Agent 2421 Fantasy Draft Thread Pool Part 2 (Cap:$56.7M)

Hale The Villain

HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 2, 2008
Oh my god this is ridiculous :shakehead

Seriously odishabs, where the **** are you? If you can't check your PMs every 5 hours or so you should just leave

C'mon guys we are almost done, be more active!! :rant:


Registered User
Feb 3, 2008
Yea please guys... I'm sorry but this week has been really busy so I coudln't send PM's and this one last round is taking so long. Skip the pheonix Gm and auto him someone.

and Pm the next person please... it shouldn't take this long.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2008
Teams will be going up very soon. Last chance for anyone to join! If you know someone save a spot etc, but it's going up now!


Registered User
Oct 21, 2007
My team is essentially complete except for 1 FA which i hope i sign who probably wont make the team this year.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
seriously guys unless we are at the last pick i made my deal yesterday morning...let me know


Registered User
Oct 21, 2007
stuff got screwed up guys.. philly didn't go.. st louis went early.. right now i think its columbus's turn..

Edit: okay its philly's turn, then carolina, then columbus.. fair to assume philly should get auto'd so... next person on the list is G Thomas McCollum
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Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
last night me and robbie agreed to a deal....but we didnt think it would go through the it is

to me: ruslan fedotenko
to him: nik antropov


Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
last night me and hockeyhooligans agreed to a deal....but we didnt think it would go through the it is

to me: ruslan fedotenko
to him: nik antropov


Registered User
Feb 3, 2008
Thanks stupendousman... If someone can keep up with this and PM the next people it would really help me out until Saturday. The time I have, I'm trying to update on the other site so I need someone to atleast get this round 2 done with.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2008
Carolina selects Jared Staal


already picked


Registered User
Jun 2, 2007
Since no one is picking on their registered time and the time limit has considerably expired and there are no rules indicating that we need to wait for the designated gm, Pittsburgh is going to take a leap of faith and take D Vyacheslav Voinov.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2007
Since no one is picking on their registered time and the time limit has considerably expired and there are no rules indicating that we need to wait for the designated gm, Pittsburgh is going to take a leap of faith and take D Vyacheslav Voinov.

in other words.. i dont have an early 2nd rounder so i'm going to go anyway... what are you doing... this is a draft.. you wait for the people before you.. its not like the guys you take in the 2nd round will do anything in the nhl this year.. wait your turn like everybody else. obviously people are busier than they were in the summer. for instance, agent has been busy this whole time.. where do you get off just going ahead of everybody.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2007
in other words.. i dont have an early 2nd rounder so i'm going to go anyway... what are you doing... this is a draft.. you wait for the people before you.. its not like the guys you take in the 2nd round will do anything in the nhl this year.. wait your turn like everybody else. obviously people are busier than they were in the summer. for instance, agent has been busy this whole time.. where do you get off just going ahead of everybody.

the reason why there was designated time is to complete this draft and since its lingering on, i feel that i've waited long enough. Also... if it doesnt matter then why do you feel so compelled to call me out. Hey, i am so tired of everyone always giving props to agent and granted he is the big commissioner of this draft and has done a wonderful job and trust me when i say this, that this draft would not be as successful if he wasnt running it but there are other guys here too that don't get recognized at all so dont give me that bs... everyone is busy... you just make time.. i help create this draft and im going to stay true to my word from day one.. im not going to penalize the gms that actually take the time out of their day to show their committment here and i feel i somewhat have the right to take a course of action.. can i say the same for you? no cuz you barely contribute.. so dont give me that...

on a side note.. i hate how these so called gms have such a small temper.. its ridiculous... they're so emotional..


Registered User
Oct 21, 2007
WOW, i hope you're kidding. I wasn't trying to start anything, I was just wondering as to why you felt that you were more important than everybody and decide that you should go now. I used agent being busy as an example chill out.. i could have used anyone as an example.. now there are forsure people that arent active anymore.. but by you just making a pick right now shows that you aren't a leader in this draft. If people start picking people at will it will get very disorganised very quick. "you've waited long enough" congratulations do you want a medal? I have two picks coming up and one is before yours.. are you saying that I should have already went?

And buddy, your the guy that just went off on a rant. so apparantly you are a apart of "these so called gms."


Registered User
Jun 2, 2007
WOW, i hope you're kidding. I wasn't trying to start anything, I was just wondering as to why you felt that you were more important than everybody and decide that you should go now. I used agent being busy as an example chill out.. i could have used anyone as an example.. now there are forsure people that arent active anymore.. but by you just making a pick right now shows that you aren't a leader in this draft. If people start picking people at will it will get very disorganised very quick. "you've waited long enough" congratulations do you want a medal? I have two picks coming up and one is before yours.. are you saying that I should have already went?

And buddy, your the guy that just went off on a rant. so apparantly you are a apart of "these so called gms."

I'm not a leader of this draft.. i love how you can say that with such conviction and use this example as your base of all your statements when i know for a fact that some of the gms here constantly ask for my feedback but enough of me.. if i feel that i can rush this draft (its the second round of the entry draft) and i feel that it would be help agent with the new site then im going to rush it.. and if someone has found a loop hole in the rules and takes advantage of it... i'm not going to penalize them but rather award them(i did this with the philly gm when he picked tikhonov in the draft) look.. and seriously.. if you have a problem with me.. pm me.. dont call me out in my own draft.. if you dont like how im running it then complain to agent.. but buddy dont call me out cuz i can keep going.. and if you want to continue this conversation can we please go on the chat thread.. i dont want to clog this specific thread
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Registered User
Jun 2, 2007
NYI, CAR and CLB are missing picks... please draft as soon as possible

Ok whatever.. if its such a big problem.. and if robbie's views are the consensus of the group.. i would be more than happy to retract my comment.. but i have a feeling this is going back and forth with no clear direction and obviously my course of action according to robbie is quite selfish so we'll see the aftermath tomorrow...
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Hale The Villain

HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 2, 2008

The Anaheim Ducks are proud to select darkhorse defenseman Roman Josi


Analysis: Roman is the type of defenseman we are looking for. He is fast and offensive. He has loads of potential and we look forward to him growing into the player we hope he will become.


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