UNB Reds Thread (Part5)

UNB Bruins Fan

Registered User
Mar 11, 2008
Fredericton, NB
Re/ the GOAT debate

I've thought about this over the last few days, and I keep coming back to much of what has already been mentioned. If you are looking at strictly the results, then obviously this is the best UNB team ever without debate. I know many critics like to say that of course UNB is successful, they get the best players every year. Yes, that is obviously a huge part of it, but I also feel like that unfairly discounts the work ethic and effort they bring to the rink every night. This year's edition brought it 100% every single shift, never taking their foot off the gas for the entire 60 minutes. They were consistent, cohesive, focused, and relentless from September until March. It was impressive to witness the "Big Red Machine" in action.

As the season progressed, one thing that really started to stand out to me was how much of a TEAM they really were. I especially noticed it offensively. While Keating and Gilmour led the way and put up a pile of points, it seemed every game someone different would step up, whether it was Morgan, MacKay, Sproule, Corbeil, Petizian, McGurn, Nurse, etc. Everyone had their moment and was a key contributor at one point or another. Defensively, all you have to do is look at the playoffs/Nationals. They lose arguably their best all-around defenceman in McCormick, plug in McGinley/Nolet, and don't miss a beat.

So although I think you could argue that this year's team might not have been their most talented roster on paper, to me it was the combination of players and skill sets, all fitting together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle, which made them impossible to beat.

Now I do think the AUS in general might not have been as strong this year as in previous years, but I am not sure I can buy the idea that the University Cup didn't feature a "superior" field. If we are just looking at the 2023/24 season in a vacuum, it was quite literally the strongest field possible with the top 2 regular season teams from CW/AUS/OUA-W/OUA-E participating. Yeah, I think you may lose some prestige and recognition without a "brand-name" like Alberta there, but quite frankly, they didn't deserve to be there this year. If they made it, it would have made for a weaker field. Having said that, I have trouble imagining they would have lost to TMU or McGill like the CW representatives did.

Now the real fun debate comes if your definition of best ever isn't based entirely on results, but who you think would win a hypothetical matchup between teams from two different years. For example, I still get bummed we never got to see how the 2019-20 season would have ended. That team was an absolute machine from the Christmas break on and there is no doubt in my mind they would rolled to the University Cup that year. Then, of course, you have the 2009/10 and 2007/08 teams as well. They would both have to be in the conversation. I guess part of the beauty of sports is that these debates and conversations will always exist.

Ultimately, to me, it's too hard to argue against 43-0 so I have to give the nod of GOAT to this year's squad.
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Better Red than Dead
Mar 20, 2009
Freddy Beach, NB
... it was quite literally the strongest field possible with the top 2 regular season teams from CW/AUS/OUA-W/OUA-E participating.

What's also worth noting, on top of the top-2 teams from each conference attended UCup at this year's tournament, is their Semi-Final and Final opponents knew UNB very well.

TMU played UNB twice in September - they knew exactly who UNB was.
UQTR played UNB last season in the Semi-Finals (once again - they knew exactly who they were playing).

So, compared to playing Lakehead, UBC, or some other upstart unknown team - they played two teams that were their respective conference champions and had lots of 'recent' UNB experience and knew exactly what was coming and still, neither one could score a goal.

As a season goes - best season every. The GOAT of seasons, but as Team's go - there have been some really good ones (2017 & 2020).
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Registered User
Feb 15, 2007
JLL Press Box
How's this for a rumour heard aroud the rinks this weekend...

To the Wildcats:

Gardiner MacDougall
Rob Hennigar

To the Reds:
Josh Hepditch

Wouldn't believe it for a second, but it makes for an interesting take on things.
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Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
Fredericton, NB
I dunno. My gut feeling is that Gardiner will finally get the offer to coach the U20 WJC team, and that schedules really well with the holiday break for the AUS. Would he able to do the Wildcats job and WJC at same time?

I'm sure Robert Irving would be willing to throw a lot of money at Gardiner. One course of action might be for Gardiner to take a year's leave of absence from UNB (which he is entitled to) and take the Wildcats job for one season. That way if things don't go well, or if he tires of answering to Irving and the Moncton GM, he can parachute back to his current job which will be waiting for him at UNB.
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2012
Fredericton NB
How's this for a rumour heard aroud the rinks this weekend...

To the Wildcats:

Gardiner MacDougall
Rob Hennigar

To the Reds:
Josh Hepditch

Wouldn't believe it for a second, but it makes for an interesting take on things.
I tend to believe that this is merely a rumour at this time, I believe that Moncton is going make a Memorial Cup run next year and word is that Mr Irving is looking for a big name coach to come in for the year. Even though we know how great he is, I don't think Gardiner is who Irving wants, I believe he is looking for an NHL experienced coach. I totally believe that Gardiner would be a great choice for Moncton, but I really don't see him leaving UNB, but I could be wrong.
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UNB Bruins Fan

Registered User
Mar 11, 2008
Fredericton, NB
If UNB pulls off the three-peat, which would move him into sole possession of most UCup titles, I could see him going. I think it is only human nature that anyone who is that competitive will eventually want to test themselves at a higher level.

The Leafs will probably be looking for a new coach soon…maybe he’s waiting for that lol
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Better Red than Dead
Mar 20, 2009
Freddy Beach, NB
As for his next opportunity - UCup 3-peat would be high on his list, the last time was 78-79-80 by Alberta.

I think, depending on the exit interviews from this year's U18s. If he gets a good review by the players and support staff, I can see him coaching this group in 2026 when they are 19-years old (Minneapolis & Saint Paul) or in 2027 when they are 20 (Calgary & Edmonton).

I know he really likes the GM recruiting part of UNB which he wouldn't get if he moves into the Pro or Junior ranks. But, if the carrot is big and guaranteed - why not.
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2008
At the Rink
Great for Gards. I'm sure he squeezed Irving for every penny.

Plus hiring Taylor was probably one of his stipulations

According to the Wildcats thread, Hepditch to take over UNB
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Registered User
Feb 15, 2007
JLL Press Box
I dunno. My gut feeling is that Gardiner will finally get the offer to coach the U20 WJC team, and that schedules really well with the holiday break for the AUS. Would he able to do the Wildcats job and WJC at same time?

I'm sure Robert Irving would be willing to throw a lot of money at Gardiner. One course of action might be for Gardiner to take a year's leave of absence from UNB (which he is entitled to) and take the Wildcats job for one season. That way if things don't go well, or if he tires of answering to Irving and the Moncton GM, he can parachute back to his current job which will be waiting for him at UNB.
Sure he can do both, seeing as the CHL as a deal with Hockey Canada that they supply all staff for the WJC. And Irving wouldn't be a stranger to it, while he hasn't had a coach go he's had equipment managers and medical staff go work for Hockey Canada plenty of times.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2008
At the Rink
This whole "Gardiner to the Wildcats" thing has ground to a halt. So many conflicting reports.

But, here's a good take from the QMJHL chat:

" I think people are overlooking the most obvious decision maker here.

Where else could offer him the chance to get his son in the position to be shown as an elite decision maker in a CHL franchise where they both could feel like they had the autonomy and stability to run a team through a cycle?

The NHL was never offering the chance to work directly with his son every day.

The CIS was never offering the structure needed to be able to prove at that level how you can run a team off the ice or from behind a bench.

This is him using his stature in Canadian hockey circles to help his son get the best possible learning experience in a place where they will have all the resources they need to try and be successful.

We were all right in a way in saying that the CHL route couldn't offer him enough in terms of his own career end goals. But nobody considered this idea that this is actually all about getting the younger MacDougall in a position of authority in an organization that only happens with dad along for the ride. "

UNB Bruins Fan

Registered User
Mar 11, 2008
Fredericton, NB
That is a very good point. All along I was pretty confident he wouldn’t take it…but once the rumour came out about bringing in Taylor as well (a scenario I don’t think any of us really considered, as mentioned above), that’s when my opinion started to change to “yeah, I could see this happening.”
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2008
At the Rink
Let's say his salary at UNB is $125 K.
Irving can offer $250 K.
Throw in a Condo near the Avenir Center for the times he needs to stay overnight.
It could happen, for sure.


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