Comparing Three Montreal Sports Icons Who Have Retired in Less than 12 Months


11 Stanley Cups
Jun 24, 2007
Does Di Vaio fit the meaning of the word "icon". I bet he does his own grocery shopping.


Jun 24, 2012
Does Di Vaio fit the meaning of the word "icon". I bet he does his own grocery shopping.

Not a fan of fluff pieces that elevate the CFL and MLS to the level of the NHL, by inference.

That said, Calvillo's story is compelling and he's a class act. Di Vaio looks personable. Not sure any of them are "icons", considering the leagues they were active in. Both the CFL and MLS are full of rejects from other leagues, even there are a few name brand players on their decline, thrown in.

You want a Montreal icon -- gotta be Guy Lafleur.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2004
Not a fan of fluff pieces that elevate the CFL and MLS to the level of the NHL, by inference.

That said, Calvillo's story is compelling and he's a class act. Di Vaio looks personable. Not sure any of them are "icons", considering the leagues they were active in. Both the CFL and MLS are full of rejects from other leagues, even there are a few name brand players on their decline, thrown in.

You want a Montreal icon -- gotta be Guy Lafleur.

Calvillo is an icon of Canadien Football. There's no arguing there.


Jun 24, 2012
This piece isnt relevant to the sports world, it's relevant to the Montreal world. Your point is ****.

Guess not 'nuff said after all.

:laugh: Just when I thought there weren't enough psychos here. Enjoy your watered down football.


I'm still alive
Dec 20, 2012
:laugh: Just when I thought there weren't enough psychos here. Enjoy your watered down football.

Ma biche, please. Just because you cant come up with any kind of tangible counter-argument doesnt mean you should resort to attack the man. You were wrong and your post was bad.

Plus i dont even watch football.


Jun 24, 2012
Ma biche, please. Just because you cant come up with any kind of tangible counter-argument doesnt mean you should resort to attack the man. You were wrong and your post was bad.

But, my pitoune, you made condescending comments with your previous post. I would have had no reason to respond in kind.


Plus i dont even watch football.

:laugh: That says it all right there.

Summer Rose

Red Like Roses
May 3, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
Canadian football is not an icon of the sports world. Nuff said.

As an American I find Canadian football somewhat interesting because the rule differences between it and the NFL are kind of a novelty to me, but it doesn't really progress beyond a "well this is interesting because it's different" level.


Jun 24, 2012
As an American I find Canadian football somewhat interesting because the rule differences between it and the NFL are kind of a novelty to me, but it doesn't really progress beyond a "well this is interesting because it's different" level.

More than half of CFL rosters are populated with US players, mostly US college players and NFL rejects, players who aren't even good enough to be on NFL practise rosters.

At least the CFL provides employment for your compadres.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2006
Calvillo is an icon in a non iconic sport
He brought 3 cups to mtl and is an icon for that + for all his records in a professional sport

DiVaio on the other hand only played 2-3 yrs in mtl and shouldnt be considered as such. imo

Summer Rose

Red Like Roses
May 3, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
More than half of CFL rosters are populated with US players, mostly US college players and NFL rejects, players who aren't even good enough to be on NFL practise rosters.

At least the CFL provides employment for your compadres.

And for those Americans who get rejected from the CFL, there's always arena football. The AFL was actually gaining a lot on popularity here but then the league shut down for an entire season for no reason I even remember. Even I was getting into a bit.

Of course, that may be because the Arizona Rattlers are the only team in Phoenix that has been any good at anything and actually won a championship since the Diamondbacks won a World Series back in 2001.

2001 was 13 years ago? Sacred ****ing jade, eh?


Registered User
Apr 7, 2006

Just like Sylvain Cazes and Carl Carmoni are icons in Quebec.

Carmoni should be just for his celebrations! :sarcasm:

But obviously as much as the NFL and CFL are not comparable(and no one did), it sjust as foolish to compare mini putting to the CFL


Jun 24, 2012
Carmoni should be just for his celebrations! :sarcasm:

But obviously as much as the NFL and CFL are not comparable(and no one did), it sjust as foolish to compare mini putting to the CFL

It was merely in jest.

Mini-putt does qualify as a non-iconic "sport", however. ;)
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digmor crusher

Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
Cavillo is definitely an icon, pro footballs all time passing leader.

Koviu, not so much.

DiVaio, never heard of him until now.

Runner 77, GTFO, we get it, you don't like the CFL, well some of us do, I would rather watch an CFL game than an NFL game any day day of the week. Haven't watched NFL for at least 20 years, just too boring. So take your moronic comments elsewhere.


Jun 24, 2012
Runner 77, GTFO, we get it, you don't like the CFL, well some of us do, I would rather watch an CFL game than an NFL game any day day of the week. Haven't watched NFL for at least 20 years, just too boring. So take your moronic comments elsewhere.

Dude, what's with the personal attacks? How old are you? Are you old enough to have enjoyed the "Als" going bankrupt and becoming the Concordes? You like the CFL, good for you. But if you have to resort to expressions like "GTFO" or words like "moronic", says a whole lot about your IQ level.

Bob Cole

Tom ******* Brady
Oct 30, 2009
none of those 3 are icons. It takes a Stanley Cup parade on St-Catherine.

Sorry CFL or MLS.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2006
The NHL is iconic when compared to the CFL and MLS. :sarcasm:

mmyyy maaaannn ! (in a denzel voice)
there you go!
And some people will tell you yes, the NHL is iconic to them.
Especially on these boards where we re fan(atics) of it and it s surely not the US tv ratings that will dictate our choice.
Hockey in general to me is much more an iconic sport than say the NBA or even Soccer (even if its the EPL, , La liga or whatever) as I respect hockey players as athletes a lot more than players in those sports.

Which brings me to my original point, Calvillo is an icon for montrealers, but in the grand scheme of things, is not an icon in sports in general.
Which goes back to the op 3 Montrealers icon....not 3 sports icon
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Jun 24, 2012
Hockey in general to me is much more an iconic sport than say the NBA or even Soccer (even if its the EPL, , La liga or whatever) as I respect hockey players as athletes a lot more than players in those sports.

Is hockey still not considered one of the top 4 pro sports leagues in North America? Their new TV deal should put them on the map even more, especially that used to be more of a gate-driven league -- which isn't the case anymore.

With respect to your above point, agree with you wholeheartedly. Every league has its lot of deadbeat players, who make questionable or downright despicable decisions or take actions unbecoming of a human being, but somehow, NHL players strike me, for the most part, as the most humble of the lot, not spoiled by their earnings and who are warriors through and through. Of course, I'm generalizing, but I do get the sense that they have that throwback mentality, of playing the sport mostly out of enjoyment and going all out while doing it, especially those players born in North America and who are engrossed with the meaning of hoisting the Cup.


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