Series Talk: Who is your first round...

Dr Hook

It’s Called Ruins
Mar 9, 2005
Tyler, TX
MVP: Rask/Brad tossup, but I guess I lean Tuuka
Goat: Pasta for sure. Moore was not good and made Grizz look bad, but we expect a lot more out of Pasta. He wasn't even close to what he could be.
Unsung: Brandon Carlo for sure- he was immense and seemed to grow each game, and a nod to Kuraly for bringing the game that helped make 6 and 7 winnable for us


Registered User
Sep 15, 2004
at the end of the day it's about production & Marchand produced big-time. This guy gets absolutely ripped when he doesn't show up in the playoffs so let's give him some love when he does.

MVP: Marchand -- a bit too cute at times, but 9 points is huge & it's amazing that he's producing that much while still leaving some on the table
GOAT: Wagner -- was really excited to see if he could give us the physical edge we lacked in the playoffs last year, but he just wasn't himself. Hoping he can still make an impact.
Unsung: Heinen -- looked much MUCH better than his no-show in last year's playoffs. Really carried over his strong regular season play and I don't think people appreciate how much he helped a clearly sub-100% Bergeron defensively once Heinen was put on the first line.

I can't call Rask the MVP because he was just ok for much of the series. He was absolutely huge in game 7 though.


Apr 25, 2014
Washington, DC
MVP: Marchand. 9 points and neither Bergeron or Pasta were anywhere near their best. If they'd been playing well he'd probably have more. I especially felt that in games 4 and 6 he really put the team on his back. Wouldn't have won without him. HM to Tuukka mostly for games 6 and 7.

Goat: assuming you don't mean greatest of all time...Pasta. He wasn't just bad for him - he was straight up trash most of the series. Turnovers, losing battles, weak on the puck. Just horrible. HM to Backes for no longer being an NHL quality player and Moore for just not really being very good.

Unsung hero: definitely Coyle. His line was amazing - especially last night and in game 1. I was super worried about that line but he was above and beyond. HM to Kuraly - reason we won game 7.
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Registered User
Mar 22, 2008
MVP: Rask
Goat: I agree with @JCRO, I do not think Pasta was very good at all, partially due to Muzzin playing the body so well on him.
Unsung: This is tough, I want to say Coyle but I feel like he is getting his praise so I am going to go with Kuraly. The series turned as soon as he came into the lineup.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
MVP: Rask - He was stellar in the two elimination games. And for me put to rest any concerns I have with him playing big games.

Goat: Pastrnak - He had one good game, but the other 6 he just didn't seem himself. He wasn't possessing the puck, he was making weak plays and turnovers

Unsung: Kuraly - I think his return transformed the entire team by making the 4th line a legitimate threat.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2009
Junior's Farm
Krejci - mvp

Goat - Pastrnak

Unsung - Rask

The thing I was most impressed was how mentally tough they were. It would have been easy to get frustrated at times but the team always believes it can win and you see it in their body language. Toronto on tbe other hand seemed to sulk even when down 1-0 in Game 7.

Lady Rhian

The Only Good Indian
Jan 9, 2003
Lakes Region, NH
I really think Pasta is injured. I notice that he has a very hard time shooting the puck, especially from a distance. Notice he hasn't been doing his normal sweet moves, zipping around players and straight to the net. I am guessing he is suffering from an upper body injury that is causing him to hold back. I really do think he is trying with all of his heart and soul. That's why even though he's playing poorly this playoffs, I just don't have the heart to call him a goat right now. He would have been my choice if I didn't observe him the last two games and noticed his movements are cautious and careful, something he's not done before, especially in the playoffs. So, I left the goat blank, as I think every single guy on our team has played the best that they can, and here we are in the second round. So proud of them all!


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