The Rosenbloom rant on Kane


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Yep--Steve Rosenbloom's article in today's in his The RosenBlog has a headline that reads: "Lockout ends,so Kane trade talk can begin" --this to pooh poh Stan Bowman's crazy idea that Kane was the 2c solution the Hawks desperately need to make a real Cup run --also questioning Kane's real playoff value despite his 1 cup winning goal ....and criticizing his cost per points delivered and the many things he cannot bring for the money given him-eg, kill penalties like Toews and Hossa do,win facepffs like Toews,win pucks in the corners ..inplying an overpay for a player with too many flaws...yse he can dazzle but not to the extent enough to overcome the flaws for the money paid--and so his rant jumps the trade him bandwagon of which many hawjsfans will refuse to jump on.

Even I-- a big complainer about Kane'sa flaws -NOT for what he cannot do-but for what he did not do last year =which was to give 100% of what he CAN DO and instead we got nowjere near that effort -he was way too content to be "handled" and "stymied" and ofte seemed diinterested or satidfied after getting a 1 assist and out -that's enough "work" for the night "attitide" --- NOW some of that was probably a miff at being shifted off wing to centre for several games which did not succeed--but the point is his play and production was down (he should be AT LEAST a ppg guy-but we expected even MORE if he really applied himself to his talent level-but his progress seemed to stop and plateau even before reversing last season -and so I have ragged on him a lot over the past while...HOWEVER even I was willing to give him a chance to redeem himself this season -he must play interested for WHOLE GAMES and for MOST NIGHTS (all players have some off nights or off shifts due to tiredness but over the course of many games you can easily tell who "wants it" and who is just counting his big fat bank account totals --THAT is what I would want to see changed by Kane this "last chance" i would give him --Rosenbloom already has stopped giving Kane chances to prove he is worth $6.3 million per year ...
I must see kane not "give in" to defenses easily handling him and nullifying his scoring such that he fails to get even a point a game pace-if he caves again to that-just accepting it --that says volumes to me -and THIS TIME i will jump on the trade him bandwagon.

SI i give notice to #88-- last chance buddy--PROVE to me you really "want it" and EARN thayt high paycheck -or else you can party elsewhere.

OTHER "small guys" battle through it -and find ways to EARN their high pay - I know the talent is their -but is the WILL and the WORK EFFORT ?

WE were told last season that Kane had stopped partying,dedicated himself to the gym and the best shape and strength he ever had-yet what we got from him was a fiasco of disappointment..THAT cannot happen again.

SO -unlike Rosenblom,I am will to give Kane another chance-=not to do what he cannot ever do,but to do what he can do to the UTMOST that he should be capable of -this means NO MORE COASTING on shifts, this means no more QUITTING when teams get physical on him, this means less missing the net on clear shot chances ,rhis means NOT being satisfied once he gets a single point in a game and shuts it down the rest of the night...WE expect MORE multi-point difference-maker efforts from a talent like him -not a stockpile of mostly 1 assist and that's enough contribution for the night (and even that was not every nighton average last year) "efforts"...WE MUST have MORE from KANE or it IS a MISALLOCATION of DOLLARS ..

Putting on a show is not good enough--there is a REQUIRED production level for the big $$$ invested --if that fails to materialize despite a plkyers's best efforts -then that is one issue-but IF it fails to materialize because of too much disinterest by such a talent,then THAT is a far more serious issue..THE former problem might be addressed with better support players around the talent in question-the latter issue is simply one of WILL,ATTITUDE and EFFORT -for IF you combine those OFTEN ENOUGH -no system or players will stop such talent from manifesting results to the degree expected from such talent.

So I would not trade Kane NOW-but if we see laxity .disinterst or INEFFECTIVENESS due to giving in to the schemes to stop him -THEN we WILL NEED to TRADE HIM this summer ...Lots of marketing depts of other teams may salivate at the "show" he can bring,but WE must be hard-headed and do whjat needs to be done to WIN .IF he cannot be a winning "difference-maker" --for whatever reaso,then we simply NEED to trade him. It willbe upto him to pROVE he can do it for us and to show he wants to stay in Chicago ...

It hurts to see a small guy like Giroux pile up 95 pts while Kane musters only 66 last year -this is the difference between difference-maker and NOT EARNING THE MONEY --GIROUX overcomes the size issues refusing to let himelf get "handled" so easily --ET TU KANE? We need a rebound season -even if only a shoort 48 game sked--THEN it gets even tougher to produce in playoffs -but AT LEAST HELP US GET THERE --if you can't do even that-then we indeed have mis-allocated $$$ to a way too ineefective piece of the puzzle ..TIME to LEAD us --be that "difference"-- not just another fat cat counting his next bank statement...

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
It really would be nice if the Sports writers in Chicago knew anything...ANYTHING about hockey and the value of the Hawks assets. I expect the "Kane is just an overpaid partier and locker room cancer" crap from other fanbases on HF Boards, but not from our own guys and not from our Sports writers.

Seriously HF 50, let it go. Patrick Kane is not ever going to be traded. He is a young, elite offensive talent that wants to win hockey games and put up as many points as he can doing it. Your ignorance and complete robotic stubbornness on this subject is astounding.


Oct 5, 2010
I don't get it. I haven't really followed the Blackhawks superclosely, but why are there Kane rumors? He's one of the best wingers/offensive players in the game.

I still truly believe 100 is achieveable for him, he's that good.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Bigger idiot: Rosenbloom or Hub? We know they both see themselves as Gods.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
I don't get it. I haven't really followed the Blackhawks superclosely, but why are there Kane rumors? He's one of the best wingers/offensive players in the game.

I still truly believe 100 is achieveable for him, he's that good.

Someone who isn't perceived as a blue collar hard worker is going to get ragged on big time in this town.

Short and sweet, I am from the Chicagoland area but most of the people that live around here are idiots, especially when it comes to sports.


Oct 5, 2010
Someone who isn't perceived as a blue collar hard worker is going to get ragged on big time in this town.

Short and sweet, I am from the Chicagoland area but most of the people that live around here are idiots, especially when it comes to sports.

Seems like his style of player constantly gets ragged on. Game needs guys like Kane, there's enough simple grinders out there.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Seems like his style of player constantly gets ragged on. Game needs guys like Kane, there's enough simple grinders out there.

Agreed, too many people here are stuck in 1992 and always will be, same with the Bears and 1985. Some things never change. Let's not forget the Hawks didn't win jack **** until they got some fire power like Kane, like Sharp, etc.


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012


I Love Shinpads
Jan 19, 2010
Downers Grove, IL
I'm really getting sick of reading about crap like this. It's getting so tired. Kane isn't going anywhere, deal with it.


RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
Unable to read the article (Cost)

Just gonna assume lots of empty nonsense and demands of a player who just turned 24 yrs old a couple months ago

Also gonna guess there is some nonsense praising Toews to bash Kane


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012
Unable to read the article (Cost)

Just gonna assume lots of empty nonsense and demands of a player who just turned 24 yrs old a couple months ago

Also gonna guess there is some nonsense praising Toews to bash Kane

wow, you're a good guesser :laugh:

Bowman’s inability to restore that depth could level the Hawks significantly in this kind of season. That lack of depth starts at center, which is the most important forward position. That lack of depth extends to the top-six forwards, but the Hawks can’t count to six. Worse, two of the Hawks’ best players, Toews and Marian Hossa, are coming back from concussions.

Which means they are merely between concussions. Which will place a premium at center depth. Which will highlight Kane’s shortcomings.

Toews is phenomenal on faceoffs. Kane isn’t. Toews and Hossa kill penalties. Kane can’t. Toews and Hossa can work the middle of the ice as well as the boards. Kane can’t.

Condensed seasons create some sloppy play. Mistakes come from fatigue. Special teams become vital. If Toews or Hossa suffers a concussion again -- and I think it’s unavoidable for at least one of them -- then the Hawks’ penalty killing could cost them games. The lack of total top-end talent could cost them a playoff spot.

That’s why you have to think about trading Kane.

I know he has wondrous puck skills at times, and I know he is a fan favorite. This has nothing to do with the face of the franchise laying face-down on a bar. This has everything to do with making the team better by getting a quality player at a more important position.


x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
I don't get it. I haven't really followed the Blackhawks superclosely, but why are there Kane rumors? He's one of the best wingers/offensive players in the game.

I still truly believe 100 is achieveable for him, he's that good.

Like Coldsteel said, Chicago is full of moron sports fans in general. But when it comes to hockey i.e. a sport most people have little to no knowledge on...its even worse. Chicago sports writers are a bunch of guys who cover the Sox, Cubs, Bulls, and Bears, who are now covering/writing articles about the Hawks and they have no idea what he's talking about.

The author of the article is a well known clown, i sincerely, SINCERELY doubt that Bowman/Wirtz/McD would ever consider trading Kane. It would be like the Bulls trading Rose


Registered User
May 16, 2010
Bigger idiot: Rosenbloom or Hub? We know they both see themselves as Gods.

Rosenbloom. Almost everything he writes is ridiculous. He's either the skip bayless of chicago sportswriting or he's really just that dumb.

And I have a question for him, what position is more valuable than the one kane plays? Does he want to trade Kane for a goalie? a second line center? Does he think this is football and kane is a rb and we really need a qb or something?


Kane should have won the Conn Smythe.

You trade Hossa LONNNNNNNG before you do Kane.


I don't get the hate on Kane.. so he is soft.. he weighs 150 pounds...

You rip on his playoff performance? I don't get that.. should the Hawks trade Toews then? Not like he does much in the playoffs.. I'd take Kane over JT in them anyday.


Johnny Paycheck's Tank Advisor
Sep 26, 2010
Eastern Shore
It hurts to see a small guy like Giroux pile up 95 pts while Kane musters only 66 last year -this is the difference between difference-maker and NOT EARNING THE MONEY --GIROUX overcomes the size issues refusing to let himelf get "handled" so easily --ET TU KANE? We need a rebound season -even if only a shoort 48 game sked--THEN it gets even tougher to produce in playoffs -but AT LEAST HELP US GET THERE --if you can't do even that-then we indeed have mis-allocated $$$ to a way too ineefective piece of the puzzle ..TIME to LEAD us --be that "difference"-- not just another fat cat counting his next bank statement...

You know who got more even strength points than Giroux last year? You got it: Kane!! Yay!!

We had an abysmal power play and we're in the West, I don't ever expect Kane to have a higher point total than the top 5 players in the East, but I do expect him to look just as dangerous as them when he's on the ice, because he does, game in and game out.


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