TV: The Orville - Seth MacFarlane's Star Trek


Registered User
Aug 23, 2005
You know its funny because I really liked it. I won't say its better then Trek, because its clearly not and never will be.


The one thing that this show did really well was make them humans, even the aliens. In Star Trek the crew interactions were almost too perfect, even their off duty stuff was stiff and perfect, when they tried to do things like make a character get drunk or do something stupid it felt forced.

I always wondered what would happen on the enterprise when the Captain was off the bridge, did they just sit there and stare at the view screen and punch the occasional button?

The Orville had that answer, they had the banter that made their characters human and flawed.

They even had that awkward moment where the ship was at warp and nothing was happening and they were staring at the view screen.

I think that Bortas? was great, I laughed at the no eye contact line.

I loved some of the background picky stuff, the framing joke, the dog licking itself.

And finally you saw a person actually going to the bathroom, and a person drinking a soda on the bridge.

I was a little disappointed in the combat scene it was a little forced.

I was waiting for the robot to go on a anti-human racist rant that never came.

But overall I thought the show was positive and well put together.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2002
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I caught most of it. There's potential there, but, it really is caught between two shows it's trying to be.

It's probably closer to being a drama, but, if you're going through the trouble and expense of making a Star Trek like show, there should be some point behind it.

I may end up watching the next episode, but probably won't go out of my way.


pastured mod
Jul 22, 2003
i enjoyed the show, though admittedly not high-end stuff. More or less what I expect from McFarlane (I'm not a Family Guy fan, but it can get a laugh from me here and there).

[spoil]Getting the aggressive, enemy alien who is prepared to destroy their ship if they don't give in to his ultimatum involved in their squabble over the reasons for their divorce was the highlight of the episode. :laugh: Though defeating said enemy alien by growing a giant tree in the middle of his ship is classic as well.[/spoil]

Don't know if I classify this as a sci-fi spoof/parody half so much as just an irreverent Star Trek knockoff. More along the lines of Firefly, I think, than say Hardware Wars. I'll continue to watch, though the 8pm Sunday time slot isn't the best for me (crosses over the kids' bedtime).

EDIT: btw, don't see anyone mentioning the fact that the robot crew member was clearly voiced by Lt. Cmdr Data himself, Brent Spiner. His voice is unmistakable.
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No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
Have the first episode DVR'd, will probably watch it tonight or in the next couple days. Heard at least decent things so far, so fingers crossed.


Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
So your saying the reviews trashing it are likely more a result of people who don't like Seth McFarlane and not the actual quality of show?

By network television standards (which are incredibly low), it was okay. Could maybe find a comfortable pace with some time. I don't think it will get that time.

By modern television and streaming standards, it was awful. And I'm down for Family Guy, love American Dad, and didn't really mind Ted. This was like a fan made Galaxy Quest knockoff.


Strong & Free
Aug 29, 2010
Given all the negativity preceding the first show I must say I really enjoyed it.

I liked how they alluded to previeous Star Trek moments like Mercer's shuttle ride to inspect his ship.

I'm glad they did not go overboard with the humor.

This looks better than Star Trek Discovery.


Go Habs Go
Mar 21, 2002
I really liked the 1st episode, although to be fair I had been drinking all day and wasn't expecting much. Will certainly watch this going forward.


Stand-Up Philosopher
Mar 26, 2011
I liked it. I noticed Brannon Braga, who produced many episodes of Star Trek TNG, Voyager, etc... is a producer on this. Kinda cool.

Yup. Worked with MacFarlane on Cosmos, too. I think a couple of other alumni from the 90s series worked on that, too.

Braga does get a lot of crap for things on VOY, though, so some people are going to be very unhappy about it. :laugh:

USC Trojans

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
May 17, 2002
LA Oiler fan
Seems like right now they can't decide whether they want to be a drama or a comedy. If it's MacFarlane, I'd rather they go with a straight up spoof comedy like how he spoofed Westerns in A Million Ways to Die in the West.


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