although I like to win, I don't go home angry if we lose.

Our league gives a 2 game suspension and 100$ fine for a fight. The fine escalates 100 bucks for each ensuing fight and after 3 you're kicked out.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2010
Its only a 2 game suspension in my league, theres the odd fight every couple of games but most of the time its just Pejorative Slurs who act tough cause their girlfriend/wife/overweight signigicant other is in the crowd and are depressed that they flip burgers at wendys for a living.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2010
I just a joined a beer league team that has two hot heads on the team.

One has received an elbowing penalty in every game he has played because someone pissed him off and he decided to try to take his head off.

Another has been in a few slashing matches with people, and ended up having a gloves on fight with one guy who mistook him for the elbowing player mentioned above.

It is only a matter of time before they actually drop the gloves. If I am on the ice, I am either going to go skate over to my goalie and chat with him, or be clear with one of the guys on the other team I have no interest in fighting and have a chat with them about how dumb our teammates are.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2010
kalamazoo michigan
i totally agree fighting in a beer league is stupid but i am sick and tried of people saying "were not playing for the stanley cup here" my league cost 3000 per team around here i didnt pay that to lose i didnt join a competitive league to not try my hardest so yea maybe i am playing for the cup may not be lord stanleys but im gonna try my hardest not to lose and i hope the other team does to so i can have the best comp there is and i woul dhave no hard feelings what so ever towards them for what the did whatever happens stays on the ice for me


Unregistered User
Mar 29, 2010
i totally agree fighting in a beer league is stupid but i am sick and tried of people saying "were not playing for the stanley cup here" my league cost 3000 per team around here i didnt pay that to lose i didnt join a competitive league to not try my hardest so yea maybe i am playing for the cup may not be lord stanleys but im gonna try my hardest not to lose and i hope the other team does to so i can have the best comp there is and i woul dhave no hard feelings what so ever towards them for what the did whatever happens stays on the ice for me

You're not playing for the Stanley cup though.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2005
Craziest thing that ever happened in our league was two guys got kicked out for fighting, so the refs escort both players off the ice to the dressing room FROM THE SAME DOOR :shakehead. Anyways the lunatic from the other team grabs a janitors broom out of a garbage can and comes swinging it down the hallway at our guy like he's Albert Pujols. He even pushed some guy that just standing around into a vending machine to get at our guy. It was an afternoon game too and our player had his kids there and everything. It was a real scene.

Kicker... the lunatic with the broom never even got suspended or anything! He did end up getting suspended though for something else during some other game later on and he never returned to the league so I dunno if he quit or got banned or shot or what.

Gino 14

Registered User
Aug 23, 2006
i totally agree fighting in a beer league is stupid but i am sick and tried of people saying "were not playing for the stanley cup here" my league cost 3000 per team around here i didnt pay that to lose i didnt join a competitive league to not try my hardest so yea maybe i am playing for the cup may not be lord stanleys but im gonna try my hardest not to lose and i hope the other team does to so i can have the best comp there is and i woul dhave no hard feelings what so ever towards them for what the did whatever happens stays on the ice for me

Wow, so you pay between $200 to $250 to play in a league? That must be terrible, pretty sure no one else here pays that kind of money...... Also, big difference between playing hard and playing stupid. Breathe easy.


Feb 9, 2011
i totally agree fighting in a beer league is stupid but i am sick and tried of people saying "were not playing for the stanley cup here" my league cost 3000 per team around here i didnt pay that to lose i didnt join a competitive league to not try my hardest so yea maybe i am playing for the cup may not be lord stanleys but im gonna try my hardest not to lose and i hope the other team does to so i can have the best comp there is and i woul dhave no hard feelings what so ever towards them for what the did whatever happens stays on the ice for me

I think we are all trying hard but there is no need to police the ice to protect Wayne Gretzky out there. At 38 years old, I'm not exchanging haymakers with some kid because he pushed me on the ice. It's a BEER LEAGUE.


Feb 9, 2011
Wow, so you pay between $200 to $250 to play in a league? That must be terrible, pretty sure no one else here pays that kind of money...... Also, big difference between playing hard and playing stupid. Breathe easy.

Believe it or not my league is 250 per player as well. Supposedly you get to keep the team jerseys which are practice rags anyway; I never got one. I'd buy my own but what if I'm playing for a different team next year? I'm currently wearing a Dynamo Russian Grabovski #84 :laugh:
Looks cool and intimidating but I can't back it up with my play.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2010
kalamazoo michigan
i know the big diff between hard and stupid and i never said to play stupid and i never said i was playing for the stanley cup if you would have read the whole thing im not trying to get in a battle but if i pay that much to play im not gonna go out there to lose i am 25 with a newborn and a early career i wouldnt fight someone out there if he spit in my face i hate fighting in beer leagues but im not not gonna play hard especially when someone says where not playing for the stanley cup because i know he isnt playing his hardest.....if you aint first your last.....
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