4 out of 5 Canadian teams did not sell out last night


Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
This. I might go to 1 or 2 a year since I'm a 10 minute walk from SBA, but my TV, cold beer and any food I want at home for less than the price of 1 concourse beer is pretty damn tempting. Also no washroom lines.

Cramped seats, painfully expensive food, outrageously priced tickets, and getting gouged for parking


70 inch TV where you can see replays.

Not much of a choice at all.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2013
The West
Attendances for the season so far. Pretty dang good if you asked me.

2019-2020 NHL Attendance - National Hockey League - ESPN

Plus, I know in Calgary, there's still a little sour taste at after we performed in the playoffs considering where we finished in the regular season. I think the fan-base isn't too high on this group and know the next rebuild is awhile away. So it's a mixed feeling toward the team overall.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2012
The Left Coast
Attendances for the season so far. Pretty dang good if you asked me.

2019-2020 NHL Attendance - National Hockey League - ESPN

Plus, I know in Calgary, there's still a little sour taste at after we performed in the playoffs considering where we finished in the regular season. I think the fan-base isn't too high on this group and know the next rebuild is awhile away. So it's a mixed feeling toward the team overall.
Huh, those 'bandwagon" Canucks fans....


Registered User
Feb 6, 2010
When your teams suck, it doesn't matter if tickets are $100 each or $2. There are certain parts of going to a game that are a logistical annoyance no matter what, and knowing that you're going to see your lousy team be non-competitive simply amplifies all of those annoyances.

You're right, an Oilers fan has never truly experienced what it's like to suck.



Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
I'm very curious why so many people are rushing to defend the current economic situation in Canada. The election? They don't want to see the Liberals lose, so they are eating their BS about well things are going for everybody.

The thing is that anyone who is aware of what's been going on for the past 10+ years, knows that no current party is actually offering any solutions. This isn't an issue that any of the parties seem willing to take on.

And a family of 4 is looking at $500-600 minimum for a game (much more in Toronto), and what happens if the game is a stinker? The average young family is drowning in debt. Not worth it.

Things are not going well in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and I'm not sure of Manitoba. Quebec and some of the Maritime are doing well. That's where the tax dollar prop comes from. That's also why the Feds are swimming in debt.

Less money to go around. People have to start cutting back somewhere and entertainment tends to lead the way on that one.


waffledave, from hf
Aug 22, 2004
Things are objectively bad right now. There have always been underpaid professions, but things are much worse now than normal.

When inflation gets out of control, typically the government increases interest rates. The problem is that the economy is not doing well, and is instead propped up by historically low interest rates. Debt levels are also at record levels, preventing interest rate hikes.

Like I said before, if there was really confidence in the economy, then interest rates would go up.

Man I don't know where you are getting your news. Inflation is absolutely NOT out of control, it is 2% in Canada which is exactly where is should be. And interest rates have been steadily increasing over the last few years.
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Jan 18, 2014
Team like Mtl I understand they have no stars but Calgary is supposed to be one of the best teams out west and should be selling out.


waffledave, from hf
Aug 22, 2004
Team like Mtl I understand they have no stars but Calgary is supposed to be one of the best teams out west and should be selling out.

Montreal hasn't had stars in like 25 years but they still sold out for a good while. But, you are not far off. It's just a general lack of buzz around the team. They used to be exciting, and f***ing cool. Starting from the many playoff upsets and underdog wins of the 2000-2010. In those days the Habs were the hottest show in town, it was f***ing everywhere. Anything connected to the Habs was instantly beloved. It was crazy, like a religion. Some people even claimed it WAS a religion.

Today the Habs are corny and lame. If you are remotely known as a hockey fan you will get offered free tickets from someone at some point every season. Used to be that the many thousands of corporate seats used exclusively by executives and clients are now falling down to the mail room. Yeah even the mail room interns are getting to use the company seats.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2012
pictish hills
if the jets continue to stink up the place, and keep paul maurice as coach and miss the playoffs, the team might as well relocate to an american city....

it seems like players who play for canadian teams really don't like playing there.....they would rather play in florida, tampa bay, or nashville..

So every American team sold out that night? You realize this is the first time the Jets didn't have a sell out? So one non sell out means the team should move? What a baseless load of BS !


Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
This. Imagine trying to bring a family of four.

Also the Canadian economy is failing right now, and Canadians already have record levels of debt.

Non-sellouts have everything to do with economic conditions and not the popularity of the sport.

The economy isn’t failing at all. I’d rather avoid politics but that’s false.

Ticket prices and food prices are too high. And team performance matters. Ottawa isn’t exactly doing well.

There are a lot of factors that play in to attendance. Hell, Winnipeg had a massive winter storm. What does that have to do with the economy?

Ticket buyers are another problem. They buy loads of tickets and then overprice them. They are later stuck with them.


F**k Cutter Gauthier
Oct 20, 2016

Cramped seats, painfully expensive food, outrageously priced tickets, and getting gouged for parking


70 inch TV where you can see replays.

Not much of a choice at all.

Atmosphere of the game vs being sat in your living room on your own watching the game....


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
Atmosphere of the game vs being sat in your living room on your own watching the game....
Yeah, guy spilling beer on you or your friend, obnoxious "shooooooot" chanters, yelling guy who thinks he needs a direct line to the coach's ear, the same arena music and "make some noise" graphics, the line for the bathrooms, the line on the train station, the traffic jam after the game… sorry what were we talking about?

And I LIKE live hockey… :laugh:

But honestly I can't wait for 3D at-home viewership technology/integration. Get me a 360° view from cameras placed around the lower/mid bowl, give me the choice of arena/game noise vs play-by-play, let me replay footage or watch live… from the comfort of my own home. I don't care to high-five my seat neighbours every time the home team scores, I don't care about the Kiss Cam or Bloopers of the Week footage on the Jumbotron.

Just give me the virtual experience of streaming a live game experience from the privilege of the house whose mortgage I have yet to pay.


Jan 1, 2007
100 dollars to see a game without any intensity, hits, animosity, fights, chirping etc. Just back and forth between line ups filled with unknown europeans. Unless you get a 5-4 game, it's pretty boring.

NHL has taken the emotion out, and we now have an ALL Star style kind of game, but without the big names.

Add of course the fact that many Canadian teams have struggled. They can lose 0-5 at home without sending any kind of message.
Found Don Cherry’s account. Europeans are ruining the game!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2019
This whole thread is a little dramatic. The Canadian markets are doing fine.

Montreal 3 games average of 21003 98.7%
Toronto 5 games average of 19432 103.3%
Vancouver 3 games average of 18596 98.3 %
Calgary 3 games average of 18308 94.9 %
Edmonton 3 games average of 17933 96.2 %
Winnipeg 3 games average of 15138 100.9%
Ottawa 4 games average of 11715 61.2%

With the exception of Ottawa, the rest are all running at 95% or above capacity.
No, Winnipeg again failed to sell out the other night, I think. 15,100 or so after 14,700 the other night.

Capacity is over 15,300.

So that 100+% capacity listed is wrong.


Feb 24, 2015
The biggest shocker here is that the Wild were in town and the Leafs still sold out. Truly a market that cannot be shaken.
A monopolized market of 5 million ought to sell out.
It’s smaller markets like Edmonton,Winnipeg and Calgary that are operating at capacity with a much smaller population base to work with that’s far more impressive.
Don’t hurt your arm patting yourself on the back.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2019
A monopolized market of 5 million ought to sell out.
It’s smaller markets like Edmonton,Winnipeg and Calgary that are operating at capacity with a much smaller population base to work with that’s far more impressive.
Don’t hurt your arm patting yourself on the back.
The Rangers in a huge metropolis aren't selling out anymore other than opening night and select games since last year.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2013
Don't understand these over-capacity attendance numbers. If tickets are available to be purchased (sitting or standing room), then those numbers should be part of overall capacity. Leafs attendance at 106% capacity? What does that mean?


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