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Jun 3, 2010
The ridiculous trades should be vetoed and trading should no longer be allowed until the end of the draft. Just finish this up. If the trades aren't vetoed, then it's over, but I put in too much time to not finish drafting my team.


Free rent for Mo?
Oct 14, 2011
Says who? We made a trade two days ago that no one in here would have turned down, and actually gave up good players to make it, even if it is still vetoed, we made picks that mattered to the new team, not the old one because "Dave" couldn't find time 2 days ago to say something but can apparently find time now to tell you? No one said anything about that trade until yesterday, and only after someone else mentioned the Vanek trade. So basically, a guy can pick 8 goaltenders and be responsible for his team, but now a guy can't make a trade and expect the same commish to say something before changes made cause problems for anyone having to go back on them? And this still has a chance now? :laugh:

Dangles McGavin

RIP Lounge
Jul 7, 2010
This is exactly like when you’re playing a pick-up sport competitively, and some dumbass shows up and starts trying to turn the game into a joke just because they suck. Congratulations to a select few of you, who have succeeded in bringing down the overall quality of this to your own level of stupidity.

I’m not even mad; I had fun. I’m just not going to waste any more of my time.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
You will see it soon enough.

what's the point. because he has "Life" he's barely been around, barely did anything, barely kept this thing running, and then when offered help, he declined it. Now this whole thing is off the rails and not it's like "Oh well all trades are null and void?"

what the crap ever.

(and note - I don't even care if the trades i made are null so this isn't sour grapes on my part - this is why i'm irritated)

1: we have a commissioner who wasn't running a team so it would be fair and impartial, and then telling people how to trade etc

1a: Detroit dropped out at a point in time where A: Dave could have ran the team or b: FOUND someone to take over the team. neither happened.

2: then he vetoed trades he didn't like, didn't veto other trades, then there was that whole kitandkaboodle that still never really got cleared

3: then he was offered help by people and didn't take it on beause he wanted to have 'impartial' help - but didn't take the three seconds to get OTHER people to help

4: do we even have judges?

5: what exactly do we have to do to have a chance in this thing? it can't be "just based on points" you should have to articulate why your team has a chance.

6: the Long-Weekend debacle. If Dave was going to freeze the draft he should have said to EVERYONE (probably in the draft thread ) DRAFT IS FROZEN. so it got all stupid

but now, with all of this stuff - we're just going to veto the last two days trades and ignore everything else?


Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
Grade A rant, Daisy. I like it.


thanks -like this was a huge waste of time.

And again i want to stress this has nothing to do with the fact that my trades would be null and void. If people don't think it's fair and want it null whatever, then null and void it. I'm fine with that

I'm more annoyed that a month of my time has been wasted, and it's tralallaala oh well i'm just going to correct 1 small, aspect.

but LOLOLOL it's still QUITE Fine that someone drafted seven goalies in a row. that's okay because he'd still have to draft X players. it's not like missing seven picks almost in a row, and then just drafting goalies screams "i'm not taking this seriously." and having someone go lolol "just make sure you have a legit team at the end."

but let me veto two days of trades. after barely not being around for two weeks.



Registered User
Feb 3, 2010
toronto ontario
Lol you guys started a new one? We're 99% done this one.

Kids are just cheesed that my team would end careers.

So is this one done?

****ing ridiculous :laugh: What a waste of time.

Posted this a full week or two ago.

It was clear the direction this was going.

Kyle literally just traded his entire team for scrubs and last round picks.

It's done. GG guys.

You were right, Chuck.

This is what you guys wanted. I told the way I ran the league would've been better


tbh this went way better than i expected it to, by this point i truly forecasted the draft to be a crumbling morass of angry people and iron-fisted puppeteering

looks like Carolina Hurricanes should default win by virtue of not only having drafted the best team, but not needing to make any trades to get there

although should point out that it's not too late for Dave to live up to his username

Dangles McGavin

RIP Lounge
Jul 7, 2010
tbh this went way better than i expected it to, by this point i truly forecasted the draft to be a crumbling morass of angry people and iron-fisted puppeteering

looks like Carolina Hurricanes should default win by virtue of not only having drafted the best team, but not needing to make any trades to get there

although should point out that it's not too late for Dave to live up to his username

Definitely takes a journalism major to rhyme out a zinger like this! :laugh:

I vote Carolina. That's majority. Congrats to the winner, VOR!


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
In your nightmares
I vote we all lose...

big waste of time... zero leadership to run the ship at the end of the day which is unfortunate.

Oh well... hopefully someone can run this another time and have the time necessary to follow it through.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
In your nightmares
going forward... in future drafts there should be no trades. Trades always **** things up because there are always one or two gm's that collude and try to stack a team... make trades that are complete b.s. just to "win"

the fact that so many others would roll along with the stupidity is pretty annoying and selfish... oh well.

the rosters are practically done, so if you have judges... so have them do their thing... revert all the trades from the last few days.


Geeze you guys are a bunch of quitters. Im finishing this thing. Finish what you started even if it's only a matter of personal satisfaction.

Judge the top 5 teams and make a poll on the mains and get a greater range of opinions. All it takes is us to stick it out, put on our big boy pants and wrangle that sucka home. Let's not be like the Leafs and let's get this 18 wheeler home


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
In your nightmares
Geeze you guys are a bunch of quitters. Im finishing this thing. Finish what you started even if it's only a matter of personal satisfaction.

Judge the top 5 teams and make a poll on the mains and get a greater range of opinions. All it takes is us to stick it out, put on our big boy pants and wrangle that sucka home. Let's not be like the Leafs and let's get this 18 wheeler home
Just don't think we have many teams made... that's the problem.

i'm happy with submitting my team as is. give'r.


Mar 15, 2010
This is what you guys wanted. I told the way I ran the league would've been better

No. This isn't what we wanted. We just wanted you to not tell us what trades had to be. We told you to still veto, but it went off the chains before that, but you haven't been around to notice. We've had people pick WAY off base, we've had teams that have done ZERO picks, and it's not even the trades that killed it.
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