Celebrity Death: Avicii(Tim Bergling) dead at 28


Registered User
Jun 20, 2011
Dallas, TX
is the rock you live under roomy?

It's really hard to listen to but I've had it on while I've been in the car last night and today.

I had it on while working yesterday, it was tough to listen when everyone was talking about their Avicii experience. What's worse is djs were calling in, and it sounded like they felt he was back on track. He was making music and wanting to get back on tour. That's the weird thing about all this, it seemed like he was doing well, but then this news hits. It sucks.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
This weekend at the final preparation tournament before the World Championships, the Sweden Hockey Games, the hosts Tre Kronor will only play his music during their warm-ups.
Last edited:


Board man gets paid
May 20, 2010
The Peg, Canada
How was he excellent? At pressing the "play" button?

You played your card so early that you know nothing about Avicii.

Whether or not DJing is more than pressing a couple buttons live, the guy made his own music. And there was a lot of criticism of his sounds because he used many easy to access presets but guess what... he still made the melodies and and arranged them in a way that blew up into worldwide hits and if it was so easy, why aren't you doing it already?


Land of #1 Overall Picks
Nov 19, 2009
Fulton Market, Chicago
You played your card so early that you know nothing about Avicii.

Whether or not DJing is more than pressing a couple buttons live, the guy made his own music. And there was a lot of criticism of his sounds because he used many easy to access presets but guess what... he still made the melodies and and arranged them in a way that blew up into worldwide hits and if it was so easy, why aren't you doing it already?

The programs are widely available to download for free. I tried once just to see if I could and man.... not an easy experience at all. I just didn't have the time to really understand all the variables to the program.
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Jan 29, 2009
The programs are widely available to download for free. I tried once just to see if I could and man.... not an easy experience at all. I just didn't have the time to really understand all the variables to the program.

I love the music and I downloaded FL studio.. Defs not easy. Like anything it takes 1000's of hours to master and get good, thus why none of us are making millions. Also most of these dj's and producers have a back ground in music. which helps.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2011
Seems like suicide.

"Stockholm den 26 april 2018
Vår älskade Tim var en sökare, en skör konstnärssjäl som alltid burit på stora existentiella frågor. En överpresterande perfektionist som reste och jobbade hårt i ett tempo som ledde till extremt svår stress.
När han slutat turnera ville han hitta en balans i livet för att må bra och kunna göra det han älskade mest – musik.
Han kämpade verkligen med tankar om Meningen, Livet, Lyckan.
Nu orkade han inte längre.
Han ville få frid.
Tim var inte gjord för det maskineri han hamnade i, han var en ömhudad kille som älskade sina fans men skydde rampljuset.
Tim, du kommer för alltid att vara älskad och saknad.
Den du var och din musik kommer att bära minnet av dig vidare.
Vi älskar dig,

Google translate:
Stockholm, April 26, 2018

Our beloved Tim was a searcher, a crazy artist's soul who has always been responsible for major existential issues. An overpriced perfectionist who went and worked hard at a pace that led to extremely difficult stress.

When he finished the tour he wanted to find a balance in life to feel good and be able to do what he loved most - music.

He really struggled with thoughts about the meaning, life, happiness.

Now he no longer hurried.

He wanted peace.

Tim was not made for the machinery he ended up with, he was a sweet guy who loved his fans but protected the spotlight.

Tim, you will always be loved and missing.

The one you were and your music will bear the memory of you on.

We love you,

The family


Registered User
Jun 20, 2011
Dallas, TX
BPM keeps playing soundbites from the djs that called in on the day of his death, and followed by his remix of Morten's "Beautiful Heartbeat". They need to stop playing this song. Every time I hear it, it chokes me up. Man this sucks, he was an amazing talent.



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