OT: Coronavirus Thread (MOD Warning Post #19)

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Silky mitts

It’s yours boys and girls and babes let’s go!
Mar 9, 2004
Going off estimates of 195 million fully vaccinated adults and 60 million unvaccinated, over the last 6 months an average of about 1 in 40,000 of the unvaccinated have died of covid a day and about 1 in 800,000 of the vaccinated


Registered User
Feb 12, 2015
Fairfax, VA
CDC refusing to publish data on booster effectiveness for those 18-49

FDA telling CDC to stop hiding info and that shots for those ‘it a senior citizen has limited/if any positives.

there’s a reason all mandates are ending everywhere. Politicians know the Covid booster/shot are not working.

will be interesting if CDC finally releases the data. Their excuses not to are BS bc it’s what they’ve used for forever always.

that being said - there’s a reason why few people are getting the booster. FDA now pressuring CDC to release data and “don’t lie”.

This is why you don’t rush things that don’t work. The same people pushing mandates want babies/infants to even get the shot. This report will probably debunk that from ever happening if CDC releases honest/correct info.

If you’re a senior citizen or have major health issues - the vaccine is great. If you’re under 50 and healthy the FDA is now pretty much saying the booster does absolutely nothing productive.


Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
CDC refusing to publish data on booster effectiveness for those 18-49

FDA telling CDC to stop hiding info and that shots for those ‘it a senior citizen has limited/if any positives.

there’s a reason all mandates are ending everywhere. Politicians know the Covid booster/shot are not working.

will be interesting if CDC finally releases the data. Their excuses not to are BS bc it’s what they’ve used for forever always.

that being said - there’s a reason why few people are getting the booster. FDA now pressuring CDC to release data and “don’t lie”.

This is why you don’t rush things that don’t work. The same people pushing mandates want babies/infants to even get the shot. This report will probably debunk that from ever happening if CDC releases honest/correct info.

If you’re a senior citizen or have major health issues - the vaccine is great. If you’re under 50 and healthy the FDA is now pretty much saying the booster does absolutely nothing productive.

Dude you are living proof that their "excuses" were correct. You did the EXACT thing they said they were afraid of: misinterpret data and come to false conclusions about vaccine effectiveness.

You did it here with the comorbidities and you did it with the infection and death rates among the vaccinated.

If the CDC publishes all data without airtight messaging or analysis then people like you make incorrect interpretations. If they don't publish it then people like you claim some conspiracy. No-win situation.

The data in question was not complete or reliable enough to publish. Did you even read the article? Not all reporting is complete (especially due to difference in method and quality from state to state) so when you have data THAT flawed you can't draw conclusions from it. The only conclusions being drawn are by people like you who think the bad data is hidden proof of your bad conclusions.

And once again you're putting the effect before the cause with regard to removing mandates. IMO it's still too early but the places that are doing it have seen dropping case rates because of the nature of Omicron and the effectiveness of the T-cells in preventing serious illness. Those T-cells come from vaccines or previous infection.

You're still laboring under the delusion that COVID was just another flu that everyone in the world somehow overreacted to or conspired to profit from.

It's no surprise to find you here once again spreading shit disinfo as soon as it hits the usual channels.
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Registered User
Feb 12, 2015
Fairfax, VA
Medscape is a non-biased web page for physicians and other healthcare workers. They are pro science in not political.

natural immunity is better than the vaccines in terms of immunity. With everywhere in UK opening up/no longer mandating - and places all over the country opening back up without mandates, makes you wonder.

btw UK today announced all healthcare workers, etc are no longer mandated to have a vaccine. 90% voted this way

seems like both vaccines and natural immunity are both short lived tho. This sucks so bad.

A miracle cure I’m still hoping for.

What I have learned in past year is news, studies, articles, what people say is “science”, etc is hard for almost all of us to trust at this point... and that’s none of our faults. We have been fed wrong info from major news, our own government, social media, etc often. Sad.

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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
Non biased study from medical study

btw UK today announced all healthcare workers, etc are no longer mandated to have a vaccine. 90% voted this way


The lead paragraph is misleading. The study does not say natural immunity alone is 10 times more potent than vaccine alone. The study addresses HYBRID immunity as compared to vaccine only and breakthrough cases.

We recruited a total of 104 participants (Table 1) consisting of 31 fully vaccinated individuals with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–confirmed breakthrough infections, 31 individuals with one (6 individuals) or two vaccine (25 individuals) doses after recovery from COVID-19 (hybrid immunity), and 42 fully vaccinated individuals with no history of COVID-19 or breakthrough infection (Fig. 1A).

There were no unvaccinated people studied here.

The conclusion has already been known for a while based on other studies I've read. If you had COVID you're still better protected if you get vaxxed. If you haven't had COVID and you get a breakthrough infection it's better than not being vaccinated. And if you're not vaxxed at all your natural IMMUNITY (not the mere presence of antibodies) wears off quickly.

"Overall, our results show that SARS-CoV-2 infection before or after vaccination gives a significantly larger boost to the neutralizing antibody response compared with two doses of vaccine alone. The potency and breadth of the antibody response appear to improve concomitantly. It has been well established that natural infection alone provides short-lived protection from infection (17), showing the importance of vaccination, regardless of infection history. Because vaccination protects against severe disease and death (19), it is safer for individuals to be vaccinated before rather than after natural infection."

"Vaccination is highly effective at preventing the most severe outcomes from COVID-19 and should be provided regardless of previous infection status and age. A single dose of vaccine may provide sufficient protection for many individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. "

Most of this article is a misrepresentation of the data and the other studies don't support the 10x claim of the first paragraph. If you read the actual studies you'll find out why. The study cited for the 20 month window only says antibodies were found in test subjects, and specifies that it was NOT enough to confer immunity:

"Study limitations include lack of direct neutralization assays, the fact that antibody levels alone do not directly equate to immunity"

All of the studies cited concluded the same thing: get vaccinated even if you had COVID already.
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