David Clarkson

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Registered User
Sep 20, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I wish he would be a little less selfish, in the 3rd period tonight Kadri was sooo open for a clean 1 timer 20feet away, an easy pass to get it to him too, but instead Clarky decided to shoot, missing the net. Hopefully he adapts a bit better as he gets more comfortable to his linemates

I read on NJ boards that he has tunnel vision and poor ice vision in certain situations including the rush off a turnover. It was quite apparent there. :laugh:


Registered User
Feb 7, 2012
Are you going to tell us why, or are we supposed to just take your word for it?

Style of play. Quite a few times over the last few games Clarkson has slowed down the play for Kadri. Bolland usually defaults to the dump & chase and will grind out a play.

That said, the combo of Bolland & Clarkson will be invaluable down the stretch.

when Bozie returns:

JVR Bozak Kessel
Raymond Kadri Lupul
Kulemin Holland Clarkson
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Registered User
Nov 24, 2010
So do some people on here plan to spend the next 7 years complaining about the contract?

We get it, it's a bad contract. It's not like the board was overwhelmingly happy with the contract and thought it was a 'steal'. But it appears that some people are just better at moving on than others. The contract has been signed, he's with the team. It's ironic that people who are trying to be 'realists' refuse to acknowledge player analysis beyond their price tag...after all, in the real world, qualities are not all measured and valued using a single formula. There has to be more to the discussion aside from calculating how much a goal and assist is worth.

Maybe some of you should just put a 'Clarkson is overpaid' disclaimer in your signatures so that you can talk more about what you like and dislike about his play from game to game without selling out on your 'realist' views.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2010
Clarkson is finally starting to make his presence. Hopefully he can keep it up.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
You know what shenanigans means?

I have looked long and hard to find this quote regarding Clarkson.

He said maybe bozak did, i see nothing regarding clarkson.

Page 13 of this massive PDF has some quotes from Clarkson about not signing for the msot money.


Basically mirroring the quotes from here.


The Edmonton $6 million dollar deal is not confirmed anywhere I can find, but based on what Clarkson said it strongly implies he took a discount to come to Toronto. The amount of that discount is unknown.

Regardless of whether he took a discount or not there were other bids in the same ballpark and we paid "market rate", which for UFA's generally means an overpayment.

Yes his contract sucks, but I am glad we have him on our team.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2008
I don't believe that other teams offered anywhere near what the leafs signed Clarkson for.
As such, I don't believe Nonis got Clarkson at market value. I believe we got him for FAR above market value.
What do I think is more likely?
option a) Clarksons' agent played Nonis for a fool
option b) another team offered a 30 point averaging player 5.2 for 7 years.

I think option a) is INFINITELY more probable.
You are still going on about this? Ahahahahahahahahaha
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