Management Back To The Future post deadline edition


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts
As noted elsewhere, I didn't like the Chiarelli firing and have observed subsequent events with growing unease.

Don Sweeney has done some good things: Released the Bruins from Cap Jail, acquired Matt Beleskey, and by most counts "won" the Milan Lucic deal. He was also smart enough to retain Claude Julien.

Yet yesterday's moves, and non-move(s), speak volumes as to the competence, judgement & motivation of the present "management group." They remind alarmingly, in every particular, of Harry Sinden's & Mike O'Connell's awful, soul killing approach.

I frequently place a caveat on my opinion of this regime's decisions: "I hope I'm wrong, but..."

Well, I really, really hope I'm wrong. But if this franchise is sliding back into incompetent management, content (in Sweeney's chilling words this morning) with icing a "very competitive" team & simply making the playoffs, I'm out. I'm not going back to that garbage.

Haggerty is explicit:

If anyone from the Bruins organization reads this board, and happens upon this post, understand something. It's 2016, not 1995 or 1990. Some of us have other, better things to do with our time, passion and money. So don't play the fans again, Mr. Burns. Don't eff it up. Again.

"Yeah, but that's just Haggerty..."?

Kirk's underwhelmed review:

Direction? What direction? DJ Bean:

Thumbs down from the Herald's Stephen Harris:


Save us Sweeney
May 21, 2003
Still don't understand the thinking that JJ/Mgmt is about more of a "competitive" team like this year as opposed to teams from 2009-2014 that saw increased playoff games and revenue.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
Fire Sweeney lets hire someone who is awesome like Chiarelli

I vote Mike Keenan or Neil Smith or Jeff Gorton providing he doesn't give up the farm got Yandle

George McPhee or Nanny McPhee or Mike McPhee

Bob Gainey did some good things

How about promoting JFJ

I want a first place team - Loui should a got us a first and a stud

F's all around I demand a Cup worthy team

Jacobs is cheap too
Last edited:


Now accepting BitCoin
Oct 26, 2005
Nation's Capital
Fire Sweeney lets hire someone who is awesome like Chiarelli

I vote Mike Keenan

One can always go from the frying pan to the fire.

But, don't lose sight of the fact that it sucks to be in a hot frying pan, Dan.

You'd at least have to admit that this is two strikes against Donny, no?


Go Bruins
Jul 20, 2006
Resign Stemp in offseason 1 year cheap money Loui replacement in top 6 till the 15 1st rounders are ready or Vatrano who should start on the 3rd line

Use Loui's money on Defense

I'm sure Don didn't like the prices on Loui so no need to just dump him and piss off all the veterans in the locker room

Now we got our top 6 stop gap for a year until the kids are ready and have Loui money to use on D and gave up no important assests...and still have plenty of assets to use to acquire a top 4 D

I see a clear direction where this team is going not sure what the media is up in arms about...No team dumps a top player while in a playoff spot cup contender or not unless they get a deal they can't refuse...Now we get the kids some experience for the future...Have our Loui replacement (short term) and have money to spend on Defense


Cup driven
Mar 1, 2002
Central MA
One can always go from the frying pan to the fire.

But, don't lose sight of the fact that it sucks to be in a hot frying pan, Dan.

You'd at least have to admit that this is two strikes against Donny, no?

As much as I love Dan's posts, his latest rants have me thinking he's crossed way over to this side:



Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
South of Boston
While I was in favor of promoting Sweeney, I'm starting to think they should have gone outside the organization.

Much like Fox Mulder, I want to believe - but this organization has been more of a clown show, than a well run one.


Took the red pill
Dec 8, 2010
Mount Olympus
Under Chiarelli, the Bruins prospects pool was one of the worst. Today, it's one of the best. They're also out from under much of the cap burden that had them hamstrung. Bergeron is on a remarkably cheap contract for his talent level, and Krejci's contract isn't bad. Rask is still young and a top-tier goalie. The P-Bruins have a good shot at a Calder Cup. Julien is one of the best coaches in the game.

Not trading Loui Eriksson for picks/prospects, and adding a couple of UFAs, is not going to kill this team.

Is everything perfect? Hell no. There's still a lot of work to do. The defense is in dire need. Going by what Sweeney has done, it should be an interesting summer.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 26, 2003
The Quiet Corner
As noted elsewhere, I didn't like the Chiarelli firing and have observed subsequent events with growing unease.

Don Sweeney has done some good things: Released the Bruins from Cap Jail, acquired Matt Beleskey, and by most counts "won" the Milan Lucic deal. He was also smart enough to retain Claude Julien.

Yet yesterday's moves, and non-move(s), speak volumes as to the competence, judgement & motivation of the present "management group." They remind alarmingly, in every particular, of Harry Sinden's & Mike O'Connell's awful, soul killing approach.

I frequently place a caveat on my opinion of this regime's decisions: "I hope I'm wrong, but..."

Well, I really, really hope I'm wrong. But if this franchise is sliding back into incompetent management, content (in Sweeney's chilling words this morning) with icing a "very competitive" team & simply making the playoffs, I'm out. I'm not going back to that garbage.

Haggerty is explicit:

If anyone from the Bruins organization reads this board, and happens upon this post, understand something. It's 2016, not 1995 or 1990. Some of us have other, better things to do with our time, passion and money. So don't play the fans again, Mr. Burns. Don't eff it up. Again.

"Yeah, but that's just Haggerty..."?

Kirk's underwhelmed review:

Direction? What direction? DJ Bean:

Thumbs down from the Herald's Stephen Harris:

You're singing my song GordonHowe.

This entire "management group" reeks of Harry Sinden. I think he should never have been brought back, not in any capacity. I think he's got too much influence over Cam Neely who I think in turn has too much influence over Charlie Jacobs.

We're headed back to the future- the team just good enough to tease fans with playoff prospects but never a truly serious Cup contender.

Did Jeremy Jacobs learn nothing from the past decade?!?!?!? It sure looks that way.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
One can always go from the frying pan to the fire.

But, don't lose sight of the fact that it sucks to be in a hot frying pan, Dan.

You'd at least have to admit that this is two strikes against Donny, no?

Not at all. I look at the drafts the UFA signings. Because Doug Armstrong backed out and the Wild or Ducks would only offer second round picks and/or secondary prospects.

I think not only are there not 2 strikes he's in a hitters count

But don't go by me I picked Vancouver in 5. my advice is if you read me take anything I say with a grain of salt.

Gordon Howe has rounded up all the expects and I am just a shmuck fan the real takes are linked


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 1, 2016
Chicago, IL
Resign Stemp in offseason 1 year cheap money Loui replacement in top 6 till the 15 1st rounders are ready or Vatrano who should start on the 3rd line

Use Loui's money on Defense

I'm sure Don didn't like the prices on Loui so no need to just dump him and piss off all the veterans in the locker room

Now we got our top 6 stop gap for a year until the kids are ready and have Loui money to use on D and gave up no important assests...and still have plenty of assets to use to acquire a top 4 D

I see a clear direction where this team is going not sure what the media is up in arms about...No team dumps a top player while in a playoff spot cup contender or not unless they get a deal they can't refuse...Now we get the kids some experience for the future...Have our Loui replacement (short term) and have money to spend on Defense

I agree 100%


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
As much as I love Dan's posts, his latest rants have me thinking he's crossed way over to this side:

Im not that bright. There is a reason while my friends were chasing girls with big hair I was interested in their SAT scores among other things :naughty:

I man has to know his limitations Lonnie and sadly I had many


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts
Under Chiarelli, the Bruins prospects pool was one of the worst. Today, it's one of the best. They're also out from under much of the cap burden that had them hamstrung. Bergeron is on a remarkably cheap contract for his talent level, and Krejci's contract isn't bad. Rask is still young and a top-tier goalie. The P-Bruins have a good shot at a Calder Cup. Julien is one of the best coaches in the game.

Not trading Loui Eriksson for picks/prospects, and adding a couple of UFAs, is not going to kill this team.

Is everything perfect? Hell no. There's still a lot of work to do. The defense is in dire need. Going by what Sweeney has done, it should be an interesting summer.

These are all fair points. I'd quibble with the notion that the Bruins have gone from a poor prospect pool to "one of the best." It may be true, but I haven't heard that. Good and possibly very good? I've heard that, yes.

I guess we'll see but I'm not encouraged.


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 1, 2016
Chicago, IL
I'm also not willing to write this team off entirely as far as the playoffs go.

Its not going to be easy by any stretch but this team should have enough to make it into one of the 8 spots. I have no illusions that this team will make it to the SCF out of the East. However, short of Washington, and maybe the Rags, there isn't another playoff team coming out of the East that I don't think we have a decent chance against.

Maybe that's a bit optimistic, but are we really that scared of Tampa, Florida, Detroit, Pittsburgh, or the Islanders? I wouldn't write off a series against any of those teams.

As much as I try to forget the 2010 Playoffs, I remember a stacked Caps team getting bounced in the first round (along with the #2,#3 and #5 seeds) and a Flyers team defying logic to make it through as a #7.

Not saying it'll happen again, but if you can get to the dance, you might end up bringing home a prettier girl than you imagined.


He's a Good Boy!
Feb 8, 2005
I don't know.

We were told the direction of the franchise would change; a more up tempo style, more physical, back to Bruins hockey, etc..

Cassidy would be gone, he was a Chiarelli guy, run out of Washington, doesn't handle prospects, doesn't develop them.

Smart aggressive management was back, utilize all or our assets, think long term, smart, young , progressive, he'll fix our defense.

Saying that the results have been 'mixed', is perhaps too generous.

Mr. Make-Believe

The happy genius of my household

I have to say... I don't get it. :dunno:

And this is... This is from a guy who was saying for weeks:

Eriksson, a defenceman and futures OUT
A partner for Chara and a replacement for Eriksson IN

That's what I wanted and I didn't get any of it.

Instead we got a couple of improvements without any significant assets out the other way, save a single second round pick.

And SOMEHOW we're back to Sinden? I don't see the correlation at ALL.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts
You're singing my song GordonHowe.

This entire "management group" reeks of Harry Sinden. I think he should never have been brought back, not in any capacity. I think he's got too much influence over Cam Neely who I think in turn has too much influence over Charlie Jacobs.

We're headed back to the future- the team just good enough to tease fans with playoff prospects but never a truly serious Cup contender.

Did Jeremy Jacobs learn nothing from the past decade?!?!?!? It sure looks that way.

Sweeney and Neely have both said they listen to Sinden's advice. Is he a "Svenjolly" (as Elaine would have it)? No, but I'd get my advice elsewhere. Like, from the 21st C. Chia kept him at arm's length, thank God.

As for Mr. Burns, I suspect that having finally given long suffering B's fans a legitimate chance at the Cup (it only took 30 years), he'd like to return to using them as his own personal ATM.

Mr. Make-Believe

The happy genius of my household
Sweeney and Neely have both said they listen to Sinden's advice. Is he a "Svenjolly" (as Elaine would have it)? No, but I'd get my advice elsewhere. Like, from the 21st C. Chia kept him at arm's length, thank God.

As for Mr. Burns, I suspect that having finally given long suffering B's fans a legitimate chance at the Cup (it only took 30 years), he'd like to return to using them as his own personal ATM.

How is winning the Cup not a financial benefit to him?

He pushed for a salary cap. Here it is. And here we are spending to the limit.

I continue to see zero correlation here.

Sweeney made some difficult decisions to get the cap in order in his FIRST year here... And he did so while helping to forge the best group of young talent we've maybe ever seen AND icing a team MORE competitive than the one we saw last year.

What is the similarity??


Been there, done that.
Mar 11, 2014
Laval, QC, Canada
Haggerty is explicit:

If anyone from the Bruins organization reads this board, and happens upon this post, understand something. It's 2016, not 1995 or 1990. Some of us have other, better things to do with our time, passion and money. So don't play the fans again, Mr. Burns. Don't eff it up. Again.

"Yeah, but that's just Haggerty..."?

Kirk's underwhelmed review:

Direction? What direction? DJ Bean:

Thumbs down from the Herald's Stephen Harris:

Me who thought that Boston medias were on the Bs payroll... :sarcasm:

Seriously, I get where you come from and I myself sit on the fence with the FO.

What keeps me from dumping on Sweeney: the extenuating circumstances surrounding his arrival (cap problems, DH wanting to go, etc.), his gut for moving big name players, last year draft (specifically the type of players picked) and the team position in the standing this past TDL.

What keeps me from falling in love with Sweeney: resigning McQuaid basically as a top 4 Dman, trading a 3rd for Rinaldo, not working with Claude to implement an environment geared towards not only winning but developing (i.e. playing the kids).


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts

I have to say... I don't get it. :dunno:

And this is... This is from a guy who was saying for weeks:

Eriksson, a defenceman and futures OUT
A partner for Chara and a replacement for Eriksson IN

That's what I wanted and I didn't get any of it.

Instead we got a couple of improvements without any significant assets out the other way, save a single second round pick.

And SOMEHOW we're back to Sinden? I don't see the correlation at ALL.

I think they gave up four picks for the two players, yes? BTW I'm sure both will be helpful. My reaction has little to do with them.

It's back to Sinden/OC for me because I see half measures, band aides, and a blown opportunity to build for the future because the Big Boss says you'd better make the playoffs.

I also hear Sweeney defending the Rinaldo deal by saying ZR has made great strides as a player and given the Bruins an infusion of genuine energy. The same day he waives Rinaldo. Which is, shall I say, rather reminiscent of the outright ******** Sinden used to throw against the wall regarding his latest jerk off move. All with a straight face, of course.

Anyway, I'll probably be proven wrong.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2002
Graves to Gardens
Man, remember when we were simply fans?

Loui was going out for a defenseman but the other team obviously couldn't work. Our 2017 2nd is replaced by the Freebie from Edmonton. Stepniak could be a Recchi-like guy here. I've seen a lot of him on the Rangers and Devils and he's a hard worker.

Liles by some accounts is a better get than Russell. Hamhuis wouldn't come here. The Hawks wanted Ladd over Eriksson. Oh well.

We now have a cup contending forward squad IMO. Maybe Rask pulls out his 2013 rangers and pens style

also look at the UDFA Haul we've had. vatrano, Czarniak and Cave. Look at some of our recent late picks? blidh, McIntyre, ogara, Gabrielle, fitzy, Heinen, Bjork, Hargrove. All look like players. We still have 3 ones and 2 twos the next two years.

I'm fine with yesterday. I think Loui re-signs.


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 1, 2016
Chicago, IL
.....not working with Claude to implement an environment geared towards not only winning but developing (i.e. playing the kids).

That's the part that I just don't get or agree with.......This idea that we aren't developing young talent and that players like C Miller, Morrow, Vatrano, Koko etc. are being unfairly exiled in the AHL because of some Sweeney/Julien conspiracy.

Playing in the NHL is a job, and you earn your way onto a roster. I don't view the Bruins roster as a place for on the job training. That's what Providence is for. You earn the right to wear the spoked B because you'er one of the best 12-13 Forwards, or 6-7 D Men in the organization. Plain and simple.

The idea that we should make exceptions to that rule in the name of "developing our young players" just doesn't sit well with me. If you want to play at the highest level, you need to show you belong on a night in and night out basis. If you can't do that, then keep working on your game at the AHL level.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2006
Fire Sweeney lets hire someone who is awesome like Chiarelli

I vote Mike Keenan or Neil Smith or Jeff Gorton providing he doesn't give up the farm got Yandle

George McPhee or Nanny McPhee or Mike McPhee

Bob Gainey did some good things

How about promoting JFJ

I want a first place team - Loui should a got us a first and a stud

F's all around I demand a Cup worthy team

Jacobs is cheap too

I like the cut of your jib.


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