2021-2022 Around The League - Part VII

Colorado Avalanche

No Babe pictures
Apr 24, 2004
He should shave the sides. Sides makes it look worse. His hair would look fine short, but yet he forces this.

Shows alpha mentality not giving a ****.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2015
Bruno being a Adams finalist made very little sense and the Panthers clearly agreed. Replaced a superior coach and rode his gameplan until the end.
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Mr. Meeseeks
Feb 24, 2012
Isn't he basically Andrew Brunette but 7 years older?
I'd say they are quite different. Bruno is an unknown who has basically shown so far he has one card in his pocket... all out offense, transition, and pressure. Maurice has shown he can coach a variety of different styles and can last in a locker room... but he is going to be much more structured in the defensive zone than Bruno with more chip and chase instead of straight carrying possession. Florida doesn't need to go all in on chip and chase, but a big reason they lost to Tampa as badly as they did was simply that they couldn't play another style when Tampa shut down the transition and possession.


Jun 8, 2012
Since I didn't get to be the first post in the main board thread for Maurice, you can all get this too:

In 2009, Zorp Orgad, a representitive of the Martian Republic of Power will descend upon Earth and demand a seven game series between the best possible compilation of human players who will compete against the Martian All-Stars. The Martians state that if the humans either decline or lose the series the Earth will be destroyed.

Shortly thereafter a team of players was assembled by Earth, aptly named "World Heroes". That day and the several weeks following would witness the most important inter-galactic Ice-Hockey battle to ever take place, and arguably the most decisive moments in the 4.5 billion years of Earth's history.

Captained by the incredible Joe Sakic, World Heroes consisted of the nineteen finest men on the planet. Joe Sakic, Jarome Iginla, Alexandre Ovechkin, Sydney Crosby, Jaromir Jagr, Peter Forsberg, Mats Sundin, Henrik Zetterberg, Dany Heatley, Gary Roberts, Teemu Selanne and Chris Drury filled out the forwards. Even as impressive was the defence, led by Scott Niedermayer, he was accompanied by Niklas Lidstrom, Chris Pronger, Tomas Kaberle, Dion Phaneuf and Jason Smith. Martin Brodeur was named the lone goaltender.

Though the team had been named, the world was still in need of a leader. On August 7th, 2009 the United States Government had no choice but to name Paul Maurice, currently on tour with the ILKF (International League of Knife Fighting), the coach of the team that would decide the fate of the Earth.

Immediately following his appointment as coach of World Heroes there were several attempts made on the life of Paul Maurice by Martian spies as well as the bitter Lindy Ruff, all of which were easily avoided and the attackers were swiftly dismembered.

When quizzed about the events Paul Maurice shrugged and promptly responded, "I've killed before and I'll kill again."

As you can imagine, controversy was rife even before the puck was dropped.

Allegations of outrageous cocaine use and constant solicitation of hookers were thrown at Maurice relentlessly by the media. On top that, he had recently been arrested for the possesion of thirty-two thousand guns and several rocket launchers. He publicly silenced his critics by staring into the news camera for thirty minutes without a blink. The world took notice. This is the man they needed, this is the man we wanted. The hero was born.

Outside of the Paul Maurice media circus there were other pressing dilemmas. Joe Sakic, controversial captain of World Heroes, was coming off his worst season ever. With only 12 goals and 48 points and a plus/minus rating -19 Sakic and the Colorado Avalanche had missed the playoffs for the first time in the teams history. A large group of would-be supporters, led by Jason Spezza, who was surprisingly ommited from the team, called for the prompt departure of captain Joseph Sakic.

At a press conference leading up towards the series, Jason Spezza unleashed a verbal battering against Sakic. Before Sakic was able to reply Paul Maurice had clutched Spezza by the throat and punched out the whiney centreman.

The stage was set, games one, two, five and seven were to be played on Earth while games three, four and six would be held on Mars. The Earth games were played in Rexall Place, Edmonton, Madison Square Gardens, New York, CSKA Sport Palace, Moscow and Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. All games on Mars were played on the dreaded thirty-nine kilometre high, eight-hundred and fifty thousand seat Mount Olympus Chaos Arena. When questioned over whether he and his players would suffer a disadvantage playing in such a location he responded by saying, "I'm sure we'll enjoy the scenery," and took another puff of his cigarette.

Thus, the series began with Maurice looking on.

Games one and two were won easily by the Martian All-Stars. With 6-0 and 10-1 victories respectively, World Heroes were collectively brought to their knees and the global population silenced. Hope dwindled.

On the shuttle flight to Mars Paul Maurice gave what is now known, in Martian, as the "DALA-GRAK", the most inspiring and prolific speech ever given. Onlookers still wonder whether a small piece of the late Winston Churchill had been reborn inside the man who spoke before them.

In closing, Paul Maurice declared "Times will change... era's end... but we are all forever men, and as men, we write the pages of history and history does not end anytime soon."

Game 3 began.

World Heroes came out firing. They went ahead 2-0 in the first period through goals by Peter Forsberg and Henrik Zetterberg. The human side would have been ahead by even more if it had not been for the superb goaltending displayed by Nebulus-9.

The second period saw a dramatic change in play. With several questionable penalties called against World Heroes the Martian All-Stars were able to capitalize and net three powerplay goals. Our Heroes were shocked. Going into the 3rd period, World Heroes faced the possibility of falling to an insurmountable 3-0 series deficit.

With their biggest stars failing to impress and hope fading fast, it was the young Henrik Zetterberg who played the role of saviour. Two late goals in the dying minutes gave himself a hat-trick and gave World Heroes a badly needed victory.

Game 4 had quite a buzz while Head Coach Paul Maurice was badly hungover. While outing his smoke on Chris Drury's neck he looked on at the dressing room wall with brutal contempt. The demons inside Paul Maurice could not go unnoticed. Unaware of how is present condition affected his team, World Heroes lost the game 4-1 in what is generally the most lacklustre effort by group of men. Contributing to the pain was the tragic death of the World Hero, Henrik Zetterberg. Caught squarely in the jaw by the shoulder of Rakton Klack, the Swedish game 3 star was killed instantly. Paul Maurice, at the time, could hardly have noticed. He would.

Maurice was the first to realize the blame for the events of game 4 fell solely on his shoulders. He was determined to make amends. He promised himself he would kick the alcohol for the remainder of the series, cigarettes and women would have to do.

On a more personal matter, Paul Maurice sought out and murdered Rakton Klack. He was ready to go back to Earth, he was ready to win.

Games 5 and 6 saw World Heroes put together some fine performances and force a game 7. As good as the Martian All-Stars were, World Heroes were that much better.

With victory no longer a certainty the Martian Republic of Power turned to more devious tactits in order to win the series. They set out to end Paul Maurice's tenure as coach of World Heroes... permanently.

On the day of the game 6 victory two Martian police officers were killed during a routine traffic stop. Somehow, Mars Judicial Council of Judgement placed Maurice under arrest for both murders. He was being framed.

When asked how do you plan on defending yourself Paul Maurice explained that he would be his own attorney. As he was being mocked by the Martian judge for defending himself Paul Maurice responded in a rising whisper and said, "Well your honour.... the best defence.. is a good offence." Afterwhich he pulled out two guns and began unloading on those present in the courtroom. Once the guns were quieted the chase was on. Maurice lept through courthouse window which was on the 3rd floor of the building and fled the thousands of rampaging Martian soldiers who were hot on his tail. Maurice could see the end of his road, the Martian gorge opened up before him with his attackers still trailing- bullets whizzing past his head like flies. With no other choice, Paul Maurice lept into the gorge. Shortly after jumping Paul Maurice ignited his jetpack, leaving the Martians in the dust.

Game 7 was here.

World Heroes hit the ice with never before seen intensity by men. They grabbed the opening goal through a classic Joe Sakic wrist-shot from just above the hash marks. The Martians however would not lay and went on to score the next 3 goals. Stunned but not beaten, World Heroes fought back, once again led by Joe Sakic. A one-timer through the five-hole and a shorthanded goal that Nebulus-9 would certainly like to have back tied the game for World Heroes. Still, the Martians taking the lead again before the end of the second. Though unrecorded, whatever it was that Maurice in the dressing room was the undoubtedly the deciding factor. Tying the game was Joe Sakic with his fourth goal. It would come down to overtime.

It was once again Joe Sakic scoring the goal with Paul Maurice looking on with adoring eyes. Scott Niedermayer sprung Joe Sakic on a breakaway where he fired the puck over the glove hand of the Martian tender. World Heroes had won, Earth was safe.

Bonds between captains and coaches have come and gone, but this was different. And while the glory was sweet, the battle for Maurice had not ended, the bitter taste remained. As a gesture of love to the father he never had Joe Sakic cut the "C" out of his jersey and gave it to Paul. Then, with heavy heart, watched the world's most dangerous man blast away into the sky... forever.


King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
Since I didn't get to be the first post in the main board thread for Maurice, you can all get this too:

In 2009, Zorp Orgad, a representitive of the Martian Republic of Power will descend upon Earth and demand a seven game series between the best possible compilation of human players who will compete against the Martian All-Stars. The Martians state that if the humans either decline or lose the series the Earth will be destroyed.

Shortly thereafter a team of players was assembled by Earth, aptly named "World Heroes". That day and the several weeks following would witness the most important inter-galactic Ice-Hockey battle to ever take place, and arguably the most decisive moments in the 4.5 billion years of Earth's history.

Captained by the incredible Joe Sakic, World Heroes consisted of the nineteen finest men on the planet. Joe Sakic, Jarome Iginla, Alexandre Ovechkin, Sydney Crosby, Jaromir Jagr, Peter Forsberg, Mats Sundin, Henrik Zetterberg, Dany Heatley, Gary Roberts, Teemu Selanne and Chris Drury filled out the forwards. Even as impressive was the defence, led by Scott Niedermayer, he was accompanied by Niklas Lidstrom, Chris Pronger, Tomas Kaberle, Dion Phaneuf and Jason Smith. Martin Brodeur was named the lone goaltender.

Though the team had been named, the world was still in need of a leader. On August 7th, 2009 the United States Government had no choice but to name Paul Maurice, currently on tour with the ILKF (International League of Knife Fighting), the coach of the team that would decide the fate of the Earth.

Immediately following his appointment as coach of World Heroes there were several attempts made on the life of Paul Maurice by Martian spies as well as the bitter Lindy Ruff, all of which were easily avoided and the attackers were swiftly dismembered.

When quizzed about the events Paul Maurice shrugged and promptly responded, "I've killed before and I'll kill again."

As you can imagine, controversy was rife even before the puck was dropped.

Allegations of outrageous cocaine use and constant solicitation of hookers were thrown at Maurice relentlessly by the media. On top that, he had recently been arrested for the possesion of thirty-two thousand guns and several rocket launchers. He publicly silenced his critics by staring into the news camera for thirty minutes without a blink. The world took notice. This is the man they needed, this is the man we wanted. The hero was born.

Outside of the Paul Maurice media circus there were other pressing dilemmas. Joe Sakic, controversial captain of World Heroes, was coming off his worst season ever. With only 12 goals and 48 points and a plus/minus rating -19 Sakic and the Colorado Avalanche had missed the playoffs for the first time in the teams history. A large group of would-be supporters, led by Jason Spezza, who was surprisingly ommited from the team, called for the prompt departure of captain Joseph Sakic.

At a press conference leading up towards the series, Jason Spezza unleashed a verbal battering against Sakic. Before Sakic was able to reply Paul Maurice had clutched Spezza by the throat and punched out the whiney centreman.

The stage was set, games one, two, five and seven were to be played on Earth while games three, four and six would be held on Mars. The Earth games were played in Rexall Place, Edmonton, Madison Square Gardens, New York, CSKA Sport Palace, Moscow and Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. All games on Mars were played on the dreaded thirty-nine kilometre high, eight-hundred and fifty thousand seat Mount Olympus Chaos Arena. When questioned over whether he and his players would suffer a disadvantage playing in such a location he responded by saying, "I'm sure we'll enjoy the scenery," and took another puff of his cigarette.

Thus, the series began with Maurice looking on.

Games one and two were won easily by the Martian All-Stars. With 6-0 and 10-1 victories respectively, World Heroes were collectively brought to their knees and the global population silenced. Hope dwindled.

On the shuttle flight to Mars Paul Maurice gave what is now known, in Martian, as the "DALA-GRAK", the most inspiring and prolific speech ever given. Onlookers still wonder whether a small piece of the late Winston Churchill had been reborn inside the man who spoke before them.

In closing, Paul Maurice declared "Times will change... era's end... but we are all forever men, and as men, we write the pages of history and history does not end anytime soon."

Game 3 began.

World Heroes came out firing. They went ahead 2-0 in the first period through goals by Peter Forsberg and Henrik Zetterberg. The human side would have been ahead by even more if it had not been for the superb goaltending displayed by Nebulus-9.

The second period saw a dramatic change in play. With several questionable penalties called against World Heroes the Martian All-Stars were able to capitalize and net three powerplay goals. Our Heroes were shocked. Going into the 3rd period, World Heroes faced the possibility of falling to an insurmountable 3-0 series deficit.

With their biggest stars failing to impress and hope fading fast, it was the young Henrik Zetterberg who played the role of saviour. Two late goals in the dying minutes gave himself a hat-trick and gave World Heroes a badly needed victory.

Game 4 had quite a buzz while Head Coach Paul Maurice was badly hungover. While outing his smoke on Chris Drury's neck he looked on at the dressing room wall with brutal contempt. The demons inside Paul Maurice could not go unnoticed. Unaware of how is present condition affected his team, World Heroes lost the game 4-1 in what is generally the most lacklustre effort by group of men. Contributing to the pain was the tragic death of the World Hero, Henrik Zetterberg. Caught squarely in the jaw by the shoulder of Rakton Klack, the Swedish game 3 star was killed instantly. Paul Maurice, at the time, could hardly have noticed. He would.

Maurice was the first to realize the blame for the events of game 4 fell solely on his shoulders. He was determined to make amends. He promised himself he would kick the alcohol for the remainder of the series, cigarettes and women would have to do.

On a more personal matter, Paul Maurice sought out and murdered Rakton Klack. He was ready to go back to Earth, he was ready to win.

Games 5 and 6 saw World Heroes put together some fine performances and force a game 7. As good as the Martian All-Stars were, World Heroes were that much better.

With victory no longer a certainty the Martian Republic of Power turned to more devious tactits in order to win the series. They set out to end Paul Maurice's tenure as coach of World Heroes... permanently.

On the day of the game 6 victory two Martian police officers were killed during a routine traffic stop. Somehow, Mars Judicial Council of Judgement placed Maurice under arrest for both murders. He was being framed.

When asked how do you plan on defending yourself Paul Maurice explained that he would be his own attorney. As he was being mocked by the Martian judge for defending himself Paul Maurice responded in a rising whisper and said, "Well your honour.... the best defence.. is a good offence." Afterwhich he pulled out two guns and began unloading on those present in the courtroom. Once the guns were quieted the chase was on. Maurice lept through courthouse window which was on the 3rd floor of the building and fled the thousands of rampaging Martian soldiers who were hot on his tail. Maurice could see the end of his road, the Martian gorge opened up before him with his attackers still trailing- bullets whizzing past his head like flies. With no other choice, Paul Maurice lept into the gorge. Shortly after jumping Paul Maurice ignited his jetpack, leaving the Martians in the dust.

Game 7 was here.

World Heroes hit the ice with never before seen intensity by men. They grabbed the opening goal through a classic Joe Sakic wrist-shot from just above the hash marks. The Martians however would not lay and went on to score the next 3 goals. Stunned but not beaten, World Heroes fought back, once again led by Joe Sakic. A one-timer through the five-hole and a shorthanded goal that Nebulus-9 would certainly like to have back tied the game for World Heroes. Still, the Martians taking the lead again before the end of the second. Though unrecorded, whatever it was that Maurice in the dressing room was the undoubtedly the deciding factor. Tying the game was Joe Sakic with his fourth goal. It would come down to overtime.

It was once again Joe Sakic scoring the goal with Paul Maurice looking on with adoring eyes. Scott Niedermayer sprung Joe Sakic on a breakaway where he fired the puck over the glove hand of the Martian tender. World Heroes had won, Earth was safe.

Bonds between captains and coaches have come and gone, but this was different. And while the glory was sweet, the battle for Maurice had not ended, the bitter taste remained. As a gesture of love to the father he never had Joe Sakic cut the "C" out of his jersey and gave it to Paul. Then, with heavy heart, watched the world's most dangerous man blast away into the sky... forever.

I'll never not love this,


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
Since I didn't get to be the first post in the main board thread for Maurice, you can all get this too:

In 2009, Zorp Orgad, a representitive of the Martian Republic of Power will descend upon Earth and demand a seven game series between the best possible compilation of human players who will compete against the Martian All-Stars. The Martians state that if the humans either decline or lose the series the Earth will be destroyed.

Shortly thereafter a team of players was assembled by Earth, aptly named "World Heroes". That day and the several weeks following would witness the most important inter-galactic Ice-Hockey battle to ever take place, and arguably the most decisive moments in the 4.5 billion years of Earth's history.

Captained by the incredible Joe Sakic, World Heroes consisted of the nineteen finest men on the planet. Joe Sakic, Jarome Iginla, Alexandre Ovechkin, Sydney Crosby, Jaromir Jagr, Peter Forsberg, Mats Sundin, Henrik Zetterberg, Dany Heatley, Gary Roberts, Teemu Selanne and Chris Drury filled out the forwards. Even as impressive was the defence, led by Scott Niedermayer, he was accompanied by Niklas Lidstrom, Chris Pronger, Tomas Kaberle, Dion Phaneuf and Jason Smith. Martin Brodeur was named the lone goaltender.

Though the team had been named, the world was still in need of a leader. On August 7th, 2009 the United States Government had no choice but to name Paul Maurice, currently on tour with the ILKF (International League of Knife Fighting), the coach of the team that would decide the fate of the Earth.

Immediately following his appointment as coach of World Heroes there were several attempts made on the life of Paul Maurice by Martian spies as well as the bitter Lindy Ruff, all of which were easily avoided and the attackers were swiftly dismembered.

When quizzed about the events Paul Maurice shrugged and promptly responded, "I've killed before and I'll kill again."

As you can imagine, controversy was rife even before the puck was dropped.

Allegations of outrageous cocaine use and constant solicitation of hookers were thrown at Maurice relentlessly by the media. On top that, he had recently been arrested for the possesion of thirty-two thousand guns and several rocket launchers. He publicly silenced his critics by staring into the news camera for thirty minutes without a blink. The world took notice. This is the man they needed, this is the man we wanted. The hero was born.

Outside of the Paul Maurice media circus there were other pressing dilemmas. Joe Sakic, controversial captain of World Heroes, was coming off his worst season ever. With only 12 goals and 48 points and a plus/minus rating -19 Sakic and the Colorado Avalanche had missed the playoffs for the first time in the teams history. A large group of would-be supporters, led by Jason Spezza, who was surprisingly ommited from the team, called for the prompt departure of captain Joseph Sakic.

At a press conference leading up towards the series, Jason Spezza unleashed a verbal battering against Sakic. Before Sakic was able to reply Paul Maurice had clutched Spezza by the throat and punched out the whiney centreman.

The stage was set, games one, two, five and seven were to be played on Earth while games three, four and six would be held on Mars. The Earth games were played in Rexall Place, Edmonton, Madison Square Gardens, New York, CSKA Sport Palace, Moscow and Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. All games on Mars were played on the dreaded thirty-nine kilometre high, eight-hundred and fifty thousand seat Mount Olympus Chaos Arena. When questioned over whether he and his players would suffer a disadvantage playing in such a location he responded by saying, "I'm sure we'll enjoy the scenery," and took another puff of his cigarette.

Thus, the series began with Maurice looking on.

Games one and two were won easily by the Martian All-Stars. With 6-0 and 10-1 victories respectively, World Heroes were collectively brought to their knees and the global population silenced. Hope dwindled.

On the shuttle flight to Mars Paul Maurice gave what is now known, in Martian, as the "DALA-GRAK", the most inspiring and prolific speech ever given. Onlookers still wonder whether a small piece of the late Winston Churchill had been reborn inside the man who spoke before them.

In closing, Paul Maurice declared "Times will change... era's end... but we are all forever men, and as men, we write the pages of history and history does not end anytime soon."

Game 3 began.

World Heroes came out firing. They went ahead 2-0 in the first period through goals by Peter Forsberg and Henrik Zetterberg. The human side would have been ahead by even more if it had not been for the superb goaltending displayed by Nebulus-9.

The second period saw a dramatic change in play. With several questionable penalties called against World Heroes the Martian All-Stars were able to capitalize and net three powerplay goals. Our Heroes were shocked. Going into the 3rd period, World Heroes faced the possibility of falling to an insurmountable 3-0 series deficit.

With their biggest stars failing to impress and hope fading fast, it was the young Henrik Zetterberg who played the role of saviour. Two late goals in the dying minutes gave himself a hat-trick and gave World Heroes a badly needed victory.

Game 4 had quite a buzz while Head Coach Paul Maurice was badly hungover. While outing his smoke on Chris Drury's neck he looked on at the dressing room wall with brutal contempt. The demons inside Paul Maurice could not go unnoticed. Unaware of how is present condition affected his team, World Heroes lost the game 4-1 in what is generally the most lacklustre effort by group of men. Contributing to the pain was the tragic death of the World Hero, Henrik Zetterberg. Caught squarely in the jaw by the shoulder of Rakton Klack, the Swedish game 3 star was killed instantly. Paul Maurice, at the time, could hardly have noticed. He would.

Maurice was the first to realize the blame for the events of game 4 fell solely on his shoulders. He was determined to make amends. He promised himself he would kick the alcohol for the remainder of the series, cigarettes and women would have to do.

On a more personal matter, Paul Maurice sought out and murdered Rakton Klack. He was ready to go back to Earth, he was ready to win.

Games 5 and 6 saw World Heroes put together some fine performances and force a game 7. As good as the Martian All-Stars were, World Heroes were that much better.

With victory no longer a certainty the Martian Republic of Power turned to more devious tactits in order to win the series. They set out to end Paul Maurice's tenure as coach of World Heroes... permanently.

On the day of the game 6 victory two Martian police officers were killed during a routine traffic stop. Somehow, Mars Judicial Council of Judgement placed Maurice under arrest for both murders. He was being framed.

When asked how do you plan on defending yourself Paul Maurice explained that he would be his own attorney. As he was being mocked by the Martian judge for defending himself Paul Maurice responded in a rising whisper and said, "Well your honour.... the best defence.. is a good offence." Afterwhich he pulled out two guns and began unloading on those present in the courtroom. Once the guns were quieted the chase was on. Maurice lept through courthouse window which was on the 3rd floor of the building and fled the thousands of rampaging Martian soldiers who were hot on his tail. Maurice could see the end of his road, the Martian gorge opened up before him with his attackers still trailing- bullets whizzing past his head like flies. With no other choice, Paul Maurice lept into the gorge. Shortly after jumping Paul Maurice ignited his jetpack, leaving the Martians in the dust.

Game 7 was here.

World Heroes hit the ice with never before seen intensity by men. They grabbed the opening goal through a classic Joe Sakic wrist-shot from just above the hash marks. The Martians however would not lay and went on to score the next 3 goals. Stunned but not beaten, World Heroes fought back, once again led by Joe Sakic. A one-timer through the five-hole and a shorthanded goal that Nebulus-9 would certainly like to have back tied the game for World Heroes. Still, the Martians taking the lead again before the end of the second. Though unrecorded, whatever it was that Maurice in the dressing room was the undoubtedly the deciding factor. Tying the game was Joe Sakic with his fourth goal. It would come down to overtime.

It was once again Joe Sakic scoring the goal with Paul Maurice looking on with adoring eyes. Scott Niedermayer sprung Joe Sakic on a breakaway where he fired the puck over the glove hand of the Martian tender. World Heroes had won, Earth was safe.

Bonds between captains and coaches have come and gone, but this was different. And while the glory was sweet, the battle for Maurice had not ended, the bitter taste remained. As a gesture of love to the father he never had Joe Sakic cut the "C" out of his jersey and gave it to Paul. Then, with heavy heart, watched the world's most dangerous man blast away into the sky... forever.


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