Sportsnet Don Cherry, a Hockey Institution in Canada, Is Fired After Divisive Comments

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Dennis Bonvie

Registered User
Dec 29, 2007
I appreciate that. I think this issue clearly goes beyond what sports team we cheer for.

I think that Don Cherry seems genuine in his support for the military and I don't fault him for that.

Unfortunately when you use skin colour and assume anyone with a different complexion is an immigrant, that makes that line of thinking racist. To go even further and say that by not wearing a poppy, those same immigrants are choosing to be disrespectful is false. They may not be aware of the tradition and Remembrance Day should be a good time to educate and re-educate the importance of the DAY not the poppy. I would rather 100 people skip out on buying a poppy and go to a ceremony instead, or go to the local Legion branch and spend 5 mins just talking with a vet.

Again, those are your rights. No one should tell you what you can or can't do.

Where the hell does this come from???

Who mentioned skin color?
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BRUINS since 1995

Registered User
May 10, 2010
Au pays de la neige
Racial (Color) or Ethnic? At one time everybody was throwing shade on Russian, European and Scandinavian hockey players,but I never remember anyone throwing race around.
Refering to Cherry comment. Cherry this year comment wasn’t refering either to skin Color. As for Cherry bordeling comments on frenchies (that you seem to avoid in your post), european and women, Cherry has an historic for sure.
Only question is why now and not before.

BRUINS since 1995

Registered User
May 10, 2010
Au pays de la neige
Racial (Color) or Ethnic? At one time everybody was throwing shade on Russian, European and Scandinavian hockey players,but I never remember anyone throwing race around.
Last point... when you say everybody was throwing at Rusian, European, Scandinavian and i will add frenchies, do you include everyone from Russia, Europe and Scandinavian countries?


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
Cherry simply never evolved from his roots of post-WWII Ontario (Kingston) which even into the 60's was closer to being part of the United Kingdom than anywhere else. It started to change when the 401 was built connecting Windsor to the Quebec border. Even the Toronto of 50 years ago was overshadowed by Montreal.

Cherry never lived in a big city until he came to Boston in 1974 spending his hockey career in smaller cities like Hershey, PA , Springfield, MA and Rochester, NY. When he relocated to Toronto he moved his family to Mississauga which had already doubled in population in just 20 years and would continue to explode.

Today Mississauga is the third-largest city on the Great Lakes with a population larger than Boston proper and it is a melting pot.

Canada 2016 CensusPopulation%
Ethnic origin
East Indian
Total population715,475100,0
Most people his age have fled to Canadian snowbird retirement communities in Florida and elsewhere but he had to stay in Toronto because of his job.

What did him in at the end was Don being Don. He resented the rigid clock Rogers/Sportsnet gave to Coach's Corner and he would get flustered as the timer approached zero and he simply did not have the ability to self edit himself. In the end he was by nature the old guy at the end of the bar.


A year ago when he came for Rick Middleton's night he said on NESN that he doubted he would ever visit Boston again not knowing the B's would make the final.

I thought he was going to retire last year and honestly if the Bruins had won Game 7 he just might have.

It is a shame it had to end like this.
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