The new and improved concussion thread

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Registered User
Dec 1, 2016
Do new safety protocols and contracts prevents former players from suing in the future? Could be worse considering what the nfl going through.


TBL Stanley Cup Champs 2020 2021
Jul 8, 2014
Saying that the people whose brains you helped destroy don't have "the mental faculties to write op-eds" is a special kind of ********


Registered User
Jun 13, 2012
Saying that the people whose brains you helped destroy don't have "the mental faculties to write op-eds" is a special kind of ********

Sure is. The NHL allowed direct shoulder checks to the head all those years; then they degrade the guys who took those shots and got damaged by them. About as low as you can get.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Tagliabue apologizes for 1994 concussion remarks

To quote:

"In an interview with the Talk of Fame Network that airs nationwide Wednesday night, [Former NFL Commissioner Paul] Tagliabue admitted he erred in 1994 in saying concussions were "one of those pack-journalism issues." He also claimed then that the number of concussions "is relatively small; the problem is the journalist issue."

"Bottom line, it sounded like I was shooting the messenger, which was the concussion issue. My intention at the time was to make a point which could have been made fairly simply: That there was a need for better data. There was a need for more reliable information about concussions and uniformity in terms of how they were being defined in terms of severity.""



Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Scientist: NHL’s demand would harm all ongoing CTE research

To quote:

"Boston University scientists have been studying the brains of deceased National Hockey League players for the past eight years, searching for evidence that those players suffered from the dementia-like brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.

For the past two years the NHL has been waging a quiet battle with Boston University to obtain all of the notes and summaries of those interviews, as well as any correspondence the school’s scientists have had with NHL players, agents, and families of players.

The NHL’s medical expert, Dr. Rudy Castellani – who wrote in a March 2016 opinion piece published in the International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health that CTE was more “of a hypothetical construct or concept than an actual disease†– has asked for copies of all of Boston University’s pathology photographs, brain slides and clinical data so he can verify the accuracy of the reports.

“The [NHL] subpoena’s astonishing scope and breadth of coverage will, if enforced, impose an incredible burden and disrupt the CTE Center’s operations,†Dr. Stern wrote in an affidavit. “This request will harm ALL ongoing CTE-related research, both at BU and at institutions that collaborate with BU and/or rely on BU findings as part of follow-on work.â€"



Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Another article about the NHL tactics..

The N.H.L.’s problem with science

“It’s hard enough to do good, solid science because it’s more than a full-time job,†he said. “So when you have an industry, like the tobacco industry, or the NHL, making all kinds of additional demands, it will essentially shut you down. Their hope is that you just go away.â€


Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes

Bennet Omalu gets involved in NHL concussion lawsuit

Dr. Bennet Omalu, the neuropathologist whose story was depicted in the movie Concussion, put himself in the midst of the NHL concussion lawsuit on Wednesday.

In recent weeks, the NHL has filed documents in court revealing that it has hired Dr. Rudy Castellani, a neuropathologist and director of the Western Michigan University Center for Neuropathology, as a medical expert. Dr. Castellani denies that CTE exists and has challenged Dr. Omalu’s findings on Webster.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2011
Another article about the NHL tactics..

The N.H.L.’s problem with science

“It’s hard enough to do good, solid science because it’s more than a full-time job,†he said. “So when you have an industry, like the tobacco industry, or the NHL, making all kinds of additional demands, it will essentially shut you down. Their hope is that you just go away.â€
This isn't a science issue it's a legal one. If these findings arw going to. Be used against the NHL they should get the chance to independently verify these results. If the research is sound, they have little to fear.


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Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Peluso’s lawyer says he'll call Lamoriello, Bettman to testify in trial

To quote:

"Former New Jersey Devils enforcer Mike Peluso’s workers’ compensation trial will proceed sometime this fall – possibly with testimony from former Devils general manager Lou Lamoriello, former head coach Jacques Lemaire and NHL commissioner Gary Bettman – after a key ruling from a California appeals board.

Peluso allegedly has permanent damage to the right side of his brain and, according to a July 13, 2016, court filing called a serious and willful petition, “has dementia at the young age of 50, and struggles daily with depression, anxiety, memory loss, and the constant threat of seizures from a constant seizure disorder.â€

He says NHL teams didn’t safeguard his health during his playing career and that he has spent as much as $75,000 on medical bills for seeing a neurologist and for anti-seizure medication."



Mar 1, 2002

The Canadian Concussion Centre has made a curious find – chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE – in the brain of a patient who never had a concussion or traumatic brain injury. The Toronto-based CCC announced its discovery Thursday hailing it as "the first known case of its kind."

CTE, which leads to the degeneration of brain cells, was found in a patient who had been suffering with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS] and motor neuron disease [MND] for seven years. Family members told the CCC they were unaware of the patient ever having a head injury or a concussion.

"The finding of CTE in an individual who not only had no known head trauma, but also showed no signs of dementia or cognitive impairment and was high-functioning mentally until his death, highlights that the cause of CTE might be more complex than we assume," Dr. Lili-Naz Hazrati said in a news release. As a neuropathologist with the CCC research team, Dr. Hazrati did the autopsy.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
TGen study of ASU football team produces largest known dataset for concussion diagnostics

To quote:

"With this study, TGen researchers have collected the largest dataset of extracellular small RNAs, which are potential biomarkers for diagnosing medical conditions, including concussions.

A portion of the information collected from the ASU football players' blood, urine and saliva will be used with data from Riddell helmet sensors that recorded the number, intensity and direction of head impacts during games and practices during the 2013-16 football seasons.

Scientists will use that combined data to potentially develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools, said Jeff Trent, president and research director of TGen."



Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
NHL doctor slams ‘situational ethics’ on concussions in unsealed lawsuit documents

To quote:

"The team doctor – one of at least 30 physicians charged with safeguarding the health of the NHL’s players – couldn’t understand why Havlat had been allowed back into the Blackhawks lineup for Game 4.

“I am once again disappointed in my colleagues in the [National Hockey League Team Physicians Society],” the doctor wrote in an email to Dr. Willem Meeuwisse, a Calgary-based member of the NHL’s Concussion Working Group. “We all sit around and talk and talk about concussion management. Then it’s the playoffs, someone suffers an obvious loss of consciousness and is back playing in less than 48 hours."



Registered User
Aug 14, 2012
Ya seriously. It's gonna take someone like Crosby being out for a year due to a concussion for something to get done

Already happened and you saw nothing change. There wasn't even a penalty on the interference kit from Steckel. Everything they do now is post concussion with zero effort made to actually prevent them altogether.

Punishments are a joke and do not deter
Concussion hits are constantly non penalized

The only saving grace is that players are less likely maybe of getting a 2nd while still under the effects of the initial concussion. The number of concussions is still high.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
NHL concussion lawsuit grows nastier as trial looms

To quote:

"In hockey terms, the gloves are off. There is a legal phrase that’s just as apt.

See you in court.

The NHL concussion lawsuit filed by retired players against the league continues to march toward a Minnesota courtroom. Its arrival seems inevitable.

“If it goes to trial, it’s going to be the first concussion and sports case that will ever see the inside of a courtroom,†said Charles “Bucky†Zimmerman, a lawyer for the players. “The others have settled, and this one at this point is looking like it may get tried. We’re looking forward to that because we think the law and the facts are on our side.â€"



Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Just wondering...

the Players are claiming... The men claim the league was negligent in its care and fraudulently concealed the long-term risks of head injuries. They are seeking medical monitoring and compensatory damages.

So they are going after the league. But has any player ever thought of going after the player that caused him the injury in the first place? Sure, not all head injuries or concussions were the result of deliberate actions by another player, but a lot of them are. If someone hits me in the head and it causes me a career ending concussion, I understand trying to sue the league because that was my work place, but it was a specific act by a specific player that caused the problem. Is it the league that is negligent or the player?

On a side note: the first thing I would ask the players is... if you knew the risks were higher than you thought and they could be long-term and/or debilitating.. would any of you have not played the game?


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Just wondering...

the Players are claiming... The men claim the league was negligent in its care and fraudulently concealed the long-term risks of head injuries. They are seeking medical monitoring and compensatory damages.

So they are going after the league. But has any player ever thought of going after the player that caused him the injury in the first place? Sure, not all head injuries or concussions were the result of deliberate actions by another player, but a lot of them are. If someone hits me in the head and it causes me a career ending concussion, I understand trying to sue the league because that was my work place, but it was a specific act by a specific player that caused the problem. Is it the league that is negligent or the player?

On a side note: the first thing I would ask the players is... if you knew the risks were higher than you thought and they could be long-term and/or debilitating.. would any of you have not played the game?

It wouldn't surprise if the players, as members of the same union, are generally required to indemnify co-members for injuries sustained during play.


Registered User
Apr 5, 2006
Just wondering...

the Players are claiming... The men claim the league was negligent in its care and fraudulently concealed the long-term risks of head injuries. They are seeking medical monitoring and compensatory damages.

So they are going after the league. But has any player ever thought of going after the player that caused him the injury in the first place? Sure, not all head injuries or concussions were the result of deliberate actions by another player, but a lot of them are. If someone hits me in the head and it causes me a career ending concussion, I understand trying to sue the league because that was my work place, but it was a specific act by a specific player that caused the problem. Is it the league that is negligent or the player?

On a side note: the first thing I would ask the players is... if you knew the risks were higher than you thought and they could be long-term and/or debilitating.. would any of you have not played the game?

1. The league has a lot more money it would be extremely difficult to prove negligence in relation to a hockey hit.

2. The issue isn't that the players should have known the risks of playing a dangerous sport. The issue is that the NHL deliberately withheld information I.e team doctors released patients without explaining risks vis a vis their current medical evaluation.

For example if a doctor sees someone who smokes takes tests to see if there is any issues and the diagnostic exams show some concerning data, but instead of getting additional testing and explaining what the concerning data means and the potential implications of the data, they tell the patient that there is nothing wrong.

That would be construed as negligence caused by a breech of duty.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

New research involving retired National Hockey League players has found 19 of 33, or 59 per cent, of former players studied over a four-year period have experienced psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, and alcohol and substance abuse.

The 33 former NHL players ranged in age from 34 to 71, said Dr. Brian Levine, a neuropsychologist with the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Health Sciences in Toronto.

The researchers also studied a comparison, or control, group of 18 adult men within the same age group. In the comparison group, 19 per cent had experienced psychiatric disorders.

The results of Dr. Levine’s study, “Cognitive and psychosocial function in retired professional hockey players,” are scheduled to be announced on Thursday by Baycrest. The study was published online on April 10 in the London, England-based Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

NHL Alumni Association helped recruit participants for study.

Almost three times the control group.


Mar 1, 2002
So 59% of a tiny sample suffer from those issues.

In the US population:

7% suffer from depression
18% suffer from anxiety
18% have alcohol issues
8% have drug issues

So 51% of the US population has issues that 59% of a small NHL sample population has?

..doesn't sound like anything outside the norm.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City
So 59% of a tiny sample suffer from those issues.

In the US population:

7% suffer from depression
18% suffer from anxiety
18% have alcohol issues
8% have drug issues

So 51% of the US population has issues that 59% of a small NHL sample population has?

..doesn't sound like anything outside the norm.

But, that doesn't count for any overlap. (IOW someone may have two or more of those issues)


But yes, a very small sample size, both the study group and the control group.
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