Who would cross first?

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Mar 16, 2002
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Jester said:
Ilya was actually making more in Russia than he would have in the NHL this past season... that won't continue long term, but will be interesting to watch. SI or whoever had that article on Vinny and Richards, in it they talked about Ilya's situation... he wouldn't be high on my list of people to cross.

If a guy with an NHL contract crosses the line I do believe the owner would be forced to honor the contract that the player previously had. If we reach this point, the players will cross. It happens everytime. Prior to the MLB thing getting worked out, big time players were already starting to say they were going to cross... i specifically remember Dykstra on ESPN saying he was going to cross the line. NFL players did when push came to shove... so will NHL players.

they fail to realize that they do not own this business and are not capable of creating the business they enjoyed working under. they WILL realize this if we ever reach the replacement player stage. why go to the hassle to start up a grassroots league, playing in small arena's for the gate money, or in Europe for a lot less money, when you could simply say, "okay, here's your cap" and be making millions of dollars.

end game approaches one way or another.

Exactly how I think it will play out. I cannot guess who crosses first but plenty will.

My timeline:

1. NHL starts to signal that replacement player will be used if a deal is not done by mid-july.

2. Deadline passes and the NHL teams fire up the operation, calling agents, players, etc. They self impose a 40 million cap.

3. All RFAs who intend to cross are invited to negotiate a deal.

4. At first, a few of the younger guys (rookie contract types) cross. Then the lower 300 guys trickle in (their careers are too short waste another year). Then come the older name players nearing retirement (want to get another year in before retirement). Then the army of European, Russian, etc. that have little need for a union.

5. Then rosters are filled out with AHL guys and jumping juniors cutting their first contracts.

6. Finally, the Iginlas, Modanos and Roenicks give in.

The season starts on time and by November, after some player musical chairs, it's business as usual in the new NHL

End game.


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Sep 19, 2004
Halifax, NS
I bet it would be Yashin. He's got 7 years left and around $60M left on his 10-yr $85M contract. Wang is the guy that made the deal and knowing how he's approached his Isles ownership thus far, I'm pretty sure he'd honour it regardless of legal loopholes that would let him out.

I'm also guessing any guy that was making $300 - $500k / yr on a one-year contract will be lining up outside the local scab recruitment office in droves.

Bring it on!!

Habsfan 32

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Aug 18, 2004
Way up north...
Could get ugly for these players. I mean they'll probably get an earful from Bill Gurein...The one and only, who suggested that the NHL would be better off folding!

I think Guerin should start concentrating on his game and trying to live up to his contract before giving someone an earful.


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Oct 30, 2002
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Habsfan 32 said:
Roenick would probably cross early.
All it would take is 1 or 2 guys like a Roenick,Modano,Recchi and there goes the neighborhood...It will happen...so the PA who refuses to recognize the owners resolve better negotiate the BEST DEAL possible, or it will be a free for all, and the guy driving the bus will be shown the door...hopefully.


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Oct 30, 2002
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Habsfan 32 said:
I think Guerin should start concentrating on his game and trying to live up to his contract before giving someone an earful.
Guerin is what is wrong with the PA, everywhere he has gone, he wants more $$$$ New Jersey he wants more and gets traded to Edm, he then wants more $$$ and gets traded to Boston, he wants more and leaves for Dallas...does anyone see a trend with Bill Guerin's school of thinking...He must be a favorite of his buddy Knob Goodenow...


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Jul 9, 2004
St. Andrews
BLONG7 said:
All it would take is 1 or 2 guys like a Roenick,Modano,Recchi and there goes the neighborhood...It will happen...so the PA who refuses to recognize the owners resolve better negotiate the BEST DEAL possible, or it will be a free for all, and the guy driving the bus will be shown the door...hopefully.

Modano might just because of his well published financial situation, but you have to look for guys that truly have a financial situation to dictate early crossing. Roenick and Recchi don't really fall into that category. Roenick was discussing retiring over the summer, so i doubt the aggravation of other players for crossing is really worth it to a guy with as much cash sitting in the bank as him. same for Rex, outside of simply playing hockey there's no good reason for him to cross since financially he's good for life. plus Rex is still getting paid by the flyers in deferred cash... which i would assume is still going out.


MagnusJondus said:
Jaromir Jagr and his degenerate gambling problem.
excellent! No Philly players, a strong union city like that would not allow or tolerate it at all


Registered User
Jul 9, 2004
St. Andrews
Could get ugly for these players. I mean they'll probably get an earful from Bill Gurein...The one and only, who suggested that the NHL would be better off folding!

Guerin is an absolute moron, but i agree with him on that. if the NHL could fold and re-organize itself to better deal with the financial situation it is in, it would be a good thing. they need a few less franchise for simple economic reasons (note: not bashing on small markets and if a TV contract existed to justify them then i would be all for having them... the league just doesn't have the national revenue to support/justify anything more than 24ish teams.).

now Guerin doesn't think about it in those terms, nor does he think it through and realize that the NHLPA would have a few less people in the room with him, but he's right there.

this of course is the other idiotic aspect of the NHLPA's obstinance, the last thing they want to do is risk losing franchises because that means they are losing jobs. if franchises die through this process, not only will goodenow have lost his players about 1.2 billion dollars in salary, he'll also have lost a bunch of them their jobs (not to mention -- a good article somewhere mentioned this -- many of the "lesser" guys are going to lose their jobs to AHLers whose time has come and european players who have been "discovered" by scouts during the lockout).

all hail bob goodenow... worst representation a union has ever had. oh well, what do we know? we're only outside observers with no stake in the matter... other than giving them our money.


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Jul 9, 2004
St. Andrews
jb said:
excellent! No Philly players, a strong union city like that would not allow or tolerate it at all

yeah... philly is going to have a major problem if replacement players happen... i'm not looking forward to it. the only upside is the general pro-owner stance in this situation that permeates hockey fans, which is going to dull the blow in philly a little bit... but there will definitely be some major issues going on here if it comes to that.

a problem that reporters have asked Snider about and he's avoided giving a hard answer to.


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Nov 19, 2002
Austin, TX
Jag68Vlady27 said:
Also, would Mario Lemieux, not a union member, play in a "replacement NHL"? If yes, and I assume he would if healthy, could he have an impact on the floodgates? Guys like Ryan Malone, Mark Recchi, Brooks Orpik, etc.???

Should be interesting if/when it occurs.

I can see the everyone but Orpik following Mario. Brooks already stated he wouldn't play as a replacement.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
Austin, TX
Jester said:
Guerin is an absolute moron, but i agree with him on that. if the NHL could fold and re-organize itself to better deal with the financial situation it is in, it would be a good thing. they need a few less franchise for simple economic reasons (note: not bashing on small markets and if a TV contract existed to justify them then i would be all for having them... the league just doesn't have the national revenue to support/justify anything more than 24ish teams.).

now Guerin doesn't think about it in those terms, nor does he think it through and realize that the NHLPA would have a few less people in the room with him, but he's right there.

this of course is the other idiotic aspect of the NHLPA's obstinance, the last thing they want to do is risk losing franchises because that means they are losing jobs. if franchises die through this process, not only will goodenow have lost his players about 1.2 billion dollars in salary, he'll also have lost a bunch of them their jobs (not to mention -- a good article somewhere mentioned this -- many of the "lesser" guys are going to lose their jobs to AHLers whose time has come and european players who have been "discovered" by scouts during the lockout).

all hail bob goodenow... worst representation a union has ever had. oh well, what do we know? we're only outside observers with no stake in the matter... other than giving them our money.

Dirty as he is, if this comes down to bringing in the scabs I wouldn't be surprised at all to see an ******* like Guerin headhunting some of the picket crossers when the whole thing gets settled. I'm kind of a halfway Stars fan, since I live in Texas, but I have never liked that guy all the way back to his days in New Jersey. Overrated AND a giant ****head. I just don't have anything good to say about the guy.


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Mar 10, 2003
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People would have to be really stupid to pay full price to see a bunch of scrubs. If the NHL owners can pull it off, more power to them. It would really show how dumb the NHL fan base really is.


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May 18, 2002
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ScottyBowman said:
People would have to be really stupid to pay full price to see a bunch of scrubs. If the NHL owners can pull it off, more power to them. It would really show how dumb the NHL fan base really is.

thats your opinion... i think it would show how smart the fanbase is to support replacement players... it would finally give the fans a voice in these negotiations and if the fans do support it... i have no doubt the NHLPA will be coming back to the table rather quickly.

Can you imagine the members of the NHLPA watch someone hoist the Stanley Cup on Hockey Night in Canada in June 2006... i dont think it would happen they would fire bob goodenow before that happened... either one would be great to see imo.
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